I wasn''t trying to make an issue I was just asking an actual question. I dont know how old it is so take a chill pill man.
So what are your feelings on doctrine, reproof, correction. There may be a doctrinal thread on this. Do you not feel that it is bad to correct wrong doctrine? Again not trying to sound sarcastic just asking a question. You made the point that it was bad because they had to correct something. I don't really see a problem as long as its corrected. Just my opinion.
I don't need a chill pill. It just seemed like a sarcastic question. Sorry if it wasn't.
Correcting doctrine is more than fine. But the doctrine they corrected was just so absurd that it amazes me that a) people believed it and b) no one spoke up, they just waited to be told what to believe. It astonishes me that it was passed off as old and part of Loy's administration and it's all good now because it's been changed. We're not talking about a groundbreaking change here. The belief was just stupid. I also see very little reproof. Iif "the past" is irrelevent, then they don't have to asnwer for their sins. It's old news, after all.
Is that the correction? How will I find the right thread without a little spankin' to go with it?
Okay, sorry. I AM being sarcastic, and I don't know why. I thought this was the right thread to post some illuminating thoughts on the little nipshutz on that board. Provide some insightful reasons why only a complete idiot, clinically speaking, would manage to swallow whole core the inane statement of some ne'er-do-verwell teacher that told them they shouldn't look too far into the past for the future. No, rephrase - make that "we're not to" do that.
I'll find a better home for this stuff though. I promise. This is just a holding pattern.
Well in this case the teachings were wrong, the research was stolen, the top two guys were sex maniacs and pure BS artists. The baby drowned in the bathwater. When that happens you have a funeral and try to put your life back together.
Since the announcement was made at a ministry wide event, shouldn't the recanting of such "theology" be also at a ministry wide event rather than never acknowledged, never officially recanted, never spoken of except for "that was in the past"?
Well I don't agree with most of your last comments and in regards to these kids what would you have to say to them? You can't disagree with every doctrinal issue you were ever taught in TWI can you? What would you say to the 20 year old who just got through the new foundational class and has heard many of the things about the past but doesn't really care because he is to thrilled about the satnding in Christ he was just taught? These kids shouldn't feel obligated to answer for mistakes of an older generation. I don't. Why that is my f**9^$ justification. Where you would tell that kid to go. "
"ok man I know you are all excited that you know Jesus Christ isn't God but do you know what happend in TWI before you found it. Well why don't you just go back to your babtist church and forget what you learned."
Shouldn't these kids know that the whole ministry they base their beliefs one were founded on plaigarism, lies, deceit and devastation to people's lives....by the very same people who are in charge today? Wouldn't you want to know that?? I would!
Shouldn't they know that they can go to BG Leonard's website and get more accurate information and more God-glorifying information than they can get at TWI?
Shouldn't they be able to answer for changes for the better? They say "history repeats itself" and TWI itself teaches on the importance of know "where we came from" - they just aren't very honest with where "they come from". They also haven't proven themselves to have changed in the most vital ways that affect someone's life.... debt, investing, leaving TWI, the man being the head, sex is the way to take care of your husband's stress no matter what is going on with your life personally, cancer being a devil spirit, etc.....
I would tell them to run because these issues aren't all in the past. I would question mych of the stuff they learned in the class. I would tell them that there are less invasive ways to study the Bible. I would tell them that there is nothing about TWI that is special or even biblical. i would tell them the corruption starts at the top and spreads downward. i would tell them to run.
Face it, the whole ministry is built on sand.
I mean, seriously, what part of my statement did you not agree with other than the part about staying with TWI no matter what happens because they made you feel blessed. The pervert part? The plagerism? The faulty teachings? I'm trying to figure out where the good part about TWI is. remember, Roselie is one of them.
Give these kids a break? I wish someone showed me when i was 16. Worse yet, people did try to show me but I blindly defended TWI even when it made me sick to do so. Revert back to my origional post. These kids are afraid to be wrong. I was one of them, I had alot of friends in the same boat. Now that we're all out we all have the same feeling: we were afraid to leave. Cults like to make you feel that way. it's a technique. I6 keeps the money coming in.
Shouldn't these kids know that the whole ministry they base their beliefs one were founded on plaigarism, lies, deceit and devastation to people's lives....by the very same people who are in charge today? Wouldn't you want to know that?? I would!
Shouldn't they know that they can go to BG Leonard's website and get more accurate information and more God-glorifying information than they can get at TWI?
Shouldn't they be able to answer for changes for the better? They say "history repeats itself" and TWI itself teaches on the importance of know "where we came from" - they just aren't very honest with where "they come from". They also haven't proven themselves to have changed in the most vital ways that affect someone's life.... debt, investing, leaving TWI, the man being the head, sex is the way to take care of your husband's stress no matter what is going on with your life personally, cancer being a devil spirit, etc.....
Not only does history repeat itself but those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.
Personally, I'd like to give credit to where credit is due.
Many of those young adults were very articulate, well versed, intelligent, not afraid of discourse, etc. I think that showed much for the way their parents brought them up (I know one of them - good parents). And, in addition, IMO, most of the current "rank and file" followers are really good, decent, honest people. Heck, if I had a bunch of rental properties, I would be glad to rent to them. They'll definitely need them (generally speaking, of course)
Listen, for most of those committed young people, talking down TWI is like talking down "Mama." They'll defend "her" honor until the last breath. "Plagerism" - they could honestly give a hang. In their minds, there are arguments on both sides, and they could care less who said things first. They just know that they learned it from twi...period.
Most of the things we still discuss (e.g. Donna's lunch rantings, etc.) I was ACTUALLY there for, live. These young adults were 10+ years younger than now, and knew basically nothing. NOW, although it is remarkably boring, there is no yelling, slobbering, public pronouncements of "stand with us or die." So of course they'll think you're nuts. What is particularly evil is these things DID happen (adultery, destruction of marriages, etc.), and although they may not be happening now, no one ever dealt with things openly. They were swept under the rug, and everyone was told just to look to the future.
One thing I get a kick out of is how these young adults say "I've been to every church out there." Yeah, right :blink: They went to a cousin's wedding ceremony, an uncle's funeral....maybe. But they never went searching churches for truth....especially if they were raised in twi!
I could be wrong but philosopher George Santayana is the one who said "Those
who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
Thanks George!
I've been over there reading and looking over their profiles... on that particular TWI thread if Bryan the "college student" is answering for himself he's been coached very well... I'm thinking he might be getting a little help... either way naivety (sp?) reigns supreme...
Maybe they're not still saying you'll be a greasespot by midnight if you leave. Greasespot Cafe, and Waydale before it, as well as several (dozen?) twi offshoots filled with living, breathing exwayfers, have pretty much shattered that myth.They got caught in that lie and had to adjust their PR message.
So the message has changed, but I see no indication that the messengers have. What makes anyone think that the judgmental, self-righteous, legalistic thinking that generated Donna's rant against the parents of Naomi Poling is gone? If I, God forbid, ever got convinced of and said such horrid things about a brother and sister in Christ and later realized I was wrong in my thinking, I sure as hell hope I'd be woman enough to say, "Oh my God. I was so wrong. I'm sorry."
But nooooooooooooo, they just "send out a new press release" about a "kinder, gentler" twi and carry on as if nothing bad ever happened. Sorry for this graphic analogy, but to me it's as if someone pooped on the floor of a bank lobby and then covered the evidence with a Kleenex. Covering it up and pretending it's not there doesn't cut it. The poop's still there, and it still stinks to high heaven.
Has anyone heard Donna say that what she said about Naomi was wrong? No? I didn't think so. Then she hasn't corrected her error. How much more obvious could it be?
I, too, was once a "Lifer". Mini-corps, every class, class crews, Wow-vet, all in my teens. I knew the Board of Trustees and tons of high ranking people. They were like eveyone else, to me. Some were cool, and some were total jackasses. Talk about going agaisnt the popular norm since day 1, holy &$*#!! Every day at school was a battle, and young life was intense. I was thinking about heaven and hell, devil spirits, speaking in tounges, etc...since a very young age, when most kids were content playing outside. Was that healthy?? im still thinking it was not, but i have got a mind like a brick $*@! house now. <_< There was alot of things i loved about The Way. Many, many things. The Rock of Ages was the pinnalce of all things that were good, since it was all about the believers, and sharing the bond of wanting to grow spiritually. You were free to do what you wanted, basically, no eye of Sauron lurked over us just yet....
I know more Bible than most normal peple, no joke. Way style, mind you...but that means Concordance, Lexicons, word studies...blah blah blah And its true, most innies are good people, it is the top circles that are rotten to the core...
Today...I have no Way items, whatsoever. They all went into a dumptster. Every syllibus, every book, everything...gone. Something very healing about not being tied down to ONE dogma, one way of thinking, one holy book. One outlook on Life. The whole regiment of studying Wag mags, retemories, class syllibus, adv. class special notes, the collaterals, rise and expansion, studying SNS tapes, mandatory fellowship teachings with a full load in college....was ASININE. But i did it. Twig or FELLOWSHIP....with the same tired old grads, taking about the same stories from the good ol days. The same music playing droningly in the background, nothing exceptional happening to anybody, but working our asses off and gathering 3 times a week because the Word was over the World, and it dosn't get any better than this. THE WORD IS OVER THE WORLD? wow, i was not impressed. Then again....LCM said "spiritually speaking", mind you. I was not impressed with anything in Way World at the end, but i kept doing it, like i always had. I didnt know anything else...
Then was the big meeting when we heard LCM had a ONE TIME affair (f*cking liars), and that he would be stepping down...blah blah blah. No one said a word about it after it was over. Small talk, smiles and the normal BS. There was a meeting a few days later, and the LC asked if anyone had any feelings, or wanted to say anything about it. of course, no one said a f*cking peep. just a few stupid questions... i couldnt believe it. I didnt want to be the one to cause a scene, so i just sat there...stewing. I DID HAVE QUESTIONS!! my life was totally committed to God, but in the Way, the teaching is that THEY ARE GOD'S MINISTRY, end of story. It all started with VPW, and we all know the story. So if you walk away from the ministry, you basically walk away from God, and all the special teaching of the way, to be cutoff from the HOUSEHOLD of God forever!! You would indeed, be a GreaseSpot by midnight!! That is some heavy fear, right there. If you had heard that from a youth until adult, that is plain fear tactics. But i brought my questions to the LC in private. He had no idea about what was going on either. We did alot of studying of David, and comparing LCM to David and the whole Uriah thing. Not one of my questions were answered, like was it a one time affair?, how long did this go on? who was involved besides LCM? I think people on the field had no idea and had to rely on info from HQ, so i do not blame my local leadership. I knew deep down something was WRONG. the ministry was stagnat. God was not working like it appeared He once did. There were no signs, miralces and wonders, unless you count "oooh, Father told me to NOT to get that job, so i turned them down.", or "I was soo spiritually upset, i just knew that teacher was a faggot trying to molest my little johhny." oh yes. i forgot the first time i heard the word "fag" or "faggot" was in the Way Ministry, nice, eh? i was extremely homophobic, until i had to spend a summer with a lesbian doing research. they are people with problems, just like all of us...now we are friends.
anyways, all of the info on LCM was on total lockdown. No answers were known by local leaderhip, "they knew as much as i did.." I was giving my life to this thing...and i wanted answers. Who wouldn't, unless you are a mindless drone. Then i just did a random search on The Way and LCM, bingo...Waydale appeared first after the magcial Google search. The rest is history. I might be with The Way today, IF leadership had come clean with the past. VPW died from cancer, not this ^#$*@ he was "tired of the fight". years of abusing tobacco and drinking liquor in vast quantities. Abusing women. Karma is a bitch. I dont know what to believe to this day. Ive been to many of his teachings, and knew him as much as young person could. He was quite the teacher, and was so dynamic. Pity that he had his vices as well. LCM, wow. that cat was crazy, i now see. years of abuses is WELL DOCUMENTED. THE PEOPLE AT THE TOP KNEW AND HELPED TO CONCEAL HIS ANTICS. the CURRENT president of the ministry KNEW FOR YEARS WHAT WAS GOING ON. ADULTRY TO THE NTH DEGREE. DESTROYING GOOD PEOPLES LIVES. IT IS ALL IN THE COURT RECORDS, UNDER OATH. PULL YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASSES!!
follow God and His Word. The ministry is NOT GOD. What do you want to do, young people of myspace? WAKE UP!! you want to go in the Corps and work for pennies? every asepct of your life scheduled? get permission to HAVE KIDS? get permission to HAVE PETS? teach tired foot STOLEN material from VPW and LCM?? no retirement plan? they kicked mrs. wierwille out of her own house, you think they give two &$*#s about your own future?? you want to go on staff? help move the Word over the world? you need to get a job at McDonalds to help do that, since they do not have the money to pay you for full time work. what about insurance and benefits, HA!!
You've been through so much... thanks for putting it out here.
My question to 'innies' is:
Knowing that your President knew and hid the horrifying acts of ol Loy... what are you still doing there, supporting anything together with this woman?
Looks like the youths are really giving it to them. Not with the programed answers that you all so claim is their only line of defense. They are presenting the Word that they know in tender loving manner. I feel bad for the kid presenting his trinitarian view. Looks like he is knocked down on his argument. Wonder if he will be able to get up?
No Im not amember on myspace but my roomate lets me read through his account. I find myspace really difficult to do. I suck at computers and when I tried to develp a cool profile it ended up looking like crap so I cancled it. It took me four months to figure out how to get a membership here!!
I think they are using quotes form Jesus Christ is Not GOd. SO if you want to say that they are not speaking for themselves I guess I can't argue.
anybody know how to make a cool myspace account?! I would like to get on there and talk but I dont want a ? where a pic and other stuff is supposed ot be.
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Socks I think your in the wrong thread.
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Georgio Jessio
I don't need a chill pill. It just seemed like a sarcastic question. Sorry if it wasn't.
Correcting doctrine is more than fine. But the doctrine they corrected was just so absurd that it amazes me that a) people believed it and b) no one spoke up, they just waited to be told what to believe. It astonishes me that it was passed off as old and part of Loy's administration and it's all good now because it's been changed. We're not talking about a groundbreaking change here. The belief was just stupid. I also see very little reproof. Iif "the past" is irrelevent, then they don't have to asnwer for their sins. It's old news, after all.
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Is that the correction? How will I find the right thread without a little spankin' to go with it?
Okay, sorry. I AM being sarcastic, and I don't know why. I thought this was the right thread to post some illuminating thoughts on the little nipshutz on that board. Provide some insightful reasons why only a complete idiot, clinically speaking, would manage to swallow whole core the inane statement of some ne'er-do-verwell teacher that told them they shouldn't look too far into the past for the future. No, rephrase - make that "we're not to" do that.
I'll find a better home for this stuff though. I promise. This is just a holding pattern.
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well I agree with you. I just dont think that throwing the baby out with the bath water is the the best choice.
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Georgio Jessio
Well in this case the teachings were wrong, the research was stolen, the top two guys were sex maniacs and pure BS artists. The baby drowned in the bathwater. When that happens you have a funeral and try to put your life back together.
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Is that what your doing?
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Since the announcement was made at a ministry wide event, shouldn't the recanting of such "theology" be also at a ministry wide event rather than never acknowledged, never officially recanted, never spoken of except for "that was in the past"?
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Well I don't agree with most of your last comments and in regards to these kids what would you have to say to them? You can't disagree with every doctrinal issue you were ever taught in TWI can you? What would you say to the 20 year old who just got through the new foundational class and has heard many of the things about the past but doesn't really care because he is to thrilled about the satnding in Christ he was just taught? These kids shouldn't feel obligated to answer for mistakes of an older generation. I don't. Why that is my f**9^$ justification. Where you would tell that kid to go. "
"ok man I know you are all excited that you know Jesus Christ isn't God but do you know what happend in TWI before you found it. Well why don't you just go back to your babtist church and forget what you learned."
Give these kids a break.
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Shouldn't these kids know that the whole ministry they base their beliefs one were founded on plaigarism, lies, deceit and devastation to people's lives....by the very same people who are in charge today? Wouldn't you want to know that?? I would!
Shouldn't they know that they can go to BG Leonard's website and get more accurate information and more God-glorifying information than they can get at TWI?
Shouldn't they be able to answer for changes for the better? They say "history repeats itself" and TWI itself teaches on the importance of know "where we came from" - they just aren't very honest with where "they come from". They also haven't proven themselves to have changed in the most vital ways that affect someone's life.... debt, investing, leaving TWI, the man being the head, sex is the way to take care of your husband's stress no matter what is going on with your life personally, cancer being a devil spirit, etc.....
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Georgio Jessio
I would tell them to run because these issues aren't all in the past. I would question mych of the stuff they learned in the class. I would tell them that there are less invasive ways to study the Bible. I would tell them that there is nothing about TWI that is special or even biblical. i would tell them the corruption starts at the top and spreads downward. i would tell them to run.
Face it, the whole ministry is built on sand.
I mean, seriously, what part of my statement did you not agree with other than the part about staying with TWI no matter what happens because they made you feel blessed. The pervert part? The plagerism? The faulty teachings? I'm trying to figure out where the good part about TWI is. remember, Roselie is one of them.
Give these kids a break? I wish someone showed me when i was 16. Worse yet, people did try to show me but I blindly defended TWI even when it made me sick to do so. Revert back to my origional post. These kids are afraid to be wrong. I was one of them, I had alot of friends in the same boat. Now that we're all out we all have the same feeling: we were afraid to leave. Cults like to make you feel that way. it's a technique. I6 keeps the money coming in.
Not only does history repeat itself but those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.
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Tom Strange
That's what "they" always say... who is "they" anyway?
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Georgio Jessio
I could be wrong but philosopher George Santayana is the one who said "Those
who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
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Personally, I'd like to give credit to where credit is due.
Many of those young adults were very articulate, well versed, intelligent, not afraid of discourse, etc. I think that showed much for the way their parents brought them up (I know one of them - good parents). And, in addition, IMO, most of the current "rank and file" followers are really good, decent, honest people. Heck, if I had a bunch of rental properties, I would be glad to rent to them. They'll definitely need them (generally speaking, of course)
Listen, for most of those committed young people, talking down TWI is like talking down "Mama." They'll defend "her" honor until the last breath. "Plagerism" - they could honestly give a hang. In their minds, there are arguments on both sides, and they could care less who said things first. They just know that they learned it from twi...period.
Most of the things we still discuss (e.g. Donna's lunch rantings, etc.) I was ACTUALLY there for, live. These young adults were 10+ years younger than now, and knew basically nothing. NOW, although it is remarkably boring, there is no yelling, slobbering, public pronouncements of "stand with us or die." So of course they'll think you're nuts.
What is particularly evil is these things DID happen (adultery, destruction of marriages, etc.), and although they may not be happening now, no one ever dealt with things openly. They were swept under the rug, and everyone was told just to look to the future.
One thing I get a kick out of is how these young adults say "I've been to every church out there." Yeah, right :blink: They went to a cousin's wedding ceremony, an uncle's funeral....maybe. But they never went searching churches for truth....especially if they were raised in twi!
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Tom Strange
Thanks George!
I've been over there reading and looking over their profiles... on that particular TWI thread if Bryan the "college student" is answering for himself he's been coached very well... I'm thinking he might be getting a little help... either way naivety (sp?) reigns supreme...
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From what I have seen (visiting there -- )
They have Zeal,
They have youth,
They have Passion -- all good things --- But one of these days ---
Their *affection* will turn around, and *bite them* you-know-where..
I'd like to be there when it does.
Might even be able to offer some kind words, when it does ---
cause it's gonna happen, sooner or later. :(
I've been there (as have you all), and if I can help ---
I'll do it.
(Now -- if they would let me post!!)
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Linda Z
Maybe they're not still saying you'll be a greasespot by midnight if you leave. Greasespot Cafe, and Waydale before it, as well as several (dozen?) twi offshoots filled with living, breathing exwayfers, have pretty much shattered that myth.They got caught in that lie and had to adjust their PR message.
So the message has changed, but I see no indication that the messengers have. What makes anyone think that the judgmental, self-righteous, legalistic thinking that generated Donna's rant against the parents of Naomi Poling is gone? If I, God forbid, ever got convinced of and said such horrid things about a brother and sister in Christ and later realized I was wrong in my thinking, I sure as hell hope I'd be woman enough to say, "Oh my God. I was so wrong. I'm sorry."
But nooooooooooooo, they just "send out a new press release" about a "kinder, gentler" twi and carry on as if nothing bad ever happened. Sorry for this graphic analogy, but to me it's as if someone pooped on the floor of a bank lobby and then covered the evidence with a Kleenex. Covering it up and pretending it's not there doesn't cut it. The poop's still there, and it still stinks to high heaven.
Has anyone heard Donna say that what she said about Naomi was wrong? No? I didn't think so. Then she hasn't corrected her error. How much more obvious could it be?
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Georgio Jessio
Exectatly. They're missing 2/3 of "doctrine, reproof and correction."
An apology would be nice. She should do it publicly and she should call The Pollings personally.
Apparently, changing the doctrine is a magic trick that erases the past.
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Chief Cornerstone
I, too, was once a "Lifer". Mini-corps, every class, class crews, Wow-vet, all in my teens. I knew the Board of Trustees and tons of high ranking people. They were like eveyone else, to me. Some were cool, and some were total jackasses. Talk about going agaisnt the popular norm since day 1, holy &$*#!! Every day at school was a battle, and young life was intense. I was thinking about heaven and hell, devil spirits, speaking in tounges, etc...since a very young age, when most kids were content playing outside. Was that healthy?? im still thinking it was not, but i have got a mind like a brick $*@! house now. <_< There was alot of things i loved about The Way. Many, many things. The Rock of Ages was the pinnalce of all things that were good, since it was all about the believers, and sharing the bond of wanting to grow spiritually. You were free to do what you wanted, basically, no eye of Sauron lurked over us just yet....
I know more Bible than most normal peple, no joke. Way style, mind you...but that means Concordance, Lexicons, word studies...blah blah blah And its true, most innies are good people, it is the top circles that are rotten to the core...
Today...I have no Way items, whatsoever. They all went into a dumptster. Every syllibus, every book, everything...gone. Something very healing about not being tied down to ONE dogma, one way of thinking, one holy book. One outlook on Life. The whole regiment of studying Wag mags, retemories, class syllibus, adv. class special notes, the collaterals, rise and expansion, studying SNS tapes, mandatory fellowship teachings with a full load in college....was ASININE. But i did it. Twig or FELLOWSHIP....with the same tired old grads, taking about the same stories from the good ol days. The same music playing droningly in the background, nothing exceptional happening to anybody, but working our asses off and gathering 3 times a week because the Word was over the World, and it dosn't get any better than this. THE WORD IS OVER THE WORLD? wow, i was not impressed. Then again....LCM said "spiritually speaking", mind you. I was not impressed with anything in Way World at the end, but i kept doing it, like i always had. I didnt know anything else...
Then was the big meeting when we heard LCM had a ONE TIME affair (f*cking liars), and that he would be stepping down...blah blah blah. No one said a word about it after it was over. Small talk, smiles and the normal BS. There was a meeting a few days later, and the LC asked if anyone had any feelings, or wanted to say anything about it. of course, no one said a f*cking peep. just a few stupid questions... i couldnt believe it. I didnt want to be the one to cause a scene, so i just sat there...stewing. I DID HAVE QUESTIONS!! my life was totally committed to God, but in the Way, the teaching is that THEY ARE GOD'S MINISTRY, end of story. It all started with VPW, and we all know the story. So if you walk away from the ministry, you basically walk away from God, and all the special teaching of the way, to be cutoff from the HOUSEHOLD of God forever!! You would indeed, be a GreaseSpot by midnight!! That is some heavy fear, right there. If you had heard that from a youth until adult, that is plain fear tactics. But i brought my questions to the LC in private. He had no idea about what was going on either. We did alot of studying of David, and comparing LCM to David and the whole Uriah thing. Not one of my questions were answered, like was it a one time affair?, how long did this go on? who was involved besides LCM? I think people on the field had no idea and had to rely on info from HQ, so i do not blame my local leadership. I knew deep down something was WRONG. the ministry was stagnat. God was not working like it appeared He once did. There were no signs, miralces and wonders, unless you count "oooh, Father told me to NOT to get that job, so i turned them down.", or "I was soo spiritually upset, i just knew that teacher was a faggot trying to molest my little johhny." oh yes. i forgot the first time i heard the word "fag" or "faggot" was in the Way Ministry, nice, eh? i was extremely homophobic, until i had to spend a summer with a lesbian doing research. they are people with problems, just like all of us...now we are friends.
anyways, all of the info on LCM was on total lockdown. No answers were known by local leaderhip, "they knew as much as i did.." I was giving my life to this thing...and i wanted answers. Who wouldn't, unless you are a mindless drone. Then i just did a random search on The Way and LCM, bingo...Waydale appeared first after the magcial Google search. The rest is history. I might be with The Way today, IF leadership had come clean with the past. VPW died from cancer, not this ^#$*@ he was "tired of the fight". years of abusing tobacco and drinking liquor in vast quantities. Abusing women. Karma is a bitch. I dont know what to believe to this day. Ive been to many of his teachings, and knew him as much as young person could. He was quite the teacher, and was so dynamic. Pity that he had his vices as well. LCM, wow. that cat was crazy, i now see. years of abuses is WELL DOCUMENTED. THE PEOPLE AT THE TOP KNEW AND HELPED TO CONCEAL HIS ANTICS. the CURRENT president of the ministry KNEW FOR YEARS WHAT WAS GOING ON. ADULTRY TO THE NTH DEGREE. DESTROYING GOOD PEOPLES LIVES. IT IS ALL IN THE COURT RECORDS, UNDER OATH. PULL YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASSES!!
follow God and His Word. The ministry is NOT GOD. What do you want to do, young people of myspace? WAKE UP!! you want to go in the Corps and work for pennies? every asepct of your life scheduled? get permission to HAVE KIDS? get permission to HAVE PETS? teach tired foot STOLEN material from VPW and LCM?? no retirement plan? they kicked mrs. wierwille out of her own house, you think they give two &$*#s about your own future?? you want to go on staff? help move the Word over the world? you need to get a job at McDonalds to help do that, since they do not have the money to pay you for full time work. what about insurance and benefits, HA!!
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Tom Strange
nice post chief... glad you're around...
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Georgio Jessio
I relate to Cheif on every word.
Have we spoken? DO I know you? A couple of lifers from mini corps on up. Hit me with a PM if you so desire!
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Amazing post Chief!
You've been through so much... thanks for putting it out here.
My question to 'innies' is:
Knowing that your President knew and hid the horrifying acts of ol Loy... what are you still doing there, supporting anything together with this woman?
She has NOT come clean...
Oh, Chief... nice dancer icon :) Glad you're FREE!!
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Looks like the youths are really giving it to them. Not with the programed answers that you all so claim is their only line of defense. They are presenting the Word that they know in tender loving manner. I feel bad for the kid presenting his trinitarian view. Looks like he is knocked down on his argument. Wonder if he will be able to get up?
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Tom Strange
I'll go take a look... that would be a welcome change if they did "speak for themselves"...
Are you a member over there rickyg?
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No Im not amember on myspace but my roomate lets me read through his account. I find myspace really difficult to do. I suck at computers and when I tried to develp a cool profile it ended up looking like crap so I cancled it. It took me four months to figure out how to get a membership here!!
I think they are using quotes form Jesus Christ is Not GOd. SO if you want to say that they are not speaking for themselves I guess I can't argue.
anybody know how to make a cool myspace account?! I would like to get on there and talk but I dont want a ? where a pic and other stuff is supposed ot be.
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