Just made it back from 12th and Vine to Cotton Row. Kansas City is a delightful city, and CoolWaters and Bowtwi are the perfect hostesses for a trip to the area. CoolWaters is better than a gps system at directions (when she is paying attention!), and Bowtwi the best chauffer ever (a real master at those u-turns!). All I needed to do was sit back, relax, and enjoy the scenery. It is a beautiful city with awesome architecture by day, and a city of lights and gaiety by night. And what wonderful fountains throughout, clear flowing waters by day and lighted sprays by night. (Is that where you got your name, CoolWaters?).
Was such a treat to meet some of my GSC sisters and have a nice, long visit. We talked about everything from A to Z until literally falling asleep around 3 a.m. each morning. Really loved getting to know them heart and heart and face to face. Such strong, open, and honest women. And a hoot to be around. The only way to make it better would have been more girls to go "wild" amongst.
Had a great suite overlooking the pool, along with a parade of waterbugs! Did the KC stomp on them, though. Sleep number beds were quite comfy. We never even turned on the tv in the living/dining room area.
Food was delicious and so many places to choose from. Had all the steak I could eat, and ate lobster until the butter dripped down my chin! (Yeah, I see you posted the proof of that Bowtwi!). Would love to spend more time in West Town (is that what it's called?) in all the little restaurants, bars, and shops. And dance through the streets with all the college kids!
dmiller, would love to tell you what "Q" is, but it just wouldn't be polite for me to publish topoftheworld's insightful information. Ask her about it tonight in chat. Understand that she can tell about it so much better than anyone else! Learned about it myself for the first time this weekend.
The perfect ending was getting to meet Bowtwi's beautiful princess and her precious pup. Knew I was really in Kansas as they were as endearing as Dorothy and Toto. Alas, I'm not in Kansas anymore. But am glad to be back in the Memphis area with my family as there is no place like home, except GGGW!
Hey, I can't take the credit - I drive a Taurus! LOL
It's Westport, but hey, it's all the same to us. Outdoor cafe's and bars with lighted torches and music and LIFE!!!
OMG the KC stomp on the water bugs - I was sleeping right above their trail and the front desk tried to feed me some makarkey about the supply closet being locked on 3rd shift and they have no keys - HA! I told them they could run to Walgreens and pick up some bug killer cause they really didn't want to keep me awake worrying that these winged bugs might land on my face! The guy was up in about 20 minutes with a can in hand!
We also saw the Veteran's Memorial - I'll post a pic of it.
Nancy is a lady that sits there and plays her sax and people come by and enjoy her music, then put money in a cup or something. Cool knew her from church, so that added another local treat.
I just hope the job application can be enlarged enough to read. It's hysterical! President Truman applied for a job at a bank and they framed the application at The Savoy. They even asked on there how do you spend your evenings and Sundays!!!
Oh, this was so much fun!!!
My eyes are burning, I'm so tired - GGW means SLEEP LATER - I think it's now later!
Awwwwww........I'm soooo jealous!!! I know y'all had a blast and can only imagine the things those waterbugs learned.
I wanna know where the pictures are of y'all running through the fountains in bathingsuits or not, as Bow put it.
Suda, I was hoping that was butter on your chin and not a hole in your lip. :P
Beautiful ladies!! Great smiles and tender loving eyes. My face hurts from laughing at your posts about the week-end, so glad it was everything and more than you expected!
Now get some rest so we can hear more about it!!! :lol:
Sheesh! Still recovering here! I thought I was all recovered...but no...dang. Of course, the heat isn't helping.
Anyway, toppie...that pic of me looking over the Q menu...with my nose all wrinkled...like I smelt something bad...I did that for you...knowing you'd appreciate the humor...LMAO!!!!!!!
So we're having a problem getting the pics to do what we want them to do...misbehavin' pics!...and as soon as we get that ironed out, there's plenty more!
The weekend was far better than we can even express, imo. Just a great time of being grown women together. But we missed you other ladies a whole lot! Somebody was always remarking, "Oh I wish more of the GSC gals were here!" or other such things.
You know, I was quite frightened that I wasn't going to live up to GSC standards or some other such nonsense...but wasn't nonsense to me...in that place in my head that says I am not worth such good things. I had never experienced an ROA or anything even remotely like it...not in twi and not in other aspects of my adult life...so I had no clue how to handle myself, what to expect, what was expected of me, nothing.
To me, this GGGW was akin to what many of you relate about the ROA or other get-togethers with people you know and love...or have yet to meet but know you're gonna love meeting them. For the first time in my life I had an experience with people I barely knew that turned out to be very good, very good indeed. It was like that for me...and I hope that GGGW can become like that for more gals.
Thank you, Suda and Bow, for ministering to me. You may never know just how healing you've been in my life. Thank you.
You are special, Cool-you've lifted my heart on days when I can't find too much to be uplifted about. Don't think GSC standards are an issue-it's human to human contact that counts, and you measure up quite well.
Well I waited for you all at the corner of 12th and vine in my nicest dress ,at least till a band of drunken sailors tried to pick me up. I ran all through Crown Center up and down the stairs in my heels. And I think I lost them when I ducked into the Streetcar Named Desire. After that close call I followed a couple of police cars passing by as I was sure they would be going in your direction. But ended up in swope park where I was mugged by an monkey that escaped the zoo on a weekend pass. It was not a fun time as I remember....
And here we thought that was the crowd letting out from the Temptations show...
so sorry we missed you - it would have been fun to have a meal with you - we ate at the Bistro at The Radisson Friday. Woo hoo! Lunch Saturday at the Quaff and the princess and I ate lunch at the airport at a place called "Just Off Vine," which we found totally appropriate for our dining pleasure this weekend. (Of course, we've already talked about the Savoy for dinner Saturday night.)
and what a mental image you paint!!! LOL
Oh, I forgot to tell about those last 2 pics - I don't know WHAT Cool was saying, but that waiter ran out a side door and up to the car to give her his phone # on a matchbook from the Savoy! LOL What a hoot the entire weekend!!!
Darn, I live in Topeka it would have been no big deal for me to hang with you all and the kids were with their dad. But I have been absent from Greasespot for a few years and I come back and miss the party. Glad you girls had fun. Maybe I will catch you all the next time around.
lol. No I have a good time in T town don't get me wrong and there are probably more drunks per capita here than any other city I have resided in but when it comes to classy entertainment there is a little to be desired.
I'm glad you all had such a great time! Thanks for the photos and the fun stories.
So CW. Did you call him yet???? :wink2: Until I saw Bow's last post, I thought maybe he followed you home and was wondering how you were gonna 'splain him to the hubby!
My Sicilian Yum Yum. Memories of a WONDERFUL weekend. But alas, I am a married woman and I can only play-act. Sigh. LMAO.
Yeah...sure...I can see that...him following me home...him not being such a Yum Yum any longer because hubs pounded his face into the dirt...GGGW being known for such a thing...Cinderella's story ending up quite differently...
Nah. Prefer the fantasy in my head.
What made this such a perfect strawberry on top of our dining experience was that most of the wait staff knew who we were, why we were there, and had been drawn into our storybook escapades. I really think that Yum Yum was carried away in those magical moments. Of course...I'd NEVER say otherwise...'cause what happens in KC stays in KC...
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Hello to all,
Just made it back from 12th and Vine to Cotton Row. Kansas City is a delightful city, and CoolWaters and Bowtwi are the perfect hostesses for a trip to the area. CoolWaters is better than a gps system at directions (when she is paying attention!), and Bowtwi the best chauffer ever (a real master at those u-turns!). All I needed to do was sit back, relax, and enjoy the scenery. It is a beautiful city with awesome architecture by day, and a city of lights and gaiety by night. And what wonderful fountains throughout, clear flowing waters by day and lighted sprays by night. (Is that where you got your name, CoolWaters?).
Was such a treat to meet some of my GSC sisters and have a nice, long visit. We talked about everything from A to Z until literally falling asleep around 3 a.m. each morning. Really loved getting to know them heart and heart and face to face. Such strong, open, and honest women. And a hoot to be around. The only way to make it better would have been more girls to go "wild" amongst.
Had a great suite overlooking the pool, along with a parade of waterbugs! Did the KC stomp on them, though. Sleep number beds were quite comfy. We never even turned on the tv in the living/dining room area.
Food was delicious and so many places to choose from. Had all the steak I could eat, and ate lobster until the butter dripped down my chin! (Yeah, I see you posted the proof of that Bowtwi!). Would love to spend more time in West Town (is that what it's called?) in all the little restaurants, bars, and shops. And dance through the streets with all the college kids!
dmiller, would love to tell you what "Q" is, but it just wouldn't be polite for me to publish topoftheworld's insightful information. Ask her about it tonight in chat. Understand that she can tell about it so much better than anyone else! Learned about it myself for the first time this weekend.
The perfect ending was getting to meet Bowtwi's beautiful princess and her precious pup. Knew I was really in Kansas as they were as endearing as Dorothy and Toto. Alas, I'm not in Kansas anymore. But am glad to be back in the Memphis area with my family as there is no place like home, except GGGW!
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Hey, I can't take the credit - I drive a Taurus! LOL
It's Westport, but hey, it's all the same to us. Outdoor cafe's and bars with lighted torches and music and LIFE!!!
OMG the KC stomp on the water bugs - I was sleeping right above their trail and the front desk tried to feed me some makarkey about the supply closet being locked on 3rd shift and they have no keys - HA! I told them they could run to Walgreens and pick up some bug killer cause they really didn't want to keep me awake worrying that these winged bugs might land on my face! The guy was up in about 20 minutes with a can in hand!
We also saw the Veteran's Memorial - I'll post a pic of it.
Nancy is a lady that sits there and plays her sax and people come by and enjoy her music, then put money in a cup or something. Cool knew her from church, so that added another local treat.
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I just hope the job application can be enlarged enough to read. It's hysterical! President Truman applied for a job at a bank and they framed the application at The Savoy. They even asked on there how do you spend your evenings and Sundays!!!
Oh, this was so much fun!!!
My eyes are burning, I'm so tired - GGW means SLEEP LATER - I think it's now later!
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Tom Strange
glad you guys had a groovy time... that veterans memorial is awesome, went there last year when I was in town...
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Awwwwww........I'm soooo jealous!!! I know y'all had a blast and can only imagine the things those waterbugs learned.
I wanna know where the pictures are of y'all running through the fountains in bathingsuits or not, as Bow put it.
Suda, I was hoping that was butter on your chin and not a hole in your lip. :P
Beautiful ladies!! Great smiles and tender loving eyes. My face hurts from laughing at your posts about the week-end, so glad it was everything and more than you expected!
Now get some rest so we can hear more about it!!! :lol:
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Sheesh! Still recovering here! I thought I was all recovered...but no...dang. Of course, the heat isn't helping.
Anyway, toppie...that pic of me looking over the Q menu...with my nose all wrinkled...like I smelt something bad...I did that for you...knowing you'd appreciate the humor...LMAO!!!!!!!
So we're having a problem getting the pics to do what we want them to do...misbehavin' pics!...and as soon as we get that ironed out, there's plenty more!
The weekend was far better than we can even express, imo. Just a great time of being grown women together. But we missed you other ladies a whole lot! Somebody was always remarking, "Oh I wish more of the GSC gals were here!" or other such things.
You know, I was quite frightened that I wasn't going to live up to GSC standards or some other such nonsense...but wasn't nonsense to me...in that place in my head that says I am not worth such good things. I had never experienced an ROA or anything even remotely like it...not in twi and not in other aspects of my adult life...so I had no clue how to handle myself, what to expect, what was expected of me, nothing.
To me, this GGGW was akin to what many of you relate about the ROA or other get-togethers with people you know and love...or have yet to meet but know you're gonna love meeting them. For the first time in my life I had an experience with people I barely knew that turned out to be very good, very good indeed. It was like that for me...and I hope that GGGW can become like that for more gals.
Thank you, Suda and Bow, for ministering to me. You may never know just how healing you've been in my life. Thank you.
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You are special, Cool-you've lifted my heart on days when I can't find too much to be uplifted about. Don't think GSC standards are an issue-it's human to human contact that counts, and you measure up quite well.
Thanks for the nose wrinkle.
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Two more quick pics before I have to head out

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{{{{toppie}}}}! That's a two-way street there, ya know....so many times you've lifted me up outta the muck. TYVM!
And OMG Bow!!!
That divine matchbook...
Truly Cinderella gone to the ball that night!
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Well I waited for you all at the corner of 12th and vine in my nicest dress ,at least till a band of drunken sailors tried to pick me up. I ran all through Crown Center up and down the stairs in my heels. And I think I lost them when I ducked into the Streetcar Named Desire. After that close call I followed a couple of police cars passing by as I was sure they would be going in your direction. But ended up in swope park where I was mugged by an monkey that escaped the zoo on a weekend pass. It was not a fun time as I remember....
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Awwwwww! Poor {{{{{White Dove}}}}}!
I hope somebody spanked that bad monkey for you!
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Maybe........ After all it is KC
They got some crazy lil' women there
And I'm going to get me one............
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And here we thought that was the crowd letting out from the Temptations show...
so sorry we missed you - it would have been fun to have a meal with you - we ate at the Bistro at The Radisson Friday. Woo hoo! Lunch Saturday at the Quaff and the princess and I ate lunch at the airport at a place called "Just Off Vine," which we found totally appropriate for our dining pleasure this weekend. (Of course, we've already talked about the Savoy for dinner Saturday night.)
and what a mental image you paint!!! LOL
Oh, I forgot to tell about those last 2 pics - I don't know WHAT Cool was saying, but that waiter ran out a side door and up to the car to give her his phone # on a matchbook from the Savoy! LOL What a hoot the entire weekend!!!
Edited by bowtwiLink to comment
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Darn, I live in Topeka it would have been no big deal for me to hang with you all and the kids were with their dad. But I have been absent from Greasespot for a few years and I come back and miss the party. Glad you girls had fun. Maybe I will catch you all the next time around.
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Oh man! Absolutely! Do come next year!!!
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Aww the heckwith them free they can come and visit us next time in Topeka.
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Sounds good to me but about all we have here is the Cowboy and Jul's unless you like a good game of Texas Hold'em.
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Ok maybe you have a point! You act like they rollup the sidewalks here at 5:30PM
Why last friday it was almost 6:10 before they got em all put away.
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lol. No I have a good time in T town don't get me wrong and there are probably more drunks per capita here than any other city I have resided in but when it comes to classy entertainment there is a little to be desired.
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Linda Z
I'm glad you all had such a great time! Thanks for the photos and the fun stories.
So CW. Did you call him yet????
:wink2: Until I saw Bow's last post, I thought maybe he followed you home and was wondering how you were gonna 'splain him to the hubby!
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My Sicilian Yum Yum. Memories of a WONDERFUL weekend. But alas, I am a married woman and I can only play-act. Sigh. LMAO.
Yeah...sure...I can see that...him following me home...him not being such a Yum Yum any longer because hubs pounded his face into the dirt...GGGW being known for such a thing...Cinderella's story ending up quite differently...
Nah. Prefer the fantasy in my head.

What made this such a perfect strawberry on top of our dining experience was that most of the wait staff knew who we were, why we were there, and had been drawn into our storybook escapades. I really think that Yum Yum was carried away in those magical moments. Of course...I'd NEVER say otherwise...'cause what happens in KC stays in KC...
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Well, Hell, Darlene! You could have given him MY phone number!
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True, Thelma...but then what would I do for fantasies?

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