"why give any heed to ignorant little children like these? they convict themseles out of their own mouth....defined biblically as fools they are not worth your breath or time.
Thet were not there, they do not know and cannot say what is true and what is not. pathetic, really...do not engage them, you will receive more intelligent response from a mule or a jackass then from such as these. Ignore them, they will depart..."
There is no learned man but will confess he hath much profited by reading controversies; his senses awakened, his judgment sharpened, and the truth which he holds more firmly established. In logic they teach that contraries laid together more evidently appear; and controversy being permitted, falsehood will appear more false, and truth more true.
While Dr. Wierwille might have had a devil spirit I don't see why that really matters. He was a man of Body, Soul, Spirit. When he taught he had the love of god in the renewed mind. In his regular life his cancer would be caused by the spirit of sickness or disease. The devil spirit that makes you teach the wrong info is the spirit of error. So if I would have to draw a conclusion it would be until the day he died he taught well and his Spirit of sickness was killing him.
Just about a month ago my dad had the same spirit, while he had taught the word for many years but he was still dying from the spirit. On one night God told me wonderful words to save him and I did. He went in with alot of water on his body he weighed 245. He left at 187 that was almost 60 pounds of water. The words of DR. Wierwille were so clear and they helped me save my dad and none of you can change that.
So even if Dr.Wierwille had the spirit of sickness and disease and all he ll was breaking loose on him it still does not matter when he walked up to teach he had the love of God in the renewed mind.
He went in with alot of water on his body he weighed 245. He left at 187 that was almost 60 pounds of water. The words of DR. Wierwille were so clear and they helped me save my dad and none of you can change that.
Well seeing as it has come to my attention that ck lied to stir up trouble between posters who weren`t present in chat....I guess I don`t believe a word of his posts....his veracity and integrety and credibity have been flushed straight down the toilet .....
While Dr. Wierwille might have had a devil spirit I don't see why that really matters.
[if you were listening to vpw teach, you would have
heard that it made a HUGE difference.
"Believers" were supposed to be able to believe away devils with ease,
just blasting them clear with explosions of raw believing at our command.
That's why vpw's cancer was kept under wraps-instead of being mentioned
on the Sunday Night Tapes/phone hookups.
According to vpw's OWN teaching,
an inability to believe away an oppressing spirit demonstrates inferiority
as a believer-since you'd get delivered if you "believed ENOUGH."
That spread everywhere-but CAME from vpw.
Mind you,
it hurt a LOT of people over the years, since they were suffering
sorrowful events, AND persecuted for having bad things happen
to them. (Sorta like Job's "miserable comforters.")
When it happened to vpw, he could FINALLY have withdrawn that.
Instead, he chose to attempt to retain his "I'm ALWAYS right"
In fact, he even refused to admit that he got sick the same
way everybody else did.
happens to me."
So, in twi, this would have been a huge deal if it was
resported to happen to anyone-as vpw taught it.
So, according to vpw, this would be a big deal.]
He was a man of Body, Soul, Spirit. When he taught he had the love of god in the renewed mind.
[You've stated this as an opinion,
but not only can I make a case against it a number of times,
I can quote him doing otherwise while teaching.
But don't let what vpw said interfere with what you decided
he said- you'd hate to break a perfect record like that...]
In his regular life his cancer would be caused by the spirit of sickness or disease. The devil spirit that makes you teach the wrong info is the spirit of error. So if I would have to draw a conclusion it would be until the day he died he taught well and his Spirit of sickness was killing him.
[Your conclusions don't match twi teaching.
Someone under the influence of a devil at ALL would be unstable
and untrustworthy. Otherwise, you could have a man filled with the
spirit of murder who goes out, kills a man, then steps up to the
podium and gives a sermon. Would you consider that man's sermons
to be trustworthy? Would you presume his spirit of murder would not
affect his mind as he spoke?]
Just about a month ago my dad had the same spirit, while he had taught the word for many years but he was still dying from the spirit.
[Or maybe he was just sick.
That happens, you know.
People and animals get sick all the time,
WITHOUT devils being involved.]
On one night God told me wonderful words to save him and I did. He went in with alot of water on his body he weighed 245. He left at 187 that was almost 60 pounds of water.
[He "went in" to the HOSPITAL, I imagine.
Do the doctors and nurses who laboured to sustain his life get
NO CREDIT for their work?
Apparently not-they're incidental. It was you and vpw that saved him.
Must have been a waste of time and money to see a doctor at all!]
The words of DR. Wierwille were so clear and they helped me save my dad and none of you can change that.
[Don't think we have to do anything to that account, actually.
I think all the "changing" was done long before we heard it.]
So even if Dr.Wierwille had the spirit of sickness and disease and all he ll was breaking loose on him it still does not matter when he walked up to teach he had the love of God in the renewed mind.
[Poor Jesus wasted his time casting out demons all the time.
Seems ck thinks they don't matter much.
Heck, the kid living in the tombs and cutting himself with stones
could have taken vpw's classes and taught FINE sermons,
in between throwing himself in the fire to commit suicide.
According to ck, a spirit would not matter when he walked up
to teach-
so long as he had
Of course,
ck has still failed to justify the phrase "in the renewed mind"
when translating "agape" into English,
but let's not keep bringing up fundamental doctrinal errors.
One thing that applies is why should I care about what people think of me. These are my set opinions and they will not change, though you find it harsh or disrespectful. I find it to be the truth VPW did good and you guys here can't stand it when someone says it. ...
Golly that's for sure.
CK thanks for being honest and sharing your opinions.
It's obvious some folks just won't tolerate differing opinions...
Well I think I did make mistake and I tried to say that I was Sorry for it as a matter fact I have the PM mesg I sent you
this is my mesg to Rascal.
"I am sorry about the most recent thing with coolwaters I hope I did not offend you and if I did I am so sorry."
So while holding a grudge is one thing. I did account for my mistake and I sent a sorry mesg. to you, bb, and Coolwaters. It was my mistake I saw my mistake and I was not trying to pin anybody against each other.
But I think you are trying something else you ran out of things to attack me with, so you dug down into the dirt and tried to put a nasty post on here. I tried to fix my error and for you to bring that up makes me lose respect for you. Your post will no longer mean anything to me, it will just be words on a screen. So that is my opinion, that you just wanted to put a mean and nasty post together.
I made my error and spoke for it within a matter of 24 hours. No matter what you put on this thread I will still believe in VPW. While I think it is Rascal's main goal to make me look bad and make herself appear better. I am sure Rascal is a better person than me I do not contest that but, Rascal this is just for you as a famous writer once said "You can stick it where the sun don't shine". Because we are talking about the Persecution of VPW, Not the persecution of CK. So once again I end with my favorite ending.
Error??? ERROR??? ooooh no don`t EVEN try to minimalise what you did as a simple *mistake* You out and out LIED .....I can only surmise in the interest of trying to stir up trouble.....the act of a sneaky little punk trying to cause problems....The only thing YOu are sorry for is getting caught friend.
YOU have been treated with longsuffering, forbearance and respect ...you have deficated on, spit upon, and trampled the wealth of pearls lovingly and gently placed in front of you....your option of course dude, But don`t expect any more or any respect when you behave like such a little swine.
WOW, Rascal.....looks like someone hasn't realized that we all know each other pretty well on here and have known each other for YEARS..... MANY YEARS!!! And, that despite the fact that we may disagree with one another on here, we do actually respect each other, for the most part.
It's not only not nice to fool with Mother Nature.... it's worse when some newcomer smart @$$ tries to stir stuff up, it just aint gonna happen. Especiall when he tries to pit friends against one another.... a gross underestimation of how tight we can be.
The integrity just fell further through the basement....as if I thought it could fall any further than it already has... worshipping an evil rapist, devil spirit possessed idolator isn't bad enough.... he has to try to pit us against one another.....
Give it up, kiddo, just ain't gonna happen. You can be stupid and ignorant all you want about vee pee, but that ploy is worse than grade school shenanigans and you're messing with much smarter, much wiser folks than you realize.
Rascal I have put you on th ignore list now you are just a bitter woman who has nothing good to say. While I was in chat I do believe you forgave me, so really I don't know why we are still talking about this subject. But being a woman I suppose you want me to bleed. Now being a bitter woman which you are I guess you want me to take a gun and shoot it through my heart. Well that is not going to happen all I can say is get over it. My conversation well no longer contain what I have done or not done, I will now restart the VPW subject.
(Rascal)Complaints can be sent to the GS administrator Pawtucket@greasespotcafe.com,
because I am tired of stupid comments.
While the spirits of error and the spirit of sickness might be close they are still 2 different spirits, They will show how bad they really are. The spirit of error speaks error in teaching, but as some have said VPW teachings could not have been all bad. He was sick and with cancer so he had a spirit os sickness, but he did not have the spirit of error so his teaching would not be effected.
While the spirits of error and the spirit of sickness might be close they are still 2 different spirits, They will show how bad they really are. The spirit of error speaks error in teaching, but as some have said VPW teachings could not have been all bad. He was sick and with cancer so he had a spirit os sickness, but he did not have the spirit of error so his teaching would not be effected.
Thank God for VPW,
Wow! And you have scripture to back all this up, right?
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George Aar
"are you working on your troll merit badge, too?"
Tom Odd,
thanks for a good morning chucke...
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Some cool features offered here in the Cafe...
ahhhh, some peace & quiet ;)
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Alfakat posted 4/17/2006 12:53 AM:
"why give any heed to ignorant little children like these? they convict themseles out of their own mouth....defined biblically as fools they are not worth your breath or time.
Thet were not there, they do not know and cannot say what is true and what is not. pathetic, really...do not engage them, you will receive more intelligent response from a mule or a jackass then from such as these. Ignore them, they will depart..."
Well, Alfakat, when it comes right down to it – I totally agree with your sentiment – but there are specific reasons why I comment on such foolish posts - and it's usually NOT for the benefit of the one who posted it!…You may think very similarly as well. Sometimes I imagine certain people reading Grease Spot posts – they may be ex-TWI, current TWI, thinking about joining TWI…They may be registered patrons of the Café or a guest – that pours over the assorted threads…There's a lot of threads I personally enjoy to read – many I don't even make a contribution – some I make into a PDF file and save on my hard drive so I can review them off-line…So, at the risk of stating the obvious -when it comes to controversy, debates and open forums I often think about the benefit mentioned in a Milton quote:
There is no learned man but will confess he hath much profited by reading controversies; his senses awakened, his judgment sharpened, and the truth which he holds more firmly established. In logic they teach that contraries laid together more evidently appear; and controversy being permitted, falsehood will appear more false, and truth more true.
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David ( and everybody)
While Dr. Wierwille might have had a devil spirit I don't see why that really matters. He was a man of Body, Soul, Spirit. When he taught he had the love of god in the renewed mind. In his regular life his cancer would be caused by the spirit of sickness or disease. The devil spirit that makes you teach the wrong info is the spirit of error. So if I would have to draw a conclusion it would be until the day he died he taught well and his Spirit of sickness was killing him.
Just about a month ago my dad had the same spirit, while he had taught the word for many years but he was still dying from the spirit. On one night God told me wonderful words to save him and I did. He went in with alot of water on his body he weighed 245. He left at 187 that was almost 60 pounds of water. The words of DR. Wierwille were so clear and they helped me save my dad and none of you can change that.
So even if Dr.Wierwille had the spirit of sickness and disease and all he ll was breaking loose on him it still does not matter when he walked up to teach he had the love of God in the renewed mind.
Thank God for VPW,
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Uhhh...more like thank God for diuretics.
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Troll merit badge, lol
Well seeing as it has come to my attention that ck lied to stir up trouble between posters who weren`t present in chat....I guess I don`t believe a word of his posts....his veracity and integrety and credibity have been flushed straight down the toilet .....
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Golly that's for sure.
CK thanks for being honest and sharing your opinions.
It's obvious some folks just won't tolerate differing opinions...
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No oldies, what`s NOT tollerated is a lying little punk, who enjoys stirring up trouble no matter whom they hurt in the process.
Not suprising that the resident vpw fan club condones and supports his cruel behavior.
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Relax Rascal.
Folks are entitled to their opinions, even folks who don't agree with yours.
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Just so everyone knows that those opinions are coming from a known busted liar.
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coolchef1248 @adelphia.net
ck if you learned all of this veepee adolatry from your parents
they should be charged with child molestation for warping your mind

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:o ......
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Bout sums it all up don`t it temple lady?
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Tom Strange
Obviously you've never seen "The Exorcist"... a little movie that came out in 1973... or you wouldn't make that statement!
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Instead of considering that VPW was wrong about cancer and possession, he's now willing to follow a possesed man.
But, isn't the spirit of sickness real good buddies with the spirit of error? I think they came from the same neighborhood.
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Well I think I did make mistake and I tried to say that I was Sorry for it as a matter fact I have the PM mesg I sent you
this is my mesg to Rascal.
"I am sorry about the most recent thing with coolwaters I hope I did not offend you and if I did I am so sorry."
So while holding a grudge is one thing. I did account for my mistake and I sent a sorry mesg. to you, bb, and Coolwaters. It was my mistake I saw my mistake and I was not trying to pin anybody against each other.
But I think you are trying something else you ran out of things to attack me with, so you dug down into the dirt and tried to put a nasty post on here. I tried to fix my error and for you to bring that up makes me lose respect for you. Your post will no longer mean anything to me, it will just be words on a screen. So that is my opinion, that you just wanted to put a mean and nasty post together.
I made my error and spoke for it within a matter of 24 hours. No matter what you put on this thread I will still believe in VPW. While I think it is Rascal's main goal to make me look bad and make herself appear better. I am sure Rascal is a better person than me I do not contest that but, Rascal this is just for you as a famous writer once said "You can stick it where the sun don't shine". Because we are talking about the Persecution of VPW, Not the persecution of CK. So once again I end with my favorite ending.
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Error??? ERROR??? ooooh no don`t EVEN try to minimalise what you did as a simple *mistake* You out and out LIED .....I can only surmise in the interest of trying to stir up trouble.....the act of a sneaky little punk trying to cause problems....The only thing YOu are sorry for is getting caught friend.
YOU have been treated with longsuffering, forbearance and respect ...you have deficated on, spit upon, and trampled the wealth of pearls lovingly and gently placed in front of you....your option of course dude, But don`t expect any more or any respect when you behave like such a little swine.
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Tom Strange
Wow man... remind me not to make Yoda mad...
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WOW, Rascal.....looks like someone hasn't realized that we all know each other pretty well on here and have known each other for YEARS..... MANY YEARS!!! And, that despite the fact that we may disagree with one another on here, we do actually respect each other, for the most part.
It's not only not nice to fool with Mother Nature.... it's worse when some newcomer smart @$$ tries to stir stuff up, it just aint gonna happen.
Especiall when he tries to pit friends against one another.... a gross underestimation of how tight we can be. 
The integrity just fell further through the basement....as if I thought it could fall any further than it already has... worshipping an evil rapist, devil spirit possessed idolator isn't bad enough.... he has to try to pit us against one another.....
Give it up, kiddo, just ain't gonna happen. You can be stupid and ignorant all you want about vee pee, but that ploy is worse than grade school shenanigans and you're messing with much smarter, much wiser folks than you realize.
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....... not to worry Mr. Strange..... harmless am I (said in my best yoda immitation :) )
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Poor Tom,
First me , now Rascal
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Rascal I have put you on th ignore list now you are just a bitter woman who has nothing good to say. While I was in chat I do believe you forgave me, so really I don't know why we are still talking about this subject. But being a woman I suppose you want me to bleed. Now being a bitter woman which you are I guess you want me to take a gun and shoot it through my heart. Well that is not going to happen all I can say is get over it. My conversation well no longer contain what I have done or not done, I will now restart the VPW subject.
(Rascal)Complaints can be sent to the GS administrator Pawtucket@greasespotcafe.com,
because I am tired of stupid comments.
While the spirits of error and the spirit of sickness might be close they are still 2 different spirits, They will show how bad they really are. The spirit of error speaks error in teaching, but as some have said VPW teachings could not have been all bad. He was sick and with cancer so he had a spirit os sickness, but he did not have the spirit of error so his teaching would not be effected.
Thank God for VPW,
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