I got an advertisement in the mail the other day for a book you may want to order and read if you are still in bondage to tithing (as opposed to free-will giving, which IS a Biblical concept) ... it is called: TITHING: LOW-REALM, OBSOLETE, & DEFUNCT ... available by calling 1-800-228-2665 or by going online to www.seedsowers.com ... I ordered a copy ...
Without all the fanciful life-threatening dramatics of the unspeakable fears and unbearable horrors of not tithing, my experience was about the same; although it took me only about 2 weeks to get over it.
Well, as fancifull and dramatic as you found my fears to be....I guess that I simply took the dangers that vpw`s and lcm`s teachings promised, a little more seriously than you did Oldies. It never dawned on me at the time that twi leaders and dogma could possibly be wrong.
I remember that I was still going to fellowship (Mark had stopped) when one of my horses died a particularly horrific death after the vet and I had to remove the head from the foal while still in the uterous to deliver it in pieces....I was traumatized, as I had to do the cutting while the vet held her down ...... it was an unspeakably horrible experience.. and then we watched in sickness and devistation as the mare in cholic repeatedly flung herself head first into the wall untill she killed herself....It was a nightmare that lasted a full day and late into the night.
When in shame, (knowing of course that when something bad happened it was because I had left a door open spiritually) while relating the incident to my tc the following week, I brokenly told her that I could only assume of course that it was my punishment, that the horse and her sweet foal had suffered the most excruciating of deaths because we weren`t tithing :(
My believing had failed, My heartfelt prayers had gone unanswered, Satan had succeded.
She meerly shook her head and said that it was very brave of me to be able to be able to face my personal responsibiliy and be so honest about it.
I HATED my spouse for opening us up to that kind of horrors....I hated him for not letting me tithe even if he didn`t believe it.....I viewed it as HIS fault and a wake up call, and in truth worried constantly that it would be the children next if we didn`t.
It was a long time before I could forgive him for what I percieved as putting all of our lives in jeopardy.
It was probably not untill waydale a few years later that it began to occur to me that the *truth* I had been so very carefull to *hold fast* to, was wrong.
I can only step back and marvel now, that twi was able to so completely convince me that God`s generosity and goodness were strictly regulated entirely by whether or not I tithed or how implicitly I followed twi`s doctrine.
I can only wonder if God was grieving with me that night. as I could only assume that I had failed my horse, myself and my poor family. It was terribly hard on the children.
Then pray do tell where all the LDS tithes go , Mo ?
Cw had it partially right
the Tithe
10% goes to SLC . From the tithe of all the wards --all the wards are paid for. That means the buildings, the utilities, the copy machines, the hymnals, the lesson books, anything necessary for the running of the church and maintenance of the buildings thus all wards have equally nice facilities.
Fast Offerings
Every month you fast on the first Sunday and give to the church the equivalent of what you would have spent on two meals. Most give more, but if all you can afford is dollar that is all you can afford, no one points fingers at you. This is the fund CW was talking about. These funds stay in the wards and individual stakes. From them is paid, food, housing, utilities, medical bills, prescriptions anything you can think of that members may need help with
In addition you can donate to the following funds, Ward Missionary, General Missionary, purchase of BOM's, Humanitarian Aid, Temple construction, Perpetual Education, or Other
Tithing is considered a commandment from God, but if and what you tithe is your business. We don't have offering plates instead you can either hand the Bishop or his counselors a discreet gray envelope or if you prefer mail it to the Bishop. Your offerings=your business
Mo, I highly respect the way LDS take care of each other and contribute to society. My landlords for two years were LDS and I always cringe when I think of how haughty and "holier than thou" I was around them. On the other hand, we were the best tenants they had - being TWI we always paid our rent early - never called for minor things; just fixed them ourselves - left the place better than we found it. I remember the husband calling to thank me for leaving the place in such good condition - they didn't have to do a thing - it was already in such good shape they could just rent it "as is" and I felt guilty because I knew I could have done more. I guess it was the mutual admiration society in that regard. I still want to call and apologize for being such a bee-yatch to them, though.
I currently attend a Methodist church and I love and respect the way they take care of folks in the community - even the homeless..... I have yet to hear a disparaging word about any other group or religion, even TWI when I talk about my involvement there. Just sadness that I didn't have the personal relationship with God and Jesus because of being so focused on performance and the Bible.
I think giving is awesome - I think it's even more awesome when it's giving in a way that's pleasing and stimulated/inspired within you personally. A lot of that, I think, has to do with seeing it - knowing for sure that it's going to help someone and, in many cases, getting to see the folks affected, helped, blessed by that giving - or at least knowing for sure - beyond the shadow of a doubt - that it's going to help folks.
TWI says that the money goes to "the movement of the word" but they don't document it. They don't show folks what really happens to their money and we know beyond the shadow of a doubt that they won't lift a finger, much less a penny to help out one of their own. Hasn't happened. Won't happen. They just don't do that - they think if you get into a position of needing help, then you must be "off" somewhere. Pitiful. Pathetic and totally un-Christian...but they'll say they aren't "Christians" either - they are "believers".
Recommended Posts
I got an advertisement in the mail the other day for a book you may want to order and read if you are still in bondage to tithing (as opposed to free-will giving, which IS a Biblical concept) ... it is called: TITHING: LOW-REALM, OBSOLETE, & DEFUNCT ... available by calling 1-800-228-2665 or by going online to www.seedsowers.com ... I ordered a copy ...
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Well, as fancifull and dramatic as you found my fears to be....I guess that I simply took the dangers that vpw`s and lcm`s teachings promised, a little more seriously than you did Oldies. It never dawned on me at the time that twi leaders and dogma could possibly be wrong.
I remember that I was still going to fellowship (Mark had stopped) when one of my horses died a particularly horrific death after the vet and I had to remove the head from the foal while still in the uterous to deliver it in pieces....I was traumatized, as I had to do the cutting while the vet held her down ...... it was an unspeakably horrible experience.. and then we watched in sickness and devistation as the mare in cholic repeatedly flung herself head first into the wall untill she killed herself....It was a nightmare that lasted a full day and late into the night.
When in shame, (knowing of course that when something bad happened it was because I had left a door open spiritually) while relating the incident to my tc the following week, I brokenly told her that I could only assume of course that it was my punishment, that the horse and her sweet foal had suffered the most excruciating of deaths because we weren`t tithing :(
My believing had failed, My heartfelt prayers had gone unanswered, Satan had succeded.
She meerly shook her head and said that it was very brave of me to be able to be able to face my personal responsibiliy and be so honest about it.
I HATED my spouse for opening us up to that kind of horrors....I hated him for not letting me tithe even if he didn`t believe it.....I viewed it as HIS fault and a wake up call, and in truth worried constantly that it would be the children next if we didn`t.
It was a long time before I could forgive him for what I percieved as putting all of our lives in jeopardy.
It was probably not untill waydale a few years later that it began to occur to me that the *truth* I had been so very carefull to *hold fast* to, was wrong.
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I can only step back and marvel now, that twi was able to so completely convince me that God`s generosity and goodness were strictly regulated entirely by whether or not I tithed or how implicitly I followed twi`s doctrine.
I can only wonder if God was grieving with me that night. as I could only assume that I had failed my horse, myself and my poor family. It was terribly hard on the children.
So glad that I don`t need to be afraid any more.
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Cw had it partially right
the Tithe
10% goes to SLC . From the tithe of all the wards --all the wards are paid for. That means the buildings, the utilities, the copy machines, the hymnals, the lesson books, anything necessary for the running of the church and maintenance of the buildings thus all wards have equally nice facilities.
Fast Offerings
Every month you fast on the first Sunday and give to the church the equivalent of what you would have spent on two meals. Most give more, but if all you can afford is dollar that is all you can afford, no one points fingers at you. This is the fund CW was talking about. These funds stay in the wards and individual stakes. From them is paid, food, housing, utilities, medical bills, prescriptions anything you can think of that members may need help with
In addition you can donate to the following funds, Ward Missionary, General Missionary, purchase of BOM's, Humanitarian Aid, Temple construction, Perpetual Education, or Other
Tithing is considered a commandment from God, but if and what you tithe is your business. We don't have offering plates instead you can either hand the Bishop or his counselors a discreet gray envelope or if you prefer mail it to the Bishop. Your offerings=your business
we now return to the general discussion thank you
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Mo, I highly respect the way LDS take care of each other and contribute to society. My landlords for two years were LDS and I always cringe when I think of how haughty and "holier than thou" I was around them. On the other hand, we were the best tenants they had - being TWI we always paid our rent early - never called for minor things; just fixed them ourselves - left the place better than we found it. I remember the husband calling to thank me for leaving the place in such good condition - they didn't have to do a thing - it was already in such good shape they could just rent it "as is" and I felt guilty because I knew I could have done more.
I guess it was the mutual admiration society in that regard. I still want to call and apologize for being such a bee-yatch to them, though.
I currently attend a Methodist church and I love and respect the way they take care of folks in the community - even the homeless..... I have yet to hear a disparaging word about any other group or religion, even TWI when I talk about my involvement there. Just sadness that I didn't have the personal relationship with God and Jesus because of being so focused on performance and the Bible.
I think giving is awesome - I think it's even more awesome when it's giving in a way that's pleasing and stimulated/inspired within you personally. A lot of that, I think, has to do with seeing it - knowing for sure that it's going to help someone and, in many cases, getting to see the folks affected, helped, blessed by that giving - or at least knowing for sure - beyond the shadow of a doubt - that it's going to help folks.
TWI says that the money goes to "the movement of the word" but they don't document it. They don't show folks what really happens to their money and we know beyond the shadow of a doubt that they won't lift a finger, much less a penny to help out one of their own. Hasn't happened. Won't happen. They just don't do that - they think if you get into a position of needing help, then you must be "off" somewhere. Pitiful. Pathetic and totally un-Christian...but they'll say they aren't "Christians" either - they are "believers".
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