my children are still at the age where they think the world will change because they are in it.
God bless them i hope it does.
my mother is just plain paranoid and doesnt get out much.
my sister has taken every pharamacy drug available searching for the happy place in her life, and she drinks.
So my point is play really it is.
last holiday when the crew was together , i was talking about the baby and toys (new grand) and I said i have toys but they are my toys.
they stopped eating my sons wanted to laugh but new better by the look on my face.
I still play with my toys i have a nice plastic coral set with horses and fences and barns i set up sometimes i have my baby dolls alot of toys .
and i play with them.
they looked at me like i was not suppose to play with toys anymore i was to grown up and i asked why not?
they could not come up with an answer.
play is a good thing I think . i grew up without alot of tv so i learned to play and i did sit down and play with the kids when they were kids still.
i color i paint . and my son in law puts models together. My son plays sonyplaystation . this is all play time stuff.
We go to coffee houses and dance, we play cards , my friends are players as well.. many are retired or widows.
we have singles and married folks together .. we get together around a community thing and all show up together my group happens to span four counties we do not care we jam into a van and have at it . We travel together for an hour or an hour and a half to check out a new group or a coffe house or a pot luck meal. alot of free community events out there . one time we had to take two buses when we toured the light at christmas time and all showed up they did an extra run just so we could all go at the same time.
i really do live more like high school now than i did then .. oh well thank God i have my buddies who get this idea.
reading can be playing if it is a good story with imagination.
i make statues for my garden and set up a little show place with the geeses and people and rooster (this year hopefully) this is all play.
I play far to much. I think. but it is how i am and coming to like me by now.
All of theses posts are beautiful and lovely and describe the immense joy from doing the simple things (although I didn't find playing the piano simple. I'll glady listen while you play.) What it comes down to is doing what we love.
We moved 3.5 years ago. We love the property our house is on... a creek running thru the front yard... lots of old trees and lots of space to garden.
I love to spend sun-up to sun-down planting and nuturing plants. It is my play. It is my therapy.
I made a rock garden in the side wall of the creek. It took me nearly a summer to complete. I planted many things to help the creek thrive.
I was notified yesterday that the county will be putting in sewers in our area. They want an easment in my playland. They plan to demolish my toys.
All big old trees have to go. :(
It's no wonder I'm so sad today.
They are coming out soon to meet with us. My prayers are that they can find another area to run their pipes. Selfish, I know... but my heart is breaking right now.
When my son was small, someone once asked him, "So, young man, what are your jobs around the house?" He replied, "My job is to play." :)
Recently, my kidliest sister hopped a flight to visit me just for the play.
She made it clear she didn't want to be entertained, didn't need to see the obligatory sights, or do anything imparticular that took more effort than shaking the mixing cup. She was coming to see me.
We played. We laughed, we cried, we talked bout lotsa lotsa.
The one obligatory thing we did do, was go pay homage to the ocean...she had to keep a promise to her boyfriend back home...something about it being ludicrous not to at least see it since she'd be so near.
We went, and we played. Mind you, I really don't care for the beach even a little cept on cold daze when no one else is mostly there. But she and I went. I had the foresight to bury my feet, cover my shoulders, and keep my leggins on...she, since we were there only to pay obligatory homage for a moment or two, welcomed the sun. Silly white
Some shaken but not stirred moments lapsed into more salt-rimmed adventures. The nubile spring-breakers were mostly naked, posing, or making plays on each other. The kidster and I were just flat out playing...we danced in the sand since the calypso beat was freely spilling out from the sandbar next door...
The onliest question we had was why everyone wasn't dancing. Couldn't they hear the music?
Noxema is no longer findable down here. She got slathered with some aloe stuff with lanocaine.
Oh yes, and I have been informed that our picture (taken by some illicit purveyor of brews) is posted prominently on site near the watery pilgrimage zone.
All of theses posts are beautiful and lovely and describe the immense joy from doing the simple things (although I didn't find playing the piano simple. I'll glady listen while you play.) What it comes down to is doing what we love.
We moved 3.5 years ago. We love the property our house is on... a creek running thru the front yard... lots of old trees and lots of space to garden.
I love to spend sun-up to sun-down planting and nuturing plants. It is my play. It is my therapy.
I made a rock garden in the side wall of the creek. It took me nearly a summer to complete. I planted many things to help the creek thrive.
I was notified yesterday that the county will be putting in sewers in our area. They want an easment in my playland. They plan to demolish my toys.
All big old trees have to go. :(
It's no wonder I'm so sad today.
They are coming out soon to meet with us. My prayers are that they can find another area to run their pipes. Selfish, I know... but my heart is breaking right now.
Amazing Grace...I pray for a better solution. However it turns out I pray your toys be resupplied even better than before.
When my son was small, someone once asked him, "So, young man, what are your jobs around the house?" He replied, "My job is to play." :)
:) :) :)
MizMarple.....beautiful....beautiful...What a picture you paint!!
I'm also praying for a different outcome, AmazingGrace, so you can keep your playground. :)
Miz Marple, I love the picture of you two twirling, laughing and having fun!
I'm off today to play with Vixen. I accidentally found out that she LOVES frisbees. :) She barks the whole time we're playing. It's a wonder she doesn't get horse. LOL! She barks as she's waiting for me to throw it - bars while she's running to it and barks while she's bringing it back to me. How could you NOT want to play with that much enthusiasm gushing out of her little body?
We play all the time - hide and go seek - find the treats - doggie tricks - fetch - earthdog - agility - obedience - and now - frisbee.
Glad to hear so many of us keep playing and enjoying that part of life!! It's vital and important for renewal of the spirit, imo.
She is so cute....and I know a fond and best friend companion. I once read about what a better place this world would be if we all greeted one another the way "man's best friend" greets man....tails wagging, eager to please, wanting to give and receive, with that big doggy smile.
" Bark bark...Hi love.....Your home and I'm here to greet you!!"
pipes i think that is a great long as we have to do the sniffing!
ROFL Cool!!!!!!!!!!!!'s a funny:
My kids as toddlers were playing. "Let's pretend we're dogs," one enthusiastically voiced. "I'll sniff your butt and you sniff mine." I almost lost my wits when I heard it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But you know to them, it was just so ....... matter of fact.
Bagpipes, that incident right there epitomizes the playfulness of children - I love that!!!!!!!!!!.....Isn't it something - kids often have no regard for rules, boundaries, etc....Great idea for a thread - loved what you said on the initial post - thanks!!!!!
Yes, it is a good topic, Bagpipes. Playing is good for the soul.
Pond, I'm glad I'm not the only one who still has coloring books and crayons. They sit in a drawer for years on end, but every once in a while, I just feel like coloring. So I do! And I love to do jigsaw puzzles and play computer games.
One of the best parties I ever had was when my son was about 4 years old. He had some of the coolest toys. So I invited a few friends over for a "play party." We drank wine, nibbled on snacks, and played with his train and his blocks and his little gas station and Legos, etc. Everyone had a fantastic time.
Grace, I hope you get to keep your property intact, too. Add me to the ones praying.
Coolchef, do you know how to record your piano playing as a .wav file, so you can post it here for us to hear?
so, Z...I'm curious...did the little nibblers prefer cab, merlot, or spritzers?
leggo my leggos
lolol...wait a sec...just reread this...YOUR friends, not the little, the other way may have been fun, too. Gives a broader sense to making play dates for the kids! :)
You sound like my husband,,,He loves to play guitar,,, Manly JAZZ. As for my daughter and I, Hair and Make-up is our play------professionally. A new canvass everytime....
I have been a musician for years...sometimes full-time, sometimes part-time
I have never called it work...I still say "I'm playing tonight"
When I feel like saying "I'm working tonight" I come to my senses and kick that gig to the curb.
Improvising jazz is my sacred playpen.
I've played in some African drumming performances. I'd get nervous until my teacher said, "It's not a performance; it's a play-formance." Paints a different picture, heh?
Some of my favorite playing? Oh so many. I love variety and spice. Here are a few favorites:
Sharing with friends at the bookstore over our favorite beverage...
Puzzles (I have 3 glued and framed in my home...and a few 3-d puzzles on display).....
Riding horses at a full canter through meadows .........
Hiking, especially wide open spaces (Favorite hiking spots: Grayson Highlands, VA (wild ponies here!); Roan Mountain, TN; The Chimneys, Great Smokies)........
Drumming, African style.......
Making music with little people........
Reading out loud............
Dancing, dancing, dancing (I love to jump when i dance and swing my arms high in the air!!)........
Cards and board games........
Belly laughing............
Visiting with my kids....................
Time with Mr. Pipes (most fun of all :) and we enjoy some of the other playtimes listed above).........
And there is more...but I'll stop here. It is fun to think about!
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my children are still at the age where they think the world will change because they are in it.
God bless them i hope it does.
my mother is just plain paranoid and doesnt get out much.
my sister has taken every pharamacy drug available searching for the happy place in her life, and she drinks.
So my point is play really it is.
last holiday when the crew was together , i was talking about the baby and toys (new grand) and I said i have toys but they are my toys.
they stopped eating my sons wanted to laugh but new better by the look on my face.
I still play with my toys i have a nice plastic coral set with horses and fences and barns i set up sometimes i have my baby dolls alot of toys .
and i play with them.
they looked at me like i was not suppose to play with toys anymore i was to grown up and i asked why not?
they could not come up with an answer.
play is a good thing I think . i grew up without alot of tv so i learned to play and i did sit down and play with the kids when they were kids still.
i color i paint . and my son in law puts models together. My son plays sonyplaystation . this is all play time stuff.
We go to coffee houses and dance, we play cards , my friends are players as well.. many are retired or widows.
we have singles and married folks together .. we get together around a community thing and all show up together my group happens to span four counties we do not care we jam into a van and have at it . We travel together for an hour or an hour and a half to check out a new group or a coffe house or a pot luck meal. alot of free community events out there . one time we had to take two buses when we toured the light at christmas time and all showed up they did an extra run just so we could all go at the same time.
i really do live more like high school now than i did then .. oh well thank God i have my buddies who get this idea.
reading can be playing if it is a good story with imagination.
i make statues for my garden and set up a little show place with the geeses and people and rooster (this year hopefully) this is all play.
I play far to much. I think. but it is how i am and coming to like me by now.
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some of us agree we should clean the house more. oh well
but i just called on a friends hubby and he is going to do my basement for me .
so we can all make time. we each have to make time to play I think .
it is far more important to us than money now.
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Thanks, Pipes-that's beautiful.
Learning to play again-like taking a deep breath on a gorgeous spring morning. Re-invigorates the soul.
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All this talk of play has made someone and his ball happy, believe me I play way to much ball.......
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I Love Bagpipes
He is a doll Dove!! And my what talent...driving vans and playing ball! What is his name?
(Gone out to play now!)
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does playing piano count ? if it does count me in
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Play is good. Play is very good. When you think about it, everything we do we first learned and practice during play. Don't expect me to ever grow up!
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I Love Bagpipes
:) That's beautiful Pond
Dittos Krys!!! play piano and cook? Will you come live with moi? You can play ALL day long!!!! :)
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we could do a duet with my
yamaha and your pipes while the lobster stew is simmering
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All of theses posts are beautiful and lovely and describe the immense joy from doing the simple things (although I didn't find playing the piano simple. I'll glady listen while you play.) What it comes down to is doing what we love.
We moved 3.5 years ago. We love the property our house is on... a creek running thru the front yard... lots of old trees and lots of space to garden.
I love to spend sun-up to sun-down planting and nuturing plants. It is my play. It is my therapy.
I made a rock garden in the side wall of the creek. It took me nearly a summer to complete. I planted many things to help the creek thrive.
I was notified yesterday that the county will be putting in sewers in our area. They want an easment in my playland. They plan to demolish my toys.
All big old trees have to go. :(
It's no wonder I'm so sad today.
They are coming out soon to meet with us. My prayers are that they can find another area to run their pipes. Selfish, I know... but my heart is breaking right now.
When my son was small, someone once asked him, "So, young man, what are your jobs around the house?" He replied, "My job is to play." :)
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Recently, my kidliest sister hopped a flight to visit me just for the play.
She made it clear she didn't want to be entertained, didn't need to see the obligatory sights, or do anything imparticular that took more effort than shaking the mixing cup. She was coming to see me.
We played. We laughed, we cried, we talked bout lotsa lotsa.
The one obligatory thing we did do, was go pay homage to the ocean...she had to keep a promise to her boyfriend back home...something about it being ludicrous not to at least see it since she'd be so near.
We went, and we played. Mind you, I really don't care for the beach even a little cept on cold daze when no one else is mostly there. But she and I went. I had the foresight to bury my feet, cover my shoulders, and keep my leggins on...she, since we were there only to pay obligatory homage for a moment or two, welcomed the sun. Silly white
Some shaken but not stirred moments lapsed into more salt-rimmed adventures. The nubile spring-breakers were mostly naked, posing, or making plays on each other. The kidster and I were just flat out playing...we danced in the sand since the calypso beat was freely spilling out from the sandbar next door...
The onliest question we had was why everyone wasn't dancing. Couldn't they hear the music?
Noxema is no longer findable down here. She got slathered with some aloe stuff with lanocaine.
Oh yes, and I have been informed that our picture (taken by some illicit purveyor of brews) is posted prominently on site near the watery pilgrimage zone.
Viva la play.
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I Love Bagpipes
:) :) :)
MizMarple.....beautiful....beautiful...What a picture you paint!!
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I'm also praying for a different outcome, AmazingGrace, so you can keep your playground. :)
Miz Marple, I love the picture of you two twirling, laughing and having fun!
I'm off today to play with Vixen. I accidentally found out that she LOVES frisbees. :) She barks the whole time we're playing. It's a wonder she doesn't get horse. LOL! She barks as she's waiting for me to throw it - bars while she's running to it and barks while she's bringing it back to me.
How could you NOT want to play with that much enthusiasm gushing out of her little body?
We play all the time - hide and go seek - find the treats - doggie tricks - fetch - earthdog - agility - obedience - and now - frisbee.
Glad to hear so many of us keep playing and enjoying that part of life!! It's vital and important for renewal of the spirit, imo.
bark - bark - bark
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I Love Bagpipes
She is so cute....and I know a fond and best friend companion. I once read about what a better place this world would be if we all greeted one another the way "man's best friend" greets man....tails wagging, eager to please, wanting to give and receive, with that big doggy smile.
" Bark bark...Hi love.....Your home and I'm here to greet you!!"
The day I quit playing is the day I die.
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pipes i think that is a great long as we have to do the sniffing!
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I Love Bagpipes
ROFL Cool!!!!!!!!!!!!'s a funny:
My kids as toddlers were playing. "Let's pretend we're dogs," one enthusiastically voiced. "I'll sniff your butt and you sniff mine." I almost lost my wits when I heard it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But you know to them, it was just so ....... matter of fact.
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Bagpipes, that incident right there epitomizes the playfulness of children - I love that!!!!!!!!!!.....Isn't it something - kids often have no regard for rules, boundaries, etc....Great idea for a thread - loved what you said on the initial post - thanks!!!!!
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Linda Z
Yes, it is a good topic, Bagpipes. Playing is good for the soul.
Pond, I'm glad I'm not the only one who still has coloring books and crayons. They sit in a drawer for years on end, but every once in a while, I just feel like coloring. So I do! And I love to do jigsaw puzzles and play computer games.
One of the best parties I ever had was when my son was about 4 years old. He had some of the coolest toys. So I invited a few friends over for a "play party." We drank wine, nibbled on snacks, and played with his train and his blocks and his little gas station and Legos, etc. Everyone had a fantastic time.
Grace, I hope you get to keep your property intact, too. Add me to the ones praying.
Coolchef, do you know how to record your piano playing as a .wav file, so you can post it here for us to hear?
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so, Z...I'm curious...did the little nibblers prefer cab, merlot, or spritzers?
leggo my leggos
lolol...wait a sec...just reread this...YOUR friends, not the little, the other way may have been fun, too. Gives a broader sense to making play dates for the kids! :)
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I have been a musician for years...sometimes full-time, sometimes part-time
I have never called it work...I still say "I'm playing tonight"
When I feel like saying "I'm working tonight" I come to my senses and kick that gig to the curb.
Improvising jazz is my sacred playpen.
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You sound like my husband,,,He loves to play guitar,,, Manly JAZZ. As for my daughter and I, Hair and Make-up is our play------professionally. A new canvass everytime....
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I Love Bagpipes
I've played in some African drumming performances. I'd get nervous until my teacher said, "It's not a performance; it's a play-formance." Paints a different picture, heh?
Some of my favorite playing? Oh so many. I love variety and spice. Here are a few favorites:
Sharing with friends at the bookstore over our favorite beverage...
Puzzles (I have 3 glued and framed in my home...and a few 3-d puzzles on display).....
Riding horses at a full canter through meadows .........
Hiking, especially wide open spaces (Favorite hiking spots: Grayson Highlands, VA (wild ponies here!); Roan Mountain, TN; The Chimneys, Great Smokies)........
Drumming, African style.......
Making music with little people........
Reading out loud............
Dancing, dancing, dancing (I love to jump when i dance and swing my arms high in the air!!)........
Cards and board games........
Belly laughing............
Visiting with my kids....................
Time with Mr. Pipes (most fun of all :) and we enjoy some of the other playtimes listed above).........
And there is more...but I'll stop here. It is fun to think about!
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I Love Bagpipes
Bringing this up for anyone who wants to peruse it.
It is a segway (so to speak) in light of the "Self-awareness" thread in "About the Way."
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