I am not just fat...I am the Momma in the 'yo Momma so fat she...' jokes (found down in the "Just Plain Silly" forum).
You know what? WTF do I care what people say/think about me?
There was a time when I did (as is evidenced by the crude 'comeback' I posted above). My whole life was about being ashamed of who I am. But that wasn't just about being obese...which is something I didn't realize for too long.
I was so tied up in knots over how people thought about me that I let an exway 'pastor' get away with telling me that all of the problems in my life was because, and I quote, "anybody can see that your life is s*it". Not only did I let him get away with saying it, I took it to heart so deeply that I went into a 5 year depression that nearly ended in my death. (Believe me...I use the term 'pastor' to describe this person very, very lightly. He himself admits he's no pastor and never will be and doesn't want to be...but doesn't know what else to call himself since he's ordained and got a church and all that.)
Even before this self-appointed 'lord' of people's lives said this to me, for 4 years I let he and his wife dictate to me how I should do things to 'help' myself. I was so given over to the concept that I was lacking in ability to do anything right or good in life that when she--an anorexic, mind you--'suggested' (read 'demanded') that I start drinking soy protein drinks instead of eating, I did. Not something an obese person should do...it causes weight gain.
It has only been about 3 weeks since I've been freed from that shame mentality.
And my life is so much the better!
Being OK with who I am just the way I am is healing.
Getting to this place has been a long, painful journey. It's not been easy...or fun.
At some point I had to realize that what others think, say, do, etc. is not about me, but about them. I was just the sap that took it to heart when others blamed me for their problems.
And that's exactly what is happening when people push their judgments, their 'solutions', their lack of self control off onto others.
Somebody makes snide remarks about my weight...that's about their own self-image insecurities.
Somebody tells me how I should be eating and exercising...that's about their own inability to do what's right in their own lives.
My husband screws around with less obese women (he's never liked thin women)...that's about his own inability to grow up and mature out of the mentality of a 13yo.
We all get it that the frothing at the mouth BS spewed from many 'leadership' mouths in twi was not about those who were being spewed upon, but about the mental problems of those doing the spewing.
How come we don't get it when the same type of BS spews forth from others?
I dunno. It certainly took me all of my life to finally get it.
Wow cw, I hope you dont mind.....but what you just posted is ringing bells for me in other aspects of my life.....
No I don`t care what people think of my figure or looks anymore, Heck someone asked if my best friend was my daughter not too long ago...lol, but I WAS very upset by an ugly mischaracterization of my motives and thoughts here at grease spot this weekend....
My spouse, no he doesn`t cheat....but he is argumentative and at times very difficult....it has taken 20 years not to take the ugliness personally and feel really bad....
My Mom is very nasty ... able to be particularly cruel in her nasty jibes.....
There are just so many ways that people can make you feel *ugly* not just physically....but on the inside, wrecking your confidence, instilling doubt, convincing you that you are worthless....that your ideas have no merit.
*People push their judgements, their solutions and their lack of self control over on others*
This makes sense in so many other areas of my life...thanks cw.
Im in shape. less than 10% bodyfat, abs, muscles, all that stuff.
ppl give me a hard time because i eat healthy.
example: Friends will be eating what they want, i'll be eating what i want. I NEVER say ONE word about my lifestyle, unless someone asks. Its always someone who's INSECURE about themselves that points out that im different than other people.
I usually find myself hanging out with the smokers, because they dont give me $*@! for doing what i want, and i dont give them $*@! for doing what they want.
As long as your happy with yourself (truly happy). And healthy (not too skinny, or too musclebound or TOO overweight) your doing fine.
But its sucks when someone reverts to 4th grade and makes fun of how someone is because they are different.
I let he and his wife dictate to me how I should do things to 'help' myself. I was so given over to the concept that I was lacking in ability to do anything right or good in life that when she--an anorexic, mind you--'suggested' (read 'demanded') that I start drinking soy protein drinks instead of eating, I did.
How freakin weird... an anorexic giving out health advice :blink:
Bless your sweet heart. Sounds like it was a long, rough road.
Glad you're feeling better about yourself dear :)
People can be strange, but I think for the most part, people like to help other people... they just don't know or remember to WAIT until they're asked before they offer advice... We're all at different places of understanding, and it takes time and learning to get to 'different' places... Our OWN time - Our OWN learning!
example: Friends will be eating what they want, i'll be eating what i want. I NEVER say ONE word about my lifestyle, unless someone asks. Its always someone who's INSECURE about themselves that points out that im different than other people.
This is so true Nandon!
Hubby & I were eating healthy, I had lost 30 lbs. During a Thanksgiving visit, my sister-in-law's brother (who's stomach is almost to his knees) sees us and comments about how much more I have to loose?!?!?!.... at that time I was a size 8.
He watched me as to what I put in my mouth, and made comments all night whether or not I should really be eating ‘that‘... it was truly strange! :( That dinner was all veggies, with a small glass of wine for me… no meat, no heavy starches & no sugar.
Some people say STUPID things when they're uncomfortable... You’re RIGHT!!!
I didn't know there were so many 'fatties' that posted here !! Sorry about what I said before about eating sensibly and all.
Hey, how about clicking onto Gwen Shambles 'weigh down diet' site ? She's a non-trinitarian b/a christian that uses Godly principles to help fat people trim down.
I'm weaning off steroids, 5 mg per week. Unfortunately that doesn't seem to translate into losing a pound a week! I am back on the dash diet(the low sodium diet) where everything has to be cooked from scratch and dinners out limited. Hopefully I will loose the water and pounds that came on with the steroids and no lung stuff will make me go back on steroids.
I lost 25 lbs last year on dash, mainly because hardly anything tastes good! I also plan to do water aerobics, which I really like, but will see how if effects energy levels, breathing etc. What a drag.
SafariVista--maybe allan has given up on stalking Temple Lady for being Mormon, since he gets alot of flack for it, and is seeing how he likes stalking overweight women instead.
I have never been fat. 5' 9" - 155 lbs. Same as when I graduated HS in 1972. -- I probably couldn't gain weght if I wanted to. But, I have high cholesterol, CHD and PVD.
I am convinced that metabolism and genetics play a significant role in the weight/cholesterol issues. The ONLY way I can reduce my choleseterol is with drugs - statins. A low fat diet for 3 months caused my "bad" cholesterol to go up 10 points. Statin drugs are poison that can damage the liver and cause cancer.
I am also convinced that we have been misled about cholesterol and saturated fats.
I hear ya, Goey. My ex was not only a workaholic but also a work-outaholic. He is 5'9", 165 with only about 7% body fat. If he wasn't at work or at a TWI function, he was out on his bike, doing karate, lifting weights, running, etc..... He was never home. He desperately wanted to weigh 200 lbs., but just wasn't built for it.
He also has high cholesterol. Used to aggravate him to no end. He ate as healthy as a person can (mostly raw foods, lean meats & "good" carbs) and worked out like crazy, but couldn't get his cholesterol down.
When he would "splurge" he would go all out and folks would say to him, "Sure, look at you...you can eat anything you want to." and we'd both say, "No, he can eat like that BECAUSE he works hard to be able to afford to eat like that every once in a blue moon."
As for losing weight, yes, there are a lot of factors that contribute to that which are beyond our control. Whoever posted about their friend and the anti-depressants (can't remember, sorry) - Wellbutrin and Lexapro are good anti-depressants that don't affect weight gain/loss. Wellbutrin was originally designed to help with weight loss, actually. It doesn't help with weight loss in most cases, but it doesn't cause the weight gain that others can. It's also called Xyban and used to help people quit smoking, IIRC.
Allan, I trust you got a whole big rock pile to choose from when you so blithely cast the first stone.
If you use that particular F** word one more time, I hope a kangaroo bites you on your a**!
Allan, all this attention to being slim, trim, fit, etc. is just perfecting the works of the flesh! I actually heard someone call it the "Youth and Beauty Cult".
There isn't one woman on this forum, unless your wife posts, who owes it to you to model your false perception of perfection!
Leave these ladies alone!
I always liked you when we were in Fam. XX. What happened to make you so hateful? I pray you learn to love others who are not like yourself. We aren't all perfect yet.
So now I'm hateful because I use the word 'fattie' ??!! Maybe too many people are too 'sensitive' ?
If you're 'fat' you're 'fat'. If someone is happy being 'overweight', then why so sensitive about being 'referred to' as 'fat'. ?
If I was a homosexual, then I take it for granted I'll be called a homo.
If I was a Christian, then I take it for granted I'd be called a Bible basher, or a Jesus freak.
Wear it as a badge of pride if you like.
Just by your answers, you know somethings not quite right, heck, I bet most 'fatties' stand in front of the mirror and say to themselves "Geesh, am I fat or what ". They just don't like OTHER people to use the ' F ' word !!
Growing up I was called, skinny, beanpole, bones, etc...It motivated me to do something about it, go to the gym and 'bulk up' a bit, for example. Then I marry a girl who is real good at cooking rich polynesian food, so I end up at the other end of the spectrum !
So now I know you're wondering aren't you...you're wondering (said in my best Clint Eastwood voice) you're wondering, is he fat or is he skinny ?
Not hatefull, just a product of adherance to a religion developed by a *ravening wolf*
I suppose if I don`t mind being called *fattie* ..... Allan won`t mind being called *brain washed mind numbed zombie* .
I can offer you all kinds of help for that ugliness TOO Allan ...There are good Christians every where that could offer you a spiritually wholesome diet....healthy spiritual exercise....
You KNOW that you get in this condition by years of ingesting too much garbage .....*I* think that it is time YOU begin a spiritually healthy life style before the poison you currently consume kills you friend.
Honestly Allan dear, you would feel SO much better if you started living as a genuine spirit filled Christian...Not to mention you`d be a a whole lot easier on the heart :)
I suppose though that if you are *happy* being a cultie christian wannabe.... living of the flesh but pretending that you are of the spirit........then you had better wear your badge of honor as well.
No, it ain`t nice ...I didn`t even like typing it....but hopefully it makes a point.
I could care less if you are fat or thin, because what comes through loud and clear on this thread and many others is that you are a donkey's behind. In fact, you assholiness detracts from any credibility you might otherwise have had.
allan w, you're hateful because you treat people like crap while professing to be a great believer in your god. If you are some type of leader in your church then it is no better than TWI of the nineties.
No...I don't mind being called names at all ! This is after all a 'name calling' site isn't it ?
I imagine yo'all refer to blind people as 'sight impaired'....brain damaged people as 'mentally challenged'...handicapped people as 'physically challenged' etc..etc.. JUST to be politically correct ??
The Western world really is turning into a bunch of self-centred, excuse making, arkle funkers !!
Did I sound a bit like LCM to you Rascal, Bramble ? That actually makes me a..little..bit..chuffed. Thanks for the compliment !
p.s. Honestly...where most of you 'are at' with your spiritual walk makes it highly unlikely I'd even consider a 'jot' or 'tittle' of your 'spiritual advice'...sorry for being intentionally insensitive (very accurate comment btw Goey)
Allan, you are the biggest victim of all as a refugee from twi and you don`t even know it.
The scriptures you learned rather than bringing you to God and filling you with spirit ...developing you into a man of decency, compassion and character, have instead been twisted and made you a visciously poisonous little man............just a cruel miserable little soul who delights in stalking and throwing stones ....never content unless you are hurting someone....... such a shame :(
No...I don't mind being called names at all ! This is after all a 'name calling' site isn't it ?
I imagine yo'all refer to blind people as 'sight impaired'....brain damaged people as 'mentally challenged'...handicapped people as 'physically challenged' etc..etc.. JUST to be politically correct ??
Allan -- hey bro -- yer hitting ME below the belt here. I work with these folks daily --
They are FOLKS to me. Plain, simple, and regular.
FYI -- they hate the labels (politically correct, or otherwise), but for a different reason.
They are doing their best to be a part of society --
And as *well-meaning* as some folks think those labels to be ---
They are still labels. Need I say more??
Shall I go to work tomorrow, and say there is a guy
somewhere half-way across the world who -----------
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ---- nemmermind. It's not worth the arguement. :(
And we have an emerging part of our church too David that deals with handicapped folks. Crikey mate, we've had a lady who was paralyzed and in a wheelchair get up and start walking around the room after final session of a class. Another guy who was in a very bad car accident and had some major deliverance.Others in our church work with handicapped people and they don't pussyfoot around with them, mainly because the folks themselves don't want to be pussyfooted around.
These people are actually more 'secure' with who they are than some GS'ers who post !!
Now, I don't use words like 'retard' or such, neither do I feel compelled to use 'politically correct' garbage phrases either. And at the end of the day, these folks CANNOT help what their condition is, but 99% of the...shall we say...bfi challenged CAN.
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I am not just fat...I am the Momma in the 'yo Momma so fat she...' jokes (found down in the "Just Plain Silly" forum).
You know what? WTF do I care what people say/think about me?
There was a time when I did (as is evidenced by the crude 'comeback' I posted above). My whole life was about being ashamed of who I am. But that wasn't just about being obese...which is something I didn't realize for too long.
I was so tied up in knots over how people thought about me that I let an exway 'pastor' get away with telling me that all of the problems in my life was because, and I quote, "anybody can see that your life is s*it". Not only did I let him get away with saying it, I took it to heart so deeply that I went into a 5 year depression that nearly ended in my death. (Believe me...I use the term 'pastor' to describe this person very, very lightly. He himself admits he's no pastor and never will be and doesn't want to be...but doesn't know what else to call himself since he's ordained and got a church and all that.)
Even before this self-appointed 'lord' of people's lives said this to me, for 4 years I let he and his wife dictate to me how I should do things to 'help' myself. I was so given over to the concept that I was lacking in ability to do anything right or good in life that when she--an anorexic, mind you--'suggested' (read 'demanded') that I start drinking soy protein drinks instead of eating, I did. Not something an obese person should do...it causes weight gain.
It has only been about 3 weeks since I've been freed from that shame mentality.
And my life is so much the better!
Being OK with who I am just the way I am is healing.
Getting to this place has been a long, painful journey. It's not been easy...or fun.
At some point I had to realize that what others think, say, do, etc. is not about me, but about them. I was just the sap that took it to heart when others blamed me for their problems.
And that's exactly what is happening when people push their judgments, their 'solutions', their lack of self control off onto others.
Somebody makes snide remarks about my weight...that's about their own self-image insecurities.
Somebody tells me how I should be eating and exercising...that's about their own inability to do what's right in their own lives.
My husband screws around with less obese women (he's never liked thin women)...that's about his own inability to grow up and mature out of the mentality of a 13yo.
We all get it that the frothing at the mouth BS spewed from many 'leadership' mouths in twi was not about those who were being spewed upon, but about the mental problems of those doing the spewing.
How come we don't get it when the same type of BS spews forth from others?
I dunno. It certainly took me all of my life to finally get it.
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Wow cw, I hope you dont mind.....but what you just posted is ringing bells for me in other aspects of my life.....
No I don`t care what people think of my figure or looks anymore, Heck someone asked if my best friend was my daughter not too long ago...lol, but I WAS very upset by an ugly mischaracterization of my motives and thoughts here at grease spot this weekend....
My spouse, no he doesn`t cheat....but he is argumentative and at times very difficult....it has taken 20 years not to take the ugliness personally and feel really bad....
My Mom is very nasty ... able to be particularly cruel in her nasty jibes.....
There are just so many ways that people can make you feel *ugly* not just physically....but on the inside, wrecking your confidence, instilling doubt, convincing you that you are worthless....that your ideas have no merit.
*People push their judgements, their solutions and their lack of self control over on others*
This makes sense in so many other areas of my life...thanks cw.
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Don't mind at all, rascal. Part of the freeing process was realizing how the shame mentality wasn't just about obesity.
Thank you so much for all that you share, girl!
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coolchef1248 @adelphia.net
fat,skinney,short or tall
only a rude crude ignorant person makes a remark on anyones appearence unless it is encouraging and a compliment
after all who's busness is it any way?
besides i am way to old to be an a beauty contest
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Im in shape. less than 10% bodyfat, abs, muscles, all that stuff.
ppl give me a hard time because i eat healthy.
example: Friends will be eating what they want, i'll be eating what i want. I NEVER say ONE word about my lifestyle, unless someone asks. Its always someone who's INSECURE about themselves that points out that im different than other people.
I usually find myself hanging out with the smokers, because they dont give me $*@! for doing what i want, and i dont give them $*@! for doing what they want.
As long as your happy with yourself (truly happy). And healthy (not too skinny, or too musclebound or TOO overweight) your doing fine.
But its sucks when someone reverts to 4th grade and makes fun of how someone is because they are different.
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How freakin weird... an anorexic giving out health advice :blink:
Bless your sweet heart. Sounds like it was a long, rough road.
Glad you're feeling better about yourself dear :)
People can be strange, but I think for the most part, people like to help other people... they just don't know or remember to WAIT until they're asked before they offer advice... We're all at different places of understanding, and it takes time and learning to get to 'different' places... Our OWN time - Our OWN learning!
Peace to you~
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This is so true Nandon!
Hubby & I were eating healthy, I had lost 30 lbs. During a Thanksgiving visit, my sister-in-law's brother (who's stomach is almost to his knees) sees us and comments about how much more I have to loose?!?!?!.... at that time I was a size 8.
He watched me as to what I put in my mouth, and made comments all night whether or not I should really be eating ‘that‘... it was truly strange! :( That dinner was all veggies, with a small glass of wine for me… no meat, no heavy starches & no sugar.
Some people say STUPID things when they're uncomfortable... You’re RIGHT!!!
I just felt bad for him...
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allan w.
I didn't know there were so many 'fatties' that posted here !! Sorry about what I said before about eating sensibly and all.
Hey, how about clicking onto Gwen Shambles 'weigh down diet' site ? She's a non-trinitarian b/a christian that uses Godly principles to help fat people trim down.
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Hey Allan W, unless I'm missing something, your comment was downright rude.
And you're looking and posting on this topic because??????
Hey Paw... I don't know Allan W.. but could his reply be stricken from here... and if it is.. this one also :)
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I'm weaning off steroids, 5 mg per week. Unfortunately that doesn't seem to translate into losing a pound a week! I am back on the dash diet(the low sodium diet) where everything has to be cooked from scratch and dinners out limited. Hopefully I will loose the water and pounds that came on with the steroids and no lung stuff will make me go back on steroids.
I lost 25 lbs last year on dash, mainly because hardly anything tastes good! I also plan to do water aerobics, which I really like, but will see how if effects energy levels, breathing etc. What a drag.
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SafariVista--maybe allan has given up on stalking Temple Lady for being Mormon, since he gets alot of flack for it, and is seeing how he likes stalking overweight women instead.
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I have never been fat. 5' 9" - 155 lbs. Same as when I graduated HS in 1972. -- I probably couldn't gain weght if I wanted to. But, I have high cholesterol, CHD and PVD.
I am convinced that metabolism and genetics play a significant role in the weight/cholesterol issues. The ONLY way I can reduce my choleseterol is with drugs - statins. A low fat diet for 3 months caused my "bad" cholesterol to go up 10 points. Statin drugs are poison that can damage the liver and cause cancer.
I am also convinced that we have been misled about cholesterol and saturated fats.
Read up:
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I hear ya, Goey. My ex was not only a workaholic but also a work-outaholic. He is 5'9", 165 with only about 7% body fat. If he wasn't at work or at a TWI function, he was out on his bike, doing karate, lifting weights, running, etc..... He was never home. He desperately wanted to weigh 200 lbs., but just wasn't built for it.
He also has high cholesterol. Used to aggravate him to no end. He ate as healthy as a person can (mostly raw foods, lean meats & "good" carbs) and worked out like crazy, but couldn't get his cholesterol down.
When he would "splurge" he would go all out and folks would say to him, "Sure, look at you...you can eat anything you want to." and we'd both say, "No, he can eat like that BECAUSE he works hard to be able to afford to eat like that every once in a blue moon."
As for losing weight, yes, there are a lot of factors that contribute to that which are beyond our control. Whoever posted about their friend and the anti-depressants (can't remember, sorry) - Wellbutrin and Lexapro are good anti-depressants that don't affect weight gain/loss. Wellbutrin was originally designed to help with weight loss, actually. It doesn't help with weight loss in most cases, but it doesn't cause the weight gain that others can. It's also called Xyban and used to help people quit smoking, IIRC.
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Watered Garden
Allan, I trust you got a whole big rock pile to choose from when you so blithely cast the first stone.
If you use that particular F** word one more time, I hope a kangaroo bites you on your a**!
Allan, all this attention to being slim, trim, fit, etc. is just perfecting the works of the flesh! I actually heard someone call it the "Youth and Beauty Cult".
There isn't one woman on this forum, unless your wife posts, who owes it to you to model your false perception of perfection!
Leave these ladies alone!
I always liked you when we were in Fam. XX. What happened to make you so hateful? I pray you learn to love others who are not like yourself. We aren't all perfect yet.
Love & Prayers,
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allan w.
So now I'm hateful because I use the word 'fattie' ??!! Maybe too many people are too 'sensitive' ?
If you're 'fat' you're 'fat'. If someone is happy being 'overweight', then why so sensitive about being 'referred to' as 'fat'. ?
If I was a homosexual, then I take it for granted I'll be called a homo.
If I was a Christian, then I take it for granted I'd be called a Bible basher, or a Jesus freak.
Wear it as a badge of pride if you like.
Just by your answers, you know somethings not quite right, heck, I bet most 'fatties' stand in front of the mirror and say to themselves "Geesh, am I fat or what ". They just don't like OTHER people to use the ' F ' word !!
Growing up I was called, skinny, beanpole, bones, etc...It motivated me to do something about it, go to the gym and 'bulk up' a bit, for example. Then I marry a girl who is real good at cooking rich polynesian food, so I end up at the other end of the spectrum !
So now I know you're wondering aren't you...you're wondering (said in my best Clint Eastwood voice) you're wondering, is he fat or is he skinny ?
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Not hateful,
Just intentionally insensitive .......
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Not hatefull, just a product of adherance to a religion developed by a *ravening wolf*
I suppose if I don`t mind being called *fattie* ..... Allan won`t mind being called *brain washed mind numbed zombie* .
I can offer you all kinds of help for that ugliness TOO Allan ...There are good Christians every where that could offer you a spiritually wholesome diet....healthy spiritual exercise....
You KNOW that you get in this condition by years of ingesting too much garbage .....*I* think that it is time YOU begin a spiritually healthy life style before the poison you currently consume kills you friend.
Honestly Allan dear, you would feel SO much better if you started living as a genuine spirit filled Christian...Not to mention you`d be a a whole lot easier on the heart :)
I suppose though that if you are *happy* being a cultie christian wannabe.... living of the flesh but pretending that you are of the spirit........then you had better wear your badge of honor as well.
No, it ain`t nice ...I didn`t even like typing it....but hopefully it makes a point.
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I could care less if you are fat or thin, because what comes through loud and clear on this thread and many others is that you are a donkey's behind. In fact, you assholiness detracts from any credibility you might otherwise have had.
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allan w, you're hateful because you treat people like crap while professing to be a great believer in your god. If you are some type of leader in your church then it is no better than TWI of the nineties.
In fact, you remind me a great deal of LCM.
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coolchef1248 @adelphia.net
i think you are not a very nice person with all of your biased opinions
allan read what you have said and think about it
because people called you names do you think it is ok for you to do the same?
think about it
i will pray for you sorry a##
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allan w.
No...I don't mind being called names at all ! This is after all a 'name calling' site isn't it ?
I imagine yo'all refer to blind people as 'sight impaired'....brain damaged people as 'mentally challenged'...handicapped people as 'physically challenged' etc..etc.. JUST to be politically correct ??
The Western world really is turning into a bunch of self-centred, excuse making, arkle funkers !!
Did I sound a bit like LCM to you Rascal, Bramble ? That actually makes me a..little..bit..chuffed. Thanks for the compliment !
p.s. Honestly...where most of you 'are at' with your spiritual walk makes it highly unlikely I'd even consider a 'jot' or 'tittle' of your 'spiritual advice'...sorry for being intentionally insensitive (very accurate comment btw Goey)
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Allan, you are the biggest victim of all as a refugee from twi and you don`t even know it.
The scriptures you learned rather than bringing you to God and filling you with spirit ...developing you into a man of decency, compassion and character, have instead been twisted and made you a visciously poisonous little man............just a cruel miserable little soul who delights in stalking and throwing stones ....never content unless you are hurting someone....... such a shame :(
You sir, are ugly on the inside.
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Allan -- hey bro -- yer hitting ME below the belt here. I work with these folks daily --
They are FOLKS to me. Plain, simple, and regular.
FYI -- they hate the labels (politically correct, or otherwise), but for a different reason.
They are doing their best to be a part of society --
And as *well-meaning* as some folks think those labels to be ---
They are still labels. Need I say more??
Shall I go to work tomorrow, and say there is a guy
somewhere half-way across the world who -----------
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ---- nemmermind. It's not worth the arguement. :(
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allan w.
And we have an emerging part of our church too David that deals with handicapped folks. Crikey mate, we've had a lady who was paralyzed and in a wheelchair get up and start walking around the room after final session of a class. Another guy who was in a very bad car accident and had some major deliverance.Others in our church work with handicapped people and they don't pussyfoot around with them, mainly because the folks themselves don't want to be pussyfooted around.
These people are actually more 'secure' with who they are than some GS'ers who post !!
Now, I don't use words like 'retard' or such, neither do I feel compelled to use 'politically correct' garbage phrases either. And at the end of the day, these folks CANNOT help what their condition is, but 99% of the...shall we say...bfi challenged CAN.
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