I'd be on an all time high for weeks after that! I'm sure she was perfectly gracious just like her Mama and they walked away thinking, "what a sweet young lady."
Wow what a story. She'll likely remember that for the rest of her life.
Years ago I was walking downtown Broadway in Manhattan, it was around 5:30 am. in the morning, and the streets were virtually desolate.
All at once I see this dark haired guy with a blue suit, walking toward me. Walking around 25 feet behind him was a man in a trenchcoat wearing sunglasses, carrying a thick black briefcase.
When I was around 20 feet away from the guy with the blue suit I look up, looked back down and had to do a double take.
You're a good story teller... my heart was pounding, the man in the suit, I felt embarrassed for not being better dressed... would that sweat please QUIT already... will that paper get turned in on time.... :o
Is your daughter smiling now about it... maybe a good one for Reader's Digest? (they pay if your story is used)
the roads are marked off and shut down in the path he travels.
no traffic no people , security is very tight.
every one that is any where near him is cleared by securities and he comes and goes in secret both times they switched the site he was to vist the very day of the vist .
he is much more secured than the older president .
but they still have a life long guard up.
Maybe in texas they like him more and do not have to go through all of this .. haha his home town and all.
In NY the news got out that he was coming again and our senators complained to all of us that it will have to be canceled IF he is to come next week because the press found out about it.
they werre angry as heck.
He did come and they switched sites twice. changed times and canceld a vist.
Actually, George Sr.'s Library is at A&M. He keeps an office there, and has a place on campus he stays. He also is a poly sci advisor. He was my sis-in-laws advisor when she attended in the 90's.
I heard he likes to hang around in the student center and fraternize with the students.
I told daughter that if she gets the tour guide job for incoming Freshmen, she needs to make sure they know what George Sr. looks like. ;)
And she can also warn them about men in dark suits with curly phone cords coming out their ears.
Glad ya'll enjoyed the story. I love writing/telling true stuff that happens in my little part of the world.
You told the story as well here as you did on Live Chat the other night. Even though the George's were mixed up, it was still a great experience. Tell J* we're proud of her for acting like the gracious southern lady she is; shows her mom and dad taught her well. I'm sure both you are hubby are quite proud of her.
Another great story to add to the M* true tales. When I told hubby the story the other morning, he remarked "It's just like the kind of thing that always happened to ex-10's dad all the time. That family has great stories."
Looking forward to hearing the next one!
P.S. Are you going to be able to make it to the GGGW in June - see CoolWaters post - we'd love to have you join us and all the other gals!
When my beloved husband heard the story, his comment was: "Well she is certainly a M*******." According to him, no other family on earth stumbles across good stories the way we do. Ha! :blink:
What I really appreciate, is how gracious George Sr. was. I mean, I'm sure he is used to freaking out students on campus, since he hangs out there so much. He took the time to acknowledge daughter, and put her at ease. Gotta love him for that.
He could have blown her off, and acted like she was in the way. But he didn't. :wub:
I'm quite sure she probably looked like a deer caught in the headlights..... :blink:
My Nephew was on a Navy ship during the first attacks on Iraq.
George Sr made a trip to the ship... Nephew, being prepared with camera in pocket for the visit, was on duty and missed the opportunity to do the 'fun' stuff...
George, ending the visit, heading toward his plane, the dot in the center of a security circle, broke out of the center, came & hugged my Nephew, who was asking if his buddy could snap a picture...security seemed irritated, George said sure, chatted a bit, then returned to the circled walk to the plane…
George & Nephew front & center... security with funny looks on their faces in the background... great picture :)
Your story IS better though Ex... a LOT more action
Ohmigosh! I didn't move any parking cones, (though sorely tempted) and we only snuck past campus security once. And we did get away with it, she says proudly.....
We didn't walk on the grass, intentionally, but son and friend did climb a few trees they weren't sposed to.
We went to the baseball game, and the midnight yell, and all I can say is: "Whooop!"
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How Cool!!! ex10, that's just awesomely neat!
I'd be on an all time high for weeks after that! I'm sure she was perfectly gracious just like her Mama and they walked away thinking, "what a sweet young lady."
Very cool story!
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Wow what a story. She'll likely remember that for the rest of her life.
Years ago I was walking downtown Broadway in Manhattan, it was around 5:30 am. in the morning, and the streets were virtually desolate.
All at once I see this dark haired guy with a blue suit, walking toward me. Walking around 25 feet behind him was a man in a trenchcoat wearing sunglasses, carrying a thick black briefcase.
When I was around 20 feet away from the guy with the blue suit I look up, looked back down and had to do a double take.
It was Richard Nixon...
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What an experience, Ex10! SOmething she'll remember the rest of her life.
Oldies-was this the same time period when Dan Rather was attacked by someone named "Kenneth"?
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I remember something about the guy who attacked Rather asked him "Kenneth what's the frequency?" :)
I don't remember too well but my incident happened early 1980's or sometime around then.
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coolchef1248 @adelphia.net
ex what a nice experience for her! where was her camera?? that will be a story she can tell to her grandbabies!
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What a cool story :)
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Gee Ex10, this sounds like MOVIE material!
You're a good story teller... my heart was pounding, the man in the suit, I felt embarrassed for not being better dressed... would that sweat please QUIT already... will that paper get turned in on time.... :o
Is your daughter smiling now about it... maybe a good one for Reader's Digest? (they pay if your story is used)
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we have had George W. Bush here twice this year.
no way can you get any where near him.
the roads are marked off and shut down in the path he travels.
no traffic no people , security is very tight.
every one that is any where near him is cleared by securities and he comes and goes in secret both times they switched the site he was to vist the very day of the vist .
he is much more secured than the older president .
but they still have a life long guard up.
Maybe in texas they like him more and do not have to go through all of this .. haha his home town and all.
In NY the news got out that he was coming again and our senators complained to all of us that it will have to be canceled IF he is to come next week because the press found out about it.
they werre angry as heck.
He did come and they switched sites twice. changed times and canceld a vist.
he has never brought the wife . ha
not so friendly in NY .
good for your kid ex 10
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Linda Z
pond said:
Could it be because more people actually like the elder President Bush??
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Actually, George Sr.'s Library is at A&M. He keeps an office there, and has a place on campus he stays. He also is a poly sci advisor. He was my sis-in-laws advisor when she attended in the 90's.
I heard he likes to hang around in the student center and fraternize with the students.
I told daughter that if she gets the tour guide job for incoming Freshmen, she needs to make sure they know what George Sr. looks like. ;)
And she can also warn them about men in dark suits with curly phone cords coming out their ears.
Glad ya'll enjoyed the story. I love writing/telling true stuff that happens in my little part of the world.
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You told the story as well here as you did on Live Chat the other night. Even though the George's were mixed up, it was still a great experience. Tell J* we're proud of her for acting like the gracious southern lady she is; shows her mom and dad taught her well. I'm sure both you are hubby are quite proud of her.
Another great story to add to the M* true tales. When I told hubby the story the other morning, he remarked "It's just like the kind of thing that always happened to ex-10's dad all the time. That family has great stories."
Looking forward to hearing the next one!
P.S. Are you going to be able to make it to the GGGW in June - see CoolWaters post - we'd love to have you join us and all the other gals!
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Aw, thanks, suda, I thought of my dad too.
When my beloved husband heard the story, his comment was: "Well she is certainly a M*******." According to him, no other family on earth stumbles across good stories the way we do. Ha! :blink:
What I really appreciate, is how gracious George Sr. was. I mean, I'm sure he is used to freaking out students on campus, since he hangs out there so much. He took the time to acknowledge daughter, and put her at ease. Gotta love him for that.
He could have blown her off, and acted like she was in the way. But he didn't. :wub:
I'm quite sure she probably looked like a deer caught in the headlights..... :blink:
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A comment about George Sr...
My Nephew was on a Navy ship during the first attacks on Iraq.
George Sr made a trip to the ship... Nephew, being prepared with camera in pocket for the visit, was on duty and missed the opportunity to do the 'fun' stuff...
George, ending the visit, heading toward his plane, the dot in the center of a security circle, broke out of the center, came & hugged my Nephew, who was asking if his buddy could snap a picture...security seemed irritated, George said sure, chatted a bit, then returned to the circled walk to the plane…
George & Nephew front & center... security with funny looks on their faces in the background... great picture :)
Your story IS better though Ex... a LOT more action
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I Love Bagpipes
Like mother like daughter....it all got started with parking cones!!!!
Way to go Ex's gem and the forces that be in the universe!!!
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Probably just finding a parking spot on campus will be a miracle......
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Tom Strange
and don't walk on the grass!
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Ok we are back from our stint at A&M.
Ohmigosh! I didn't move any parking cones, (though sorely tempted) and we only snuck past campus security once.
And we did get away with it, she says proudly..... 
We didn't walk on the grass, intentionally, but son and friend did climb a few trees they weren't sposed to.
We went to the baseball game, and the midnight yell, and all I can say is: "Whooop!"
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Woo Hoo! Glad you had a good time!
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