Did I sound a bit like LCM to you Rascal, Bramble ? That actually makes me a..little..bit..chuffed. Thanks for the compliment !
That says a lot, right there. Being a cruel abusive authoritarian figure is a good thing, huh? Plus, there are many accounts of LCM not being mentally stable. Great role model, Allen. Hope it works well for you in life.
May I remind folks of the "ignore" feature that we have? It's very simple and simply amazing what it can do for one's blood pressure. :)
If the miscreant has no one to argue with, perhaps he will go away or learn how to be civilized. At the very least, it defeats his purpose for being here. I can only imagine that he has to come on here and attempt to bully people because his wife and kids must want nothing to do with him.
Cool Waters, my husband is type 2. His medication is covered, but one thing that has been really helpful has been a diabetes 2 support group through a local clinic. They did a dietician workshop that is ongoing, get feet inspected, lectures on shoe and sock types, get free flu shots. The clinic is not a high rent one, it takes medicare/caid etc and has a sliding scale. I'm not sure who funds it, but hubby pays nothing for this group.
If you can get you doctors on board you can perhaps resubmit/fight with insurance to get necessary coverage. We had a claim denied--a hernia surgery! But after resubmitting and filling out more detailed forms they did pay.
It is in your insurance companies best interest to provide diabetes preventative medicine, because when kidneys fail etc, the costs are astronomical to the insurance company.
Most people don't understand that obesity is not always caused by overeating. There are a kazillion factors, including genetics. Medication itself can cause weight gain, especially, ironically enough, those taken for diabetes, including insulin.
I've gained about 25 lb since becoming diabetic. Add a generous serving of job stress, a 37 mile drive each way to work, and losing it ain't all that easy. Some hapless souls actually cut their insulin dose to lose weight by going into ketoacidosis on purpose. Of course, that's bad for their entire physical body.
To have the unique combination of amazing ignorance and unbelievable stupidity such as Bill's boss displays amazes me. I'm so sorry CW. You deserve better.
Excercise is also not that easy for some people to get. Neither my hubby or I can just hit the gym. He has a back injury and has to be careful of the type of excercise he does. My illness effects my heart and lungs so it is difficult to stay with in a healthy target heart rang when excercising, plus when I get tired, say, of walking, the stress causes the heart rate to go up. We have found water aerobics with a non Nazi instructor who doesn't mind when we drop to a walk etc rather than the more vigorous excercise the rest of the class is doing. It doesn't harm joints, and our instructor is great about mentioning alternatives that don't stress the back etc.
Allan I think you were actually kidding and trying to inject humor, but that is kind of the gripe about the thread is that FAT makes one the brunt of the joke, a target to be criticized and somehow ridicule is suppose to happen if you are over weight.
So, it was a poor choice and timing for a joke, I think that maybe why people are upset.
Whats your Achilles Heal?
Missing hair? Acne or old man pock marks? Hair sprouting from your ears? Or just lack of bedside manner?
Well it seems that some people think that EATING too much ALL the time is why some of us are heavy.
There are factors in play that help KEEP fat on our bodies, even when we're hardly eating at all.
I know the secret to losing weight, and the well kept secret of curing cancer and other very common diseases in America. It's built into our bodies, God put it there.
It will probably anger you to see who is tampering with the truth, and why false information is freely given from our government and doctors.
Care to share some factoids from the book, Safari? Call me a skeptic = heck call me cyncial, but I am not quick to get off my money for diet books. No offense. I just tend to think if you make healthy food choices, eat healthy proportions, and get in some physical activity throughout the day - you are doing good regardless of what your weight is.
Going back to your first post you are offended that people would send you diets and encourage you to lose weight. They wouldn't say anything to a woman with "a beak" you complain. Maybe they care about you. Obesity is an epidemic now as I'm sure you've heard. It is a direct cause of type II Diabetes. It's the major part of Metablic Syndrome. It will kill you. "A beak" or halitosis (another of your examples) won't. And its oh so preventable. Though, no doubt its harder for some than others.. no one has to stay obese as Rush Limbaugh, Oprah Winfrey and many others have shown. I've even posted my before and after pictures here to show folks how I used to be fat.
I don't accept at ALL that people who are overweight have to stay that way. It really is a case of if you eat less you will lose the weight. And I think that is one reason you are finding the reaction you and other overweight people here have been talking about. You see, someone can't do anything about the size of their nose short of surgery now can they? But everybody KNOWS they could lose the weight. There were no obese inmates found at Auschwitz or Bergen-Belsen proving that NOBODY stays fat on a 1000 Kcal/day diet no matter HOW out of whack their T3 or T4 (thyroid hormone) levels are. Hence... the "rudeness" you describe. When in fact... they may only be concerned about your health.
Care to share some factoids from the book, Safari? Call me a skeptic = heck call me cyncial, but I am not quick to get off my money for diet books. No offense. I just tend to think if you make healthy food choices, eat healthy proportions, and get in some physical activity throughout the day - you are doing good regardless of what your weight is.
The problem is we don't really know what is actually healthy.
We have been told that saturated fats are "bad" for us and cause heart disease, cancer and obesity. But our ancestors did and many cultures today do live on a diet that is rich in saturated fats with little instance of any of these diseases. Did you know that real butter consists of mostly medium chain fats that are not stored in the body, but instead are directly converted to energy? That margarine is high in trans fats that can pack the weight on? Whole milk is the same as butter. There is very little instance of heart disease or obesity in tropical cultures that consume large amounts butter, whole milk, red meats and tropical oils like coconut oil or palm oil.
We have been told that dietary cholesterol is bad and causes heart disease, when well known government funded studies (Framingham, and others) show that dietary cholesterol does not raise blood cholesterol levels, and neither is cholesterol the cause of heart disease. As a result of the misinformation millions of people avoid eggs - one of nature's finest foods -- And mIllions of people are taking statin drugs to lower something that is necessary and vital to life. Good for Merck and Lilly - no so good for us.
I am skeptical too of fad diets and pseudo-science diets. I don't recomend them. The info on the Rave Diet Web Site is so vague that I would need to see the actual diet. I am suspicious or any diet that claims to reverse heart disease or cure diabetes. I suspect it is basically vegetarian and if it is, I would not recomend it unlessat least 20-30 percent of the calorie intake is from necessary saturated fats like butter, whole milk,fish, coconut oil, etc.
Anyway, consdering the misinformation they have provided us, I don't think we should look to the USDA or the FDA , the Drug Companies or the Soy Bean Council - to learn what is healthy. (I am not saying that you do) . But lots of folks certainly do.
Let's see, 'Eating Plus' comes in DVD, and there is a Diet & Lifestyle book also. The DVD is 110 min. long! It was fascinating, even for my kids 18, 15, & 12... The 5 year old didn’t really care ;)
It isn't a 'diet', it's more of a information/teaching of the typical American diet from the famous 'food pyramid', showing how eating this way will cause problems.
It exposes some facts that most people don't know about, like how the meat and dairy industry is subsidized by the government. It shows how much of our natural resources goes to feed the animals we eat, and many more fascinating facts on the care and handling of these animals.
Years ago, the common diseases of today plagued only the very wealthy. The people who could afford more 'expensive' foods.
Today, without the government support, our beef would be about $90 a pound... (something only the very wealthy could afford)
Interesting fact- raw spinach pound for pound has DOUBLE the protein of beef...
A large baked potato has about the same protein as a hamburger...
A difficult video to explain in a few paragraphs... but certainly worth every penny.
One woman in the DVD ate all the right stuff, lean chicken, skim milk, veggies, fruits & grains, was a Marathon Runner, and she developed cancer. She had the tumor removed, but refused chemo & radiation against her doctors wishes and had fantastic results after changing to a plant based diet... More than 15 years ago!
It's about knowing what's really out there, and then making choices. Lack of knowledge is deadly…
The book, which goes into more detail, I haven't received yet...
The problem is not with the insurance company...it's with Bill's boss and what coverage he buys. If he doesn't buy the coverage, the insurance company can't accept the claim no matter what.
There were no obese inmates found at Auschwitz or Bergen-Belsen proving that NOBODY stays fat on a 1000 Kcal/day diet no matter <B>HOW</B> out of whack their T3 or T4 (thyroid hormone) levels are.
Anorexics and bulimics prove that not eating causes weight loss, too. So how come they're dying just as quickly--and often more quickly--as obese people? I mean, seriously, the survivors found in the death camps were in death camps. You know...they were put there to die.
Please tell me that you know better than to equate starving to death with rational, well-balanced, healthy weight management.
Also, please tell me that you understand the dangers of losing weight too quickly. If I lived on 1000 cal/day my blood sugars would be so out of whack that I'd end up in the hospital. Sure, I'd lose weight in a hurry. BUT I'd be next to dead...and as soon as I started eating anything over 1000 cal/day, I'd put on weight faster than I took it off. Gotta love that starvation mentality.
This argument about people starving to death being a good example of simply not eating causing weight loss has been used here before. IMO, it's callous...to say the least.
As to what CoolWaters was saying about only eating 1000 calories a day, I agree.
Most people would feel horrible, and your metabolism would slow WAY down, causing your body to hang onto whatever fat it could.
Eating a variety of fruits and veggies in large quantities will not only fill you up, but after a while will make you feel and look great.
Most American's are not ill from a lack of something, but rather ill from over-doing it!
Our 5 year old has a common question about food... 'Did God make this'?
We discuss foods in our house. Where did it come from. What's in it for me. Who made this, and what is their motive... do they want me to be healthy?
There is room in this topic for all types of responses. Sudo seems to have it right, in that 'others are only concerned about your health', but I KNOW, hearing those comments HURT!
I've always viewed being overweight as being in prison. I didn't enjoy it, and I don't know of anyone else that does...
and I would add - when you focus on someone's weight by referring to them as fat, obese, a lard foot - whatever, you do them far more harm than good.
Most women think they are over weight even when they are not. Most women who are over weight are already painfully aware of that fact and do not need someone else to point it out to them. In fact, it is the over focusing on weight that actually exacerbates the problem. The focus shouldn't be a weight - being fat or thin, attractive or not. The focus should be on health.
A woman who wants to lose weight and whose focus is simply on pounds and inches is setting themselves up for failure from the get go. Instead one should focus on self acceptance and self love. From there it becomes easier to make healthy choices and live a healthy lifestyle - which should be the ultimate goal. Then the pounds will naturally come off anyway.
I seriously doubt that total strangers have a vested, honest interest and concern for my health. <_<
:( Well, call me different Belle dear , but I have a serious concern for people, even those I don't know... I'm considering going into a nursing program, but wonder how much GOOD will that field enable me to really do?
Abigail is right, any negative comments are devastating. Our culture promotes unrealistic images, which mess with the hearts and minds of women (young and old) daily!
When I just started working in Hawaii as a Teacher/Trainee at the Beauty College in Pearl City, one of the students had forgotten my name, and referred to me as 'the chubby' one... that KILLED me... I was a wow... we hardly ate two meals a day, I walked EVERYWHERE... but what we did eat wasn't very good for us :(
That comment didn't help me, it hurt, and I wasn't sure what exactly to do. My weight didn't change that whole year, even with walking several miles a day :blink: Our coordinator was a meat & potato guy, so that's what we ate, anything fresh was a garnish on the plate~
This topic would mesh well with the 'Where is the Love' topic...
With all due respect, SV, it is considered bad practice for a nurse or any other professional to go around tossing out 'professional advice' to complete strangers outside of one's professional environment. I don't think you're the type to use any professional license you may hold as a license to 'practice your profession' willy nilly in a grocery line, a restaurant, on the sidewalk, on a message board etc. :) (If you were, btw, you'd be crossing some very dangerous, very well-drawn legal lines. )
And OMG!!!! Children and what comes out of their mouths!!! LOL Poor things. How're they supposed to know? Hehehehe.
LOL - Safari, I hear ya. My Jacob has no internal editor and to this day will blurt out whatever comes to mind. One time while shopping at our local "one stop and shop" Meijer, Jacob saw a midget (or whatever the politically correct term of the day is). Not only did he insist on pointing the man out to me, but before I could stop him he ran up to the man and DEMANDED (and I MEAN demanded) to know why the man was so short. Initially, I think the man tried to ignore him, but there is no ignoring Jacob when his inquiring mind wants to know - so finally the man just said "cause God made me this way".
I wanted to disappear through a hole in the floor, but no such hole appeared for me.
it's so funny... thinking back on these things, but DURING the episode, the discomfort can be immense. The 'hole in the floor didn't appear'~ what a hoot!
That guy had a great response, and probably said it frequently... there are a lot of kids in your area :)
Could someone invent a button to become invisible... or a collar to have voices muted...
We have a few friends with physical deformities. Some from birth, some from disease.
They feel more comfortable to have people ASK than just to stare, since this is just another part of their life.
A potato has "about the same protein as a hamburger" ?
Lets break that down a bit. Have you done it?
A baked potato has about 1 gram of protein per ounce, while ground beef has about 7 grams per ounce.
For a baked potato to have the same amount of protein as a hamburger with only a three ounce beef patty it would need to weigh about 21 ounces. That's about 1 1/3 lbs. So to get that "fact" we have to compare a small hamburger with a huge potato.
Now, lets make the hamburger patty more reasonable in size, say 5.3 ounces (1/3 lb). For a potato to match that in protein it would have to weigh about 2 1/3 lbs. To get that "fact" when we use a more reasonable sized burger, we need a enomous potato that almost no one could eat. But yeah, its a "large baked potato" and therefore qualifies as a "fact" - only quite a bit misleading.
Why must these commercial diet promoters stretch the facts so much?
LOL, no, Allan, that's the joke "pc term." The polite term is little person. There is an organization for little people to share support and information, called Little People of America.
Heehee. My grandma was 4'10, my aunt(Bitsy) was 4'9. I'm a whopping 4'11. My unknown race gr grandpa(he was English! grandma insisted) didn't look Caucasion and was barely 5ft.
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That says a lot, right there. Being a cruel abusive authoritarian figure is a good thing, huh? Plus, there are many accounts of LCM not being mentally stable. Great role model, Allen. Hope it works well for you in life.
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May I remind folks of the "ignore" feature that we have? It's very simple and simply amazing what it can do for one's blood pressure. :)
If the miscreant has no one to argue with, perhaps he will go away or learn how to be civilized. At the very least, it defeats his purpose for being here. I can only imagine that he has to come on here and attempt to bully people because his wife and kids must want nothing to do with him.
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Cool Waters, my husband is type 2. His medication is covered, but one thing that has been really helpful has been a diabetes 2 support group through a local clinic. They did a dietician workshop that is ongoing, get feet inspected, lectures on shoe and sock types, get free flu shots. The clinic is not a high rent one, it takes medicare/caid etc and has a sliding scale. I'm not sure who funds it, but hubby pays nothing for this group.
If you can get you doctors on board you can perhaps resubmit/fight with insurance to get necessary coverage. We had a claim denied--a hernia surgery! But after resubmitting and filling out more detailed forms they did pay.
It is in your insurance companies best interest to provide diabetes preventative medicine, because when kidneys fail etc, the costs are astronomical to the insurance company.
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Watered Garden
Most people don't understand that obesity is not always caused by overeating. There are a kazillion factors, including genetics. Medication itself can cause weight gain, especially, ironically enough, those taken for diabetes, including insulin.
I've gained about 25 lb since becoming diabetic. Add a generous serving of job stress, a 37 mile drive each way to work, and losing it ain't all that easy. Some hapless souls actually cut their insulin dose to lose weight by going into ketoacidosis on purpose. Of course, that's bad for their entire physical body.
To have the unique combination of amazing ignorance and unbelievable stupidity such as Bill's boss displays amazes me. I'm so sorry CW. You deserve better.
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Excercise is also not that easy for some people to get. Neither my hubby or I can just hit the gym. He has a back injury and has to be careful of the type of excercise he does. My illness effects my heart and lungs so it is difficult to stay with in a healthy target heart rang when excercising, plus when I get tired, say, of walking, the stress causes the heart rate to go up. We have found water aerobics with a non Nazi instructor who doesn't mind when we drop to a walk etc rather than the more vigorous excercise the rest of the class is doing. It doesn't harm joints, and our instructor is great about mentioning alternatives that don't stress the back etc.
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Dot Matrix
Allan I think you were actually kidding and trying to inject humor, but that is kind of the gripe about the thread is that FAT makes one the brunt of the joke, a target to be criticized and somehow ridicule is suppose to happen if you are over weight.
So, it was a poor choice and timing for a joke, I think that maybe why people are upset.
Whats your Achilles Heal?
Missing hair? Acne or old man pock marks? Hair sprouting from your ears? Or just lack of bedside manner?
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Well it seems that some people think that EATING too much ALL the time is why some of us are heavy.
There are factors in play that help KEEP fat on our bodies, even when we're hardly eating at all.
I know the secret to losing weight, and the well kept secret of curing cancer and other very common diseases in America. It's built into our bodies, God put it there.
It will probably anger you to see who is tampering with the truth, and why false information is freely given from our government and doctors.
For anyone interested in good health, take a look at http://www.ravediet.com/
They have a DVD for sale there, Call 'Eating Plus', only $12.95. (Also discounted in bulk)...
We watched it again last night... the kids didn't lose interest for a second...
Since we know several people who have dealt with cancer on different levels, we were just the more angered, and ready for a change...
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Care to share some factoids from the book, Safari? Call me a skeptic = heck call me cyncial, but I am not quick to get off my money for diet books. No offense. I just tend to think if you make healthy food choices, eat healthy proportions, and get in some physical activity throughout the day - you are doing good regardless of what your weight is.
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Going back to your first post you are offended that people would send you diets and encourage you to lose weight. They wouldn't say anything to a woman with "a beak" you complain. Maybe they care about you. Obesity is an epidemic now as I'm sure you've heard. It is a direct cause of type II Diabetes. It's the major part of Metablic Syndrome. It will kill you. "A beak" or halitosis (another of your examples) won't. And its oh so preventable. Though, no doubt its harder for some than others.. no one has to stay obese as Rush Limbaugh, Oprah Winfrey and many others have shown. I've even posted my before and after pictures here to show folks how I used to be fat.
I don't accept at ALL that people who are overweight have to stay that way. It really is a case of if you eat less you will lose the weight. And I think that is one reason you are finding the reaction you and other overweight people here have been talking about. You see, someone can't do anything about the size of their nose short of surgery now can they? But everybody KNOWS they could lose the weight. There were no obese inmates found at Auschwitz or Bergen-Belsen proving that NOBODY stays fat on a 1000 Kcal/day diet no matter HOW out of whack their T3 or T4 (thyroid hormone) levels are. Hence... the "rudeness" you describe. When in fact... they may only be concerned about your health.
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The problem is we don't really know what is actually healthy.
We have been told that saturated fats are "bad" for us and cause heart disease, cancer and obesity. But our ancestors did and many cultures today do live on a diet that is rich in saturated fats with little instance of any of these diseases. Did you know that real butter consists of mostly medium chain fats that are not stored in the body, but instead are directly converted to energy? That margarine is high in trans fats that can pack the weight on? Whole milk is the same as butter. There is very little instance of heart disease or obesity in tropical cultures that consume large amounts butter, whole milk, red meats and tropical oils like coconut oil or palm oil.
We have been told that dietary cholesterol is bad and causes heart disease, when well known government funded studies (Framingham, and others) show that dietary cholesterol does not raise blood cholesterol levels, and neither is cholesterol the cause of heart disease. As a result of the misinformation millions of people avoid eggs - one of nature's finest foods -- And mIllions of people are taking statin drugs to lower something that is necessary and vital to life. Good for Merck and Lilly - no so good for us.
I am skeptical too of fad diets and pseudo-science diets. I don't recomend them. The info on the Rave Diet Web Site is so vague that I would need to see the actual diet. I am suspicious or any diet that claims to reverse heart disease or cure diabetes. I suspect it is basically vegetarian and if it is, I would not recomend it unless at least 20-30 percent of the calorie intake is from necessary saturated fats like butter, whole milk,fish, coconut oil, etc.
The Oiling of America
Anyway, consdering the misinformation they have provided us, I don't think we should look to the USDA or the FDA , the Drug Companies or the Soy Bean Council - to learn what is healthy. (I am not saying that you do) . But lots of folks certainly do.
Why the Current US Dietary Guidelines Are Making Americans Fat
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Hey Abigail :)
Let's see, 'Eating Plus' comes in DVD, and there is a Diet & Lifestyle book also. The DVD is 110 min. long! It was fascinating, even for my kids 18, 15, & 12... The 5 year old didn’t really care ;)
It isn't a 'diet', it's more of a information/teaching of the typical American diet from the famous 'food pyramid', showing how eating this way will cause problems.
It exposes some facts that most people don't know about, like how the meat and dairy industry is subsidized by the government. It shows how much of our natural resources goes to feed the animals we eat, and many more fascinating facts on the care and handling of these animals.
Years ago, the common diseases of today plagued only the very wealthy. The people who could afford more 'expensive' foods.
Today, without the government support, our beef would be about $90 a pound... (something only the very wealthy could afford)
Interesting fact- raw spinach pound for pound has DOUBLE the protein of beef...
A large baked potato has about the same protein as a hamburger...
A difficult video to explain in a few paragraphs... but certainly worth every penny.
One woman in the DVD ate all the right stuff, lean chicken, skim milk, veggies, fruits & grains, was a Marathon Runner, and she developed cancer. She had the tumor removed, but refused chemo & radiation against her doctors wishes and had fantastic results after changing to a plant based diet... More than 15 years ago!
It's about knowing what's really out there, and then making choices. Lack of knowledge is deadly…
The book, which goes into more detail, I haven't received yet...
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The problem is not with the insurance company...it's with Bill's boss and what coverage he buys. If he doesn't buy the coverage, the insurance company can't accept the claim no matter what.
Anorexics and bulimics prove that not eating causes weight loss, too. So how come they're dying just as quickly--and often more quickly--as obese people? I mean, seriously, the survivors found in the death camps were in death camps. You know...they were put there to die.
Please tell me that you know better than to equate starving to death with rational, well-balanced, healthy weight management.
Also, please tell me that you understand the dangers of losing weight too quickly. If I lived on 1000 cal/day my blood sugars would be so out of whack that I'd end up in the hospital. Sure, I'd lose weight in a hurry. BUT I'd be next to dead...and as soon as I started eating anything over 1000 cal/day, I'd put on weight faster than I took it off. Gotta love that starvation mentality.
This argument about people starving to death being a good example of simply not eating causing weight loss has been used here before. IMO, it's callous...to say the least.
Edited by CoolWatersLink to comment
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As to what CoolWaters was saying about only eating 1000 calories a day, I agree.
Most people would feel horrible, and your metabolism would slow WAY down, causing your body to hang onto whatever fat it could.
Eating a variety of fruits and veggies in large quantities will not only fill you up, but after a while will make you feel and look great.
Most American's are not ill from a lack of something, but rather ill from over-doing it!
Our 5 year old has a common question about food... 'Did God make this'?
We discuss foods in our house. Where did it come from. What's in it for me. Who made this, and what is their motive... do they want me to be healthy?
There is room in this topic for all types of responses. Sudo seems to have it right, in that 'others are only concerned about your health', but I KNOW, hearing those comments HURT!
I've always viewed being overweight as being in prison. I didn't enjoy it, and I don't know of anyone else that does...
Love & Peace
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I seriously doubt that total strangers have a vested, honest interest and concern for my health. <_<
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and I would add - when you focus on someone's weight by referring to them as fat, obese, a lard foot - whatever, you do them far more harm than good.
Most women think they are over weight even when they are not. Most women who are over weight are already painfully aware of that fact and do not need someone else to point it out to them. In fact, it is the over focusing on weight that actually exacerbates the problem. The focus shouldn't be a weight - being fat or thin, attractive or not. The focus should be on health.
A woman who wants to lose weight and whose focus is simply on pounds and inches is setting themselves up for failure from the get go. Instead one should focus on self acceptance and self love. From there it becomes easier to make healthy choices and live a healthy lifestyle - which should be the ultimate goal. Then the pounds will naturally come off anyway.
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:( Well, call me different Belle dear , but I have a serious concern for people, even those I don't know... I'm considering going into a nursing program, but wonder how much GOOD will that field enable me to really do?
Abigail is right, any negative comments are devastating. Our culture promotes unrealistic images, which mess with the hearts and minds of women (young and old) daily!
When I just started working in Hawaii as a Teacher/Trainee at the Beauty College in Pearl City, one of the students had forgotten my name, and referred to me as 'the chubby' one... that KILLED me... I was a wow... we hardly ate two meals a day, I walked EVERYWHERE... but what we did eat wasn't very good for us :(
That comment didn't help me, it hurt, and I wasn't sure what exactly to do. My weight didn't change that whole year, even with walking several miles a day :blink: Our coordinator was a meat & potato guy, so that's what we ate, anything fresh was a garnish on the plate~
This topic would mesh well with the 'Where is the Love' topic...
((((((hugs for all of us)))))))
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Just to add here~
Just yesterday we were shopping at Meijer, our area grocery & everything else place :)
My 5 year old, upon seeing a young teenager with REALLY BIG EARS and a brush cut, stops in his tracks, points, Mom did you see THAT?!?!?!..... :o
I "shished" oh so quietly with a stern look, hoping he stop immediately...
But, no... he went on to explain himself, since he'd NEVER seen anything like this before....
Oh gawd, I felt so bad... was hoping maybe the poor guy didn't hear well...
My son, embarrassed now from his own words, whispered that, 'well, his ears were REALLY BIG', didn't I see that?!?!?!...
We had a little talk later about how we're all different, and pointing out the differences might hurt someone's feelings...
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With all due respect, SV, it is considered bad practice for a nurse or any other professional to go around tossing out 'professional advice' to complete strangers outside of one's professional environment. I don't think you're the type to use any professional license you may hold as a license to 'practice your profession' willy nilly in a grocery line, a restaurant, on the sidewalk, on a message board etc. :) (If you were, btw, you'd be crossing some very dangerous, very well-drawn legal lines.
And OMG!!!! Children and what comes out of their mouths!!!
LOL Poor things. How're they supposed to know? Hehehehe.
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LOL - Safari, I hear ya. My Jacob has no internal editor and to this day will blurt out whatever comes to mind. One time while shopping at our local "one stop and shop" Meijer, Jacob saw a midget (or whatever the politically correct term of the day is). Not only did he insist on pointing the man out to me, but before I could stop him he ran up to the man and DEMANDED (and I MEAN demanded) to know why the man was so short. Initially, I think the man tried to ignore him, but there is no ignoring Jacob when his inquiring mind wants to know - so finally the man just said "cause God made me this way".
I wanted to disappear through a hole in the floor, but no such hole appeared for me.
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That guy had a great response, and probably said it frequently... there are a lot of kids in your area :)
Could someone invent a button to become invisible... or a collar to have voices muted...
We have a few friends with physical deformities. Some from birth, some from disease.
They feel more comfortable to have people ASK than just to stare, since this is just another part of their life.
But, it's just awkward!
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A potato has "about the same protein as a hamburger" ?
Lets break that down a bit. Have you done it?
A baked potato has about 1 gram of protein per ounce, while ground beef has about 7 grams per ounce.
For a baked potato to have the same amount of protein as a hamburger with only a three ounce beef patty it would need to weigh about 21 ounces. That's about 1 1/3 lbs. So to get that "fact" we have to compare a small hamburger with a huge potato.
Now, lets make the hamburger patty more reasonable in size, say 5.3 ounces (1/3 lb). For a potato to match that in protein it would have to weigh about 2 1/3 lbs. To get that "fact" when we use a more reasonable sized burger, we need a enomous potato that almost no one could eat. But yeah, its a "large baked potato" and therefore qualifies as a "fact" - only quite a bit misleading.
Why must these commercial diet promoters stretch the facts so much?
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allan w.
Abigail...the pc term for midgets is 'vertically challenged'. Seriously.
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LOL, no, Allan, that's the joke "pc term." The polite term is little person. There is an organization for little people to share support and information, called Little People of America.
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Heehee. My grandma was 4'10, my aunt(Bitsy) was 4'9. I'm a whopping 4'11. My unknown race gr grandpa(he was English! grandma insisted) didn't look Caucasion and was barely 5ft.
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