It is within the realm of possibilities that someone might be a "plant", purposely put here by TWI to test and possibly try to modify Craig's image. Mind you, I'm not accusing you of being a plant, just that it is within the realm of what TWI might do.
Why would TWI do that? What possible benefit might there be?
It is within the realm of possibilities that someone might be a "plant", purposely put here by TWI to test and possibly try to modify Craig's image. Mind you, I'm not accusing you of being a plant, just that it is within the realm of what TWI might do.
Why would TWI do that? What possible benefit might there be?********************************** LG, One possible scenario is that the PEELER v. twi litigation is still ongoing, with an Appellate Hearing just held on 04/06/2006 in Knoxville. TWI may well be testing the waters to determine what the current level of persisting discontent is relative to lcm & twi. If twi perceives the level of discontent {?anger, hate, bitterness} to continue to be very high, this will impact some of their decisions regarding the litigation, such as, if the case is remanded by the Appellate Judge panel to TN State Circuit Court in Chattanooga, they may feel that it would be in their interests to offer a significant settlement to the Peelers rather than to release the wrath of multiple Plaintiff witnesses on the witness stand. If they perceive ex-twi have gotten all mushy for martinpuke, they might try to duke it out in court. There are others, but I am tired right now........
Well, I for one can COMPLETELY understand why people would be VERY skeptical of Freud and Jung.......
doesn't anyone remember those WILD AND WACKY (JEHOVAH) WITNESSES from the the land down under that just about took over Gspot a couple of years ago? How they came in one after another and all but had this place consumed from within with venom and filth? It got so bad I found myself praying for the return of my arch enemy Satori ( ) to come back and bring some SANITY to this place (DID I REALLY JUST SAY THAT????)
I am not in anyway saying that is what I think this is, what I am saying is that I understand the reticence and skeptism with which these two new posters are being greeted. Like many have said before me, some of us, like ME, spent 28 freaking years in a cult and I am not so quick to buy into things as I once was.
I did know lcm personally in a working relationship, and I did work with him on a daily basis in two different capacities during my 9 years on staff. I have a lifetime of questions, hurt, fury, rage and disgust for him as a human being, a man, and especially as a fellow christian that I considered at one time, to be a man that stood and spoke for God.
Freud and Jung, I dont know in what capacity that you have come to rub shoulders with him, I hope it is group therapy, a 12 step program, Betty Ford Clinic or Eric Clapton's other words, I hope it is in some situation in which he is seeking help for himself. I know as recently as the last year or so did not believe he has/had done anything wrong in his capacity as president of twi and in fact, owed no one apology for his conduct as the president and ceo of twi.
If, as you both seem to believe, he is a man in transition, broken, lost, in search of something........I would hope that he finds peace with himself and with his God. However, the carnage he has left in his wake is virtually limitless, and unfathomable for you as NEVER BEEN WAY. He has much to answer you must know, to whom much is given, much is required. Take some time to read thru the waydale and gspot the threads about suicide in the al, read and think on some of the unspeakable evil that people endured at his hands, it is ugly, but it is enlightening.
BTW........welcome, this place is MIND EXPANDING --- if nothing else
Can one of you gurus bring the link over here that Royal Gorge did.........the one of the video clip of the wrap up party for the class filming? It was in January of this year, I think.
Freud and Jung, if you two PsychoTherapists are interested in the text book classic example of Narcisssim this is it........and I mean I showed it to a friend of mine that is one of only 30 of a certain type of NeuroShrinks in the country.........She just about fell off of her chair when they did the Indian Headdress presentation.......and when I explained Dog Soldier Analagy......I thought she wanted to fly to OHIO to meet him for a case study :blink:
As I mentioned in my first post I have been good friends with Freud for many years. Freud belongs to many discussion boards and frequently uses that screen name. You would have to ask him why he chose that name but I assure you it had nothing to do with this board and its topic. I on the other hand have little interest in discussion boards. In fact this is only the second board I have ever posted on in my life. I chose the name Jung simply because I am Freud's friend. I can tell you that Freud has been fascinated by the social dynamics of cults for years. Imagine you are a baseball fan and you meet some guy at a party and spend the evening talking baseball. You have no idea who he is. Later you find out that the guy was a hall of fame baseball player. Wouldn't you get excited? Wouldn't you call you best friend and say guess what happened? As for me, I'm not interested in cults, I'm not even religious. I only posted to let you know Freud is legit. I can undertand that being abused, manipulated, etc by LCM some of you may be cautious, you don't want to get hurt again. I would probably be the same way. My sense is that Freud's initial motivation was to share what he had discovered with a group who might be interesed. Obviously that information struck a nerve since there have been over 150 replies to these two threads in just a few days. I believe that Freud's continued presence on this board has been to try to help those who may take some comfort in the information he has provided. By no means is he trying to soften Craig's image. I believe if asked directly Freud would condem what Craig has done as do I.
I get what you're saying, as far as the celebrity worship that occasionally spontaneously erupts at GS. My curiosity about Craig is simply this: He is someone that at one time I recognized as a brother. I didn't know him well; in fact, what little introduction I had to him, I didn't much like him. I definitely didn't find anything particularly admirable about him; he never gained my respect. But as far as the many diagnoses he receives at GS (psychopath, narcissistic personality disorder, sociopath, and, more recently, "loon"), I think it's possible that Craig was simply wrong. He had more responsibility than he knew what to do with, abused his position, became almost incoherent in his fantastical interpretation of Scripture, was given to rage and helplessness, then fell hard. Really hard. I'm just wondering how life has been treating him, whether he's weathered the storm, found some sort of shelter, maybe started the slow, difficult process of rebuilding. Or maybe it's just more of the same. Some people never change; we all know that. And I don't have any particular interest in Jung or Freud either, except that they have a different take on things. Life is a prism, and I like seeing it from all angles. That's all. Nothing sycophantic about my interest in the topic, or in our guests. Just an interest in human nature, I guess.
Make no mistake about it I believe that LCM did get corrupted in his ways. While talking to Craig did he seem nervous talking with you( Freud) or uneasy in the subject of cults. Did he tell you the name of the organization that he taught from?? When did you just decide to google him?? Was he sad or glad or did he answer with short abrupt answers?? Sorry for the questions but this is so intresting. Thank you for you reply and God Bless
Seems like the "telephone" game here...and what comes out at the end isn't what was started. I do not believe either Fraud or his friend said they talked to Craig about religion. I believe I read that Craig had a book he made notes in and that when both men had conversations, Fraud never discussed religion but Jung it was "lightly" mentioned with. They both met the man; the had the same conclusion about the man. Fraud looked him up on line and fell into this area finding out about him info he didn't know. So he may be curious..who wouldn't be when they ran across something like that after they met a person? Duh...not rocket science there. So he looked and checked and partly why he's here. Big deal. Have you never looked up someone or a sight to check it out when your interest was peeked? Too many here are gun-shy...and maybe should be...but that's your problem...just like in Acts they head behind closed doors because of fear.
Fraud...if you or your buddy read this, e-mail me if you want. I'm not into the land-blasting, accusing, etc. I was involved withTWI for 13 years and knew VPW and Craig VERY personally...but I didn't have an agenda or an attitude and I still don't.
I personally think the angriest people that post are those that are basically mad at themselves because they were dupped. No one makes you do anything you don't want to do. When you do it and it blows up in your face you blame someone else...instead of recognizing your inadeqaties and moving on. You have to put the blame on someone other than yourself.
I think Craig did horrid things where he taught the Word incorrectly. The sexual stuff (was there) I think is more that females actually thought they were privileged to sleep with him (I "KNOW" I'll get attacked for that one). BUT...if a person worked at a company and slept with the boss, she normally got extra priviladges and thought she was on the inside, cool, and upper eschelon (sp). I think a lot of women that slep with Craig felt that way. I don't think they were raped....I think they thought they were "moving up". Look at females...that can be a high for some to think of who they are sleeping with..." he chose me...".
I'm not at all saying what he did was right. But I also don't put the blame on the sex totally with him. I believe there were willing partners as I was. The people that call rape are mad because of how it turned out....scorned women. Thought they would get more or the husband found out, whatever.
I slept with Craig for 4 years. He even came to my house the day after I was married on his motorcycle. I sent him away. BUT for the 4 years I slept with him, I always thought "I was the only one". Then found out there were others. BUT....I slept with him because I thought I was important, special.
Point is, you do what you do because you want to...and you usually think it advances you or makes you special in a "God" atmosphere. Until some are scorned and show their tallens.
I feel sorry for Craig. I feel sorry for him in a Godly way because I think he was a young buck that got too much attention too soon and tried to live up to it too quickly. Think he rose and fell like spitting in the air.
Think he was groomed for his position...but he was taught like all the rest of us...just with more pressure because he was being groomed. His down-fall was he never questioned anything.
I pray for the man. Like I said he's hurt a lot of people - but I still believe that you are an individual and you make your own decisions. You can blame your bad decisions on anyone and anything and point a finger and accuse...but YOU made your decision. To get decided. When it all blows up for you, you blame someone else for it blowing up. People don't want to take account for their stupidity or lack so they blame others.
Point...Craig hurt people ... point...he taught the Word does the Catholic Church and other religions. Point...who's fault is that? If these people complaining went to another church, the bitching would be the same.
As I said I pray for the man to get it right. Maybe the prodigal son? We pray for those that haven't heard the Word and we pray for those that stray. I pray for him to get it right before the return.
The olive tree in Romans 11:16-24 refers to Israel being the original Olive tree and we, gentiles, are grafted in. Original branches broken off were Israel because of their actions towards God. The ones grafted in are the Gentiles. Gentiles can be broken off just as easily as the original branches.
The Way taught once save always saved. I no longer believe that if you read Romans. But...if Craig is out in the o-zone but originally called of God, I would want to pray for him to be returned despite what he's done.
God is the judge and jury...not us. Vengence is mine saith the let him decide and people should move on instead of Craig being a stumbling block to them.
I really hope you can help him recover. I think he's in shell shock because he did what he was taught to do. He hurt a hell of a lot of people...but on the reverse they allowed themselves to be hurt.
And so, thanks for your candor. I have always figured that many a gal who slept with Craig made the decision to do it of their own accord. My wife, when single, was approached by him in a hotel, and she reamed him out big time and sent him packing. Geez, he came to you right after he was married? Why, the gall of that man!
* The position Craig has is one requires him to wear a uniform of sorts. Frankly its kinda " dorky" if I may use a teenage term. Don't want to say more
* Yes Craig at times seemed nervous and unsure of himself. Figidty and distracted.
* I am not a plant :)
I do understand the skepticism. It is a testimony to the paranoia and fear that Craig obviously helped to foster in TWI.
I MAY see him this weekend. Still unsure. At times I think...the heck with it. Other times...perhaps, just perhaps he would respond to my overture. If I do talk with him I will carry many of the concerns, anger and comments expressed on this board. And then perhaps I will have to run for the door :)
LG, One possible scenario is that the PEELER v. twi litigation is still ongoing, with an Appellate Hearing just held on 04/06/2006 in Knoxville. TWI may well be testing the waters to determine what the current level of persisting discontent is relative to lcm & twi. If twi perceives the level of discontent {?anger, hate, bitterness} to continue to be very high, this will impact some of their decisions regarding the litigation, such as, if the case is remanded by the Appellate Judge panel to TN State Circuit Court in Chattanooga, they may feel that it would be in their interests to offer a significant settlement to the Peelers rather than to release the wrath of multiple Plaintiff witnesses on the witness stand. If they perceive ex-twi have gotten all mushy for martinpuke, they might try to duke it out in court.
I doubt that "the level of discontent" of some ex-TWI folk on an Internet forum will affect either the conduct or outcome of the Peeler case. I think the most likely outcome is that it is decided in TWI's favor in court.
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Man...this place is starting to get weird.
did I say starting?
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Why would TWI do that? What possible benefit might there be?
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orange sunshine!!!!!! what a blast from the past
and by the way i am thankful for these 2 new posters i find it very interesting
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Per LG: (
Why would TWI do that? What possible benefit might there be? ********************************** LG, One possible scenario is that the PEELER v. twi litigation is still ongoing, with an Appellate Hearing just held on 04/06/2006 in Knoxville. TWI may well be testing the waters to determine what the current level of persisting discontent is relative to lcm & twi. If twi perceives the level of discontent {?anger, hate, bitterness} to continue to be very high, this will impact some of their decisions regarding the litigation, such as, if the case is remanded by the Appellate Judge panel to TN State Circuit Court in Chattanooga, they may feel that it would be in their interests to offer a significant settlement to the Peelers rather than to release the wrath of multiple Plaintiff witnesses on the witness stand. If they perceive ex-twi have gotten all mushy for martinpuke, they might try to duke it out in court. There are others, but I am tired right now........
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Radar OReilly
Well, I for one can COMPLETELY understand why people would be VERY skeptical of Freud and Jung.......
doesn't anyone remember those WILD AND WACKY (JEHOVAH) WITNESSES from the the land down under that just about took over Gspot a couple of years ago? How they came in one after another and all but had this place consumed from within with venom and filth? It got so bad I found myself praying for the return of my arch enemy Satori (
) to come back and bring some SANITY to this place (DID I REALLY JUST SAY THAT????)
I am not in anyway saying that is what I think this is, what I am saying is that I understand the reticence and skeptism with which these two new posters are being greeted. Like many have said before me, some of us, like ME, spent 28 freaking years in a cult and I am not so quick to buy into things as I once was.
I did know lcm personally in a working relationship, and I did work with him on a daily basis in two different capacities during my 9 years on staff. I have a lifetime of questions, hurt, fury, rage and disgust for him as a human being, a man, and especially as a fellow christian that I considered at one time, to be a man that stood and spoke for God.
Freud and Jung, I dont know in what capacity that you have come to rub shoulders with him, I hope it is group therapy, a 12 step program, Betty Ford Clinic or Eric Clapton's other words, I hope it is in some situation in which he is seeking help for himself. I know as recently as the last year or so did not believe he has/had done anything wrong in his capacity as president of twi and in fact, owed no one apology for his conduct as the president and ceo of twi.
If, as you both seem to believe, he is a man in transition, broken, lost, in search of something........I would hope that he finds peace with himself and with his God. However, the carnage he has left in his wake is virtually limitless, and unfathomable for you as NEVER BEEN WAY. He has much to answer you must know, to whom much is given, much is required. Take some time to read thru the waydale and gspot the threads about suicide in the al, read and think on some of the unspeakable evil that people endured at his hands, it is ugly, but it is enlightening.
BTW........welcome, this place is MIND EXPANDING --- if nothing else
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Certainly -- It is something the wayGB is (more) than capable of,
but given the fact that two new posters have appeared,
and laid down some thoughts --
(NONE OF WHICH -- I might add) support twi, or lcm ---
I gotta ask --- "where's the beef"?? Hmmm? :)
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Radar --- Refiner, Prisca, and Doug (aka-- LongHauler)
are alive and well over on Jehovah's Witness Online. :)
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Radar OReilly
Can one of you gurus bring the link over here that Royal Gorge did.........the one of the video clip of the wrap up party for the class filming? It was in January of this year, I think.
Freud and Jung, if you two PsychoTherapists are interested in the text book classic example of Narcisssim this is it........and I mean I showed it to a friend of mine that is one of only 30 of a certain type of NeuroShrinks in the country.........She just about fell off of her chair when they did the Indian Headdress presentation.......and when I explained Dog Soldier Analagy......I thought she wanted to fly to OHIO to meet him for a case study :blink:
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As I mentioned in my first post I have been good friends with Freud for many years. Freud belongs to many discussion boards and frequently uses that screen name. You would have to ask him why he chose that name but I assure you it had nothing to do with this board and its topic. I on the other hand have little interest in discussion boards. In fact this is only the second board I have ever posted on in my life. I chose the name Jung simply because I am Freud's friend. I can tell you that Freud has been fascinated by the social dynamics of cults for years. Imagine you are a baseball fan and you meet some guy at a party and spend the evening talking baseball. You have no idea who he is. Later you find out that the guy was a hall of fame baseball player. Wouldn't you get excited? Wouldn't you call you best friend and say guess what happened? As for me, I'm not interested in cults, I'm not even religious. I only posted to let you know Freud is legit. I can undertand that being abused, manipulated, etc by LCM some of you may be cautious, you don't want to get hurt again. I would probably be the same way. My sense is that Freud's initial motivation was to share what he had discovered with a group who might be interesed. Obviously that information struck a nerve since there have been over 150 replies to these two threads in just a few days. I believe that Freud's continued presence on this board has been to try to help those who may take some comfort in the information he has provided. By no means is he trying to soften Craig's image. I believe if asked directly Freud would condem what Craig has done as do I.
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Jung -- again --- welcome, and thanks for your input. :)
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Radar -- will THIS LINK WORK??
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Radar OReilly
Yep Dave.............THAT WORKS
Thanks....... :)
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Hi Diaz,
I get what you're saying, as far as the celebrity worship that occasionally spontaneously erupts at GS. My curiosity about Craig is simply this: He is someone that at one time I recognized as a brother. I didn't know him well; in fact, what little introduction I had to him, I didn't much like him. I definitely didn't find anything particularly admirable about him; he never gained my respect. But as far as the many diagnoses he receives at GS (psychopath, narcissistic personality disorder, sociopath, and, more recently, "loon"), I think it's possible that Craig was simply wrong. He had more responsibility than he knew what to do with, abused his position, became almost incoherent in his fantastical interpretation of Scripture, was given to rage and helplessness, then fell hard. Really hard. I'm just wondering how life has been treating him, whether he's weathered the storm, found some sort of shelter, maybe started the slow, difficult process of rebuilding. Or maybe it's just more of the same. Some people never change; we all know that. And I don't have any particular interest in Jung or Freud either, except that they have a different take on things. Life is a prism, and I like seeing it from all angles. That's all. Nothing sycophantic about my interest in the topic, or in our guests. Just an interest in human nature, I guess.
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Orange sunshine is LSD.
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Oh....I think I'll pass then. I thought it was some kind of newfangled martini. Thanks, I'll keep the helium.
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What's that old joke, where the guy says "pull my finger"?
Isn't there a version of that where the guys says "pull my leg"?
Okay, I'll go quietly.
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Make no mistake about it I believe that LCM did get corrupted in his ways. While talking to Craig did he seem nervous talking with you( Freud) or uneasy in the subject of cults. Did he tell you the name of the organization that he taught from?? When did you just decide to google him?? Was he sad or glad or did he answer with short abrupt answers?? Sorry for the questions but this is so intresting. Thank you for you reply and God Bless
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J0nny Ling0
I was only joking about doing two hits of orange sunshine. I gave up drugs in 1974...
Really, it's Leah and Timmy Martindale testing the waters about their Dad...
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Seems like the "telephone" game here...and what comes out at the end isn't what was started. I do not believe either Fraud or his friend said they talked to Craig about religion. I believe I read that Craig had a book he made notes in and that when both men had conversations, Fraud never discussed religion but Jung it was "lightly" mentioned with. They both met the man; the had the same conclusion about the man. Fraud looked him up on line and fell into this area finding out about him info he didn't know. So he may be curious..who wouldn't be when they ran across something like that after they met a person? Duh...not rocket science there. So he looked and checked and partly why he's here. Big deal. Have you never looked up someone or a sight to check it out when your interest was peeked? Too many here are gun-shy...and maybe should be...but that's your problem...just like in Acts they head behind closed doors because of fear.
Fraud...if you or your buddy read this, e-mail me if you want. I'm not into the land-blasting, accusing, etc. I was involved withTWI for 13 years and knew VPW and Craig VERY personally...but I didn't have an agenda or an attitude and I still don't.
I personally think the angriest people that post are those that are basically mad at themselves because they were dupped. No one makes you do anything you don't want to do. When you do it and it blows up in your face you blame someone else...instead of recognizing your inadeqaties and moving on. You have to put the blame on someone other than yourself.
I think Craig did horrid things where he taught the Word incorrectly. The sexual stuff (was there) I think is more that females actually thought they were privileged to sleep with him (I "KNOW" I'll get attacked for that one). BUT...if a person worked at a company and slept with the boss, she normally got extra priviladges and thought she was on the inside, cool, and upper eschelon (sp). I think a lot of women that slep with Craig felt that way. I don't think they were raped....I think they thought they were "moving up". Look at females...that can be a high for some to think of who they are sleeping with..." he chose me...".
I'm not at all saying what he did was right. But I also don't put the blame on the sex totally with him. I believe there were willing partners as I was. The people that call rape are mad because of how it turned out....scorned women. Thought they would get more or the husband found out, whatever.
I slept with Craig for 4 years. He even came to my house the day after I was married on his motorcycle. I sent him away. BUT for the 4 years I slept with him, I always thought "I was the only one". Then found out there were others. BUT....I slept with him because I thought I was important, special.
Point is, you do what you do because you want to...and you usually think it advances you or makes you special in a "God" atmosphere. Until some are scorned and show their tallens.
I feel sorry for Craig. I feel sorry for him in a Godly way because I think he was a young buck that got too much attention too soon and tried to live up to it too quickly. Think he rose and fell like spitting in the air.
Think he was groomed for his position...but he was taught like all the rest of us...just with more pressure because he was being groomed. His down-fall was he never questioned anything.
I pray for the man. Like I said he's hurt a lot of people - but I still believe that you are an individual and you make your own decisions. You can blame your bad decisions on anyone and anything and point a finger and accuse...but YOU made your decision. To get decided. When it all blows up for you, you blame someone else for it blowing up. People don't want to take account for their stupidity or lack so they blame others.
Point...Craig hurt people ... point...he taught the Word does the Catholic Church and other religions. Point...who's fault is that? If these people complaining went to another church, the bitching would be the same.
As I said I pray for the man to get it right. Maybe the prodigal son? We pray for those that haven't heard the Word and we pray for those that stray. I pray for him to get it right before the return.
The olive tree in Romans 11:16-24 refers to Israel being the original Olive tree and we, gentiles, are grafted in. Original branches broken off were Israel because of their actions towards God. The ones grafted in are the Gentiles. Gentiles can be broken off just as easily as the original branches.
The Way taught once save always saved. I no longer believe that if you read Romans. But...if Craig is out in the o-zone but originally called of God, I would want to pray for him to be returned despite what he's done.
God is the judge and jury...not us. Vengence is mine saith the let him decide and people should move on instead of Craig being a stumbling block to them.
I really hope you can help him recover. I think he's in shell shock because he did what he was taught to do. He hurt a hell of a lot of people...but on the reverse they allowed themselves to be hurt.
E-mail me if you want: dbking98@msn
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J0nny Ling0
Thanks for the post Sogwap. And you said;
As a matter of fact, you got that one right...And so, thanks for your candor. I have always figured that many a gal who slept with Craig made the decision to do it of their own accord. My wife, when single, was approached by him in a hotel, and she reamed him out big time and sent him packing. Geez, he came to you right after he was married? Why, the gall of that man!
Bless you...
Oh s h i t. I am wrong. It's echelon...Sorry!
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So many things to respond to!
A few items
* The position Craig has is one requires him to wear a uniform of sorts. Frankly its kinda " dorky" if I may use a teenage term. Don't want to say more
* Yes Craig at times seemed nervous and unsure of himself. Figidty and distracted.
* I am not a plant :)
I do understand the skepticism. It is a testimony to the paranoia and fear that Craig obviously helped to foster in TWI.
I MAY see him this weekend. Still unsure. At times I think...the heck with it. Other times...perhaps, just perhaps he would respond to my overture. If I do talk with him I will carry many of the concerns, anger and comments expressed on this board. And then perhaps I will have to run for the door :)
Still not sure however that I will do this.
Hope everyone has a good Thursday!
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J0nny Ling0
And you have a great Thursday too Freud....
"Jonny Lingo", The Redneck Muther's husband...
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I doubt that "the level of discontent" of some ex-TWI folk on an Internet forum will affect either the conduct or outcome of the Peeler case. I think the most likely outcome is that it is decided in TWI's favor in court.
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Dear Freud and Jung:
(BTW, Jung,
I found your work on universal archetypes in the collective
unconscious to be quite interesting. ;) )
I posted my links on the previous thread.
If you want, I can repost them.
The overcautiousness of some posters can be seen as the
natural outcome of 2 things:
A) the "mushroom technique" of twi
(keep them in the dark and keep shoveling the manure)
meant that innies were told that they were being told "everything"
while a lot of information was being kept from them, and
what WAS told was wildly rewritten
B) the WAYGB.
That's the nickname here for the people currently on twi staff
whose job it is to read every post here and try to determine
who still IN twi is posting here so they can kick them out.
Several posters here were kicked out as a direct result
of their "ministration"- Oakspear and Belle are two.
So, there's an understandable caution when ANYBODY new
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