Martindale as Wierwille's Heir
50 members have voted
1. How faithfully did Martindale follow in Wierwille's footsteps?
He turned "the ministry" away from "The Word" and ruined everything4
What? What did he do wrong? I can't wait for him to come back!1
Wierwille ran a cult, Martindale continued to run a cult7
Wierwille ran a cult, but with more finesse than Martindale31
Wierwille ran a godly minsitry that Martindale turned into a cult5
Some other choice that Oakspear didn't think of1
Why don't you stop thinking evil of "Doctor" and get back to the Word1
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Wierwille had a salesmans technique he knew how to sell his product,The thing was part of it was genuine,
though the work done by others.The abuses ect,do not question me,Iwish I was who I knew to be ect,made
it a cult,You do not follow a man period...
Loy said he was a completion of vics work,a 2nd generation..once on his own it started to fall down around him,He became bitter,and a law onto himself.
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"some other choice that Oakspear didn't think of" Priceless!
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It's good to cover all the bases.
This gives everyone a chance to vote their conscience.
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Martindale was a wannabe
He wanted to be a athlete
He wanted to be a dancer
He wanted to be a ladies man
He wanted to be President of TWI
What he never seemed to grasp, is that none of the above are a gimme, you have to work and apply yourself with discipline. LCM wanted it all, now, with the least amount of effort, and, like a petulant two year old, lashed out when that didn't happen
Less finesse is a fine point because from what I can gather his only area of Finesse was in CYA and even that he proved a failure at.
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"Why don't you stop thinking evil of "Doctor" and get back to the Word"
How generous, threw a bone for CK.
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VP put on a better show for the public
Ol Loy wasn't so good at it, and like most frustrated, ignorant adults, resorted to bullying people, with a loud voice & empty threats~
I was bullied into breaking off an engagement to a very lovely man... If I didn't Martindale would hear about it...
damn I was stupid, stupid, stupid...
Seems Ol Loy got the women part right... but lost the public's attention~
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