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John Titor-Time Traveler?

Tom Strange

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Although there is debate over the exact date it started, on November 02, 2000, a person calling themselves Timetravel_0, and later John Titor, started posting on a public forum that he was a time traveler from the year 2036.

One of the first things he did was post pictures of his time machine and its operations manual. As the weeks went by, more and more people began questioning him about why he was here, the physics of time travel and his thoughts about our time. He also posted on other forums including the now non-existent Art Bell site. In his posts John Titor entertained, angered, frightened and even belittled those who engaged him in conversation.

On March 21, 2001, John Titor told us he would be leaving our and returning to 2036. After that, he was never heard from again. Speculation and investigation about who John Titor was and why he was online continues to this day.

Although it may be easy to dismiss all this as science fiction, most people who read his posts agree that there is something very haunting about John Titor and what he said. In addition, and open to more debate, he also made a series of predictions and comments that eerily seem to be coming true.

This from www.johntitor.com

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I really, really, really tried to avoid this thread...'cause I'm such a sucker for this kind of stuff...sigh.

Time travel has been my pet 'project' ever since I can remember. But I usually keep that to myself or speak very little about it....ya know? There're already too many reasons to put me in a white restrictive jacket....

Someday I'll keep some of the conversations me and +odd (and others around the globe) have about such subjects...and maybe I'll even post some stuff.

Danggit Tom!!!! :dance:


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I may buy a t-shirt, dmiller. It's way cool.

I'd like to time travel. I wonder if he's really gone "back" to the future? He said he lives in Tampa Florida.

I would have asked him if Shell's is still serving really good local seafood, fresh. They used to have fried Grouper to DIE for. Hmmmmmmmmm......oh yeah, that's the stuff.

It's only what - 30 years of so in the future. Is Dale Mabry still named that? Does traffic suck at rush hour?

But mostly I'd want to know if Florida's gotten any relief from the hurricanes. Maybe he talks about that somewhere. I gotta read some more.

But there's something about a war in 2015, isn't there? That's kind of a bummer. Does Bush know? He could slow down some of his plans, otherwise we're going to hit that early. I'd like this slipstream to slow down a little, to an ebbing eddy, or a muddling jerry or anything slower, so maybe the war would be delayed longer.

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Back in 2002 -03, I built a pulse induction motor (Bedini motor) from ideas off of one of the "free energy" Web Sites. I got the thing to spin at 2000 rpms using only 6 ma of current- faster than the experts who invented the thing while using less energy. However there was no "free energy" produced by the motor EMF spikes as was claimed by the free energy hopefuls - which was as I expected.

Anyway, my daughter (then 5) watched me build this thing - winding coils, setting powerful magnets. balancing it ....checking wave forms on my oscilloscope - and making it run. She had been fantasizing about traveling back in time. And asked me how and if it could be done. She wanted to travel back in time, pick up Harry Potter and Ron Weasly and then go visit with "Rick" from the Mummy movie.

I told her I wan't completely sure how to make one but that you would probably need some pretty big magnets. I also told her the it had never been done before. She told me, "You are the inventor Dad, you can figure it out."

I have to get going. I think President Lincoln is about to make a speech.

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That was an interesting site to visit...One of the first books I read as a kid was The Time Machine...Sometimes I wonder when I read the Book of Revelation - was that all a vision presented to John - or did God actually transport him to the end times?

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