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Ode to Email

I Love Bagpipes

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Here is the poem dearest Shellon... :)

(with a note for dear Dooj :) )

I really used to not like email; it was another interruption in my life. Plus my computer was very slow. Folks would get irritated at me (understandably). So I penned a poem. And yes I used to only check my email every two weeks. Faster computer now...so I actually check almost every day. :biglaugh:

Ode to Email

There was a middle-aged lady who lived in a house.

Her functions were many, and she wasn't a souse.

She was secretary, cook, and cab driver too,

Activities coordinator, home maintenance guru,

Doctor and nurse and janitorial clerk,

Counselor, teacher, and overseer of work,

To name a few of the functions for which she stayed perk.

Then to add to her list..

Computers popped up like a pimple.

"Upgrade! Upgrade! It makes your life simple!"

"But beware of virusues...you need that program too!"

"And identity theft...so your name is who?"

"You have too much spam? Pay more and it's through!"

First there was junk mail to take up my time..

And now more info to boggle my mind.

So this middle-aged woman stepped back and breathed deep,

"It is time to make simple this communication heap."

She decide yes her email to keep..

But she made her list smaller....

And checked it only once every two weeks.

So if her attention you immediately need..

Please call her by phone to get sooner heed.

Hey Dooj...should we make a book out of this one? heee :dance::dance::dance:

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