You know what they say about those: "Dippinlips" coming form the bad side of the tracks and all. But those: "Snicklepants" now they are just great. In fact wonderful folks.
Every Snicklepants that I have ever known was truly a wonderful person, Loving, caring, and with a big heart.
From Dorfus DippinSprinkles to Dorfus PottySquirt. Think I like may maiden surname better. Wish my parents hadn't stuck me with Dorfus, though. So I'm gonna change it to Funky, k?
Awwww, Galen, it was just the name that sparked the memory. :P I normally think of you as the genteel sailor and family man who was very lucky to be able to help so many folks despite all TWI's efforts to the contrary (even if I personally disagree with some of your doctrinal beliefs).
Coulda been worse, eh - couda been Boobie Fricken Humperdink. On second thought, I wish that were my name!It has a certain, I dunnowhat, but I like it about it!
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dorky potty tush
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I think there is a thread about this already, in the SILLY section. :)
sincerely ---Sneezy Farkletush. ;)
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I love these!!! Thanks, Mo!
Just call me Sloopy Frickenhump
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But I dont want to be Boobie Pottysniffer ....
I would much rather be Skippy Boobiesniffer
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Geez that means there are two Sneezy Farkletush's registered at GSC
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Tom Strange
I'm either Sneezy Farkletush or Sleezy Snikledoodle... just call me sneezy or sleezy... I answer to both...
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Fluffy Dippinfanny here. :unsure:
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II am now Sloopy Snicklehump - I must be related to Belle!
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Dorfus Chickenpants here.

I'm waiting to see if someone fesses up to beng sleazy monkeyboob. They'd have to have some really crazy name.
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Boobie Potty-Sprinkles???
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Well, depending on whether you spell my last name Saint George or St. George, I guess I'm either Fluffy Dippinlips or Fluffy Snicklepants.
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You know what they say about those: "Dippinlips" coming form the bad side of the tracks and all. But those: "Snicklepants" now they are just great. In fact wonderful folks.
Every Snicklepants that I have ever known was truly a wonderful person, Loving, caring, and with a big heart.
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I'm crusty chickensniffer. Oh my.
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Dorfus Dippinsniffer here.
Sounds like a Hobbit name of sorts.
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Galen, I can't help but think of that bathroom "dangling" thread you started when I read your new name.
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tried my original BIrthname
I'm Sloopy Pottyfrack --Think I like Dipsey Better <_<
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I am so glad that I have been able to firmly plant myself in your mind with such an image.
Boobie Potty-Sprinkles
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Allow me to introduce myself
I am Sloopy Chickentush.
This is my wife, Doombah Chickentush
and my two boys, Dorky & Farcus Chickentush
I think my kids had that whole Captain Underpants series so we've been down this Chickentush road before.
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From Dorfus DippinSprinkles to Dorfus PottySquirt. Think I like may maiden surname better. Wish my parents hadn't stuck me with Dorfus, though. So I'm gonna change it to Funky, k?
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Sure thing, go ahead Cakol.
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Awwww, Galen, it was just the name that sparked the memory. :P I normally think of you as the genteel sailor and family man who was very lucky to be able to help so many folks despite all TWI's efforts to the contrary (even if I personally disagree with some of your doctrinal beliefs).
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Out There
Snickle Featherlips - GAWD thats just not fair, I really want a name like Steve McQueen or Clint Eastwood
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Coulda been worse, eh - couda been Boobie Fricken Humperdink. On second thought, I wish that were my name! It has a certain, I dunnowhat, but I like it about it!
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Dorky Dippinbiscuits, reporting for duty!!
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