A big move... gosh, we'd offer to help if we were nearby and you needed it :)
Quality of life to me means having the health, energy and time to enjoy my family and those around me. Building relationships...
Yes, we've just moved to West Michigan from Las Vegas, a very transient place...
Living in Nevada was suffocating for me. Neighbors kept to themselves, and people seemed distant. Evil seemed to have made it's way into far too many aspects of living there~
Here in Michigan some people don't lock their homes or cars, they come to your door with cookies when you move in. People in the subdivision talk with each other, going out of their way to just say 'hello' if they see you outside... Folks walk over with a welcome note with their names and phone numbers on it! We've even had some bring a 'dish' over, just because they liked it, and thought we would too... and we've done the same many times. IT'S WONDERFUL!!!!
Your kidding welcome notes...how cool is that... :)
I am looking for the big town small town feel....I live 21 miles from work and it takes an hr to get home. Its all historical land and is very protected. so building good roads for drivers must be difficult..and the cost of living is high...people dont talk because their exhausted...from thier commutes alone.
What is your description of the 'Quality of Life' your looking or for or have obtained? Is it an on going undertaking of building relationships, contributing to life around you, a certain place in life you wish to be?
It must be in a meditative mood. Whenever big things are going on in my life, like my move to a new state(next week), makes me think deeper and this has trigered my motives of moving besides helping my daughter so she can finish college. I live in a very busy transit area is located in a very high level Government area. I have been here for just over 2 yrs. and have not been able to see real quality in life here nor get that rooting feeling.. Have you been in this spot before? It is a strange feeling.
Now I know there are going to some brewski songs playing soon...
I don't envy anybody living in your neck of the woods. Sorry about that. For me, I'm counting about 8 years until I can bid this neck of this woods goodbye.
Although there are tremendous job opportunities around here, sometimes I wonder whether or not it's worth it.
Right now, quality of life would be to live in a neighborhood where my boys can go out and ride their bikes or rollerblade without me having to be right there with them. A neighborhood where it was safe for kids to play together because everyone looked out for each other.
That's where we live, abi! We moved to Lathrop, MO - population 2092. This town is great for raising kids. We use walkie talkies when my daughter leaves our yard, but she's been able to ride her bike to the park 3 blocks away and takes the dog for walks, without me at her side or driving behind her.
I put a privacy fence around our back yard and we have a mini park back there, so again, she can go out and play, play, play in safety. I can work in the house while she's playing outside. It's great.
We've lived other places where I had to always be right with her and I think this way is nicer for us both.
This is a major part of what I look for in terms of quality of life.
We just returned home from a trip to the city. We left about 5 hours ago. When we pulled into the driveway, we found the garage door open. I really don't remember pressing the button on the opener in my car. I think I left that door open while we were gone and there is no sign of entry into the garage or the house! The door between the garage and the kitchen wasn't locked, either!
C'mon down, there's room for more! We're half an hour north of Kansas City!!!
*I LOVE to be able to use my talents, which in my past TWI life were not valued. At nearly fifty I am beginning to see things happen, am beginning to have some success.
*I am glad that hubby and I can make decisions concerning our lives, children, home, finances, church/religion without any interference from people who truly believe we should obey them.
*I'm glad we were able to move to an area of the country with little crime and terrific schools.All the TWI fellowships here died out in the nineties and we were told it was spiritually dark..
* Life has ups and downs--but the downs are not paralyzing and devistating due to guilt, and the ups don't make us smugger than thou.
*I LOVE having a home of my own, a home that no one with manipulating, controling intent feels they have the right to enter and inspect.
*I love being able to give where I see a need, not because I have to.
Quality of life. Very easy to answer. The times when I have a doctor who's not intimidated by the DEA and will give me the amount of painkiller I need, every day, to stay out of chronic pain. I have such a doctor for the past few years, but it has not always been that way. I've already informed him he's not allowed to retire before I die, because the memories of passing out from the pain are still too recent in my head. He just smiles and gives me a big hug. :) May God always bless that sweet man for all he's done for me.
Quality of life....ahhhh.....the freedom and fresh air is certainly refreshing!
I switched jobs shortly before my divorce. I took a pay cut because it was worth it, imo. I went from a two hour commute, $200/month in tolls, $200/month in gas, wear and tear on my car, long working hours, business dress and corporate red tape, b.s. and abusive management. It was as stressful and oppressive as TWI.
Now, my commute is only 20-30 minutes each way, I get to wear jeans and shorts to work, I make my own hours, it's a small company so there's no stockholders to appease, I report directly to the CFO and there's hardly any red tape, no toll roads needed, great co-workers and a very fun, family-like, supportive environment. I'm also very much appreciated and respected.
I have a house that's MINE and live in a wonderful neighborhood where all the neighbors know one another and my house is the "hang out" for all the mom's when they want to get away from the men and kids. My neighbors two houses down have adopted me as their grandchild and we take very good care of one another. We also take cookies or dishes to new neighbors and welcome them into the neighborhood - everyone does. We have awesome post-hurricane parties, too!
I've renewed my relationship with my family and extended family and my bestest girlfriend from kindergarten through my total immersion in TWI.
No longer micro-managed and struggling to keep up an impossible pace and live up to an impossible standard. I make my own decisions and have enough money to enjoy dog training and activities with my Vixen and nobody can tell me it's a waste of my time and money.
As Mr. Strange says, "Lucky I'm sane after all I've been through. I can't complain but sometimes I still do.
Life's been good to me so far."
Ahhh, yes......life is very good.....just like my signature says.
Sometimes in the ebb and flow of life, when things are ebbing, it's tough to imagine the flow side. The trough can get rather deep-either caused by our own actions or outside influences.
Give me a call when you're somewhat settled. We will be a few hours apart but can meet somewhere and share.
Quality of life....RELATIONSHIPS for me. If i have deep relationships i can handle anything (i think?). Relationships include others, myself, God, and the earth and environment. Little things mean a lot to me.
We moved 5 freaking times in 7 years....not easy with a family. I think we learned to love each other, work together, and understand that life is fragile.
Fragility...my father became a quadraplegic for the last 12 years of his life. Yet he lived fully and with great gratitude for every breath. He is deceased now, but I remember him on regular occassions. Brings tears to my eyes..the gratitude with which he lived. During those 12 years he never lost his wit and humor. He was a great inspiration. In spite of his circumstance, he had quality of life.
One of my oldest (now 95) and dearest friends told me one time, and I believe it is true, "there is nothing better than being where God has called you."
For me that has not been easy, but it has been wonderful in some strange and exciting ways.
Enjoying life at this time. Both the bitter and the sweet.
We live in an "urban village" otherwise known as a transitional neighborhood in a large city. When I sit on my front porch (we all have large front porches - even those who live in the 'uppers' or second stories), it is not unusual to hear/see/smell the cultures of Africa, Puerto Rico, the middle east as well as All American punk rock.
Thankful to have been married almost 28 years. Not all those years were good, but as Wendell Berry (now there's a great poet) said, we were "faithful to the good in each other" - even when that good was hard to see.
Kids are independent thinkers who love God and seek to follow Jesus Christ -
Have a wonderful job in an urban medical practice. We see people from around the world (literally) and down the street, whether they have health insurance or not. Have friends there who are Christian and Muslim and we laugh over lunch. All day hear Swahili, Russian, Arabic and Spanish spoken. Watch unbelievable explanations acted out when language fails.
Have friends who will travel (as will I) 400 miles for a good breakfast together.
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A big move... gosh, we'd offer to help if we were nearby and you needed it :)
Quality of life to me means having the health, energy and time to enjoy my family and those around me. Building relationships...
Yes, we've just moved to West Michigan from Las Vegas, a very transient place...
Living in Nevada was suffocating for me. Neighbors kept to themselves, and people seemed distant. Evil seemed to have made it's way into far too many aspects of living there~
Here in Michigan some people don't lock their homes or cars, they come to your door with cookies when you move in. People in the subdivision talk with each other, going out of their way to just say 'hello' if they see you outside... Folks walk over with a welcome note with their names and phone numbers on it! We've even had some bring a 'dish' over, just because they liked it, and thought we would too... and we've done the same many times. IT'S WONDERFUL!!!!
Hope your move goes well
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Your kidding welcome notes...how cool is that... :)
I am looking for the big town small town feel....I live 21 miles from work and it takes an hr to get home. Its all historical land and is very protected. so building good roads for drivers must be difficult..and the cost of living is high...people dont talk because their exhausted...from thier commutes alone.
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I'm not particularly happy with the town I live in.
OTOH, the servers are all up, the females in my life are relatively happy and the vehicles are all running. So yes, my quality of life is pretty good.
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I don't envy anybody living in your neck of the woods. Sorry about that. For me, I'm counting about 8 years until I can bid this neck of this woods goodbye.
Although there are tremendous job opportunities around here, sometimes I wonder whether or not it's worth it.
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Right now, quality of life would be to live in a neighborhood where my boys can go out and ride their bikes or rollerblade without me having to be right there with them. A neighborhood where it was safe for kids to play together because everyone looked out for each other.
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That's where we live, abi! We moved to Lathrop, MO - population 2092. This town is great for raising kids. We use walkie talkies when my daughter leaves our yard, but she's been able to ride her bike to the park 3 blocks away and takes the dog for walks, without me at her side or driving behind her.
I put a privacy fence around our back yard and we have a mini park back there, so again, she can go out and play, play, play in safety. I can work in the house while she's playing outside. It's great.
We've lived other places where I had to always be right with her and I think this way is nicer for us both.
This is a major part of what I look for in terms of quality of life.
We just returned home from a trip to the city. We left about 5 hours ago. When we pulled into the driveway, we found the garage door open. I really don't remember pressing the button on the opener in my car. I think I left that door open while we were gone and there is no sign of entry into the garage or the house! The door between the garage and the kitchen wasn't locked, either!
C'mon down, there's room for more! We're half an hour north of Kansas City!!!
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Quality of life...
*I LOVE to be able to use my talents, which in my past TWI life were not valued. At nearly fifty I am beginning to see things happen, am beginning to have some success.
*I am glad that hubby and I can make decisions concerning our lives, children, home, finances, church/religion without any interference from people who truly believe we should obey them.
*I'm glad we were able to move to an area of the country with little crime and terrific schools.All the TWI fellowships here died out in the nineties and we were told it was spiritually dark..
* Life has ups and downs--but the downs are not paralyzing and devistating due to guilt, and the ups don't make us smugger than thou.
*I LOVE having a home of my own, a home that no one with manipulating, controling intent feels they have the right to enter and inspect.
*I love being able to give where I see a need, not because I have to.
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Tom Strange
oh... I have my moments (just like you do), but for the most part 'life's been good to me so far'...
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Quality of life. Very easy to answer. The times when I have a doctor who's not intimidated by the DEA and will give me the amount of painkiller I need, every day, to stay out of chronic pain. I have such a doctor for the past few years, but it has not always been that way. I've already informed him he's not allowed to retire before I die, because the memories of passing out from the pain are still too recent in my head. He just smiles and gives me a big hug. :) May God always bless that sweet man for all he's done for me.
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Quality of life....ahhhh.....the freedom and fresh air is certainly refreshing!
I switched jobs shortly before my divorce. I took a pay cut because it was worth it, imo. I went from a two hour commute, $200/month in tolls, $200/month in gas, wear and tear on my car, long working hours, business dress and corporate red tape, b.s. and abusive management. It was as stressful and oppressive as TWI.
Now, my commute is only 20-30 minutes each way, I get to wear jeans and shorts to work, I make my own hours, it's a small company so there's no stockholders to appease, I report directly to the CFO and there's hardly any red tape, no toll roads needed, great co-workers and a very fun, family-like, supportive environment. I'm also very much appreciated and respected.
I have a house that's MINE and live in a wonderful neighborhood where all the neighbors know one another and my house is the "hang out" for all the mom's when they want to get away from the men and kids.
My neighbors two houses down have adopted me as their grandchild and we take very good care of one another. We also take cookies or dishes to new neighbors and welcome them into the neighborhood - everyone does. We have awesome post-hurricane parties, too! 
I've renewed my relationship with my family and extended family and my bestest girlfriend from kindergarten through my total immersion in TWI.
No longer micro-managed and struggling to keep up an impossible pace and live up to an impossible standard. I make my own decisions and have enough money to enjoy dog training and activities with my Vixen and nobody can tell me it's a waste of my time and money.
As Mr. Strange says, "Lucky I'm sane after all I've been through. I can't complain but sometimes I still do.
Life's been good to me so far."
Ahhh, yes......life is very good.....just like my signature says.
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George Aar
Can you get back to me on that in a couple of years?
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C'mon, George.....you got SOMEthings to be thankful for. :)
If nothing else, you have no more phone hook-ups to get dressed up for anymore.
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George has a point though.
Sometimes in the ebb and flow of life, when things are ebbing, it's tough to imagine the flow side. The trough can get rather deep-either caused by our own actions or outside influences.
I guess the trick is not losing the paddles.
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I Love Bagpipes
Like an Eagle..
Give me a call when you're somewhat settled. We will be a few hours apart but can meet somewhere and share.
Quality of life....RELATIONSHIPS for me. If i have deep relationships i can handle anything (i think?). Relationships include others, myself, God, and the earth and environment. Little things mean a lot to me.
We moved 5 freaking times in 7 years....not easy with a family. I think we learned to love each other, work together, and understand that life is fragile.
Fragility...my father became a quadraplegic for the last 12 years of his life. Yet he lived fully and with great gratitude for every breath. He is deceased now, but I remember him on regular occassions. Brings tears to my eyes..the gratitude with which he lived. During those 12 years he never lost his wit and humor. He was a great inspiration. In spite of his circumstance, he had quality of life.
Yes, quality of life, for me is in relationships.
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One of my oldest (now 95) and dearest friends told me one time, and I believe it is true, "there is nothing better than being where God has called you."
For me that has not been easy, but it has been wonderful in some strange and exciting ways.
Enjoying life at this time. Both the bitter and the sweet.
We live in an "urban village" otherwise known as a transitional neighborhood in a large city. When I sit on my front porch (we all have large front porches - even those who live in the 'uppers' or second stories), it is not unusual to hear/see/smell the cultures of Africa, Puerto Rico, the middle east as well as All American punk rock.
Thankful to have been married almost 28 years. Not all those years were good, but as Wendell Berry (now there's a great poet) said, we were "faithful to the good in each other" - even when that good was hard to see.
Kids are independent thinkers who love God and seek to follow Jesus Christ -
Have a wonderful job in an urban medical practice. We see people from around the world (literally) and down the street, whether they have health insurance or not. Have friends there who are Christian and Muslim and we laugh over lunch. All day hear Swahili, Russian, Arabic and Spanish spoken. Watch unbelievable explanations acted out when language fails.
Have friends who will travel (as will I) 400 miles for a good breakfast together.
Can it get better than this?
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