Those are spooky links, dude. Right up there with the radical Islaamists web sites that promote wiping Israel and all Jews off the face of the Earth.... and taking as many Americans and Europeans with them that they can. You and the Islaamists seem to have a lot in common and I'll try not to miss any of your posts in the future.
Leuchter, 48, of suburban Malden, was to face trial later this month on charges of practicing engineering without a license, a violation of Massachusetts law. But on June 11, he signed a consent agreement with the board that licenses engineers.
In it, Leuchter acknowledged that, "I am not and have never been registered as a professional engineer" and that he nevertheless had represented himself as an engineer in dealings with various states that use the death penalty and to which he supplied equipment or advice. 29
This is the guy who claims superior knowledge about the gas chambers.
I'm not really trying to assasinate his character.. I think he did a good enough job of it all on his own.
In this important, rousing (?) book, the author sounds the alarm to awaken Christians and patriots to the grave danger of World War Three and an oppressive New World Order. He presents practical measures to expose, counter and ultimately defeat the forces of evil.
Grave danger, oppression.. forces of evil.. if you are a "patriot" or "christian" you better wake up..
Almost sounds like one of loy's rants..
Why is it they are so adamant as to dismiss the holocaust based primarily on the premise that with the magnitude of it's claims it simply could not be true, and turn around and promote something that sounds even more "outlandish"?
You made the claim 6 million Jews (and not some other figure) were killed in the Holocaust, but when you are put upon for proof to back up that figure this is the best you can do?
My post was over a year ago. I am choosing not to revisit that post just to satisfy the curiosity of a dumbs*** like you.
And no, I do not feel a need to "prove" to you that six million Jews died in the Holocaust. I do not feel the need to "prove" to you that George Washington was the first president of the U.S. or that man landed on the moon. If you are too dumbs*** to find that information for yourself, I'm not wasting the time you should have invested in grade school.
The problem is genetics has proven that the Ashkenazi Jews share a Middle Eastern, not Eastern European, ancestry.
Which makes Koestler's thesis moot. It's like saying the moon is made of green cheese. A while ago, we couldn't really disprove it. But after we sent people up there and they came back with rocks and not cheese, you would have to revel in your ignorance to hold onto the green cheese claim (and the Thirteenth Tribe).
Oldiesman asked me to cite sources for this last year. My reply was rude, and I (belatedly) apologize.
The thing that has always bothered me the most abot the "Myth of the Six Million" is the fact that the crux of the situation is completely obscured.
That is the important thing, in the final analysis that is the thing to remember. Hitler killed six million people, whether by gun, or gassing, malnutrition, disease is irrelevant.
Arguing that they weren't REALLY Jews; that if they weren't gassed; if they were somehow undesirable in other ways, homosexuality, mentally ill, handicapped, etc.; in no way changes this fact.
Again we see VPW at what he did best--getting people so wrapped up in studying the trees that they completely lost sight of the fact they were wandering in a forest and getting progressively more lost.
But what is it about these guys.. they seem to think, "well.. it wasn't so bad. Six million, impossible. maybe four, or three and a half.. ". And some of them keep bartering away, trying to trim the number down to what they think is an "acceptable" level.
I wonder.. do they consider? Those were millions of people's parents, children, aunts, uncles, cousins..
professors, students, teachers, artists, common laborers, carpenters.
They weren't "vermin".
It's like a scene out of Dr. Strangelove, where General Turgidson is advising the president..
"I'm not saying we won't get our hair mussed up, but 10-20 million tops, depending on the breaks."
I'm not gonna go back through this whole thread to find out if someone posted this, so my apologies if I am restating what has already been noted by another poster. It has nothing to do with ideology, religion, or body count.
Israel is a DEMOCRACY. It is not ruled by a sheik, a dictator, or a royal. That, IMO, and I do stay away from the political stuff because I'm normally not into that, is why the USA supports Israel.
So why did the Most Exceedingly Great and Mighty, Most Perfectly Perfected and Flawlessly Flawless Man of God VPW deride the Holocaust, say the 6 million never died, etc?
Because he was an idiot and a fool.
Oh, and what if it had been some Christian group that was rounded up and loaded into box cars, trundled off to the camps and starved, beaten, hanged, shot, and otherwise executed, say, for the crime of being a Methodist or something?
What outrages me about the whole damn Hitler thing is that the entire world should have risen up as one and stomped this guy into powder before he ever got the gas chambers operational.
Israel is a DEMOCRACY. It is not ruled by a sheik, a dictator, or a royal. That, IMO, and I do stay away from the political stuff because I'm normally not into that, is why the USA supports Israel.
I think the U.S. is shelling out way way too much over the years. Rampant Big Government Spending is not good for the U.S. taxpayer.
Here's an excerpt from the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs:
Since 1949 the U.S. has given Israel a total of $83.205 billion. The interest costs borne by U.S. tax payers on behalf of Israel are $49.937 billion, thus making the total amount of aid given to Israel since 1949 $133.132 billion. This may mean that U.S. government has given more federal aid to the average Israeli citizen in a given year than it has given to the average American citizen.
I think the U.S. is shelling out way way too much over the years. Rampant Big Government Spending is not good for the U.S. taxpayer.
Here's an excerpt from the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs:
Since 1949 the U.S. has given Israel a total of $83.205 billion. The interest costs borne by U.S. tax payers on behalf of Israel are $49.937 billion, thus making the total amount of aid given to Israel since 1949 $133.132 billion. This may mean that U.S. government has given more federal aid to the average Israeli citizen in a given year than it has given to the average American citizen.
If the average Amercan citizen knew about this, I wonder how the average American citizen today would really feel about that - specifically, the US giving more aid to Israeli citizens than to their own. Maybe we wouldn't be so quick handing our taxpayers $ over to fund those "holocaust memorials and museums", ya think?
Vote for Hillary! She will put a stop to it immediately!
I trow not. I really wish that were true, but any politician especially one with presidential aspirations, will be labelled as anti-Semitic who dares to threaten the continuous flow of $billions from U.S. to Israel.
I was being sarcastic. Raising revenue means raising taxes. That means more money out of the average American pocket for special interest groups and FOH's.
Now I'm not gonna get into it with you here, either. And I don't give a rat's nose for whom you vote, either.
The premise that Dr. Wierwille taught, believed or promoted that the Holocaust did not occur IS false. There are those who claimed otherwise but I never heard him say that in public or private settings.
If you want to see what some of what "dr" promulgated.. and what it did to people, even twenty some years later.. holocaust denial still runs rampant..
The premise that Dr. Wierwille taught, believed or promoted that the Holocaust did not occur IS false. There are those who claimed otherwise but I never heard him say that in public or private settings.
whether or not you heard him or not has nothing to do with whether the premise is true or false. You apparently were not in the settings where I was present. I no longer use the academic title in conjunction with his name, but Wierwille said it in my presence, believe it or not, macht nicht
The premise that Dr. Wierwille taught, believed or promoted that the Holocaust did not occur IS false. There are those who claimed otherwise but I never heard him say that in public or private settings.
You're claiming that since YOU didn't see something, it didn't exist.
That's called "trying to prove a negative."
It's also a common fallacy.
You can't "prove a negative"- you prove something happened or you don't.
(Or you provide evidence supporting it happened, which amounts to the same thing.
Did you ever see a terrorist kill someone? (Actually see it, not see video.)
If not, you might just as easily say no terrorist has ever killed anyone,
since you never saw that.
(Video can be faked-plenty of Hollywood movies show people dying who are still
perfectly healthy once the cameras stop rolling...)
Since others DID see him teach this, you have 2 choices.
A) Accept that he did this, at least SOME of the time.
B) Call all the eyewitnesses liars, cover your ears, and insist that you know THE Truth
on vpw no matter what anyone else saw or heard from him.
It's your choice.
whether or not you heard him or not has nothing to do with whether the premise is true or false. You apparently were not in the settings where I was present. I no longer use the academic title in conjunction with his name, but Wierwille said it in my presence, believe it or not, macht nicht
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Since What the Hurl graces us with a source of 'honest research', let's peruse that resource for other 'honest research' gems, shall we?
Hitler's War
Race and the American Prospect
Last Days of the Romanovs (I never knew that Noontide Press had such romantic views of the Russin Czars)
and of course, this list wouldn't be complete without our old friends, the Illuminati: Pawns in the Game
(where's James French when ya need him?
And here I was thnking that nobody can beat ol' Wierwille when it came to 'true research'!
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We did. Starting on the first page of this thread, right
I stand corrected belle.
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Those are spooky links, dude. Right up there with the radical Islaamists web sites that promote wiping Israel and all Jews off the face of the Earth.... and taking as many Americans and Europeans with them that they can. You and the Islaamists seem to have a lot in common and I'll try not to miss any of your posts in the future.
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This is the guy who claims superior knowledge about the gas chambers.
I'm not really trying to assasinate his character.. I think he did a good enough job of it all on his own.
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Part of their review of Pawns in the Game..
Grave danger, oppression.. forces of evil.. if you are a "patriot" or "christian" you better wake up..
Almost sounds like one of loy's rants..
Why is it they are so adamant as to dismiss the holocaust based primarily on the premise that with the magnitude of it's claims it simply could not be true, and turn around and promote something that sounds even more "outlandish"?
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My post was over a year ago. I am choosing not to revisit that post just to satisfy the curiosity of a dumbs*** like you.
And no, I do not feel a need to "prove" to you that six million Jews died in the Holocaust. I do not feel the need to "prove" to you that George Washington was the first president of the U.S. or that man landed on the moon. If you are too dumbs*** to find that information for yourself, I'm not wasting the time you should have invested in grade school.
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Oldiesman asked me to cite sources for this last year. My reply was rude, and I (belatedly) apologize.
Since that time, this has been posted on wikipedia:
Hope it helps.
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The thing that has always bothered me the most abot the "Myth of the Six Million" is the fact that the crux of the situation is completely obscured.
That is the important thing, in the final analysis that is the thing to remember. Hitler killed six million people, whether by gun, or gassing, malnutrition, disease is irrelevant.
Arguing that they weren't REALLY Jews; that if they weren't gassed; if they were somehow undesirable in other ways, homosexuality, mentally ill, handicapped, etc.; in no way changes this fact.
Again we see VPW at what he did best--getting people so wrapped up in studying the trees that they completely lost sight of the fact they were wandering in a forest and getting progressively more lost.
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Actually, 11 million people died.
Six million were Jews.
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11 million
Only makes my point more valid and the entire episode more horrific
BTW thanks for the correct Raf
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I would say very valid.
But what is it about these guys.. they seem to think, "well.. it wasn't so bad. Six million, impossible. maybe four, or three and a half.. ". And some of them keep bartering away, trying to trim the number down to what they think is an "acceptable" level.
I wonder.. do they consider? Those were millions of people's parents, children, aunts, uncles, cousins..
professors, students, teachers, artists, common laborers, carpenters.
They weren't "vermin".
It's like a scene out of Dr. Strangelove, where General Turgidson is advising the president..
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DO YOU HAVE ANY JEWISH FRIEND? if you did they would tell you the same thing my husband told me and give a reason why his family is so small...
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It is staggering to consider the total life lost around the world as a result of WWII -
estimated anywhere between 50 to 72 million.
72 million.
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Watered Garden
I'm not gonna go back through this whole thread to find out if someone posted this, so my apologies if I am restating what has already been noted by another poster. It has nothing to do with ideology, religion, or body count.
Israel is a DEMOCRACY. It is not ruled by a sheik, a dictator, or a royal. That, IMO, and I do stay away from the political stuff because I'm normally not into that, is why the USA supports Israel.
So why did the Most Exceedingly Great and Mighty, Most Perfectly Perfected and Flawlessly Flawless Man of God VPW deride the Holocaust, say the 6 million never died, etc?
Because he was an idiot and a fool.
Oh, and what if it had been some Christian group that was rounded up and loaded into box cars, trundled off to the camps and starved, beaten, hanged, shot, and otherwise executed, say, for the crime of being a Methodist or something?
What outrages me about the whole damn Hitler thing is that the entire world should have risen up as one and stomped this guy into powder before he ever got the gas chambers operational.
Wrong side? Right side, not soon enough.
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I think the U.S. is shelling out way way too much over the years. Rampant Big Government Spending is not good for the U.S. taxpayer.
Here's an excerpt from the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs:
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What The Hey
If the average Amercan citizen knew about this, I wonder how the average American citizen today would really feel about that - specifically, the US giving more aid to Israeli citizens than to their own. Maybe we wouldn't be so quick handing our taxpayers $ over to fund those "holocaust memorials and museums", ya think?
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Watered Garden
Vote for Hillary! She will put a stop to it immediately! Hillary hates taxes, she is just aware that the government needs additional revenue.
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I trow not. I really wish that were true, but any politician especially one with presidential aspirations, will be labelled as anti-Semitic who dares to threaten the continuous flow of $billions from U.S. to Israel.
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Watered Garden
I was being sarcastic. Raising revenue means raising taxes. That means more money out of the average American pocket for special interest groups and FOH's.
Now I'm not gonna get into it with you here, either. And I don't give a rat's nose for whom you vote, either.
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The premise that Dr. Wierwille taught, believed or promoted that the Holocaust did not occur IS false. There are those who claimed otherwise but I never heard him say that in public or private settings.
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Welcome to the "spot" So. Cal1.
I hope your stay here is enjoyable..
If you want to see what some of what "dr" promulgated.. and what it did to people, even twenty some years later.. holocaust denial still runs rampant..
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whether or not you heard him or not has nothing to do with whether the premise is true or false. You apparently were not in the settings where I was present. I no longer use the academic title in conjunction with his name, but Wierwille said it in my presence, believe it or not, macht nicht
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You're claiming that since YOU didn't see something, it didn't exist.
That's called "trying to prove a negative."
It's also a common fallacy.
You can't "prove a negative"- you prove something happened or you don't.
(Or you provide evidence supporting it happened, which amounts to the same thing.
Did you ever see a terrorist kill someone? (Actually see it, not see video.)
If not, you might just as easily say no terrorist has ever killed anyone,
since you never saw that.
(Video can be faked-plenty of Hollywood movies show people dying who are still
perfectly healthy once the cameras stop rolling...)
Since others DID see him teach this, you have 2 choices.
A) Accept that he did this, at least SOME of the time.
B) Call all the eyewitnesses liars, cover your ears, and insist that you know THE Truth
on vpw no matter what anyone else saw or heard from him.
It's your choice.
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