It's gorgeous here down south. And has been for awhile. Maybe it's time for a vacation? You're always welcome here.
But seriously, I understand having lived in Michigan for 13 years. Spring was always cold and disappointing and a long time coming. I always tried to plan a vacation over Spring Break to sunnier places on the globe.
Despite 50's and rain here in PA, I'm doing my best to keep a sunny attitude.
It was 73 last week, but that's typical for around here. Warm/Cold, Warm/Cold.
I love visiting GSC, but there aren't too many things you'll find me arguing about right now.
My life outside the cafe is challenging and sometimes very stressful. I just visit here for the fun of it and for learning. I could jump into some of the arguments. Others are way too deep for me.
But... it's just not my way.
Nothing like being outdoors in great weather to make one feel good again.
Yeh..just returned from a 4 month stint in sunny southern Indiana where its cool & windy...such a contrast as one day I'm just (as usual) roaming around in shorts and not even thinking "weather" & the next momnet I'm waiting for the wind to slow a bit & hopefully the t'meter to hit yeh..the cabin fever must be pretty "deep" for those of you who spent your winters inside looking out! Hurrrrrrry Sprrrring!!
but ex70's... MO's from ALASKA, she's not a yankee! Alaska is like 'TEXAS NORTH'!
WE have a saying here in the Great Land
If Texans don't behave themselves we'll cut Alaska in half and make Texas the third largest state! ( comes from the oil boom days when Texans dotted the landscape like mushrooms with "well back in Texas....)
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Hi Mo
It's gorgeous here down south. And has been for awhile. Maybe it's time for a vacation?
You're always welcome here.
But seriously, I understand having lived in Michigan for 13 years. Spring was always cold and disappointing and a long time coming. I always tried to plan a vacation over Spring Break to sunnier places on the globe.
Hang in there, friend.
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no black flies in maine yet
but then again there is still ice on most lakes
this is the time of year you can watch paint dry and be amused!
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Temple Lady,
Despite 50's and rain here in PA, I'm doing my best to keep a sunny attitude.
It was 73 last week, but that's typical for around here. Warm/Cold, Warm/Cold.
I love visiting GSC, but there aren't too many things you'll find me arguing about right now.
My life outside the cafe is challenging and sometimes very stressful. I just visit here for the fun of it and for learning. I could jump into some of the arguments. Others are way too deep for me.
But... it's just not my way.
Nothing like being outdoors in great weather to make one feel good again.
I'm hoping it warms up your way real fast. :)
BTW, do you also live in Mi? I'm a bit confused.
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Mo --- :) :)
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Tom Strange
70's - 80's and sunny here (between the thunderstorms and tornados) come on down!
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Naw, Michigan is a Southern state, I live in Alaska
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Tom Strange
I'd love to go there some day... and when I do I'll look up you and Jonny Lingo...
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All the more reason for a trip south, mo. :D
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Now hold on a minate ex10.
We have had enough of them yankee's moving down here with there strange ideas.
I for one vote to KEEP TEXAS for TEXAN's.
By the wat it got to 90 yesterday and were busy servicing them air conditioners.
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Tom Strange
but ex70's... MO's from ALASKA, she's not a yankee! Alaska is like 'TEXAS NORTH'!
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Now wait up - - just a cotton pickin' minute ex70'shouston!
If I feel like moving to Texas - - I'm gonna move to Texas! I don't have any rank "Yankee" ideas - - just because I live in Jersey.
Methinks thou'd best be careful of whom thou does malign. I would like to encourage you to think more highly of your elders.
Mo - - who says tempers are short?? [yuk yuk yuk]
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Second James
Yeh..just returned from a 4 month stint in sunny southern Indiana where its cool & windy...such a contrast as one day I'm just (as usual) roaming around in shorts and not even thinking "weather" & the next momnet I'm waiting for the wind to slow a bit & hopefully the t'meter to hit yeh..the cabin fever must be pretty "deep" for those of you who spent your winters inside looking out! Hurrrrrrry Sprrrring!!
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WE have a saying here in the Great Land
If Texans don't behave themselves we'll cut Alaska in half and make Texas the third largest state!
( comes from the oil boom days when Texans dotted the landscape like mushrooms with "well back in Texas....)
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Tom Strange
I meant "in spirit"... different from the rest of the country... but that's OK... NOW YOU'RE A YANKEE!
(cause that's how they act)
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I'll have you know that on my birth mothers maternal line I can claim membership in the daughters of the Confederacy, mhuh, SO there!
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Tom Strange
that's nice MO... (and I'll say this just for you)... we're Texas, we don't care about no confederacy!
Yer awl Yankees!
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Y'all Be careful there Mistah Strange, I be fixin to start a sawing with my saw, right up da' cen'er of ma' state I is I is
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the link won't work. :(
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Tom Strange
Go right ahead if'n you want to young lady (if you can find it through the snow and ice)... makes no difference to me!
Texas... not a state... a state of mind...
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Ragradless, Mo, if'n you is a Yankee or not, I don't care.
You are still welcome to grace our humble state anytime!
And you can bring your saw, too. I got me some youpons in my front yard, that I'm convinced I'd be better off without.
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youpons ?????
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Tom Strange
Here's a pic for you TL...
I don't know if this is the kind that ex10 has... and I don't know if you have them way up there...
There might be some buried under the snow... check after it melts... if it melts!
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rather intense aren't they???
Yaupon \Yau"pon\, n. (Bot.)
A shrub (Ilex Cassine) of the Holly family, native from
Virginia to Florida. The smooth elliptical leaves are used as
a substitute for tea, and were formerly used in preparing the
black drink of the Indians of North Carolina. Called also
South-sea tea [Written also yapon, youpon, and yupon.]
Seems this treat is reserved for you rebels :)
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