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The DaVinci Code


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I haven't seen this topic anywhere on here yet-sorry if I missed it!

Alright. I finished the book yesterday and have to say that it was an awesome read! There's one BIG thing that ruins it though--some are saying it's truth and some are saying its fiction--but if the Holy Grail is what the book alleges, then we don't have a savior!! Otherwise it's one heck of a novel!

Anyhow, I was really hoping some of you have read the book. I'd love to see your points of view!


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I'm glad he won the plagiarism case against him.

Very interesting premise, but some of the "evidence" is a little too hokey for me. I really liked "Angels and Demons" better. I'm glad I read it and wished I hadn't taken so long to do so, but it's a very good mystery novel.

What'd you think of it? Any particular aspect you want to talk about? Lately on GMA they've been interviewing top people from all the secret societies mentioned in the book. It's been very interesting to see those segments.

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I didn't know about Angels and Demons! A prequel? Sweet! That's at the top of my shopping list now!

Belle, the interviews on GMA sound like something I'd like, but um, some of us apparently live under a rock--what the heck is GMA? :blink:

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jlawt, no rock - I'm just a news junkie. :biglaugh: I watch Good Morning America every morning while I'm getting ready for work. GMA is the short version of the name. They probably have recaps of those stories on their website, if you want to check it out.

I've got to get some reports done, but I’ll try to provide a recap later today or this evening.

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When we lived in Italy, we found that the idea of Jesus having been a husband and father is very commonly held. But I dont see what spiritual significance there could possibly be if someone did have a small portion of their ancestry coming from Jesus.

Our spirituality and brotherhood with Christ is through grace and not through the lineage of our blood lines.


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I've read the Da Vinci Code as well as its original sources. The Da Vinci Code is a great read. But it is not at all fact and is completely inaccurate. The idea that Jesus married and had children by Mary Magdalene is pure...nonsense.

Books are out debating the "facts" as portrayed in the novel. Another one is coming out debating it from scripture.


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And it's really good fiction, too.

I read it when it first came out, and just read it again in anticipation for the film. I think I liked it even more the 2nd time around.

If you haven't read it - read "Angels and Demons" first - it was actually written before "The DaVinci Code". I would have rather read them in that order.

Anyway - I'm looking forward to the movie. The only comment I have on the trailers is that Tom Hanks' hair looks funny....

Edited by Hope R.
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I have to admit here, I read "Angels and Demons" first, and then "The DaVinci Code," cause Hope told me to. :spy:

I loved both of them. I think they are great works of HELLO, FICTION.

I really don't understand all the "contraversy," among, like, hello, Christians?

I just wish Harrison Ford, or somebody equally as sexy, was in the movie instead of Tom Hanks. I think he's a total nerd, and not that cute. I would love to see a really handsome, dashing leading man in the movie. But whatever, I still can't wait to see it.

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I liked the part part about the origin of the Star of David-where exactly did the Star of David come from?

I've gotten all kinds of emails about christians wanting to protest the movie. I say just take it as a learning experience and great show!

The book gave me some ideas on things to look up, like the dead sea scrolls-heard of it but never knew what it was-things like that. I never really knew where the words pagan and villain came from-I might look that up to see if it's fact/fiction, etc. etc.

It must seem kind of Kindergarten to ya'll, but I was one of those teens in twi that just went along in my "parents church" and didn't pay a whole lot of attention! Now that I'm older (maybe kinda wiser too) this stuff interests me.

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Doesn't sound kindergarten at all, jaylawt! I've gone through the same things in the past few years. I've become very interested in the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Nag Hammadi Scrolls....all those historical things you've mentioned as well. :)

Hey - we were never taught this stuff in TWI and we weren't even allowed to consider it, much less look into it on our own since it wasn't "research" put out by TWI. Now I feel like a kid in a candy store and last year I had so many books I wanted to read that I got overwhelmed and had to slow down. :biglaugh: Ya can't read eighteen books at the same time.

I go through spurts of spending a great deal of time "thinking out loud" in the doctrinal section. You'll find some very wise, very helpful, very kind and knowledgeable folks down there. Do a search on the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Nag Hammadi Scrolls here and you'll find some of the better links I was directed toward.

It's been a while since I read the book, I don't remember where he said the Star of David originated. But, yes, it was a fascinating read and my favorite books usually are fiction written around true facts. My all time favorite book is "The Eight" by Catherine Neville. It's about Charlemagne's Montglaine Service and the rumors and mythology surround that. Flips back and forth between the Middle Ages, the French Revolution and modern times.

ex10, I wholeheartedly agree with you about Tom Hanks. I pictured the leading man as much more handsome...he looks like a dirty dork in the previews. What a disappointment.

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ex10, I wholeheartedly agree with you about Tom Hanks. I pictured the leading man as much more handsome...he looks like a dirty dork in the previews. What a disappointment.

oh you women! c'mon... he's a professor dangit! ...oh yeah, so was Indiana Jones... never mind...

wait a minute! Tom Hanks can bring a whole lot more 'range' to the role than Harrison (I need a walker now) Ford...

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C'mon Belle... just because this thread is about a work of fiction doesn't mean you have to fictionalize!

Yeah... I'll give you that Jim Belushi was pretty good in that movie with about the little girl who knew how to con... heck, I even got a little misty during that one... but Oscar worthy performance?

Dennis Quaid... hmm... does OK most of the time, I liked that movie when he talked to his son in the future on the radio... good story... but Oscar worthy performance? ...nope

And Kiefer... he's a good actor and may someday win an Academy Award, but he's much too young to play the part and needs to have a few more credits to his resume than 24 and Wild Boys...!


Opie don't do no movies unless they can win at least one Oscar...

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I've read the Da Vinci Code as well as its original sources. The Da Vinci Code is a great read. But it is not at all fact and is completely inaccurate. The idea that Jesus married and had children by Mary Magdalene is pure...nonsense.

Books are out debating the "facts" as portrayed in the novel. Another one is coming out debating it from scripture.




LOTS of books have done that. I've got 3, all decent to excellent reads.

If Dan Brown had just left it as a work of fiction, that would be one thing.

However, he's put forth that the historical details of the book are all

correct, and even the easy-to-check-with-Google stuff

(like when the Olympics started and WHY)

are incorrect.

The truth of the matter is the book is completely invented

from whole cloth. Had Brown claimed that, I'd just move on.

There's been no lack of refuting his claims, both in a small way

and in a large way. Worse, at least one writer had a book already

out-of fiction-that this seems to almost rewrite-

"the DaVinci Legacy"-

which is here.


Some of the refutations:





In case you're wondering, yes, I've read each, and saved the links

a while back because I thought they were worth reading.

They're shorter and cheaper than the books, anyway,

and I have a few of those.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I COMPLETELY agree with you. My mind protested in screams when I found out Hanks would have the leading role. I have to talk myself into even going to see it because Hanks had the lead. (BTW) you have excellent taste in men.

I pictured a complete hunk (so sorry to be offending the Hanks supporters) to play the lead.

With the roles Hanks played in Big and Forest Gump, I have a hard time picturing him in any serious, professor/romantic relationhip.

I'm sure I can name all the times he's played a leading romantic guy, but I didn't see those movies because he had the lead part. DaVinci Code will be the exception.

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