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Them which are asleep...


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sorry Goey, you can justify your habit to only argue all you want

but you are NOT the one to define how dialogue works

not all people start a conversation to have it tested by some antagonist

and not all posts down here are "doctrinal," per se

its just the name of the basement where all kinds of spiritual off beat topics are discussed

for people who like to compare notes,

and yes, even get only positive feedback

the world is not going to end if someone simply wants a little confirmation and comraderie

especially considering the oft confrontational tsunamis we face in the world

yes some people come here for PEACE and a friggin BREAK from the confrontational world

can that be ok with you? please


lighten up

yes, some can talk of God and spirit and death lightly

i suggest you reconsider what you think this venue is meant for

in terms of how it is wanting to be used by members

rather than how you think it to be used

also, just because someone does not want to be challenged in the way that YOU challenge

does not mean they are against learning, or closed off to further info

some people may simply not like you

not because they think you are evil

but because you may seem to them more centered on what you want than anyone else

more intent on being right, as if it is the penultimate thing

also, Clay did not respond to your posts at all, anyway

and i dont blame him, considering your pattern of dialogue

yet you took the opportunity to keep on it until he slipped

but its NOT yer job, Goey..to hang out and point out what you perceive to be faults in character and weaknesses in logic

frankly, i dont even believe you come to Clay's threads to discuss, anyway

and just because you can restrain yourself from cussing

does not disqualify you from rudeness

rudeness is not defined by simply getting mad and cussing

there are plenty of subtle ways to be rude in a conversation

some people are not always as good as keeping their cool when prodded

can that be ok with you some day?

and dont tell me for a minute that that isnt a common pattern at the gsc, or any forum

for God's sake, we gotta learn to let people fail sometimes

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do you have some compelling evidence arguing for the figurative/spiritualized interpretation of these verses

I posted many scriptures, did you read them?

btw i got that quote from what Oakspear posted i hope it's accurate.

If it's not please post again, thank you.

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Oak, i know you didnt address me

but i want to point something out

that i think you may have entirely missed the point of the thread

and jumped the gun

it's something you have to see for yourself

I am not your teacher or leader or any such thing

This is placed for consideration for those who are ready

The compelling evidence will come from within

there is nothing accusatory or mocking with this statement

you have overreacted to it, and compound your own mistake

if someone is not ready to consider such a thing..so what

this can be guessed or sensed by someone else

if someone says there is compelling evidence that comes from within...so what

scripture (and science) testifies of this all over the place

if someone says that it is something you have to see for yourself...so what

its the same damn argument used to disprove a thing

if you have never had a specific kind of interior experience...so what

its almost too simple to argue with..unless the idea bothers us personally

why make all the presumptions without even bothering to investigate

maybe Clay can't explain himself as well as you like

and admit it, maybe the oft hostile dialogical environment around here makes it difficult to do, anyway

and yes, failure to see someone's point can be a failure to think about a certain thing

and..."i dont understand what you are saying therefore you are wrong/crazy, etc..."

this is not a sane conclusion, either

is it possible that other people understand Clay's point?

what will you do then?

i think it would be wise to simply inquire

and not from a confrontational place

but like the spirit says..with the spirit of peace

yes..you know...it becomes quite obvious when someone is asking with an agenda

as opposed to sincere inquiry

just as it is quite obvious when someone really only wants to argue

and never really intended to find out what was being said

or maybe simply stops trying to figure out what was being said...for whatever reason

i can understand why Clay stops trying to explain what he is getting at to some people

we all do this...i think it is a healthy choice to make...when we reach our limit

and you or I know when we reach our limit more than anyone else...

though others may foolishly claim to tell us what our our limit is

there comes a point where you have to ask..."why did you bother posting here?"

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i find it odd, too

how we dont see how we have gotten into this habit of asking for proof and evidence of spiritual things?

how scriptural is that?

when will we learn to lighten up, and simply let people weave their musings on God?

comparing spiritual things with spiritual things

and what can you all say to all those ladies who responded to this thread positively?

did Clay consider it a crime that they claimed they didnt get exactly what he did, but got something out of it?

are you trying to protect them from being tricked by Clay?


i can imagine this might be the knee-jerk reaction after our twi experience

but am i wrong to suggest that we can also try and be aware of this reaction?

how is it that we have come to stop trusting our own interior spiritual experiences?

and even worse, extend our own mistrust towards that interiors of others?

well...we kinda know how, i'm sure

"to die before you die" is the result of an interior path of contemplative practice

and its sad how anthropologists know this about the religions

and most the modern religions don't know it about themselves

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do you have some compelling evidence arguing for the figurative/spiritualized interpretation of these verses

i will say this...that if one stops seeking exterior proofs and textual evidences of the inward man

and enters what is described (in scripture and without) as the narrowest path to God (within)

eventually, the meanings of the Bible text are going to change before your very eyes

the compelling evidence will hit you between the eyes

and in the heart

and there will be little you can do about it

vp was mostly wrong

because like Jesus said...the new birth is very much like the old

it is bloody and messy and very obviously not some hidden thing

much pain and suffering involved in the new birth

the pangs alone will rock you..or you have missed

when that that Christ that has been conceived within us from the dawn of time will be born within our very hearts with many signs and wonders

there will be no mistake...but you must believe before you see

unless it comes upon you by surprise

but the actual practice is what is missing

and we mostly only talk about spirit

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Clay, I am not sure who you addresed this to but I will reply with some thoughts.

  CM said:
Whether you agree with what was posted or not is not the point.

Investigating it is.

Clay, You seem to be presuming a bit here. As for me, I have been out of TWI for around 25 years. I have been studying Christianity and investigating various ways of looking at scripture since then. I am not a neophyte when it come to biblical hermeneutics. Would it suprise you to know that I do not necessarily believe that the Bible is the Word of God - at least not in the way that TWI and many fundamental and evangelicals teach it. I think it is generally reliable and inspired, but having a human element in it, I accept that there are some inconsistencies. I don't espouse a purely literal interpretation of the scriptures. I dont necessarily believe that all the books in the "Bible" actually belong in the Bible or that a dictated canon is even necessary in regards to Chrisitanity.

So how do you know what I (or anyone else) has or has not investigated in the time they have been out of TWI? In the last 25 years, I have investigated many intetpretation methods and doctrines. In these investigations I have accepted some things and rejected others - it is an ongoing process.

If you don't want to investigate it, fine with me.

But why bring to the table that which I already know?

And you know I know it.

I don't think you know at all what I or anyone else can bring to the table unless you allow them at the table without preconceptions. You have prejudged what you don't know.
You are wasting my time And yours. Stay with what you want to believe. Some want to go further then what was shoved down our throats and never seen for ourselves.
Wanting to go further that TWI teaching ( I assume that is what you meant) is a great thing. As for me, I have moved far beyond TWI teaching in the last 25 years and I am still moving. The fact that someone may not be moving in the same fashion as you, does not make their spiritual growth or understanding any less valid than yours.
This is why I say your thinking is twi'ish and narrow minded. You will not even consider other perspectives.

So once again why are you even posting on this thread?

I think this as addressed to Oak ? Did you know that Oak was an agnostic? I think that demonstrates pretty well his willingness to consider other prospectives.
I made it clear from the beginning it's purpose. If you don't believe it or comprehend that's fine with me. There are those who do. Why do you stand in their way. Everyone already knows what vpw taught on this and you are presenting the same. Just a waste of breath.

Anyone with a cursory understanding of theology knows that the more commonly accepted interpretation 1Thessolonians did not originate with VPW. This goes way way back. Seems you attempting to associate the more common understanding with VPW in order to somehow discredit it ? -- That won't work here. Not everything VPW taught was wrong. VPW taught that God loves you - didn't he? This is not a TWI or VPW issue.

Clay, no one is standing in the way of anyone believing or compreheding what you are attempting to put forth. I could be wrong, but it seems to me that you jjust don't want anyone to see or consider any other view than your own.

And that's all I have to say to those not interested in investigating more of what the deep hidden treasures of God are.

The fact that some folks may choose different approach than yours to understanding the Bible, God, Jesus, et al ... does not mean they are not interested in finding the hidden deep treasures of God. I find that kind of thinking rather obnoxious -- Be careful that you don't fall in to the "my way is the only way" trap... We know what happened in TWI ....

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Geesh...hit a raw nerve there. I myself tend to not so much look at the posts themselves as much as the 'whole intent' behind them. And basically, when I look at Todd and Clays posts (especially as of late) I would have to say you two are into some 'heavy ....' and unfortunately I don't mean the good kind.

The way you two are so quick to spew that vitriolic threatening cr*p out, leads me to believe that we're working for two differn't Lords.

To think that either of you could humiliate me more than my bro-in-law and other twi leadership did after I left is wishful thinking on your part.

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  Goey said:
It would certainly make sense to address physical death in the context of a relatively new christian church established withing a pagan community that basically did did not believe in life after physical death (others that have no hope). It would make perfect sense to address physical death if the church there at Thessalonica was grieving over brothers or sisters that had physically died. (Wherefore comfort one another with these words.)

Clay, it is debatable if your interpretation reveals a "mystery". One does not have to be "entrenched in literalism and TWI thinking" to interpret of 1 Thessalonians in terms of physical death. I fail to see the profit in this apparant jab and unnecessary labeling of those who might take issue with your opinion.

and before that this-

In regards to 1 Thessalonians I am not so sure that death refers to anything but physical death. I would need more than a list of scriptures and speculation to seriously entertain the possibility that 1 Thes is not refering to physical death. I see nothing in the context or a natural reading to suggest otherwise.

To me it seems clear that 1 Thessalonians 4 is refering to "at least" to a physical death and resurection. If there is another layer there, I don't see it.

You are apparently staying with physical death being the subject of 1 Thessolonians 4.

And I do blame twi for this type of thinking within ourselves because that is where it originated for most of us.

Can you relate to that? Staying with physical death as the subject does not fit with the rest of

Thessolonians 1st or 2nd and it does not fit with the other scriptures relating to the same words used.

Namely Dead and Sleep.

I listed all the scriptures from Paul's 7 epistles I think. There are certainly more to consider.

I am not asking anyone to change what they believe but to consider other possibilities. This is why it's annoying to me for someone to say "prove it" because I am in the process of learning myself as we all should be. Cuz if learning God, His Word, Christ, and the Holy Spirit stops then there is a limit placed on the unlimited. And we are then stuck into a mold or doctrine that is dead and not living and growing. Faith grows, wisdom and understanding grows. Why stop? If stopped then it becomes a doctrine and spawns many mini doctrines to support itself. And it then becomes dead and not the Word of Life.

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  allan w. said:
Geesh...hit a raw nerve there. I myself tend to not so much look at the posts themselves as much as the 'whole intent' behind them. And basically, when I look at Todd and Clays posts (especially as of late) I would have to say you two are into some 'heavy ....' and unfortunately I don't mean the good kind.

The way you two are so quick to spew that vitriolic threatening cr*p out, leads me to believe that we're working for two differn't Lords.

To think that either of you could humiliate me more than my bro-in-law and other twi leadership did after I left is wishful thinking on your part.

What are you talking about allan? What specifics, or are you just throwing this out to put fear into people? Just what do you see as my intent?

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I could be wrong, but it seems to me that you just don't want anyone to see or consider any other view than your own.

That's .... Goey and an attempt to discredit me.

I put forth more then one viewpoint and very few can see it.

Not surprising to me seeing as twi had such a strong hold on what to think.

What the hell happened to free thinking?

To the Pure all things are Pure.

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Pwerhaps investigating various ways of seeing what God has already done in us would be a far more exciting adventure then a bunch of scriptures that do not live untill seen in various processes of learning and believing and seeing it live within ourselves

Too much for some, but it can be done.

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sincerest apologies, allan

i have forgetten how wounded you already are

i'm sure the last thing you need are more threats of humility

i just wish you could see yourself as others do, here

and i wish you could put yourself in others shoes, here

who knows..maybe you can, and just dont have the heart to care any more,

being the self-proclaimed a$$ that you are

either way, i thank God hardly anyone takes your slander or insight very seriously

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For Gods sake lay off will you?

Just because Todd, Clay and thousands if not millons of other Christians espouse a different approach to scriptual understanding than you or I ( yours and mine are different by the way) does not mean they are serving Satan ...Stop adding fuel to the fire.

Discuss the topic at hand .. Which is 1 Thessolonians 4. Either that or get out of the thread.

That is what I tried to do from the get go, discuss 1 Thessalonians 4, but I don't seem to have the stomach for any longer. It' s not that important anyway.

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  sirguessalot said:
i will say this...that if one stops seeking exterior proofs and textual evidences of the inward man

and enters what is described (in scripture and without) as the narrowest path to God (within)

eventually, the meanings of the Bible text are going to change before your very eyes

the compelling evidence will hit you between the eyes

and in the heart

and there will be little you can do about it

vp was mostly wrong

because like Jesus said...the new birth is very much like the old

it is bloody and messy and very obviously not some hidden thing

much pain and suffering involved in the new birth

the pangs alone will rock you..or you have missed

when that that Christ that has been conceived within us from the dawn of time will be born within our very hearts with many signs and wonders

there will be no mistake...but you must believe before you see

unless it comes upon you by surprise

but the actual practice is what is missing

and we mostly only talk about spirit

Worthy of repeating imo.

I'd add that believing before seeing is the work of the spirit of God within.

I'm still willing Goey. But I can't stay stuck into one interpretation.

Are you willing to look at a few perspectives?

darn it-can't get the thing to make my newest comment to be a separate post...lol

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I posted my take on it...'asleep in Christ' (dead) ties in with 'many are sickly and weak and many sleep' (dead). I also took CM's abuse as directed at me as well, along with Todds threats. A real 'holistic' thread me thinks.

My take on the threads original question stands as read above.

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  Goey said:
... this is a doctrinal forum where ideas are discussed. Discussion implies two way dialog. There are bound to be opposing views. Disagreement is not "attack".

I think Goey's statement here bears worth repeating.

The fact of the matter is, I see merits in both sides of the discussion - as well as weaknesses.

This forum can be an invaluable venue to "test" out ideas.

When I propose a theory in these forums, I damn well would like to be aware any proposals concerning its perceived weaknesses. Such enables me to go back to the "drawing board", explore and further adjust or revise a theory, or perhaps even (as in some cases) ditch it altogether if need be.

My main objective for participating in these forums is not toward "agreement". Very few people have agreed with any or all of my views concerning my research in the subject of Marcion - and quite honestly, it really doesn't bother me. Nor do I think less of those who disagree. Nor do I think they're any less acute or spiritual than I. I didn't reach my own personal views overnight - which are admittedly hard to swallow. It would be unreasonable for me to expect that others should be so quick to agree with anything I propose.

There is much that can be gained from disagreements. In fact, even much more.

The fact of the matter is, "sleep" in 1 Thess. may indeed indicate "physical" death.

Or it may mean "spiritual" death. Or possibly a bit of both.

Or if we were to explore further, perhaps we might even discover - "neither of the above".

As I stated earlier, metaphorical interpretation may be just as fraught with difficulties as ultra-literal meanings. As scholars, - explorers - and human beings - we should remain open to all the possibilities.

But most importantly - we should endeavor to discuss these ideas openly, with respect toward one another, without flying off the handle, and taking doctrinal disagreements so damn personally.

As for my own personal opinion as to the interpretation of this section in 1 Thess. - the "jury is still out" with me. There's still many things about this section that I'm still considering, and/or that I still don't know. I still lean toward the "rapture" theory as has been taught in the past, by virtue of its "gnostic" character of "alienation" to "the world", through those expressions of desiring to depart from "this world" and to be in another. How did Bible believing Christians reach such a distinctive "gnostic' positions without betraying awareness of the subject of gnosticism. Unless, perchance, these scriptures are betraying gnostic elements that are already present within. I am personally gravitating toward the position that none of the Pauline literature that has come down to us predates the second century. But that's my opinion, and I don't expect others would agree, - and of course, I could be wrong -but I would be glad to share some thoughts on this if anyone is interested (another thread perhaps).

I hope everyone chills out, loosens up, and takes a moment to check out that link to that trippy "rapture" comic I posted earlier.

I predict bell-bottoms will come back into fashion.


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well, Danny, one of the major distinctions i see going on here

is how some prefer to discuss interpretation of scripture from the research and accuracy point of view

and some prefer to express their experiences of scripture without all that pressure to be so correct

(and of course, some want to play in both modalities)

but if those who lean towards the research and accuracy modalities do not see the value of other modes

even to the point of casting doubts on the soundness and safety of other modes of discourse and interpretation

or suggesting that posters are unsound and conform or move to other venues because of it...

...i do reserve the right to stand up and shout a bit from time to time

and for specifically personal reasons

even to the point of casting doubts on the soundness of that behaviour

and rightfully so, imo

btw..love the comic

as well as your insight

and i must say that i do sincerely appreciate this remark you made, Goey:

Just because Todd, Clay and thousands if not millons of other Christians espouse a different approach to scriptual understanding than you or I...
because i think it really speaks to what i am saying here

and what i see my friend Clay saying and doing here

and what i am fighting for, and the distinctions i am trying to call attention to

peace to you

privately, of all the forms of hermeneutics, heuristics, semiotics, eisegesis, exegesis, contemplations, deconstruction, pesher techniques, narrative and meta-narrative paradigms...and yada yada what not,

i prefer an integral approach to art and literary criticism, particularly favoring a healthy blend of semiotics and post-structuralism

but i find trying to explain or keep track of all the many different modalities boring, tedious and quite the yawnathon at most cocktail parties

and so i stick to simple original poetic expressions of my spiritual experiences, lest i find myself having to defend someone other than myself

and i highly enjoy finding others who like to do the same

forgive for wishing outloud for other children to play with

and for a place where the adults will at least take their shoes off and sit on the floor if they insist on being there

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  sirguessalot said:
privately, of all the forms of hermeneutics, heuristics, semiotics, eisegesis, exegesis, contemplations, deconstruction, pesher techniques, narrative and meta-narrative paradigms...and yada yada what not,

i prefer an integral approach to art and literary criticism, particularly favoring a healthy blend of semiotics and post-structuralism

but i find trying to explain or keep track of all the many different modalities boring, tedious and quite the yawnathon at most cocktail parties

and so i stick to simple original poetic expressions of my spiritual experiences, lest i find myself having to defend someone other than myself

and i highly enjoy finding others who like to do the same

Yes, I think I gather what you're saying here...I oft think some scholars get so caught in their various, impressive methodologies as to miss the actual substance of what they may have initially sought. If these methods are put in service to the heart, wonderful. If not, their efforts may amount toward masturbating other collegues' minds, and tragically serving little else.

There's a man who works at a local convenience store here, who's about to move to Hawaii to become a schoolteacher. And one thing he has stated to me a couple of times has stuck with me: if one wants to understand history and how people thought back then, consider how people think today.


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:offtopic: Why did I post here? Because I thought the idea was intriguing, but wasn't seing any reason, compelling or otherwise, to go with any interpretation for "sleep" other than physical death.

I find the approach that one needs some kind of special "inner" understanding to get something condescending. If you have a position that differs from the so-called accepted or mainstream thinking, present the basis, expound on the logic, geez, say something convincing.

On the other hand, if you don't agree with my opinion regarding how discussions should be carried out, feel free to ignore me, I don't get to set the guidelines of how everyone else has to behave, however, I do get to express my opinion. And I will probably still express it sarcastically from time to time. :evilshades:

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I find the approach that one needs some kind of special "inner" understanding to get something condescending.
i'm kinda sorry you feel that way, Oak

but i can surely understand why you might

what if other levels of inner understanding only seem special

but are actually native (divine, inherent) human capacities we are simply unaware of?

but when we do become aware of them

yes, our understanding changes to some degree or other...perhaps even radically at times

curious...does it bother you because someone else says that their inner awareness has changed in some intense way that has effected their relationship to scripture?

and you don't think yours has?

or do you not think that there is such a thing as inner understanding in the first place?

i mean, do you not right now have an inside as well as an outside, both of which you can understand?

doesn't your own understanding have many layers and complex moving parts, both inside and outside?

and haven't you discovered more and more parts and pieces and ways of it as the years go by?

btw...truly sorry if it comes across condescending....just trying to help you see the actual ease of the notion

and i am trying to learn not to be afraid to do so

perhaps it helps see how it might apply to our inner awareness of the possible deathlike-states that already exist in us now

i think it really gets interesting when you get into deep dreamless sleep

which is the kind of stuff the ancients and scripture writers were very interested in as well

I oft think some scholars get so caught in their various, impressive methodologies as to miss the actual substance of what they may have initially sought. If these methods are put in service to the heart, wonderful. If not, their efforts may amount toward masturbating other collegues' minds, and tragically serving little else.
well said Danny...well said

stuck in conceptual wonderland of mental constructs

but lacking the will to actually embody what it is they think they see

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As for me, as I have posted before I walk the walk the best way I can and over the years can PERSONALLY testify of signs, miracles, wonders (big and small). They have ALWAYS been an enhancement of the 'written Word' as I understand it. Never at cross purposes with it. Helping my wifes 8 year old niece instantaneously awaken out of a DEEP coma she had been induced in because of meningococal meningitis is 'spiritual' enough for me.

Unless you've got something similar to testify of Todd in your own 'spirit-filled' walk keep your self serving ramblings to yourself. And I'll bet 10 bucks to a hundred even if you are walking the ministering walk of CHRISTianity, for every carpark in front of a store story you've got , me and others I associate with have got half a dozen stories that would make you and Clay pee your pants with New Age envy.

I am a simple kind of a guy (and always hope to be) with 'flashes' of sublime vernacular expressions at time.

'Esotric ramblings of wuthering heights similitude' just don't do a lot for me..o.k.

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ok, well...i'm truly glad for your wife's niece, allan

and for whatever other miracles and healings and signs you have experienced in your life

as for all the other stuff you said...i am kinda speechless as to how incredibly wrong you dont realize you are about me

you really are one mean ole willfully ignorant cuss, arent ya? and flaming proud of it...wow

and dang...i wouldnt dare share anything about my life with you...because even if you are dead wrong ....i would still always lose

you are obviously a scrapper...and love to fight dirty

thats cool, i grew up on the street

so...lemme ask, while weer at it...what it is that has got you so fixated on this thread?

that you cant stop posting your same ole opinion over and over again

i mean, if something does not do it for you (i.e. "esotericism"...whatever)...great!

...but who the heck cares but you, and those who care about you?

talk about self-serving?!?

by your own admission...your interests really do seem to be of primary concern here, no?

i mean, even scripturally....how do you justify this?

btw...you arent gonna stalk me around the gsc are ya?

cuz that would suck for both of us, i'm sure

ive seen you do it with others

and its kinda creepy

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