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Everything you ever wanted to know about churches


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God first

What is a Church but a group of people reaching for God or for the lust of the World?

I wrote because I was bored and wanted to think about churches but it moved into research and just learning

1. Here I Roy William Perry III a man of God who believes he is a member of many Churches of today Roman Catholics Churches, Russian Orthodox Churches, Orthodox Churches, Seventh-day Adventist Church, Abundant Life Church, Baptist Churches, Nazarene Churches, Churches of Christ, Crossroads Churches, Lutheran Churches, The Presbyterian Churches, Full Gospel Churches, Glory-land Harvest Church, Grace Reformed, House of Prayer Church, Lakeside Worship Center Churches, Assembly of God Churches, New Age Churches, The Bridge Community Church, The Way Ministry, Christian Churches of God, Church of God, The United Methodist Church, The Church of the Churchless, The Temple of Love, The Church of Klugman., Jesus Is My Red Pill, Food for Faith Fellowship International, Companions Church, The Spiritual Temple of The Way of the Nazirene, The Rational Universal Church of the Philippines, The Church of Critical Thinking, The Church of Civilization, The Christian Vegetarian Association, Thralawattle, Ordo Templi Orientis, Thee Temple ov Psychick Youth, The Universal World Church, The World Council of Churches, Grace Churches. Love Churches, Unitarian Churches, Evangelical Churches, Missionally Church, Reformed Churches, Rock-Hewn Churches, Spiritualist Churches, Christian Ministries Churches, he Methodist Church, Church of God of Prophecy, Islam Churches, Jesus World Church, The Apostolic Churches, United Pentecostal Churches, St. Nicholas Church, Christian Peacemaker Teams Churches, Living Word Churches, Bread of the World Churches, World Wide Cyber Community Churches, Bible Fellowship Church, Joel Osteen Ministries, China’s House Churches, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, House Churches, Science Churches, Calvary Apostolic Church, Underground Churches, Church Isle of Man, Jail Churches, African Earthkeeping Churches, Quaker Churches, German Churches, Pauline Churches, Jewish Churches, 3rd Day Churches, X-Way Churches, Jehovah's Witnesses Churches, X-Jehovah's Witnesses Churches, Mormon Churches, X-Mormon Churches, and many more

(Note many churches above the leaders may be bad but God looks at the heart of the believer and that why I call some good that will not left me in the door for the sake of the good people still there in a cult.

2. A list of churches that I believe could be worldly churches Demon Church, The Temple of Alife, World Church of Dragonfire, E-Commercial Church, The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, The First Rastafarian Church of Satan, The Church of the Sacred Swine, East Los Angeles Chapel of Satan, The Sanctuary of Inominandum, The Church of the Darkside Goddess, The Sinagogue of Satan, The Vampire Church, The First Church of Bowling, The Thelemic Order of the Golden Dawn, The Church of the Blue Amazon, and many more but I might be wrong about a few


3. Small churches to talk about. “Tiny Churches: Get Out Your Magnifying Glasses”


4. A Church that has hears the voice of Jesus.


5. Churches pictures on web.








6. St. Nicholas Church.


7. Great links are links I will be looking to more and have put here just to talk about what you mat think or I might find after deeper look.

















8. A Tale of Two Easters


9. Gay Friendly Christian Churches



10. The Largest Churches in the World


11. The Inflatable Church


12. Who are the Historic Peace Churches


13. China’s House Churches


14. Watchman Fellowship’s 2001 Index of Cults and Religions while I do not believe that know what is a cult I put their web site because I like to learn about churches that are called cults so I can divide true churches from churches with bad leadership.


15. House Churches


16. Music places


17. Finding Friends (Quaker) Meetings and Churches Using the Internet


18. I hope you found some good in this I did a search on World Churches and here some things I saw I either like or want to look into more. Sorry If I did not name your church personally but I feel all churches that reach for God are great.

Thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy


with love Roy --year2027@bbtel.com

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Awesome you have been busy....... Is it raining there???? It is here and I tend to dig deep on days like today.........

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God first

Beloved David Miller

God loves you my dear friend

Your friend Refiners_Fire on the other site likes the blow up church

thank you

Have you read the Flying Spaghetti Monster because it looks like a Way book

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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  year2027 said:
God first

Beloved DMiller

God loves you my dear friend

I knew you get it when you visit over there

Just what we need at a Grease Spot Cafe cookout a inflatable church to meet at

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

Lotsa *hot air* here to do the inflating!!!

Everyone -- line up behind me. ;)

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-- from Mark O'Malley,

Viking Kitties...here???


No -- the avatar is used by Refiner (from Australia) on the Jehovahs Witness Online site,

whom you may or may not have met (here at GSC), from a year or so ago.

He is ex JW, and was here for a while. Nothing about *Viking Kitties* at all. :)

If you've seen his posts, you would understand the *attack* thing.

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  dmiller said:

No -- the avatar is used by Refiner (from Australia) on the Jehovahs Witness Online site,

whom you may or may not have met (here at GSC), from a year or so ago.

He is ex JW, and was here for a while. Nothing about *Viking Kitties* at all. :)

If you've seen his posts, you would understand the *attack* thing.

I remember Refiner very well...

Seemed like he did a lot of this:


"Viking Kitties" was from another site...

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