Gosh..this can make a body feel REALLY good....gushy all inside..
Thanks for all the b-day blessings...
Suda...was near your prior town today...prayers go up!
T-bone....thanks for pickin me up after that bottle!
(((ex10))))....geez.....I am celebrating in a most wonderful way...thanks to you. :)
Flow...thanks...see ya' in the western parts of this humble state...maybe sometime....that is where it's happening. har
Cool, look forward to that piano and lobster...anytime!!
Mr. Strange...lol.....I'm making lots of "wishes" these days....and "hopes" too!!! Thanks for your insights!
(((((Belle)))))...."What the Bleep??" So glad we met and that you're a Pert fan!! I'm sure we will have much to share when we meet face to face.
(((Tops))))....10th rules. Maybe at the Texas ho-down we can have someone jump out of cake...with Tequila!
Dmiller...thanks for the chats and prayers. Natalie rules!!!!!
((Penguin)) Ahhh...freedom... YES!! And we are comrades...exited about the same time. Looking forward to the next little Penguin. :)
((Bliss))...thank you for reaching out. Wise? Hee...I guess wiser now! :)
(((((((((((Mr. Pipes)))))))))) :wub: I'm looking so forward to the weekend.... Thank you for loving me up so big. I love you deeply and forever and ever. :wub:
Thank you for the chats, the pming, the laughs, the prayers.
Dmiller....great site on Natalie and thanks for the Scotland sounds!! I was turned on to Natalie while sampling music at Borders. Sampled "In My Hands" and bought it that eve. Months later I was in Borders sitting at my favorite table doing some reading/jounaling and over the speakers I heard "Touch of the Master's Hand" to music. It has always been one of my favorite poems. I went to the info desk and asked who was the artist. Lo & behold it was on Natalie's "Blueprint". Next coupon I had I was the owner of "Blueprint." Bela Fleck used to play in my hometown at a small local gathering called "Acoustic Stage"; he plays with Natalite some too. Later I'll share a Doc Watson story with ye. :)
Tom Strange...lol...Pert refers to Candace Pert, a scientist and author of whom Belle and I are fans. However, we do have some Pert in our shower at our abode!
Oeno..very special thanks to you for EVERYTHING. You have become a good friend....
See ya'll round chat...thanks for my new cafe friends. I love ya'll....
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Happy B-Day Bagpipes!!!!!!!!!
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Celebrate this wonderful day, Pipes, with you and yours!!
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Happy Birthday, Pipes!!!!!! .....and whatever you do -- have a blast doing it.
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coolchef1248 @adelphia.net
piping you the happest of birthdays!
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Tom Strange
Here's "wishing" you a most happening day!
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So glad you've joined us here in the Cafe!
You contribute an awful lot to our little corner of cyberspace!
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Happy Birthday, Pipes-hope it's a great one!
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Hiya Pipes!!! Hope it's a great day for you.
(See ya in chat.) :)
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Mr. Pipes
Happy Birthday, Bagpipes!
This is certainly one of your best birthdays. May they only get better from here.
You light up my life as only God and you know. You are a treasure!
Here's a toast to you for all the good you do and the joy you bring.
May it be multiplied back to you now and for eternity
Soak it up!!!
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Happy birthday pipes!!! Have a great one!!
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today is your birthday.....................dannanananana
and look how wise you are now?
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I Love Bagpipes
Gosh..this can make a body feel REALLY good....gushy all inside..
Thanks for all the b-day blessings...
Suda...was near your prior town today...prayers go up!
T-bone....thanks for pickin me up after that bottle!
(((ex10))))....geez.....I am celebrating in a most wonderful way...thanks to you. :)
Flow...thanks...see ya' in the western parts of this humble state...maybe sometime....that is where it's happening. har
Cool, look forward to that piano and lobster...anytime!!
Mr. Strange...lol.....I'm making lots of "wishes" these days....and "hopes" too!!! Thanks for your insights!
(((((Belle)))))...."What the Bleep??" So glad we met and that you're a Pert fan!! I'm sure we will have much to share when we meet face to face.
(((Tops))))....10th rules. Maybe at the Texas ho-down we can have someone jump out of cake...with Tequila!
Dmiller...thanks for the chats and prayers. Natalie rules!!!!!
((Penguin)) Ahhh...freedom... YES!! And we are comrades...exited about the same time. Looking forward to the next little Penguin. :)
((Bliss))...thank you for reaching out. Wise? Hee...I guess wiser now! :)
(((((((((((Mr. Pipes))))))))))
:wub: I'm looking so forward to the weekend....
Thank you for loving me up so big. I love you deeply and forever and ever. :wub:
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Edited by herbiejuanLink to comment
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Just Dance!!!!
Happy Birthday sweet one!!!
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Happy Birthday bagpipes
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Happy Birthday !!!!!
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Tom Strange
You and Belle are shampoo fans??? :blink:
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Happy Birthday ILB!
Welcome to Greasespot.
Welcome to Freedom.
Welcome to Fresh Air.
And welcome to Greasespot Coffee: Better than Starbucks!
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NATALIE RULES!!!!!!!!! :)
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Linda Z
This is belated, but...
Happy Birthday, ILB!
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:) :) :) :) :)
Edited by dmillerLink to comment
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Happy Birthday to a dear friend of mine. Enjoy many happy and healthy returns of the day!
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I Love Bagpipes
Hugs all around and great big thank yous!!!
((((Herbie)))) (((Priscilla))))) ((((Shell)))) (((White Dove)))) ((((Raf)))) ((((Just Loafing))))
(((((Linda Z)))) ((((Oeno))))
Thank you for the chats, the pming, the laughs, the prayers.
Dmiller....great site on Natalie and thanks for the Scotland sounds!! I was turned on to Natalie while sampling music at Borders. Sampled "In My Hands" and bought it that eve. Months later I was in Borders sitting at my favorite table doing some reading/jounaling and over the speakers I heard "Touch of the Master's Hand" to music. It has always been one of my favorite poems. I went to the info desk and asked who was the artist. Lo & behold it was on Natalie's "Blueprint".
Next coupon I had I was the owner of "Blueprint." Bela Fleck used to play in my hometown at a small local gathering called "Acoustic Stage"; he plays with Natalite some too. Later I'll share a Doc Watson story with ye. :)
Tom Strange...lol...Pert refers to Candace Pert, a scientist and author of whom Belle and I are fans. However, we do have some Pert in our shower at our abode!
Oeno..very special thanks to you for EVERYTHING. You have become a good friend....
See ya'll round chat...thanks for my new cafe friends. I love ya'll....
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