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ex-or present wayer?


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Ok so i'm not really sure if this a anti way site or not. And I really don't care the fact is simple that if i wasn't approached a group of WOW's back in 79 Imight not of known of Christ. TWI might have been a cult but you know what? I'm saved and I can't lose my sonship rights!! Thank you Victor and PFAL. Anyone have any insight on what ever happen to John Lynn? :thinking:

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welcome to GS

There is much to be thankful to GOD for concerning you getting saved. And that is the point. It is GOD that saved you, it is GOD that worked in individuals at certain times to talk with you, it was GOD that you saw and your Lord Jesus Christ that you decided to believe in. Remember, the Way was a vehicle. God would've gotten to you one way or another. (no pun) The Way's practices as a 'group/religion/cult' what have you, aren't godly. Individuals within, can be. Although through it all, whatever godly intentions most folks had, got sqooshed out.

Yes, look around, John Lynn has his own ministry, called CES.



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I am an Ex Wayer. And I, like you, am thankful for PFAL and for The Way Ministry having come along at that time in my life. Peace bro, but watch your head around here. It can get rough. Not many here have much good to say about The Way. In fact, I think it is safe to say that this is an anti-Way site. You will see some interesting dichotomies here though. You will see rabid bitterness towards The Way (much of it justified), but then see glowing accounts by the very same people about how sweet the Rock Of Ages was, as well as glowing reports of those who have passed away and are found in the In Memorium forum. I think many wonderful things were said about Don Wierwille, for instance, and yet he presided over the Way as it's vp for years. Also, Donnie Fugit (Mr. WOW himself) is spoken highly of here, yet supported Dr. Wierwille whole heartedly, and died as an active Way guy. So, it's pretty interesting.

I will say that towards then end of my involvement with The Way, it no longer resembled anything like The Way that I first got involved with back in 1975. And, I have learned here from first hand "accounters" that there was serious sexual abuse by Way leaders, all the way to the very tip top, which of course was/is inexcusable.

I believe, as some here do, that there was a TWI One, a Twi Two, and even now, a TWI Three. It is generally agreed upon that TWI One was a far more less legalistic time, and that there was more Love in The Way back in those days. But to me, even by 1982, things were spiraling out of control, and egos, works of the flesh, and vicious arrogance were setting in more and more. And so, have fun here Norm, put on some thick skin, and God bless you!

Edited by Jonny Lingo
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Ok so i'm not really sure if this a anti way site or not. And I really don't care the fact is simple that if i wasn't approached a group of WOW's back in 79 Imight not of known of Christ. TWI might have been a cult but you know what? I'm saved and I can't lose my sonship rights!! Thank you Victor and PFAL. Anyone have any insight on what ever happen to John Lynn? :thinking:

Norm -- welcome to GreaseSpot Cafe. :spy:

JAL is in Indy (last I knew) -- and even though he is *MIA* from CES/STFI,

were you to contact them, they could give you an e-mail addy. :)

Go to STFI ONLINE. They can get you his current addy.

Good luck. ;)

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Welcome, Norm! I'm guessing you haven't looked at the "home page" or many of the posts yet. ;) Look around a bit and the "ambiance" will become abundantly clear to you.

Here's a few places I highly recommend that you start:

GSpot Home Page

Welcome! WordWolf's Intro

What is The Way - Bob's Thread

Given the name Norm, I'm assuming an ice cold beer and special burger is the proper first-timers entree for you. :)

Hope to see you around!


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