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Chief Cornerstone

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Anyone who is part of the Way International Biblical Research Ministry join!!!! Even if you're not and you have questions, join up, everyone is welcome. Please be either a believer or someone seeking the truth..

be a member of TWI

or if you have questions about TWI and are seeking the truth (will buy what we are selling)

and here I thought that "everyone" was inclusive rather than exclusive --Silly Me :blink:

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They look like nice people.

Grazing the threads, I read one really funny post that had this line from someone -

"...we're not to look to the past or too far into the future..."

I...I dunno. I think they said they were 26. Not that age is a complete read into the soul of a person, but it sounds like something a younger person could embrace.

If you don't look to the past, that kind of leaves out all of the bible, not a good thing for a biblical research and teaching ministry. Or maybe that means selective events, the ones we don't like. Dunno.

If you don't look too far into the future - how long is too far? A week? A year? It seems like an odd way to live - to not plan ahead. Granted stay flexible, keep your options open. But vision is a good thing.

Anyway, they look like nice people.

Edited by socks
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There is a topic on there about GS Cafe:

matt asks:

"I have been researching different religions. I ran across The Way during a google search. I was reading a web site called Grease Spot Cafe that is where I found this group. Grease Spot Cafe seems to have a lot of as they say "ex twi" that say there were awful things that went on there. I am just wondering can anyone tell me what is true about the Way International? You all seem like great people here. "

some pro TWI replies:

"Before leadership changed, The Way had a 'fallout', I guess you could say. They don't really talk about it, but when you look at most new churches there's always so distrubtion.

With the new leadership, altough it itsnt really new now, I guess - The Way is about the way it should be. Yes, there is a lot of bad press, but its old press from the 90s mostly. If one person has a bad experience then it gets bigger and bigger.

We're still a new way of believing and its bound to ruffle a lot of feathers."


"Actually the "Way International" has had 2 major fallouts so to say....

One was when the founding president gave up his leadership position (Dr Victor Paul Weirwille). This was due to people following a person ( it would be as catholic priest leaving the vadican because the pope dies or sumthin)

And then the second was when the secound president resigned after having some personal problems. (again people followed the person and were hurt by his actions and still hold a grudge this day)

But aside from that the way international has its own webpage if you want to check it out. www.theway.org

And as in response to other sites people have there own opinion as to what happened to them or what they think the way international does some of it is true some of it is not....

I know alot of people let personal feelings decieded what they say instead of what really happened

So if you go off of what ex people say I guess ure getting a old response because the way international is different from what they remeber

And research isnt bad but you have 2 watch what you read I could make a website and say the sky is red... I mean its not that hard to make people believe what you say.

But I would suggest checking out the actual web site it has alot of good information straight from the church"


"for your information the way doesnt hide stuff from people...

If some one wants to know that information they can go and ask.

But since no one ask for that information they dont give it out.

It would be the same thing as if some one was in the catholic church they didnt tell people that there priest were rapping young boys so once it was public they said stuff but not tell then.

Like our government they dont give out any infornmation till some one does something welcome to the world of politics.

Im amazed you dont understand that concept but what ever, and if you were in desire of that information you should of kept it to your self, but it seems you dont have the curtisy to keep peace.

so I hope you enjoy your research and some of it might be true and some might not why dont if you want to be a reporter about it go and get more facts from like lets say "The Way International"

Sowy to be rude but some people should keep there opinion to there self if all it has is personal gain and it wont help others."

"Have you read the Word of God lately? Have you read of how the Church of God fell away from Paul? There is nothing new under the sun, today and forever.

Money, Money, Money! Will the world ever learn? What in the world do you need money for Micky? Have you not read, my God will supply all your needs?

Why in the world would The Way International proclaim such power packed statements about the true Word of God, on the internet? The Word was meant to be shared on a personal level with time and teaching to allow people to learn and grow. The internet is NOT a personal place, and generally it isn't a somewhere people take the time necessary to fully understand biblical truths.

(Sigh) My heart is heavy for you Micky - as it is for all lost believers."

"you should get out from in front of your computer and come to a household fellowship if you want to learn about The Way."

"for the love of all that is pleasent and good in the world would you quit focusing on the past. I could be making things up, but it seems to me that most of the things you write on these forums have great focus on the past, and the negative. I love learning about the history of my ministry, but your repeating yourself. If I'm wrong than just let these words roll off you, but if I'm not, could you quit bringin me down with all your negativity. "

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I know alot of people let personal feelings decieded what they say instead of what really happened

Yup that us, the cop outs, and thrown outs lying through our little teeth we are, funny how so many of us who never met one another, and whose involvement in TWI cover 30+ years all have similar stories to tell --must be mass hysteria

"for your information the way doesnt hide stuff from people...

If some one wants to know that information they can go and ask.

But since no one ask for that information they dont give it out.

and if you were in desire of that information you should of kept it to your self,


And research isnt bad but you have 2 watch what you read

Yep always better to "research " knowing what you are going to find, and confine yourself to books that support that view otherwise-ARRGG you might actually use your brain to think for itself :evilshades:

Why in the world would The Way International proclaim such power packed statements about the true Word of God, on the internet? The Word was meant to be shared on a personal level with time and teaching to allow people to learn and grow. The internet is NOT a personal place, and generally it isn't a somewhere people take the time necessary to fully understand biblical truths

Yep--got to keep the "good news" Secret :spy: And If I see it on a computer screen I won't understand but I f I pay TWI money to sit on a hard , but perfectly stringed, chair and see it on a TV Screen I will. Makes sense to me :blink:

"for the love of all that is pleasent and good in the world would you quit focusing on the past

Long leg feather shrub

black and white fluff shades head deep

in denial sand

could you quit bringin me down with all your negativity. "

I..Nope I could''t have ever heard that in my stint because this is the New Improved TWI Teaching, (Here after referred to as NITWIT) and if that phrase was from the 80's why that would be from the past and-- well see previous quote

The Way is about the way it should be.

NITWIT Rules :yawn1:

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Huh. Pretty unsound logic. If that is the cream of the crop of TWI youth today, I think we have nothing to worry about TWI reaching many people ever again.

"The Internet is not a personal place...." Which is, of course, why you have a Yahoo! group.

"The Way doesn't hide stuff from people...They don't really talk about it...It would be the same thing as if some one was in the catholic church they didnt tell people that there priest were rapping [sic]young boys so once it was public they said stuff but not tell[sic] then. Like our government they dont give out any infornmation till some one does something welcome to the world of politics."
But I thought The Way wasn't "politics," but the Body of Christ. You'd think they would want to operate by a higher ethical standard than "politics."

"But I would suggest checking out the actual web site it has alot of good information straight from the church" -- The website that, as you already said, has no information of substance, and won't disclose anything unless someone "does something," i.e. a lawsuit perhaps?

Someone should let them know we're talking about them over here. They are welcome to respond.



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You are the Goddess of Darkness or the Daughter of

the Night! You are not evil, though you can

be at times, but you are misunderstood and

you whould rather be alone then hang in a

group. You tend to look at the half empty

side of the glass rather then the full side.

Your power stone is an opal, as dark as you

are, Your power color is black, the color of

the darkness in which you reside. Your metal

is tin and the animal that you can turn into

is a raven, majestic and dark.

Very interesting stuff from a Way woman...

The internet ban has been lifted, and those that can handle it may do so?

Wonder if leadership knows of their site & postings... doesn't seem like some of the young folks give a ****! While others appear to be sweet & genuine... :confused:

Never liked 'myspace.com' very much... lots of creepy people hanging out there too... daughter ran into quite a few... not a highly recommended site from this house~

...oh Chief Cornerstone Dear...

dang... that typing icon is disturbing!

I'm trying not to look... and scroll away quickly when the blood begins to appear... yikes!

jmo :wave:

Edited by SafariVista
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myspace is great for bands and indie film makers. I get more hits and downloads there than I do at my actual web site. It's a great tool, but like Yahoo, AOL and MSN, there are perverts looking for kids to molest. The answer is not to single out one site that has the same problems as all the other sites , but to keep an eye on what your kids are doing and to educate them. Myspace has no unique problems.

As for these Way kids and their non sense posts "defending" TWI, don't blame them. I was one of them, years ago. I used to make the same lame arguments, full of holes and lacking logic. They're trained, they're afraid to be wrong because their whole belief system crumbles if the allegations against the way are true. When I figured it out and left (age 17) my life went into a tailspin and it took me years to recover. Not because I left the umbrella of protection but because I was finishing high school and was going to go WOW, then go into The Corps and become a full time Way lifer.

Suddenly that plan was out, due to my own choice, but I had no "Plan B". When you give your life to TWI, you can't have a Plan B. You go WOW, you don't have a plan in case WOW isn't for you. You go into the corps, you don't have money put away incase you decide to drop or , worse, in case you get kicked out.

So, like adults in TWI but at a more fragile age, alot of these kids CAN'T leave or their entire belief system and many of their goals will be shattered. It's intimidating. It causes you to defend TWI despite the truth.

The good news is, alot of these kids seem otherwise bright and will figure it out on through their own experiences.

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Nice post Georgio Jessio ~

They do seem like a nice bunch of kids, and they're only speaking what they know...

Hopefully there will be places like Greasespot Cafe still around when they do have some real questions that aren't being answered, or per chance they experience a more legalistic pressure to change as they 'mature' in TWI...

My Space rings a loud gong for us... it's the first web site where our daughter was getting harassed... although those pictures of herself were sort of suggestive... :nono5:

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I was at the library and checked out that myspace site--aaack I could not be on it for very long. Glad they think they are happy, sad that they are being deceived. Remember that I was like that not too long ago and cant believe it. Thankful I am gone!!

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From the *My Space* site ---

What is true about the Way International is that we are Biblical research and teaching ministry. Many years, months, days, hours, and minutes are dedicated to getting back to the orginial intent of God's Word by understanding Eastern Customs and languages the Bible has been translated into, along with many other things.

Much is lost in any translation from language to language and the Bible is no different. Not to mention men tranlated the Bible and we as men and women are not perfect. We all make mistakes. I do not know if those things went on.

I know the web site you are talking about and I ran across it and a few other by accident one day. I was horrified to find these things. Some of the stories are probably true, some are probably made up, and I'm sure some are blown way out of porportion. I do not know for sure.

And the only reason why I say they might have happened is because I am only 26 and have only been in the ministry about two years. I was not around for all of that and most of it I wasn't even born yet.

Shucks -- I registered there (and got in), but I need to wait 7 days,

before they will accept a post from me! :(

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I sent the MOD this:

"Hi , hate to bother you. Just trying to figure out why my post on your WayInt group was deleted. All I said was "They're talking about you" and posted a link to a conversation about your group that was talking place at greasespotcafe.com

I didn't post an opinion or flame anyone. I was just interested in the flow of ideas. Debates are better when both sides get to talk.

The guy who started that topic wanted to know about the way and about those who oppose the way. How can you be for something if you don't know what the people who are against it have to say?

Did I do something wrong?"

HER reply:

"no it's cool it's just it's not really a 'debate' forum. Everyone is fully aware of the greasespot cafe and I'm supposed to keep it 'debate' free. Questions about the ministry, what they teach, etc.. are fine. But if it gets into pointing fingers and this is wrong and this teaching is right, this person did me wrong, blah blah... it's no good. Never gets anywhere. People will always screw up and disappoint you, and people blame the ministry when someone does something to disappoint them. First and foremost we're here to learn about God and his Word, not to bash on ministries. I've never found a ministry that has rightly divided the word the way the Way does. I've been to plenty of churches believe me. I will unban you as long as you keep it debate free. We have all our answers in the Bible. That is our standard.


She, in true TWI fashion, latched onto the word "debate" and disregarded the rest. The entire topic is about TWI vs. Greasepotcafe. How can you have that conversation without a debate?

Textbook answers.

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Yup, SV, they're nice peoplings by all appearances. Strange visitors from another galaxy but nice.

It's the young thing. Don't think about the past, don't think about the negatives. Stop that stuff!!!

Big Clue Number One - when you're young you don't have much of a past. Granted it can be filled with meaningful experience and learning and should be. But at 20, you've only had what - 15 or so coherent years and probably a couple of those were still trying to decide if the toilet was really a safe haven to do your business or not. I'm not making fun of the youngsters, it's true. It's life. When we're young we can knock off a couple years here and there, no problem. It's the adults who have that overwhelming desire to lop off anything they don't want to deal with and call it "negative" who need guidance.

These kids don't want their Way to have the Old Way in it. Fine. But history has a way of repeating itself, even when we try to learn from it. Every generation says no, they'll be different. We did. That's why we have healthy MacDonald's fast meals and improved, stable cup holders in our SUV's. We wanted to make the world a better place to live in and dammit, we did!! :biglaugh:

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  socks said:
Yup, SV, they're nice peoplings by all appearances. Strange visitors from another galaxy but nice.

It's the young thing. Don't think about the past, don't think about the negatives. Stop that stuff!!!

Big Clue Number One - when you're young you don't have much of a past. Granted it can be filled with meaningful experience and learning and should be. But at 20, you've only had what - 15 or so coherent years and probably a couple of those were still trying to decide if the toilet was really a safe haven to do your business or not. I'm not making fun of the youngsters, it's true. It's life. When we're young we can knock off a couple years here and there, no problem. It's the adults who have that overwhelming desire to lop off anything they don't want to deal with and call it "negative" who need guidance.

These kids don't want their Way to have the Old Way in it. Fine. But history has a way of repeating itself, even when we try to learn from it. Every generation says no, they'll be different. We did. That's why we have healthy MacDonald's fast meals and improved, stable cup holders in our SUV's. We wanted to make the world a better place to live in and dammit, we did!! :biglaugh:

When the dictator Pol Pot took over in Cambodia, the first thing he did was reset the calender. Year one began with his assension to power. No past to bother with.


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Wish I could see it but I have been M&A'd.

EDIT* OK I did get in. There are questions being asked and not answered. Surprise surprise.

One kid refered to America as a "Juish" nation. Not a direct quote.

But questions about The Myth of the 6 million, eve being a lesbian and will you die if you leave TWI are being ignored. One kid did say that Craig's teaching that you could die has been "corrected". Of course there's audio of Donna saying that leaving can kill you but apparently a teaching needs to be CORRECTED before she'll change her mind about something that is obviously wrong (see Naomi Poling).

These poor kids.

Edited by Georgio Jessio
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I think his reference to a "juish" nation was in regards to the ethnic people of today that calaim that status. Emphaisis on ethnic. I dont think he was refering to America. I think I read that book before and I think he is right about its contents. Im not sure if it is still sold in the bookstore. I will ask my bc. I think he is just a poor speller. But who am I say :rolleyes:

how old is that donna recording again?

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How come whenever I try to sign up at myspace.com (not just the TWI site) I get directed to a place that says:

"can't find the web site 400 Bad Request The site may no longer exist or it may have moved.

Double-check for any misspellings, punctuation errors, or extra spaces.

If these suggestions do not work, try restarting your computer. "

I've tried different ways to get in...through their main page and through the TWI page.

I even used this url:


Any suggestions? I have kids the age of these kids and I'm interested in what they are saying.



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  rickyg said:
I think his reference to a "juish" nation was in regards to the ethnic people of today that calaim that status. Emphaisis on ethnic. I dont think he was refering to America. I think I read that book before and I think he is right about its contents. Im not sure if it is still sold in the bookstore. I will ask my bc. I think he is just a poor speller. But who am I say :rolleyes:

how old is that donna recording again?

The age of the Donna quote isn't the issue. The issue is that the potential for death supposedly existed as a result of one leaving TWI. That had to be "corrected"!

So, now the death rule isn't true. That's fabulous. Doesn't matter though because the point is: Donna, in typical way fashion , spouted whatever hateful thing she was taught because thinking for yourself is not allowed in TWI. The quote is clearly hateful ,dishonest, manipulative and it doesn't take a genius to see that. Yet the doctirine was corrected only after the "narcasistic" (quoted from the myspace board) leader was removed. (for infractions that had nothing to do with the death rule)

That speaks to the thought process of those deeply involved in TWI.

I hear alot has changed about TWI. That only tells me that they have had alot wrong for many years. Yet the only defense wayfers have is to discredit any critisism and personal experience as "the past".

Newsflash: The past matters. The people who run the show now are from that past. They, like Donna, cannot tell you what's right or wrong till someone "corrects" it for them. All of our pasts matter in life , one way or the other. It's why you need a reference to get a job. It's why there's not statute of limitations on murder. It's why God has to forgive our sins. The past is where you get your reputation. When it comes to rape and stealing money and ruining lives in the name of God, the past matters. The people who run the show now were there and looked away. They shouldn't get a pass on that, they should not be in power. When I found out certain things I went right to leadership. Of course, they were in on it so nothing was done. Nothing was done so I left. Where was Roselie when Loy was going off? She was there and looked the other way. Is that the past? Why doesn't that matter? You can correct doctrine all you want, it doesn't change anything because the head of the body is still infested.

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I wasn''t trying to make an issue I was just asking an actual question. I dont know how old it is so take a chill pill man.

So what are your feelings on doctrine, reproof, correction. There may be a doctrinal thread on this. Do you not feel that it is bad to correct wrong doctrine? Again not trying to sound sarcastic just asking a question. You made the point that it was bad because they had to correct something. I don't really see a problem as long as its corrected. Just my opinion.

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