Now even if VPW did sin and taught those are two seperate things. When a man/women teaches with the love of god in the renewed mind then he/she is right. When the same teacher sins, as long as the teacher gets forgiven by God, the sin is no longer remembered so it says in the bible. Then the teacher is spirtually correct. So you who have not sinned you my cast the first stone. While no person is sin free (except Jesus Christ) therefore there should be no stones thrown.
I agree that VPW's "sins" and his "teaching" are 2 separate things, always have. For example, the fact that VPW raped women does not make his teaching on Roman 10:9 wrong. A fool should understand that. But no one here is saying that. That is a your red herring. Your lie.
However, the fact that one may be forgiven, does not mean that what they teach is "spiritually correct". That is absurd. Doesn't God forgive me? Does that necessarily make me spiritually correct? According to you, it would. So why don't you follow me? Oh, I know it only applies to Wierweille.
Many have said VPW did not good because this is a VPW bashing site, so I would not be surprised if it were 95% of the people here.
No, they haven't, I have already shown that to be untrue. Only a small few have said anything like that. See the poll. You want to keep promoting that lie - go ahead.
Therefore VPW "might" have done wrong he did right also.
VPW "might" have done wrong? Is that the same as VPW only "might" have sinned?
Let's see then .... all men have sinned except Jesus , and VPW only "might" have. That's putting Ol' Doc Vic right up there pretty close to Jesus isn't it? -- That's pathetic.
VPW "might" have done wrong? Is that the same as VPW only "might" have sinned?
Let's see then .... all men have sinned except Jesus , and VPW only "might" have. That's putting Ol' Doc Vic right up there pretty close to Jesus isn't it? -- That's pathetic.
When he says that VPW 'might' have done wrong, CK is showing us all plainly that he doesn't really believe those have been on the receiving end of VPW's abuses. The fact that it is VPW who's being accused is the reason why.
This site, IMO, was started to continue what had begun in WAYDALE--after it was shut down. It brought out into the open what had been TABOO for all those years. It has evolved into much more than that now.
Paw made a video of the 2nd weenie roast where I'm quoted at the end, "We share our experience, strength, and hope".
What happened during that time is/was REAL, very real to those who experienced it. For some, VPW and others still stalk them in their dreams.
We have shared with each other, what happened, how we've coped, how we've healed, and made lifelong healthy connections/reconnections in the process.
bib·li·ol·a·try Pronunciation (bbl-l-tr)
1. Excessive adherence to a literal interpretation of the Bible.
2. Extreme devotion to or concern with books.
# 2 -- bibliotory could be used of someone that exhibited extreme devotion to a certain book or set of books. (book worship - a form of idolotry)
HMMM, I think #2 fits well. There were one or two books VPW worshiped so much he essentially rebound them and put his name in the authors space.
If there is one thing I might add, it would be: The opinions expressed here are strictly those of the person who gave them. While it is OK to disagree (it was never OK in TWI) I think it is wrong to negate other peoples experiences. In the end, take what you liked and leave the rest.
Thank God for VPW!!! Yes after his death, I discovered more indepth details about what he has taught all of us. All in all, regardless of some errors, he was brave enough to teach us more fundamental details in research and if you listen carefully to him, Alot of individuals who got hurt would have not been victims of misquided so called brothers and sisters of Christ. The comfort of being born again and the knowledge he taught us freed many of us from alot od Dogma Doctrine that would have eventually lead our minds into a religious type slavery!! Was he perfect??!!! Don't be a complete moron!!! He had frailties like all of do, some worsed than others. Does that mean we should throw away everything based on his character flaws??? Logically that would be very stupid. He taught alot of us to think for ourselves, challenge everything regardless of whom its coming from. Many have forgotton that teaching and by their own error they got lead astray into harmful manipulative selfserving causes that had nothing to do with what VPW stood for. Alot of you know this , but not enough tell it. Make the word of God your own and be thankful that someone broke out of the traditional mold to teach us how to do it ourselves.
The work is in your hands now, Do something with it constructive
Again, Thankyou to the Family of VPW and all they sacrificed to help those who trully needed it, We are forever in your debt.
P.S .. And for those who saught to harm us and our love ones, to only take advantage of our kindness for their own selfserving sick means...You will recieve the fullness of what Father has set to your charge. May God set forth the punishment before we do, for we are not so forgiving when measuring out the correct balance due you. Goodbye and Goodluck!
Make sure while being here on GS to remember what you have been taught. While most of the people here will not agree with you, I on the other hand agree that VPW's teachings were great.
No he didn't. He "taught" us to parrot his very words. To accept his absurd dogma without question. Why, to think something contrary to him was to court becoming "possessed".
"Make the word of God your own"
And just what "word" would that be? "The Word" as exegized by the emminent Doc Vic, or one of the THOUSANDS of other translations and commentaries?
"and be thankful that someone broke out of the traditional mold to teach us how to do it ourselves.
The work is in your hands now, Do something with it constructive"
And what would that "constructive" something be? Maybe sending more money to some half-baked Bible conman to buy more toys?
"Again, Thankyou to the Family of VPW and all they sacrificed to help those who trully needed it, We are forever in your debt."
Uh, no, "we" are not. In fact, the case could be pretty easily made that they are in OUR debt. We're the boneheads that supported them for so many years and got NOTHING in return.
"Goodbye and Goodluck!"
What, is this another drive-by posting?
Well, my adivice to you would be "Wake up and smell the decade"...
Thank God for VPW!!! Yes after his death, I discovered more indepth details about what he has taught all of us. All in all, regardless of some errors, he was brave enough to teach us more fundamental details in research and if you listen carefully to him, Alot of individuals who got hurt would have not been victims of misquided so called brothers and sisters of Christ. The comfort of being born again and the knowledge he taught us freed many of us from alot od Dogma Doctrine that would have eventually lead our minds into a religious type slavery!! Was he perfect??!!! Don't be a complete moron!!! He had frailties like all of do, some worsed than others. Does that mean we should throw away everything based on his character flaws??? Logically that would be very stupid. He taught alot of us to think for ourselves, challenge everything regardless of whom its coming from. Many have forgotton that teaching and by their own error they got lead astray into harmful manipulative selfserving causes that had nothing to do with what VPW stood for. Alot of you know this , but not enough tell it. Make the word of God your own and be thankful that someone broke out of the traditional mold to teach us how to do it ourselves.
The work is in your hands now, Do something with it constructive
Again, Thankyou to the Family of VPW and all they sacrificed to help those who trully needed it, We are forever in your debt.
P.S .. And for those who saught to harm us and our love ones, to only take advantage of our kindness for their own selfserving sick means...You will recieve the fullness of what Father has set to your charge. May God set forth the punishment before we do, for we are not so forgiving when measuring out the correct balance due you. Goodbye and Goodluck!
Well...I wholeheartedly agree with the first piece of your post Claude, but no matter how much some of the GSers' abuse me, I don't think I would condone your parting shot !!
Yes after his death, I discovered more indepth details about what he has taught all of us.
[some of what he taught was like that.
Most of what he DID was like that, too.]
All in all, regardless of some errors,
[You're referring to the actual doctrinal mistakes he made,
or is "errors" a cute term for his felonies which he inflicted
on the church?]
he was brave enough to teach us more fundamental details in research
[That had nothing to do with bravery,
and everything to do with making him an authority.
God forbid the fundamentals of research showed him wrong
like Schoenheit did...]
and if you listen carefully to him, Alot of individuals who got hurt would have not been victims of misquided so called brothers and sisters of Christ.
[if you listen carefully to him,
you get the picture-in public-of a man who put himself forth
as humble at times, but called himself "THE Teacher" and
insisted on various displays of respect he invented
(like dress codes to interview him)
and-in private-of a man who could speak nicely one minute
and tear you apart in the next, especially if you disagreed
with him, or did something he decided he didn't like.]
The comfort of being born again and the knowledge he taught us freed many of us from alot od Dogma Doctrine
[...and replaced it with a DIFFERENT set of Dogma Doctrine!]
that would have eventually lead our minds into a religious type slavery!!
[Denominations make people "slaves"?
Not compared to twi.
There, corps got chewed out for "only" doing the complete setup for ROA,
for balking at any task, or ESPECIALLY being late with their MONEY.
Thinking differently than vpw was tantamount to a crime as well...]
Was he perfect??!!! Don't be a complete moron!!!
[Did anyone say he HAD to be perfect? Don't be a complete moron!!!]
He had frailties like all of do, some worse than others.
[Worse than almost everyone here, if not all.
I haven't heard anyone here was guilty of multiple rapes,
drugging others, misappropriating funds, etc. etc.
The activities he PLANNED and EXECUTED fall far short of the minimum
required for ministers.]
Does that mean we should throw away everything based on his character flaws???
[Did anyone say we should?
It DOES mean we should examine everything he taught.]
Logically that would be very stupid.
[Possibly why none of us suggested it. You're arguing against
a strawman.]
He taught alot of us to think for ourselves, challenge everything regardless of whom its coming from.
He talked ABOUT that,
but he taught to obey HIM without evaluation!
If you challenged HIM, you were smoked meat.]
Many have forgotton that teaching
[Not at all. It's called "do this when I say so,
but never on me."]
and by their own error they got lead astray into harmful manipulative selfserving causes that had nothing to do with what VPW stood for.
[some of those errors were taught directly TO them BY vpw.
Like:"You'll never be able to lead God's People unless you loosen up sexually."]
Alot of you know this , but not enough tell it.
[A lot of us tell THIS, but not enough of you can bear to FACE it.]
Make the word of God your own and be thankful that someone
[....manipulated us in God's name?]
broke out of the traditional mold to teach us how to do it ourselves.
[Oh. Right. Leonard. I'm thankful for him.]
The work is in your hands now, Do something with it constructive.
P.S .. And for those who saught to harm us and our love ones, to only take advantage of our kindness for their own selfserving sick means...You will recieve the fullness of what Father has set to your charge. May God set forth the punishment before we do, for we are not so forgiving when measuring out the correct balance due you. Goodbye and Goodluck!
quote: He taught alot of us to think for ourselves, challenge everything regardless of whom its coming from. Many have forgotton that teaching and by their own error they got lead astray into harmful manipulative selfserving causes that had nothing to do with what VPW stood for. Alot of you know this , but not enough tell it. Make the word of God your own and be thankful that someone broke out of the traditional mold to teach us how to do it ourselves.
quote: Again, Thankyou to the Family of VPW and all they sacrificed to help those who trully needed it, We are forever in your debt.
P.S .. And for those who saught to harm us and our love ones, to only take advantage of our kindness for their own selfserving sick means...You will recieve the fullness of what Father has set to your charge. May God set forth the punishment before we do, for we are not so forgiving when measuring out the correct balance due you.
Guess this shouldn't apply to VPW -eh? He gets a free pass ?
I think this fellow is bitter and thinking evil of folks that only "might" have sinned. But all men sin. So what? They were doing the best they could. Just forgive them and move on. Shoulda closed his eyes.
Do you guys who insist on waving this banner ...have an OUNCE of compassion living within you????
Come ON....think about it......You presume thank GOD for the man who PERSONALLY destroyed lives of people who read and post here????? ...A man who PERSONALLY raped our teenaged sisters while they were drugged...some of whom are present here.....
HOW in the He ll do you think it feels to read this ...knowing what how vile he personally was..... to see people praising and thanking God...GOD ALMIGHTY!!!! The God who is supposed to tenderly love, care for protect and guide each and every one of praise him for the man who personally betrayed and destroyed their lives, their hopes, their families and their dreams????
The man who promised them that IF they would simply trust him ....he could show them ALL answeres to life and Godliness.....They dared to trust him.....
People who had already been delt devistating blows their entire lives....Jeeemany.....they dared hope just one more time......they dared let down their guard ...believing that this man would heal their pain with the information he promised to give :( ....
His betrayal was by far the worst and most far reaching.....because not ONLY is our trust shattered...not just in a man, a minister and teacher...betrayed.....but has succeded in having shaken and even destroyed our very faith and foundation in a God who could purportedly could LEAD us to be so abused. Our very ability to trust and rely on God has been destroyed. Iin many cases...the last hope and refuge for peace and solace....has been utterly and completely shattered.
Damn it....THINK about how you are callously reopening the wounds that vpw personally inflicted and how difficult it is to people here wh en you want to praise God and thank him for this f-cking monster....this destroyer of souls.
YOU want to respect him?? Want to trust him, his veracity, give him the benefit of the doubt personally?? No problem, but you who wanna wave the *vpw is so great that nothing he did to you matters* it really necessary???
Sorry, really, but GEEZE have some decency please, and just consider that when you thank God for vpw out here in the public forums ... THINK about what that does to your brothers and sisters right here living and present whom struggle with reconciling a God whom could be thanked as responsible for this man whom singularly dealt the most devistating blows to date in an already horrendously difficult life :(
VPW is dead....damn it...but your brothers and sisters are right here present whom continue to be wounded by the very idea of associating God with, and assigning God as being responsible for their personal tormentor.
If GOD called YOU to twi... then tell me who in the heck called those of us who were destroyed??? GOD???? Do those who endured the suffering need to thank God as being responsible as well?????Why would he love and teach you truth...but on the otherhand deal darkness suffering and pain to someone else ???
I don`t believe for one second that he called you to be blessed and so many others to be betrayed and hurt much deeper than the most rankest of unbelievers out in the world could possibly consider .....plain and simple <_<
I think he's just Mike using a new's okay....deep breath!!
If he's not he either won't be around long because the truth is too blinding and hard to fight. OR he'll come to his senses if he just takes a little time to look around and seriously consider the actions and horrible doctrinal error we were taught.
It's all good.....good for us to tell him again what the lurking innies need to hear - and there are LOTS of them.... I know. ;) They just contact me privately instead of on the boards because they HAVE read about the WAYGB and they believe that because they KNOW its standard m.o. for TWI despite all the promises of being "kinder and gentler".
Ok, I am just angers me so much that those *some errors* or *sins* or *slips* when referring to vpw`s atrocities, that people are willing to so blythly dismiss were in truth the very hearts and LIVES of our precious brothers and sisters being so casually destroyed, at times with a single minded visciousness that would make the most evil of unbelievers heads spin.
It`s like saying that our friends were unimportant ....praise God!
Something Bagpipes reminded me of on another thread.......
We all live in a screwed up world, where if we live long enough, we will have to struggle with suffering, shame, fear, anger, envy, jealously, despair, all the "darker" emotions of human experience. Nobody is immune from life's tragedies. Yet I think there is always HOPE. And no matter how badly we have suffered, there is redemption possible in all of it. I guess this being Easter week-end has got me thinking of what JC went through, what he made possible for each and every one of us, no matter what we have been through.
There will always be "Chrisitans" who want to minimize the suffering and pain of others. Ironic, isn't it?
Do you see what I mean they will attack and attack until they get under your skin. Don't let them stick to what you know
Thank God for VPW as a matter fact I will at the end of my post I will put Thank God for VPW. Though you will be persecuted for your beliefs. When you come here remember what VPW taught. For example you can stand at the gates of he ll and you won't have to back down (Yes I quoted that from a song). The most important thing that VPW was a good leader and he taught the word well. No matter what anybody says on here.
Perhaps CK & Claude are here because they want the world to know of the wonderful world one can live in when only 'pure thoughts' are allowed in one's mind...
And how do either of you, CK & or Claude comfort the men and women that have been hurt by VP & other leaders of TWI? They are your brothers & sisters in Christ.
Or perhaps you are one in the same, or you're on TWI payroll, or perhaps with an offshoot ministry like the Hendricks group CRF that hails VP yet today...
Your brothers & sisters were hurt, will you look the other way and applaud the actions of their manipulative rapist? Are you supportive still of those that ruled with a heavy hand and mislead God's children? Do you enjoy the company of those that twist God's word for their own gain & ego building? Are you supporting those leaders that saw the whole, sick ordeal, yet looked the other way and kept quiet?
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George Aar
I still think the "Lincoln Hat" was inspired.
Some of the other's comments, uh, not so much...
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What! No kiss??!!!
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I thought by this time you'd be spiritually mature enough that you wouldn't need a kiss -
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I agree that VPW's "sins" and his "teaching" are 2 separate things, always have. For example, the fact that VPW raped women does not make his teaching on Roman 10:9 wrong. A fool should understand that. But no one here is saying that. That is a your red herring. Your lie.
However, the fact that one may be forgiven, does not mean that what they teach is "spiritually correct". That is absurd. Doesn't God forgive me? Does that necessarily make me spiritually correct? According to you, it would. So why don't you follow me? Oh, I know it only applies to Wierweille.
No, they haven't, I have already shown that to be untrue. Only a small few have said anything like that. See the poll. You want to keep promoting that lie - go ahead.
VPW "might" have done wrong? Is that the same as VPW only "might" have sinned?
Let's see then .... all men have sinned except Jesus , and VPW only "might" have. That's putting Ol' Doc Vic right up there pretty close to Jesus isn't it? -- That's pathetic.
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When he says that VPW 'might' have done wrong, CK is showing us all plainly that he doesn't really believe those have been on the receiving end of VPW's abuses. The fact that it is VPW who's being accused is the reason why.
He doesn't believe them at all.
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(lol) I think your bar joke sums it all up well.
Something got lost in the "translation" somewhere
...or the interpretation. Oh well.
so it goes with these forums sometimes.
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This site, IMO, was started to continue what had begun in WAYDALE--after it was shut down. It brought out into the open what had been TABOO for all those years. It has evolved into much more than that now.
Paw made a video of the 2nd weenie roast where I'm quoted at the end, "We share our experience, strength, and hope".
What happened during that time is/was REAL, very real to those who experienced it. For some, VPW and others still stalk them in their dreams.
We have shared with each other, what happened, how we've coped, how we've healed, and made lifelong healthy connections/reconnections in the process.
HMMM, I think #2 fits well. There were one or two books VPW worshiped so much he essentially rebound them and put his name in the authors space.
If there is one thing I might add, it would be: The opinions expressed here are strictly those of the person who gave them. While it is OK to disagree (it was never OK in TWI) I think it is wrong to negate other peoples experiences. In the end, take what you liked and leave the rest.
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the book vee pee worshiped the most was the check book!

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Claude Davy
Thank God for VPW!!! Yes after his death, I discovered more indepth details about what he has taught all of us. All in all, regardless of some errors, he was brave enough to teach us more fundamental details in research and if you listen carefully to him, Alot of individuals who got hurt would have not been victims of misquided so called brothers and sisters of Christ. The comfort of being born again and the knowledge he taught us freed many of us from alot od Dogma Doctrine that would have eventually lead our minds into a religious type slavery!! Was he perfect??!!! Don't be a complete moron!!! He had frailties like all of do, some worsed than others. Does that mean we should throw away everything based on his character flaws??? Logically that would be very stupid. He taught alot of us to think for ourselves, challenge everything regardless of whom its coming from. Many have forgotton that teaching and by their own error they got lead astray into harmful manipulative selfserving causes that had nothing to do with what VPW stood for. Alot of you know this , but not enough tell it. Make the word of God your own and be thankful that someone broke out of the traditional mold to teach us how to do it ourselves.
The work is in your hands now, Do something with it constructive
Again, Thankyou to the Family of VPW and all they sacrificed to help those who trully needed it, We are forever in your debt.
P.S .. And for those who saught to harm us and our love ones, to only take advantage of our kindness for their own selfserving sick means...You will recieve the fullness of what Father has set to your charge. May God set forth the punishment before we do, for we are not so forgiving when measuring out the correct balance due you.
Goodbye and Goodluck!
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Make sure while being here on GS to remember what you have been taught. While most of the people here will not agree with you, I on the other hand agree that VPW's teachings were great.
Oh by the way welcome to GS.
So once again welcome and God Bless
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George Aar
What, is this another drive-by posting?
Well, my adivice to you would be "Wake up and smell the decade"...
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Happy Easter to you too Smikeol!
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allan w.
Well...I wholeheartedly agree with the first piece of your post Claude, but no matter how much some of the GSers' abuse me, I don't think I would condone your parting shot !!
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This also would include vp,martindale and others.
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quote: He taught alot of us to think for ourselves, challenge everything regardless of whom its coming from. Many have forgotton that teaching and by their own error they got lead astray into harmful manipulative selfserving causes that had nothing to do with what VPW stood for. Alot of you know this , but not enough tell it. Make the word of God your own and be thankful that someone broke out of the traditional mold to teach us how to do it ourselves.
quote: Again, Thankyou to the Family of VPW and all they sacrificed to help those who trully needed it, We are forever in your debt.
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Guess this shouldn't apply to VPW -eh? He gets a free pass ?
I think this fellow is bitter and thinking evil of folks that only "might" have sinned. But all men sin. So what? They were doing the best they could. Just forgive them and move on. Shoulda closed his eyes.
(Right CK? )
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Thank GOD for vpw?
Do you guys who insist on waving this banner ...have an OUNCE of compassion living within you????
Come ON....think about it......You presume thank GOD for the man who PERSONALLY destroyed lives of people who read and post here????? ...A man who PERSONALLY raped our teenaged sisters while they were drugged...some of whom are present here.....
HOW in the He ll do you think it feels to read this ...knowing what how vile he personally was..... to see people praising and thanking God...GOD ALMIGHTY!!!! The God who is supposed to tenderly love, care for protect and guide each and every one of praise him for the man who personally betrayed and destroyed their lives, their hopes, their families and their dreams????
The man who promised them that IF they would simply trust him ....he could show them ALL answeres to life and Godliness.....They dared to trust him.....
People who had already been delt devistating blows their entire lives....Jeeemany.....they dared hope just one more time......they dared let down their guard ...believing that this man would heal their pain with the information he promised to give :( ....
His betrayal was by far the worst and most far reaching.....because not ONLY is our trust shattered...not just in a man, a minister and teacher...betrayed.....but has succeded in having shaken and even destroyed our very faith and foundation in a God who could purportedly could LEAD us to be so abused. Our very ability to trust and rely on God has been destroyed. Iin many cases...the last hope and refuge for peace and solace....has been utterly and completely shattered.
Damn it....THINK about how you are callously reopening the wounds that vpw personally inflicted and how difficult it is to people here wh en you want to praise God and thank him for this f-cking monster....this destroyer of souls.
YOU want to respect him?? Want to trust him, his veracity, give him the benefit of the doubt personally?? No problem, but you who wanna wave the *vpw is so great that nothing he did to you matters* it really necessary???
Sorry, really, but GEEZE have some decency please, and just consider that when you thank God for vpw out here in the public forums ... THINK about what that does to your brothers and sisters right here living and present whom struggle with reconciling a God whom could be thanked as responsible for this man whom singularly dealt the most devistating blows to date in an already horrendously difficult life :(
VPW is dead....damn it...but your brothers and sisters are right here present whom continue to be wounded by the very idea of associating God with, and assigning God as being responsible for their personal tormentor.
If GOD called YOU to twi... then tell me who in the heck called those of us who were destroyed??? GOD???? Do those who endured the suffering need to thank God as being responsible as well?????Why would he love and teach you truth...but on the otherhand deal darkness suffering and pain to someone else ???
I don`t believe for one second that he called you to be blessed and so many others to be betrayed and hurt much deeper than the most rankest of unbelievers out in the world could possibly consider .....plain and simple <_<
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I think he's just Mike using a new's okay....deep breath!!
If he's not he either won't be around long because the truth is too blinding and hard to fight. OR he'll come to his senses if he just takes a little time to look around and seriously consider the actions and horrible doctrinal error we were taught.
It's all good.....good for us to tell him again what the lurking innies need to hear - and there are LOTS of them.... I know. ;) They just contact me privately instead of on the boards because they HAVE read about the WAYGB and they believe that because they KNOW its standard m.o. for TWI despite all the promises of being "kinder and gentler".
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Ok, I am just angers me so much that those *some errors* or *sins* or *slips* when referring to vpw`s atrocities, that people are willing to so blythly dismiss were in truth the very hearts and LIVES of our precious brothers and sisters being so casually destroyed, at times with a single minded visciousness that would make the most evil of unbelievers heads spin.
It`s like saying that our friends were unimportant ....praise God!
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These unthinking, sycophantic morons can only open wounds if we allow them to.
Why give them them the power to do that? -- They are morons.
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Something Bagpipes reminded me of on another thread.......
We all live in a screwed up world, where if we live long enough, we will have to struggle with suffering, shame, fear, anger, envy, jealously, despair, all the "darker" emotions of human experience. Nobody is immune from life's tragedies. Yet I think there is always HOPE. And no matter how badly we have suffered, there is redemption possible in all of it. I guess this being Easter week-end has got me thinking of what JC went through, what he made possible for each and every one of us, no matter what we have been through.
There will always be "Chrisitans" who want to minimize the suffering and pain of others. Ironic, isn't it?
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Do you see what I mean they will attack and attack until they get under your skin. Don't let them stick to what you know
Thank God for VPW as a matter fact I will at the end of my post I will put Thank God for VPW. Though you will be persecuted for your beliefs. When you come here remember what VPW taught. For example you can stand at the gates of he ll and you won't have to back down (Yes I quoted that from a song). The most important thing that VPW was a good leader and he taught the word well. No matter what anybody says on here.
Thank God for VPW,
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Perhaps CK & Claude are here because they want the world to know of the wonderful world one can live in when only 'pure thoughts' are allowed in one's mind...
And how do either of you, CK & or Claude comfort the men and women that have been hurt by VP & other leaders of TWI? They are your brothers & sisters in Christ.
Or perhaps you are one in the same, or you're on TWI payroll, or perhaps with an offshoot ministry like the Hendricks group CRF that hails VP yet today...
Your brothers & sisters were hurt, will you look the other way and applaud the actions of their manipulative rapist? Are you supportive still of those that ruled with a heavy hand and mislead God's children? Do you enjoy the company of those that twist God's word for their own gain & ego building? Are you supporting those leaders that saw the whole, sick ordeal, yet looked the other way and kept quiet?
What are your intensions here?
Just wondering...
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