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Myth of the Six Million


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Let us flash forward to now we (USA) pay for everything for the jews.

Ironically CK -- I tend to agree with this, while all of the Jewish Americans are holding onto their money -- as you and I (read the US) foot the bill for them. Whatcha think Garth?? Am I missing the mark here?? ;)

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  ckmkeon said:
While everyone whines about the poor jews let me find a rag to cry a tear. Let me tell you what I think, you guys just hate VPW so much that you just have to disagree with everything that he said. Let us flash forward to now we (USA) pay for everything for the jews. The jews wouldn't even have a country without us. The jews would still be persecuted today if it weren't for us. The USA supports the jews and without our money where would they be. Now I am not saying that the germans didn't kill anyone all I am saying is that the jews made up the number.


You whiny little pi$$-ant - and just where do you think we would be without the Jews?

Without their rich, invaluable contributions in many facets of our lives,

in the fields of religion(s), in the fields of science, in the fields of entertainment, in the field of food (bagels!!!) and the greatest gosh darn comedians and composers on the face on the planet?

They have contributed immensely to our society, in ways which almost cannot be measured.

Albert Einstein, Aaron Copland, Leonard Bernstein, George Gershwin, Jerry Seinfeld,

and my friend Charlie at the last job I worked. Life wouldn't be the same without them.

They have all contributed so much toward America's distinctive identity.


Edited by TheInvisibleDan
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and just exactly what did VPW contribute to society as a whole?

I mean like

light bulbs



not for just a select few but society as a whole??

VPW with his tax exempt status --TWI isn't a church but it sure became one in a hurry when the IRS came over the horizon. Just who do you think picked up the slack from the taxes TWI and VPW didn't pay???

US that's who, the American people, some of them the very Jews you rant about, and we got in return, nothing, because TWI didn't even take care of it's own much less anyone else.

Edited by templelady
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Ironically CK -- I tend to agree with this, while all of the Jewish Americans are holding onto their money -- as you and I (read the US) foot the bill for them. Whatcha think Garth?? Am I missing the mark here??

Now just stop and think a minute, CK and his merry goosensteppers notwithstanding. ... You mean to tell me that those same Jewish-Americans do NOT pay taxes? The same taxes that part is used for the providing of foreign aid, part of which does go to Isreal? ... Uhmmm, we provide foreign aid to Saudi Arabia too, ... paid for with those very same tax dollars, ... part of which come from those very same Jewish-Americans.

... Am I right on this, or not? :unsure:

We now return to the CK, and His Merry Goosensteppers Comedy Hour.


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  ckmkeon said:
While everyone whines about the poor jews let me find a rag to cry a tear.

Millions of people-some Jews, some not-were killed horribly for the "crime"

of existing. Your lack of humanity will cripple you all your life-

until you overcome it, possibly thru having your life destroyed,

and receiving compassion from the "lesser" Christians you scorn.

Let me tell you what I think, you guys just hate VPW so much that you just have to disagree with everything that he said.
Once again, you think incorrectly.

We actually examined the evidence, the testimony, and so on.

Ever meet someone who was THERE,

who was tattooed with one of the numbers, and listened to them? I have.

On the other hand,

you're ready to believe the most ridiculous notions,

discard the most ironclad of evidence,

all on the say-so of a man who's been proven to lie, exaggerate, and

do sloppy research all the time.

Let us flash forward to now we (USA) pay for everything for the jews.

Make up your mind-I thought they supposedly controlled all the money.

The jews wouldn't even have a country without us.
The US was SOLELY responsible for the current Israel?

I'm sure the other Europeans who fought in World War II would

disagree with you. In fact, I'm sure the Russians-who fought the

Nazis long before we did-would disagree strongly.

In some areas of Russia, they lost 75% of their population during

World War II. You've never heard that, I'm sure.

There are villages with markers for that to this day.

The jews would still be persecuted today if it weren't for us.

So, you'd prefer the holocaust have been allowed to continue

until all Jews were killed?

The USA supports the jews and without our money where would they be.
Largely where they are now, just more persecuted,

with Middle Eastern countries vowing to obliterate them.

Now I am not saying that the germans didn't kill anyone all I am saying is that the jews made up the number.


You're discarding all proof of the numbers-including the records the Nazis

themselves kept-all because vpw said so, right?

You might try thinking for yourself. It's underestimated.

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LOL, Abigail!

Yes, David, you were missing the mark with that. I think Garth helped steer you in a better direction. Last time I looked, Jewish people in America came from all economic backgrounds. And there is no "one size fits all" attitude about money within this religious group.

C'mon, guys, I wouldn't get riled over ck. He just gets his jollies out of ticking us off. And he doesn't mind lying to do it. He posted once pretending to be his own father. He tried to incite an argument between two Greasespotters in chat by making up a story. He goes out of his way to say inflammatory things.

I might answer his point so that his junk doesn't go unchallenged, but his act as a whole is pretty worthless, not to mention boring.


Edited by shazdancer
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The bible tells us that all jews in the start of the new testament followed Jesus and become Christians. The jews of this time came down from Russia and found the scrolls and then believed them. All of the jews today if they actually went into there family tree would find they came from Russia, not israel. Will any of you disagree that the US is the only country that supports the jews. The jews have gotten a large return on there holocaust. The jews believe in the old law while Jesus plainly states I am the new law. So the people I feel sorry for are the WWII victims who fought in the war. Every single person who died fighting in the battles that is who you should feel sorry for they are you own country men. So in my end statement I will say this I think the jews are getting a free ride.


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  ckmkeon said:
... All of the jews today if they actually went into there family tree would find they came from Russia, not israel. ...

CK, today's evidence indicates that this is true of some, but not all.

And of those some, many of those were intermarried with folks from the middle east... thus, the genetic factor.

Take some time and read over the history and studies at www.khazaria.com you'll gain more insight on this interesting topic.

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I have a question for what this would mean for the promises in the Word. I agree with ck in that all have the opportunity to be part of the body but some choose not to. But doesn't God say he would never make an end to the chosen people? Something about being a remaient (sp) that would never die out. And after the gathering together of both Judean who believed and all others that beleived doesn't their say something about the jews will be worshiping in jerusalem at the time of the second coming.

I was taught that the gathering together has no sings but the second coming has many and many have to do woth what the "Jews" and Isreal are doing. FOr these to happen I can see why GOd promised that the line would never die out. Any body know?

Edited by rickyg
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Well RickyG - Martindale would have taught you that those standing with TWI are the "Israel/Jews" of today. So I guess you can take that for what it's worth - which imnsho isn't very much.

Beyond that, I haven't studied it much for a number of years. I have been having far too much fun studying the Jewish religion itsself - which I have found to be very rich in practical applications for "our day and time". Very full of charity (in EVERY sense of the word). And with FAR FAR less bigotry than anything I've experienced elsewhere.

I might also add, that a true understanding of Jewish teachings regarding the Old Testiment would give you a much richer and deeper understanding of the New Testiment.

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Well with all of the errors that Martindale did teach I don't think he would ever teach that. That sounds life Covenant theology. Did he ever say that? Was it figuartive. Maybe I sould start a doctrinal thread about this.

But does anybody know (those who have experience in research) if God said he would never make an end of the Children of Israel. Does it say in Romans there will always be a ramient (cant spell). Doesn't there have to be some left to be worshiping in Jerusalem at the time of the second advent? If it does then the Word would prove that not all Jews today are Khazars or whatever. Because there would have to be some left (that rejected the mystery of course) at the time of the second advent. Is that logical or not?

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Well, ricky, martindale DID teach, as Abigail said, that those in TWI are the precious remnant, the modern day Jews. That bloodline was done away with there is now those who are of the "functioning household of God" and those "others" who live in the egg sucking world but call themselves Christians and the "empties floating by" because they don't have holy spirit.

It's in the syllabus for one or more of the classes; I'll see if I can find specific reference for you.

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Yes, David, you were missing the mark with that. I think Garth helped steer you in a better direction. Last time I looked, Jewish people in America came from all economic backgrounds. And there is no "one size fits all" attitude about money within this religious group.

Garth and Shaz -- I stand corrected!

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. All of the jews today if they actually went into there family tree would find they came from Russia, not israel. ...

Not true - Pure myth

DNA studies of Jewish populations dispute this.





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let me try again

Jews or Jewish refers to a religion you were Jewish, even in the Old Testement, because you adhered to the God and religious tenets of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

To keep discussing DNA has as much value on this topic as declaring that

Christians who come from Africa aren't really Christians because Christians are Protestants whose ancestry comes from the British Isles.


That is exactly what the Neo Nazi's say isn't It???? :confused:

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