I had a friend tell me once who was on Staff at twi's HQ about a situation where LCM forced a longtime staffer's wife be on HQ staff in the summer. She was a teacher in N.B. and he has been on staff since there was a staff (BEW)...literally. She didn't want to be there, but unless a very special exception was made, ALL staff folks were to have their spouses / older children work on Staff during the summers. :( LCM used to get hacked off when Staffers had requested permission to have their children work elsewhere during the summer.
Although that Staff guy ended up capitulating to LCM's demand, he wasn't always marching to LCM's drum. When LCM forced all the Staff to pull their children out of New Knoxville's baseball league because his son was to be on a FORMER clergyman's team, this guy let his son's play.
And now.....they actually want their "lesser" positions to get jobs elsewhere. Hey Belle, I wonder how much your ex will make being a security guard? Regardless of his background, security guards don't normally make much (no offense to anyone who happens to be one - including any innies on Safety).
One other thought for Patriot and Paw... seems that the following line from the Declaration of Independance fits GreaseSpotCafe to the tee's.
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
TWIts are now told to go get jobs because TWI isn't going to pay those fair wages for anyone that they don't have to....I wonder if that's tied to the benefits and laughable retirement fund they offer.....
If you're not considered full time, do they then get to drop you from insurance, medical reimbursement plans and retirement funds?
that should be the relevant issue.
Full-time employment and part-time employment have different rules for
eligibility for health insurance, dental, etc.
How much kool-aid are these folks going to drink before they drown or wake up to the ruin and sham in their lives?
Probably only when retirement slaps them in the face,
Hey Belle, I wonder how much your ex will make being a security guard? Regardless of his background, security guards don't normally make much (no offense to anyone who happens to be one - including any innies on Safety).
Here in Orlando, like you said - regardless of experience, they make only about $8-$10/hour. I suspect it's not even that much in the cornfields of OH. Hardly enough to garner much in the way of SS, savings and retirement. Even living in the dorms and having mandatory lunch meetings provided, still doesn't leave one with much. He's really going to regret his decision, I'm afraid. I just hope he does before it's too late...he no longer has a wife to support him getting re-certified to go back into law enforcement.
I really and truly hope that these new rules are a wake-up call for him. They payoff for having someone else make all your decisions for you, including how to spend every waking minute of your day, is going to be a very high price that many can't afford to pay when they get to be too old to be of value to TWI anymore.
WW, I think they are still telling their people that they are "non profit" and therefore have barely enough money in the bank accounts to support all those folks on staff. Pity they don't know that there's over $40 million of all our ABS sitting there being hoarded by the ones they are supposed to be trusting.
The latest rag has ads for people to come work on staff. I'll bet they're pulling the same trick Disney does and are rotating people through so quickly that they don't have time to build up any kind of longevity level paychecks, benefits and retirement. Didn't someone say you aren't vested and qualified for their retirement b.s. till you've been on staff for 10 or 12 years?
Jeepers Creeps! I'm sooooooooo glad to not have that kind of fear hanging over my head.
In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.
My choice quote from the Declaration, for you patriots.
ROFLMAO!!! Cool, I'm so glad you like it! Winn Dixie around the corner from me is closing down and having a huge sale to get rid of everything. I bought about 20 cans of Ro*Tel this week-end! Those poor TWIts just don't know what they're missing....
Staffers aren't required to ABS because they're paid from ABS - it would be like paying taxes on your tax return.
You bet you're sweet ___________ that they'll have to ABS off whatever they make outside the walls of HQ.
Oh, yeah!
Any organization worth it's weight in salt would look at the jobs, staff members, and staff members' abilities, and see where they might be able to down size. Since TWI has enough staffers who could work outside of HQ, they've then been told that they should work outside HQ. TWI would get more money by eliminating some positions then they probably will off the ABS from the menial part-time jobs that people like One Bullet Barney will make as a security guard at the local 7-11.
Unless... this is somehow considered to be.... OUTREACH!
Bah-haa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! OMG - please tell me this isn't for outreach!
Here's a question - in winter, when it snows, who is going to be on call 24/7 to be on their snow removal crews? The grounds department (aka a "lesser" job -no offense to anyone in or out who does landscape) may have to be working those other secular jobs. Especially if they are doing snow removal for those real jobs.
Wouldn't it be great if the "full time" staff with "major" jobs had to do that? Singing ladies, grab a shovel!
Wonder if they're going to pay overtime for the folks doing setup for the AC Specials they're having. <_< Naw.... they'll probably ship in the free labor from the WC trainees at Gunnison.
Last I knew there was no such thing as overtime at HQ. There were no benefits in the traditional sense of the word (aside from the 80% reimbursement of medical expenses). And they sure as h-e-double-hockey-sticks didn't have any kind of retirement fund. When I was there, we didn't even pay into Social Security, and neither did twi as the employer, because it had tax-exempt church status. That might have changed since then.
They convince people of the joy and privilege it would be to "serve God" at HQ, and then, after going on staff, those people find out (if they still have half a brain left) that they're really serving a bunch of honchos who are accustomed to being waited on hand and foot.
Of all the Wayfers, I feel sorriest for the staffers. People can be sheltered from the BS if they're in a fellowship with loving, caring people, but life is much different at the rootie-kazootie!
Linda,you probably were around the year George Jess died...Although,back then I usually kind of went along with the flow,I found it very disturbing that Tom Mausolf had to get up on stage to ask for a special love offering for Mr. Jess' family to help offset the medical debts they had amassed when George was in the hospital...George was a guy who dedicated his whole adult life to working as a staffer for the way,whether it was cutting VPW's hair,coordinating the early way corpse or working on grounds...He may have been the first,as this was about 1982,but it occured to me then that if the way was going to employ people until they reached old age,and only pay them on a "need basis",they're going to leave a lot of people out in the cold when things like medical issues come up if they don't include some kind of medical/insurance/retirement plan as part of the staffer's 'need'....
Let's see, they can't wash dishes or waitress at 'Adolph's' anymore since it's closed. When I passed through New Knox a couple of years ago it didn't look like there were any businesses to speak of.
St Marys is a booming metropolis in comparison, but what is really there ? When I lived there for a year in the 80's, it was in the midst of a deep recession due to the one large factory shutting down. Even the 'Happy Hunpty' diner is no longer there. I guess you could clean rooms at the hotel where some staffers used to LIVE.
I'm not sure how you could work 'part time' if you do happen to have some professional credentials and experience. The "Evening Leader' probably isn't looking for part time business managers. There are plenty of McDonalds and so called 'pizza' places in the neighborhood that could use the help though. The benefits from McDonalds are probably better than the way.
There was a motel in St Marys (can't recall it's name), where several people I knew on staff lived. I attended a fellowship at one guy's 'home' there for awhile.
It actually didn't seem that horrible, as it had a separate bedroom and kitchenette-but it was still a motel -that gave good monthly rates apparently.
In addition to the monetary and security rip-offs that TWI does to its staff ... what about good ol' JOB SATISFACTION? Try re-polishing the same door knob you have polished daily for the past umpteen years, and see what it does for your sense of self-worth. I know people with masters' degrees who did basically the same work as a Wallmart greeter while on staff for TWI. I don't know where in the Bible it says we must be bored for God.
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My oh my, how things have changed!
I had a friend tell me once who was on Staff at twi's HQ about a situation where LCM forced a longtime staffer's wife be on HQ staff in the summer. She was a teacher in N.B. and he has been on staff since there was a staff (BEW)...literally. She didn't want to be there, but unless a very special exception was made, ALL staff folks were to have their spouses / older children work on Staff during the summers. :( LCM used to get hacked off when Staffers had requested permission to have their children work elsewhere during the summer.
Although that Staff guy ended up capitulating to LCM's demand, he wasn't always marching to LCM's drum. When LCM forced all the Staff to pull their children out of New Knoxville's baseball league because his son was to be on a FORMER clergyman's team, this guy let his son's play.
And now.....they actually want their "lesser" positions to get jobs elsewhere.
Hey Belle, I wonder how much your ex will make being a security guard? Regardless of his background, security guards don't normally make much (no offense to anyone who happens to be one - including any innies on Safety).
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HA HA Patriot - Leave in the small frag you left out of your sig... - actually I cut out too much below
BUT - the phrase "invariably the same Object" wll strike close to home for many who knew VPW, LCM, Geer and the rest of the usual names
Might also change is is to it is... but still love your sig
pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism,
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One other thought for Patriot and Paw... seems that the following line from the Declaration of Independance fits GreaseSpotCafe to the tee's.
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
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that should be the relevant issue.
Full-time employment and part-time employment have different rules for
eligibility for health insurance, dental, etc.
Probably only when retirement slaps them in the face,
and they have to "work until they die",
as Howard Allen's been quoted as saying.
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Here in Orlando, like you said - regardless of experience, they make only about $8-$10/hour. I suspect it's not even that much in the cornfields of OH. Hardly enough to garner much in the way of SS, savings and retirement. Even living in the dorms and having mandatory lunch meetings provided, still doesn't leave one with much. He's really going to regret his decision, I'm afraid. I just hope he does before it's too late...he no longer has a wife to support him getting re-certified to go back into law enforcement.
I really and truly hope that these new rules are a wake-up call for him. They payoff for having someone else make all your decisions for you, including how to spend every waking minute of your day, is going to be a very high price that many can't afford to pay when they get to be too old to be of value to TWI anymore.
WW, I think they are still telling their people that they are "non profit" and therefore have barely enough money in the bank accounts to support all those folks on staff. Pity they don't know that there's over $40 million of all our ABS sitting there being hoarded by the ones they are supposed to be trusting.
The latest rag has ads for people to come work on staff. I'll bet they're pulling the same trick Disney does and are rotating people through so quickly that they don't have time to build up any kind of longevity level paychecks, benefits and retirement. Didn't someone say you aren't vested and qualified for their retirement b.s. till you've been on staff for 10 or 12 years?
Jeepers Creeps! I'm sooooooooo glad to not have that kind of fear hanging over my head.
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My choice quote from the Declaration, for you patriots.
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coolchef1248 @adelphia.net
belle i pity those poor folks who work there.
the biggest reason you ask?
they cannot afford velveta to go with thier rot tel
thanks it was yummy!! goes good with beer
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ROFLMAO!!! Cool, I'm so glad you like it! Winn Dixie around the corner from me is closing down and having a huge sale to get rid of everything. I bought about 20 cans of Ro*Tel this week-end! Those poor TWIts just don't know what they're missing....
Kinda makes ya sad for 'em, don't it? :(
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Here's the real rub about this...
Staffers aren't required to ABS because they're paid from ABS - it would be like paying taxes on your tax return.
You bet you're sweet ___________ that they'll have to ABS off whatever they make outside the walls of HQ.
Oh, yeah!
Any organization worth it's weight in salt would look at the jobs, staff members, and staff members' abilities, and see where they might be able to down size. Since TWI has enough staffers who could work outside of HQ, they've then been told that they should work outside HQ. TWI would get more money by eliminating some positions then they probably will off the ABS from the menial part-time jobs that people like One Bullet Barney will make as a security guard at the local 7-11.
Unless... this is somehow considered to be.... OUTREACH!
Bah-haa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! OMG - please tell me this isn't for outreach!

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Here's a question - in winter, when it snows, who is going to be on call 24/7 to be on their snow removal crews? The grounds department (aka a "lesser" job -no offense to anyone in or out who does landscape) may have to be working those other secular jobs. Especially if they are doing snow removal for those real jobs.
Wouldn't it be great if the "full time" staff with "major" jobs had to do that? Singing ladies, grab a shovel!
Rosie's walk needs a cleanin!
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Wonder if they're going to pay overtime for the folks doing setup for the AC Specials they're having. <_< Naw.... they'll probably ship in the free labor from the WC trainees at Gunnison.
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Both of them? Who'll stoke the woodstove?
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Linda Z
Retirement funds?
Last I knew there was no such thing as overtime at HQ. There were no benefits in the traditional sense of the word (aside from the 80% reimbursement of medical expenses). And they sure as h-e-double-hockey-sticks didn't have any kind of retirement fund. When I was there, we didn't even pay into Social Security, and neither did twi as the employer, because it had tax-exempt church status. That might have changed since then.
They convince people of the joy and privilege it would be to "serve God" at HQ, and then, after going on staff, those people find out (if they still have half a brain left) that they're really serving a bunch of honchos who are accustomed to being waited on hand and foot.
Of all the Wayfers, I feel sorriest for the staffers. People can be sheltered from the BS if they're in a fellowship with loving, caring people, but life is much different at the rootie-kazootie!
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Linda,you probably were around the year George Jess died...Although,back then I usually kind of went along with the flow,I found it very disturbing that Tom Mausolf had to get up on stage to ask for a special love offering for Mr. Jess' family to help offset the medical debts they had amassed when George was in the hospital...George was a guy who dedicated his whole adult life to working as a staffer for the way,whether it was cutting VPW's hair,coordinating the early way corpse or working on grounds...He may have been the first,as this was about 1982,but it occured to me then that if the way was going to employ people until they reached old age,and only pay them on a "need basis",they're going to leave a lot of people out in the cold when things like medical issues come up if they don't include some kind of medical/insurance/retirement plan as part of the staffer's 'need'....
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Could it be, just maybe that somehow or another Wage and Labor caught up with HQ. Would make sense as to why the New Present Truth
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Let's see, they can't wash dishes or waitress at 'Adolph's' anymore since it's closed. When I passed through New Knox a couple of years ago it didn't look like there were any businesses to speak of.
St Marys is a booming metropolis in comparison, but what is really there ? When I lived there for a year in the 80's, it was in the midst of a deep recession due to the one large factory shutting down. Even the 'Happy Hunpty' diner is no longer there. I guess you could clean rooms at the hotel where some staffers used to LIVE.
I'm not sure how you could work 'part time' if you do happen to have some professional credentials and experience. The "Evening Leader' probably isn't looking for part time business managers. There are plenty of McDonalds and so called 'pizza' places in the neighborhood that could use the help though. The benefits from McDonalds are probably better than the way.
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So Craig, interesting that you let the women you were bedding work secular jobs or not wear hats in winter. What a horny man you are.
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Some TWIts used to live in a hotel?? WTF????
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There was a motel in St Marys (can't recall it's name), where several people I knew on staff lived. I attended a fellowship at one guy's 'home' there for awhile.
It actually didn't seem that horrible, as it had a separate bedroom and kitchenette-but it was still a motel -that gave good monthly rates apparently.
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In addition to the monetary and security rip-offs that TWI does to its staff ... what about good ol' JOB SATISFACTION? Try re-polishing the same door knob you have polished daily for the past umpteen years, and see what it does for your sense of self-worth. I know people with masters' degrees who did basically the same work as a Wallmart greeter while on staff for TWI. I don't know where in the Bible it says we must be bored for God.
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I'd rather be a greeter at Walmart than work for TWI in any position. Much more rewarding.
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