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  2life said:
This sounds wonderful! I'd like to come!!!!

Way kewl!!! You are most certainly welcome! :D :D :D

Just keep an eye on this thread, PM me, suda or bowtwi for details if you need them, keep us informed of your plans (are you going to fly in, if so what is your ETA, are you going to stay in the suite, you gonna be staying both nights, stuff like that), and plan on having a whole lot of fun! :D


So now the count is...

1)me, 2)suda, 3)bowtwi, 4)belle, 5)PFD, and 6)(hopefully)2life.

Have I forgotten anybody?

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Play Me


Artist: Wilbert Harrison

Song: Kansas City

I'm going to Kansas City, Kansas City here I come

I'm going to Kansas City, Kansas City here I come

They got a crazy way of loving there

And I'm gonna get me some.

I'll be standing on the corner

On the corner of Twelfth Street and Vine

I'm gonna be standing on the corner

On the corner of Twelfth Street and Vine

With my Kansas City baby

And a bottle of Kansas City wine.

Well I might take a train

I might take a plane, but if I have to walk

I'm gonna get there just the same

I'm going to Kansas City, Kansas City here I come

They got a crazy way of loving there

And I'm gonna get me some.

I'm gonna pack my clothes

Leave at the break of dawn

I'm gonna pack my clothes

Everybody will be sleeping

Nobody will know where I've gone

Cause if I stay in town

I know I'm gonna die.

Gotta find a friendly city

And that's the reason why,

I'm going to Kansas City

Kansas City here I come

They got a crazy way of loving there

And I'm gonna get me some.

Edited by WhiteDove
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Let's see here --- I have 32 G-strings at my house.

3 of them on the fiddles;

2 of them on the mandolin;

4 of them on the banjos;

2 of them on the bouzouki;

2 of them on the guitars; and

19 of them on the piano.

Yup -- bring LOTS of dollar bills, Belle!

Us pickers have ALWAYS been partial to *folding money*, instead of coins.

(air-borne coins tend to *ding* the instruments -- don't cha know!) :biglaugh:

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  dmiller said:
Yup -- bring LOTS of dollar bills, Belle!

Us pickers have ALWAYS been partial to *folding money*, instead of coins.

(air-borne coins tend to *ding* the instruments -- don't cha know!) :biglaugh:

Now see how you're getting into things in the 'proper' way, David? Can ya teach White Dove a thing or two? Please? :biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh:

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Sniff.... Snifff ...... I see how you are ,and I thought you were my friend! :(

and I played some nice music for you and everything....... Guess it's true you have no friends when it comes to Gods Word :wink2:

Fine I don't wanna come to your stupid party anyway!!!!! So there!! I got friends in low places anyway to see..... Just remember you never know when a flying piece of food may come your way.........

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Have my airline tickets.

Will arrive at Kansas City International (MCI) Friday, July 14 at 4:20 p.m. :biglaugh:

Leave Sunday, July 16 at 5:13 p.m. :(

2life, we're anxious to hear from you. Hope you can join us.


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  Belle said:
Thelma!!! You know I'd love to be there!!

Problem is, I'm part Smith, Brown, Jones and Williams and have vowed to never miss another family reunion if there's any way at all that I can be there. I missed too many of them when I was a TWIt and married to one. :realmad: Now I'm saving my vacation days and spending money for those events.

The Jones Reunion is tentatively set for June 10th week-end


Jones??? No way! My mom is a Jones!

We could be cousins Belle!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Looks like 2life will be able to join us . . . will know more about a week before when her schedule is solidified. Any more takers? Only about 2 months away now. Hope we have a nice crowd - the more the merrier!


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One of these days in my travels I'll have to check out 12th Street and Vine to see if there's a good spot for tourist type photos. We could get a bottle of Kansas City wine and take campy pictures of each other on that corner, singing the song.

I'm thinking we might want to get some ribs, Kansas City style - especially in honor of our Memphis gal, suda!

I just opened up a tourist magazine (called goin' to Kansas City, the ultimate visitors guide, so they oughta know) and it says "18th and Vine is the fabled jazz district of the 1930's and that it's enjoying a rebirth as the home of the American Jazz Museum, the Negro Leagues Baseball Museum, the Gem Theater, the Blue Room nightclub and several restaurants."

There are several art museums and unique shops in Kansas City. There are several casinos.

One museum that might be fun to walk through is the Arabia Steamboat Museum. The magazine I quoted says "this is one of the most entertaining venues in town. Two local families invested everything they owned to excavate and recover the contents of the fully loaded steamboat Arabia, which sank in 1856 on the Missouri River. It's all on display in this privately operated museum in the City Market, 400 Grand Blvd." I've heard real good things about this museum.

There's a great steakhouse called Hereford House, there's a Melting Pot, some awesome ribs places we could choose from, etc...

The Crown Center is a fabulous mall for peoplewatching, as well as shopping or eating. I believe that's where the carriage rides start out.

Anyone have any druthers or something they just plain don't want to do? I don't recall hearing of any top name bands coming to the area that weekend, but I'll look around some more and see what I can find for something to do when we're not lounging and vacationing.

CW - maybe we could go eat at that buffet place this next week or so that I mentioned to make sure the quality is still up there (wink, wink) :dance::biglaugh:

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While in Kansas City, I definitely want to eat a good steak dinner. Hear the steak there is fabulous. Hereford House sounds great. And, of course, barbeque. I like NC bbq the best, Memphis is good, and would like to compare KC to both of these. Looking forward to a good time of visiting and getting to know each other. And having a few drinks together; must admit I'm a lightweight. Mainly just looking forward to a weekend away with no "mommy/wife" responsibilities and hanging out with the girls.

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I've been watching ticket prices. :blink: Hoping SW will release some special pricing soon. Right now the uber cheap tickets are only good through June.

I'm just along for the ride - I'll go where ever - do whatever, I'm just happy to be seeing y'all. BUT, if we get Suda tipsy, think she'll pole dance for us, too? :biglaugh:

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Well Hell, Belle, What happens in Kansas City STAYS in Kansas City!!!

Doveman, I wondered about that - which is why I said I'll have to check it out prior... think we could do it during the day withOUT bodyguards?


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This does sound like fun!!

I am definitly going to try to make it................

Problem is......... it will be VERY last moment.................

Working (p/t) for USAirways has me incredibly spoiled........... I just could not bring myself to buy a ticket (guareneted seat) or fly free (seats available). At the moment there are TONS of seats available! Flight would get in around 2Pm.... next one at 9Pm. on Friday.........

So... since I am a bit "ify' ..... I will do my own hotel thing... and transportation. ...

So.. I guess what I am saying .... make plans w/o me..... and then I will do the best I can!!!!!!!

Love ya!!!!!


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There will be plenty of room with us. Can comfortably sleep 6. Hope you will change your mind and stay with us! Or at least get a room on the same floor. Hope to see you then!


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I would LOVE to stay with you guys!!!! THANKS!!!!!

Thats the party!

I just don't want everyone to count on me... in case the flights fill up at the last moment!

In Feb we got 'stuck' in Los Cabos Mex for and extra day :dance: and then Phoenix for two extra nights (well.. I knew that was comming)... so anything can happen!

But.. there is an 'art' to non-rev travel and I am doing my best figuring it out!!

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