I must say I been try-ing to take the time to read this so I saved it on my computer
Well today I read it and I say that was wrote with great heart and love
I personally believe God been working in you to see things so you could write this
When I first got in the Way my first personal goal was to understand the complete bible but my goal today is to learn how walk in love like Jesus Christ did on earth even if its just for one hour
Now there were group goals but I am not sure I made them my own
thank you
You have blessed me very must
I like to share this with a few friends but only if ok with you
thank you for letting me post your very loving post other places
I did it but the very loving people saw the name in "The Way Ministry" and the other name "Greease Spot Cafe" knowing it was a place of were X- Way people went not seeing it was a place of great healing
So I took if off two boards by editing it anyway and replacing the words telling them why I did it
The third I can not but I heard no unloving answers there but I added a little note of love explaining the love I see
I am very sorry my dear friend
Now they love me because they got to know me first and I am sure they love you but I guess there not ready to look for the love and not for were things come from
I am sorry
I know these people have love but now I worry about your heart and the hearts of the people on those boards
Because I do not want to hurt your heart
I will kept that post because I see the great love you put into it and I guess that is why we are here for the love of the family here
Shed some tears reading this thread. I thought of another thread in the Open Form: "A Shout Out to My Peeps."
I have fallen in love with some of the folks here are GSC. People have contacted me individually and have helped me and my husband. They didn't HAVE to do that. To me GSC is a community...in cypber world yes; but a very real community with very real people living very real lives.
Some threads I choose not to view....I am not one these days to get into debates. Yet even the threads that have a "nasty" tone have a refreshing side. As Ex10 once stated to me regarding TWI, "The silence has been deafening....no?" I never want to live that "hush" again. It pricks my soul deeply. So I view the "fights" not as fights...but as dialogue...sometimes heated. And I rejoice in that freedom.
I posted this poem on the "Shout Out to My Peeps" thread...and want to post it here. I'm thankful for each person that posts on GSC. Every person has a voice......
some times I guess we must give others a little loving push
but My friend Granny Jenny Wren came around
Her - Personal Bio :: I write from a birds eye view of the life I live a jennywren's view born in tennesee , I am 76 years old and served the lord since 1942 I ws born in 1930. the baby girl of 12 children only one more is living and johnny is 93
roy I know when i started out on the internet it was and still is with the best intentions, I know the Lord and wished ot lift him high for all ot see,
I guess though honey, if we wallow in the world long enough a little of the world rubs off on us
and we seem to become defensive about our freedom of religion,
I was one of the boards this was placed on and never really took the time to 'truly read' it and i am sorry sweetie,
you kNow I think that maybe i spend too much time on the net and after awhile, we do begin to sound like who you hang with.
good or bad
God Bless you and reader plese take time and read this post of Roys
,this is a beautiful spring day and life is renewing and so do i , need renewing,,search and re[air lord, where needed.
what say ye?
tell me readers have you been listening ot your hearts here lately or your egos.?
I haven't posted in here for a while, because I see the hurt, the pain, and the anger in so many people in here. Some are very defensive, some are cool and understanding, and some walk in love. I feel that I can't express myself without being attacked in some way or another. Is that what GS is for? Are we sopposed to walk on eggshells because of others who are harboring sore feelings?. And I mean really harboring!! Our lives are so shorts guys. Please, please Live... and live your life to the fullest.
Shell, Thank you for starting this post. You said it all and with so much heart and love
I know it's going to take some of us a long time to get over what had happened to us, our loved ones and friends. I too was introduced to twi in a total family atmosphere. It was beautiful. I was hurt tremendously! But, there comes a time in our lives when we need to just simply put it behind us and live a life that's worth living. Carrying grudges, and resentments are just going to slow the healing process down. The ones that just got out need time to heal. I know that, but there are some of you that have been out for many, many, years. You should be the ones comforting, loving, and sharing your lives in a positive way to those seeking comfort, love and maybe for some...direction. Isn't that the reason we are really here in GS? Or is it here for us to continually tare down that which we were ALL involved with in one way or another.
I know, I know... Not everyone is like that. I've met some wonderful people in here, but there is a large majority that are starting up threads that don't need to be started
Sorry, I just have to get this out. I was so BLESSED reading the words that Shell wrote. It truly spoke to my heart .
But, there comes a time in our lives when we need to just simply put it behind us and live a life that's worth living. Carrying grudges, and resentments are just going to slow the healing process down. The ones that just got out need time to heal. I know that, but there are some of you that have been out for many, many, years. You should be the ones comforting, loving, and sharing your lives in a positive way to those seeking comfort, love and maybe for some...direction. Isn't that the reason we are really here in GS? Or is it here for us to continually tare down that which we were ALL involved with in one way or another.
I am posting the following with all of the love, care and support in my heart for those of us who are suffering LIFELONG consequences from being involved with The Way International.
It is good to read the heartwarming threads like this one. And there are many of them...if one wants to see them.
However, there would be no GreaseSpot Cafe if twi was about heartwarming 'family' experiences, would there? I mean, the very name "GreaseSpot" isn't about heartwarming 'family' experiences, now is it?
And those of us who start painful threads are still dealing with the pain because it is ongoing pain.
What happened to my daughter, Mo's children, some people's marriages, and such is NEVER-ENDING pain. If you believe that I am exaggerating, holding a grudge, carrying resentments, etc...if you believe this is all in my head and I should 'just get over it', then I will be happy to forward to you the medical bills, the therapy bills, the 2am calls, and all of the VERY REAL consequences of the evil of twi that plagues many of us TO THIS VERY DAY.
Needing to talk about these things, especially after so many years in twi of not being allowed to talk about these things, is exactly one of the very purposes of the GSC message boards. If that gets too 'messy' for some people...then don't read those threads.
But please don't those of us who need such threads. And please don't 'should' all over us, either.
If one doesn't get that healing comes in one's own time, and that scrubbing out the festering ooze is part of the healing process, and that doing so in the company of those who are patient, understanding and supportive of the process is very healing in and of itself, then one understands 'family' and 'healing' only from a very limited, very twi perspective.
I, for one, am very thankful for the opportunity to get it all out and get input, comfort, encouragement, laughter, etc. from those who know what I've been through...and who care enough to let me heal how and when I need to heal...instead of deciding for me how and when I should be healing...according to somebody else's timetable and standards.
That's family. That's what makes GSC so very special.
EXPOSING twi is the very purpose of GSC's existence. How in the he11 does one EXPOSE twi if one does not talk about the evil of twi?
One, it is sometimes hard for those of us who have been posting forever <_< , to remember that this is a dynamic site. TWI lives, the lives it touches live. People are posting here in the last six months who are just now questioning --that are just now facing what was done to them and theirs . Remember Trancechat, remember the anger, the hurt, the VENOM????
For some posters they are at that stage, they have not yet fully come to grips with it all. Think back to when you first found TC or WD or GSC, think back to what feelings boiled in your heart, and the relief/pain/agony/freedom all rolled into one overwhelming emotional rush that we all felt. The "HEART" of WD and GSC is that we have always been a place where it was safe to let the emotions roll.
That said, I agree that even if you are in total disagreement-when it is made obvious that you have hurt someone-an I'm Sorry costs nothing, it in no way implies agreement with the other viewpoint, merely that one does not wish to intentionally inflict pain. We could all use the phrase a little more generously , myself at the head of the list
Two, For some the knee jerk reactions and anger are a way to hide the pain they feel, the betrayal they feel. Somewhere in their mind they are burying what happened to them, if not totally at last partially. To admit what TWI is would force the lock off that lockbox. To defend TWI is the only way to keep the lid on. And that is as it should be, we each must face our demons in our own time and in our own way.
This of course is just my opinion
But I have to say that my life would be diminished if I didn't have this place, all of you. The one place where I can express my feelings, without taking two hours to explain TWI to a glassy-eyed listener. THe place where I have found and made so many new friends and reconnected with the old.
This isn't in response to anything in particular that's been posted since Shell started this thread. I'm just going back to what I perceive to be one of her reasons for starting it (and forgive me, Shell, if I'm wrong)...
Why tear each other down over differences of opinion? Good grief, we're all in the same boat to one degree or another. Why all the "biting and devouring"?
It's possible to disagree, vehemently even, without resorting to calling those who disagree with us liars, mental cases, obfuscators, so-and-so worshipers, and worse. And, to me, it's perfectly acceptable to say, "What you've said really pi$$es me off," but without all the name calling and accusations.
We've got everything here from someone who thinks PFAL was God-breathed to people who don't believe that there was one good word spoken in that class. We've got people who refuse to believe other's stories, both the good and the bad. We have some who still believe all the twi doctrine, some who believe a lot of it, some who believe a little, and some who believe none of it.
We are, collectively, a perfect "mixed bag" poster child if ever I've seen one. So it's no wonder there are frequent disagreements. But my Lord in heaven, must we attack each other over them?
A lot of lip service is paid around here to "helping people get out of twi." But when actual "innies" show up, they'd better have their asbestos underwear on, because unless they say they're only still in because of a spouse or family, or unless they very quickly agree that all the twi horror stories were true, they often get bombarded with accusations and pointed questions.
So I say, go ahead and fight, but fight clean. Fight fair. Go ahead and question what an "innie" believes, but do so remembering that you probably once defended your twi beliefs just as adamantly.
Nice points, templelady and Linda Z. Very nicely said, imo.
So I say, go ahead and fight, but fight clean. Fight fair.
As I read this I thought, "I didn't know how to do that for a long, long time...and I'm not sure I know how to do that now." Frankly I often think, "If ya gotta fight fair, what's the point of fighting?"
Anyway, maybe it would be...interesting (if nothing else hehe)...to have a discussion about what 'fighting fair and clean' looks like and feels like, how it is accomplished...and what purpose it serves...?
I certainly wouldn't know where to begin or how to determine such things, but surely there's somebody here at the Cafe who does...
But I have a difficult time comprehending things without specific examples. (Honest! In my 3rd year of college I was sent to the Tutoring Lab because I was failing miserably in Chemistry...when I had been passing with 'A's and 'A+'s. Come to find out, I have a severe learning disability.)
So, if you (or anybody else) wouldn't mind, take apart one (or two...or so) of my posts and show me where I was fighting fair and clean...and where I was fighting dirty. I'm pretty sure I can take the scrutiny. If not...there are people on this board who know where I live and can come beat me senseless. LOL
Cool, I think you do fight clean and fair already. I've seen you reason through things with people you've disagreed with lots of times, even when it's gotten a bit heated. An example of fighting dirty, to my way of thinking, is telling someone to go to a shrink or take his meds--and not in an "I want to help you" way, but in an accusing way. Fighting dirty is picking some minor statement out of context and blowing it all out of proportion. I don't see you doing any of that. Those are just two examples off the top of my (pin)head.
So you are hereby awarded the first-ever, premier, much-coveted...
I'm sorry if you didn't approve what I just wrote ( or my oppinion that is). You just set the perfect example of what I was talking about.
Like I said before, I've met quite a few good people here, but there are those like you who are very bitter and P*ssed off. Of course you wouldn't approve of what I think because your not over it. And I'm very sorry, truly I am :( .
Templelady said this is a place where she can express her feelings and a place to be with friends. I totally agree with her. I was expressing my feelings and I don't think I was being mean about it either. Lets not compare our hurts either. You haven't a clue about me and I haven't a clue about you or many of you, but, the same is true for all of us, LIFE GOES ON!!!! By letting those SOB's get the best of us is crazy. You know,
it took me personally 6yrs before I even started the healing process. It's been now almost 14 yrs when I left. I think thats long enough don't you? I know someone here in GS that is already going to a church, bought a house,and changing her life after leaving less than a year ago. I wish I had GS back then to help me as well. We all heal differently. Spread the healing.
Coolwaters, if you knew me personally, you would know that I would never ever try to hurt people . I think sometimes it's hard to express yourself via e-letters. It just hurts me to see so much hurt in here I guess. Telling people to get over it doesn't work either. My husband ,who met me 1 month after I got out, always told me " just get over it" Of course that didn't help me. I had no one to talk to but God. then I found Waydale and met some great people. I'm just saying that those of us who have been out and recovered could really help those who are hurting and I do believe it is happening here in GS.
Goodbye All, and remember that your lives are not just about TWI, it's how your living it now.
Have you read any of my posts? I mean actually read them...not just skimmed through them and decided, "it's that angry and bitter, crazy ol' CoolWaters again" and then ignored them.
My life and the life of my daughter have been permanently damaged by twi.
There's no un-raping someone.
There's no un-killing someone.
There's no un-pillaging someone.
There's no un-scarring someone.
There's no un-breaking someone.
Yes, there is healing.
Healing does not imply restoration. It simply means that the bleeding, the pain, the horror, the sickness stops at some point.
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God first
Beloved Shellon Fockler-North
God loves you my dear friend
I must say I been try-ing to take the time to read this so I saved it on my computer
Well today I read it and I say that was wrote with great heart and love
I personally believe God been working in you to see things so you could write this
When I first got in the Way my first personal goal was to understand the complete bible but my goal today is to learn how walk in love like Jesus Christ did on earth even if its just for one hour
Now there were group goals but I am not sure I made them my own
thank you
You have blessed me very must
I like to share this with a few friends but only if ok with you
who runs the site called Pathfinder
Granny Jenny Wren
The Casting of Pearls
Sandy Ralston
Now there are others but if these three get it many others will
on their boards
but its your words and that is up to you what to do with them
But these are very loving boards you might visit and either post it or have me or say nothing and I will leave the subject for this board only
But this is more than the heart of a Way person but the heart of many people in many groups out there
Now there are things we may only understand but the love is what they will like
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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Thank you, Roy. You are very thoughtful.
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God first
Beloved Ex10
God loves you my dear friend
Yes we must do our best to think about the hearts of others
I go to many sites but these are the top loving ones next to this site
thank you my dear friend
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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You don't know how much you post to me means.
Thank you so much.
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Sure Roy, feel free to share and thanks for links that I will check out at another time.
I'm familiar with the Pathfinder site; it's one I enjoy often.
Edited by Shellon Fockler-NorthLink to comment
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God first
Beloved ex10 and Shellon Fockler-North
God loves you two dear friends
thank you You two have made my day thanks
with love and a holy kiss blowing my way Roy
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God first
Beloved Shellon Fockler-North
God loves you my dear friend
thank you for letting me post your very loving post other places
I did it but the very loving people saw the name in "The Way Ministry" and the other name "Greease Spot Cafe" knowing it was a place of were X- Way people went not seeing it was a place of great healing
So I took if off two boards by editing it anyway and replacing the words telling them why I did it
The third I can not but I heard no unloving answers there but I added a little note of love explaining the love I see
I am very sorry my dear friend
Now they love me because they got to know me first and I am sure they love you but I guess there not ready to look for the love and not for were things come from
I am sorry
I know these people have love but now I worry about your heart and the hearts of the people on those boards
Because I do not want to hurt your heart
I will kept that post because I see the great love you put into it and I guess that is why we are here for the love of the family here
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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I Love Bagpipes
Shed some tears reading this thread. I thought of another thread in the Open Form: "A Shout Out to My Peeps."
I have fallen in love with some of the folks here are GSC. People have contacted me individually and have helped me and my husband. They didn't HAVE to do that. To me GSC is a community...in cypber world yes; but a very real community with very real people living very real lives.
Some threads I choose not to view....I am not one these days to get into debates. Yet even the threads that have a "nasty" tone have a refreshing side. As Ex10 once stated to me regarding TWI, "The silence has been deafening....no?" I never want to live that "hush" again. It pricks my soul deeply. So I view the "fights" not as fights...but as dialogue...sometimes heated. And I rejoice in that freedom.
I posted this poem on the "Shout Out to My Peeps" thread...and want to post it here. I'm thankful for each person that posts on GSC. Every person has a voice......
If we ever meet
face to face
along our journey here..
I will embrace you and behold your eyes
Your heartbeat I'll take time to hear...
Its beauty and its essence.
I will relish and I will savor
the pleasure of your presence.
I will grasp your hand
and share with you
my treasured places:
The woods,
The hills,
The ripple of the creek;
Wild ponies,
Rocks and dunes,
And dancing in the street....
The welcome breeze upon our faces,
Songs of birds and waves...
The magnificent majesty
And beauty of nature's graces.
My friend I trust you,
I reverence who you are.
Please know full well
That you are valued...
And at anytime, anyplace, anywhere
You hold a special recess
and honored seat within my heart.
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I LOVE that poem, Bagpipes!!
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God first
Beloved Shellon Fockler-North and others
God loves us all
some times I guess we must give others a little loving push
but My friend Granny Jenny Wren came around
Her - Personal Bio :: I write from a birds eye view of the life I live a jennywren's view born in tennesee , I am 76 years old and served the lord since 1942 I ws born in 1930. the baby girl of 12 children only one more is living and johnny is 93
a kankered heart
April 21 2006 at 12:38 PM granny (no login)
Response to Re: A post from another board you may like "the Heart"
roy I know when i started out on the internet it was and still is with the best intentions, I know the Lord and wished ot lift him high for all ot see,
I guess though honey, if we wallow in the world long enough a little of the world rubs off on us
and we seem to become defensive about our freedom of religion,
I was one of the boards this was placed on and never really took the time to 'truly read' it and i am sorry sweetie,
you kNow I think that maybe i spend too much time on the net and after awhile, we do begin to sound like who you hang with.
good or bad
God Bless you and reader plese take time and read this post of Roys
,this is a beautiful spring day and life is renewing and so do i , need renewing,,search and re[air lord, where needed.
what say ye?
tell me readers have you been listening ot your hearts here lately or your egos.?
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Granny Wren
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I haven't posted in here for a while, because I see the hurt, the pain, and the anger in so many people in here. Some are very defensive, some are cool and understanding, and some walk in love. I feel that I can't express myself without being attacked in some way or another. Is that what GS is for? Are we sopposed to walk on eggshells because of others who are harboring sore feelings?. And I mean really harboring!! Our lives are so shorts guys. Please, please Live... and live your life to the fullest.
Shell, Thank you for starting this post. You said it all and with so much heart and love
I know it's going to take some of us a long time to get over what had happened to us, our loved ones and friends. I too was introduced to twi in a total family atmosphere. It was beautiful. I was hurt tremendously! But, there comes a time in our lives when we need to just simply put it behind us and live a life that's worth living. Carrying grudges, and resentments are just going to slow the healing process down. The ones that just got out need time to heal. I know that, but there are some of you that have been out for many, many, years. You should be the ones comforting, loving, and sharing your lives in a positive way to those seeking comfort, love and maybe for some...direction. Isn't that the reason we are really here in GS? Or is it here for us to continually tare down that which we were ALL involved with in one way or another.
I know, I know... Not everyone is like that. I've met some wonderful people in here, but there is a large majority that are starting up threads that don't need to be started
Sorry, I just have to get this out. I was so BLESSED reading the words that Shell wrote. It truly spoke to my heart .
Thanks again Shell
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I am posting the following with all of the love, care and support in my heart for those of us who are suffering LIFELONG consequences from being involved with The Way International.
It is good to read the heartwarming threads like this one. And there are many of them...if one wants to see them.
However, there would be no GreaseSpot Cafe if twi was about heartwarming 'family' experiences, would there? I mean, the very name "GreaseSpot" isn't about heartwarming 'family' experiences, now is it?
And those of us who start painful threads are still dealing with the pain because it is ongoing pain.
What happened to my daughter, Mo's children, some people's marriages, and such is NEVER-ENDING pain. If you believe that I am exaggerating, holding a grudge, carrying resentments, etc...if you believe this is all in my head and I should 'just get over it', then I will be happy to forward to you the medical bills, the therapy bills, the 2am calls, and all of the VERY REAL consequences of the evil of twi that plagues many of us TO THIS VERY DAY.
Needing to talk about these things, especially after so many years in twi of not being allowed to talk about these things, is exactly one of the very purposes of the GSC message boards. If that gets too 'messy' for some people...then don't read those threads.
But please don't
those of us who need such threads. And please don't 'should' all over us, either.
If one doesn't get that healing comes in one's own time, and that scrubbing out the festering ooze is part of the healing process, and that doing so in the company of those who are patient, understanding and supportive of the process is very healing in and of itself, then one understands 'family' and 'healing' only from a very limited, very twi perspective.
I, for one, am very thankful for the opportunity to get it all out and get input, comfort, encouragement, laughter, etc. from those who know what I've been through...and who care enough to let me heal how and when I need to heal...instead of deciding for me how and when I should be healing...according to somebody else's timetable and standards.
That's family. That's what makes GSC so very special.
EXPOSING twi is the very purpose of GSC's existence. How in the he11 does one EXPOSE twi if one does not talk about the evil of twi?
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Two thoughts
One, it is sometimes hard for those of us who have been posting forever <_< , to remember that this is a dynamic site. TWI lives, the lives it touches live. People are posting here in the last six months who are just now questioning --that are just now facing what was done to them and theirs . Remember Trancechat, remember the anger, the hurt, the VENOM????
For some posters they are at that stage, they have not yet fully come to grips with it all. Think back to when you first found TC or WD or GSC, think back to what feelings boiled in your heart, and the relief/pain/agony/freedom all rolled into one overwhelming emotional rush that we all felt. The "HEART" of WD and GSC is that we have always been a place where it was safe to let the emotions roll.
That said, I agree that even if you are in total disagreement-when it is made obvious that you have hurt someone-an I'm Sorry costs nothing, it in no way implies agreement with the other viewpoint, merely that one does not wish to intentionally inflict pain. We could all use the phrase a little more generously , myself at the head of the list
Two, For some the knee jerk reactions and anger are a way to hide the pain they feel, the betrayal they feel. Somewhere in their mind they are burying what happened to them, if not totally at last partially. To admit what TWI is would force the lock off that lockbox. To defend TWI is the only way to keep the lid on. And that is as it should be, we each must face our demons in our own time and in our own way.
This of course is just my opinion
But I have to say that my life would be diminished if I didn't have this place, all of you. The one place where I can express my feelings, without taking two hours to explain TWI to a glassy-eyed listener. THe place where I have found and made so many new friends and reconnected with the old.
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Linda Z
This isn't in response to anything in particular that's been posted since Shell started this thread. I'm just going back to what I perceive to be one of her reasons for starting it (and forgive me, Shell, if I'm wrong)...
Why tear each other down over differences of opinion? Good grief, we're all in the same boat to one degree or another. Why all the "biting and devouring"?
It's possible to disagree, vehemently even, without resorting to calling those who disagree with us liars, mental cases, obfuscators, so-and-so worshipers, and worse. And, to me, it's perfectly acceptable to say, "What you've said really pi$$es me off," but without all the name calling and accusations.
We've got everything here from someone who thinks PFAL was God-breathed to people who don't believe that there was one good word spoken in that class. We've got people who refuse to believe other's stories, both the good and the bad. We have some who still believe all the twi doctrine, some who believe a lot of it, some who believe a little, and some who believe none of it.
We are, collectively, a perfect "mixed bag" poster child if ever I've seen one. So it's no wonder there are frequent disagreements. But my Lord in heaven, must we attack each other over them?
A lot of lip service is paid around here to "helping people get out of twi." But when actual "innies" show up, they'd better have their asbestos underwear on, because unless they say they're only still in because of a spouse or family, or unless they very quickly agree that all the twi horror stories were true, they often get bombarded with accusations and pointed questions.
So I say, go ahead and fight, but fight clean. Fight fair. Go ahead and question what an "innie" believes, but do so remembering that you probably once defended your twi beliefs just as adamantly.
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Nice points, templelady and Linda Z. Very nicely said, imo.
As I read this I thought, "I didn't know how to do that for a long, long time...and I'm not sure I know how to do that now." Frankly I often think, "If ya gotta fight fair, what's the point of fighting?"

Anyway, maybe it would be...interesting (if nothing else hehe)...to have a discussion about what 'fighting fair and clean' looks like and feels like, how it is accomplished...and what purpose it serves...?
I certainly wouldn't know where to begin or how to determine such things, but surely there's somebody here at the Cafe who does...
Anybody have any suggestions?
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Fighting fair is not fighting to the Death
Fighting with Words
Not agreeing
Voicing your hurt
Maybe exposing the others opinions
But not to the Death
If tears are shed from your words
Make your voice heard
Don't break a heart
Take your stand without personal attacks on others
Know that personal attacks make the attacker look 'small'
Don't discourage growth and healing
Just make your voice heard
Agreeing to disagree is okay
Imagine being face to face...
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Very kewl, SafariVista! TYVM.
But I have a difficult time comprehending things without specific examples. (Honest! In my 3rd year of college I was sent to the Tutoring Lab because I was failing miserably in Chemistry...when I had been passing with 'A's and 'A+'s. Come to find out, I have a severe learning disability.)
So, if you (or anybody else) wouldn't mind, take apart one (or two...or so) of my posts and show me where I was fighting fair and clean...and where I was fighting dirty. I'm pretty sure I can take the scrutiny. If not...there are people on this board who know where I live and can come beat me senseless. LOL
Again, TYVM.
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Linda Z
Cool, I think you do fight clean and fair already. I've seen you reason through things with people you've disagreed with lots of times, even when it's gotten a bit heated. An example of fighting dirty, to my way of thinking, is telling someone to go to a shrink or take his meds--and not in an "I want to help you" way, but in an accusing way. Fighting dirty is picking some minor statement out of context and blowing it all out of proportion. I don't see you doing any of that. Those are just two examples off the top of my (pin)head.
So you are hereby awarded the first-ever, premier, much-coveted...
GS Fair Fighter Award.
Display it with pride. :)
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what's the title of this thread ? that's what makes me think of coolwaters mwah
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I...don't....I just don't know what to say...except...
Thank you.
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I'm sorry if you didn't approve what I just wrote ( or my oppinion that is). You just set the perfect example of what I was talking about.
Like I said before, I've met quite a few good people here, but there are those like you who are very bitter and P*ssed off. Of course you wouldn't approve of what I think because your not over it. And I'm very sorry, truly I am :( .
Templelady said this is a place where she can express her feelings and a place to be with friends. I totally agree with her. I was expressing my feelings and I don't think I was being mean about it either. Lets not compare our hurts either. You haven't a clue about me and I haven't a clue about you or many of you, but, the same is true for all of us, LIFE GOES ON!!!! By letting those SOB's get the best of us is crazy. You know,
it took me personally 6yrs before I even started the healing process. It's been now almost 14 yrs when I left. I think thats long enough don't you? I know someone here in GS that is already going to a church, bought a house,and changing her life after leaving less than a year ago. I wish I had GS back then to help me as well. We all heal differently. Spread the healing.
Coolwaters, if you knew me personally, you would know that I would never ever try to hurt people
. I think sometimes it's hard to express yourself via e-letters. It just hurts me to see so much hurt in here I guess. Telling people to get over it doesn't work either. My husband ,who met me 1 month after I got out, always told me " just get over it" Of course that didn't help me. I had no one to talk to but God. then I found Waydale and met some great people. I'm just saying that those of us who have been out and recovered could really help those who are hurting and I do believe it is happening here in GS.
Goodbye All, and remember that your lives are not just about TWI, it's how your living it now.
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Sunnyfla--do you really think that the posters on this board aren't 'living now?'
Surely most of the posters have families, marriages, children, jobs, hobbies, friends, activities.
That is an odd way to think of people on a message board.
What makes pain go away?
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communications problems abound
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Have you read any of my posts? I mean actually read them...not just skimmed through them and decided, "it's that angry and bitter, crazy ol' CoolWaters again" and then ignored them.
My life and the life of my daughter have been permanently damaged by twi.
There's no un-raping someone.
There's no un-killing someone.
There's no un-pillaging someone.
There's no un-scarring someone.
There's no un-breaking someone.
Yes, there is healing.
Healing does not imply restoration. It simply means that the bleeding, the pain, the horror, the sickness stops at some point.
You heal at your rate and I'll heal at mine. OK?
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