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Exactly!! We each heal at our own rates.

What is painful to you might not be to me, depending on coping skills, upbringing, etc.

Maybe that's it; I like to see people invest something into others lives, show an interest, a care and concern.

So many here do that, some go above and beyond that, others would like to, others couldn't possible care less than they do now about my life, yours or anyone's beyond how far they might reach.

It's foolish of me to expect that just because we had TWI in common that we might carry that over into an ex-twi place.

There is no way to measure what we're worth, I'd forgotten that.

I do believe that validating my story or yours would be a very good thing, indeed. Just listen, that's all the need is sometimes.

I tend to look at things in a much smaller sphere. If we tackle what is going on right now, we can then address the next thing. I find this to be more effective in my own life because most of the time looking at the huge picture is too much and I'll flat walk away instead. The one at a time attack works everywhere in my life, but I get it that it doesn't fit here.

Greasespot cafe is a really wonderful place, it meets a need or twenty.

Thank you all. The ride has been a doozy eh?

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  CoolWaters said:
I am posting the following with all of the love, care and support in my heart for those of us who are suffering LIFELONG consequences from being involved with The Way International.

It is good to read the heartwarming threads like this one. And there are many of them...if one wants to see them.

However, there would be no GreaseSpot Cafe if twi was about heartwarming 'family' experiences, would there? I mean, the very name "GreaseSpot" isn't about heartwarming 'family' experiences, now is it?

And those of us who start painful threads are still dealing with the pain because it is ongoing pain.

What happened to my daughter, Mo's children, some people's marriages, and such is NEVER-ENDING pain. If you believe that I am exaggerating, holding a grudge, carrying resentments, etc...if you believe this is all in my head and I should 'just get over it', then I will be happy to forward to you the medical bills, the therapy bills, the 2am calls, and all of the VERY REAL consequences of the evil of twi that plagues many of us TO THIS VERY DAY.

Needing to talk about these things, especially after so many years in twi of not being allowed to talk about these things, is exactly one of the very purposes of the GSC message boards. If that gets too 'messy' for some people...then don't read those threads.

But please don't :nono5: those of us who need such threads. And please don't 'should' all over us, either.

If one doesn't get that healing comes in one's own time, and that scrubbing out the festering ooze is part of the healing process, and that doing so in the company of those who are patient, understanding and supportive of the process is very healing in and of itself, then one understands 'family' and 'healing' only from a very limited, very twi perspective.

I, for one, am very thankful for the opportunity to get it all out and get input, comfort, encouragement, laughter, etc. from those who know what I've been through...and who care enough to let me heal how and when I need to heal...instead of deciding for me how and when I should be healing...according to somebody else's timetable and standards.

That's family. That's what makes GSC so very special.



EXPOSING twi is the very purpose of GSC's existence. How in the he11 does one EXPOSE twi if one does not talk about the evil of twi?

SunnyFla....I still consider myself new to GSC. I left TWI October, 2005, after 28 years in. I am possibly one of the least confontational posters on GSC. (Still timid about it...)

What you wrote in reference to CW's above post being a perfect example of bitterness and being teed off is not the same response I read from CW. I read a heartfelt response to your opinion, a response by someone simply sharing her viewpoint. However your final response seems the example of immature dialogue. Just my opinion. I am not trying to pick a "fight."

I really don't like to argue or fight. :blink:

  Sunnyfla said:

I'm sorry if you didn't approve what I just wrote ( or my oppinion that is). You just set the perfect example of what I was talking about.

Like I said before, I've met quite a few good people here, but there are those like you who are very bitter and P*ssed off. Of course you wouldn't approve of what I think because your not over it. And I'm very sorry, truly I am :( .


Darn it...trying to put this quote with what I just posted..... grrr at my puter skils.

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Bitterness, anger, hurt--those raw emotions--not any more

But CW is right where my kids are concerned.

As someone familiar with the case said to me this last year, anything you can think of that constitutes child porn, that was what was done to those kids.

So somone,please, tell me how do you relate these things, how do you break the lockbox of TWI without sounding "bitter" when posting what went on.

I suppose if I really tried I could think of something along the lines of-

"well my kids, went through a lot with all the problems in our time in TWI , but that is in the past, and I just pray they are moving forward.

That would make several people on these boards extremely happy. nice light, no discernible emotion but mild concern

But the reality is that what happened to me and mine is described by words that in and of them selves have a power tpo rouse anger and bitterness. Like in the series and movie "Dune" --Some words convert to a sound and that sound creates a power.

Words like



Sexual abuse

Child Abuse

Someone tell me how to post those words without causing anger and bitterness to rise in the readers heart-I'll be glad to do it, because so far I haven't found the way.

Edited by templelady
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Reading through here again...

Sometimes hearts are happy, full, yearning to give...

Sometimes hearts are broken, hurting, damaged, betrayed...

There are many words to describe all of the above, and some will not all make you feel good

Grease Spot Cafe is a good place to let those words out... ALL of them

Glad the Cafe is OPEN :)

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Shell, I don't post often but when I did, apparently it wasn't a good idea. I know a lot of people have been hurt by TWI and believe it or not I was also hurt by TWI and it took many years for me to "get over it" as I stated which TO ME in MY defination was to "move on with my life." But no matter what I say or how I say it I will get blasted for it. I didn't condone actions, etc., but I will be attacked no matter what and be accused of being the brick road that led to the interstate of sin at TWI. I believe this will be my last post on GSC. It's too bad that this site has turned out to be such an attack dog. But I did appreciate your post in here. Thanks.

Edited by sogwap51
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God first

Beloved sogwap51

God loves you my dear friend

We know you were and a lot of us want to help while we get you know you

I ask to not leave us

Post to loving people like Shell in private and many others but stray because we are a family

There some of us who have grown past the pain and sadness but there allways a few in their teens who are still trying to understand why it happen

But I say do not leave us post mostly in private but be a part of our family

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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