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Manifestations according to TWIt Doctrine


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Manifestations according to TWI - These are non-plagiarized excerpts from the advanced class syllabus:

The manifestations are presented as a unit within the functioning household. You have to be within a functioning household for these manifestations to work to their fullest maturity. That’s why it’s all of our responsibility to keep the household clean.

1 Cor. 4:7,8

You don’t have the power of the manifestations because “ye have reigned as kings without us” – In other words, YOU have not obeyed what WE AS THE RULING MINISTRIES HAVE TAUGHT YOU, and you think you’re reigning as kings.

“I would to God ye did reign” – tongue in check. He’s disgusted. Well, God is disgusted….it’s the word of God.

v. 10 – “ye are strong” – Sarcasm – Yeah, you really prevail.

1 Cor. 5:1,2

They were proud of their sexual immorality. Some people think grace means you can do anything you want. They think that indicates their freedom in Christ. That’s practical error.


1 Cor 5:3-7,9

He’s concerned about the whole lump because it’s a household. One rotten apple spoils the whole bunch. One bit of contamination makes the whole thing rancid.

1 Cor 6:5,6

They’re not solving their own problems within the framework of the household. They’re running to the outside realm and that’s practical error.

1 Cor 6:11,12

You’ve got to put them outside the household and into the adversary’s realm. You’ve got to put them outside the walls of the camp – outside the walls of protection. It can get people’s attention.

And folks never in TWI II wonder why we were afraid to leave TWI…

1 Cor 9:4-6

Don’t we deserve a little help by giving you the word? They all think they’re smarter than the leaders….

1 Cor 9:10 -13

They’re being confronted on abundant sharing. You finance other situations, what about those that teach the word??

1 Cor 10:9-12

He’s confronting them for talking about Paul and leadership behind their backs; they are falling prey to idolatrous practices.

1 Cor 12:1

He’s ready NOW to talk to them about spiritual matters – this section will never open up if they don’t obey the previous stuff.

If you expect the true God to energize the gift in you as you believe, you’ve got to walk sanctified and life righteously, and then this magnificent section of the manifestations opens up so that you can see what is the administration of this great mystery

Edited by Belle
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It’s impossible to think two thoughts at one time; therefore you have that manifestation of the supernatural to your awareness. You’re aware of the SIT, a language you don’t know, in your mind; but that’s not the cognizant, reasoning part of your mind, because at the same time you’re SIT and being fully aware of it. You can be picturing who you are praying for, so you’re not having two cognitive thoughts at one time. .. The part of your understanding that’s unfruitful when you SIT is that part where reasoning is done…


Even in the Promised Land they had their boundaries, the land flowing with milk and honey. Each of the 12 (organizational perfection) tribes had their set boundaries; the milk and honey flowed according to the boundaries that God set by revelation….they had legal rights to the land, but they still had to go claim it. It’s like that with holy spirit, all these abilities are packaged and given to us, but we each must learn to claim the effects produced, claim the profit by operating them believingly.


The inner essence is spirit behind all those frameworks and systems of the human body….you start building in your mind in terms of these manifestations of revelation the perspective that this whole inner man is one big receiving station….we have the mind of Christ and that’s where it registered spiritually and then communicates to our awareness. All of that is dependent upon our walk in the light. If I’m out of fellowship, then all this is negated until I line my thoughts back up with the written word.


God is not going to violate his word to energize manifestations in you. If you don’t keep his commandments and obey then the manifestation of his will in these specific categories will not open up.


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I think LCm had a longsuit in Error..

THis stuff is all jumble..I have relearned somethings and definitely thier is alot of Omitence done here just to prove his point. I cannot doctrinalaly pin point everything....he had a system going..

thx Belle for bringing this up....too much for me to chew on..

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But LCM's version was just the progression of VPW's version. VPW built into TWI the concept of "present truth". That way anything he, or his hand picked successor came up with, could be treated as gospel

Its been brought up before on other topics that a lot of what LCM did was codifying in written form practices that started with VPW.

It was VPW who equated adultery and sexual promiscuity with a form of healing

"Ministering to God's people" he called it.

How much more twisted can you get when you justify your sexual peccadilloes with the excuse that is a form of healing. I mean, the gifts of healing are from the Holy Ghost--

Corruptions just the tip of the iceberg

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Thanks, Mo. You said it better than I could have. :)

All LCM did was put in writing and "formal" documented teachings what he learned from vee pee... Thisis the same stuff that vee pee taught - it's just now documented in craiggers' class and, I suspect, in the "new" class they've just come out with.

I put on Penguin's post a list of all the segments from the "foundational" class and it's clear as it can be that JC and God had nothing to do with TWI. JC was a means to an end - that end being SIT and "power" - nothing more, nothing less....

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