No it only happen a few times back when I first got bold SIT with interpretation or given word of prophecy
In the year about 1988
I was shy giving manifestation until this year
But it only happen a few times but every time I feel like I heard the others were blessed or they told me later my manifestation hit the right spot
Yes I would put all possible distractions aside and get peaceful then I open my mouth to speak but I only heard the words like they were in the blakground not having any ideal what I spoke
But that does not happen today
Today I can get peaceful and block out the sounds of things around me but I can hear the manifestation clearly
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I never experienced anything like that.
Does this also happen when you are completely alone, like out in nature away from any possible distractions?
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God first
Beloved Goey
God loves you my dear friend
No it only happen a few times back when I first got bold SIT with interpretation or given word of prophecy
In the year about 1988
I was shy giving manifestation until this year
But it only happen a few times but every time I feel like I heard the others were blessed or they told me later my manifestation hit the right spot
Yes I would put all possible distractions aside and get peaceful then I open my mouth to speak but I only heard the words like they were in the blakground not having any ideal what I spoke
But that does not happen today
Today I can get peaceful and block out the sounds of things around me but I can hear the manifestation clearly
thank you
Good to see you Goey my dear friend
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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I haven't experienced this either, Roy, but, then again, I feel like I never really experienced or operated speaking in tongues and prophecy. :)
Can you maybe elaborate a little more on what it is you're experiencing for those who may not get the general overview you've provided?
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God first
Beloved Belle
God loves you my dear friend
OK I will try
While it only happen a few times I never understood what was happening and why that way
It would be like you begin talking and your mouth is a TV speaker
Then you begin manifestation but some one has moved the TV speaker in the next room your mouth
Then as you begin to hear the TV speaker voices of other believers enjoying it
then things are back to order
but you did not clearly hear what came out of your own mouth
For years I was afraid to say any thing about it but I do not know why but it only happen about 3 times
Now as for getting peaceful and meditating these days I allways hear myself but at times I can turn off outside sounds and only hear God
But the two may be two differ things
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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