It was in 1973 and I was pulling out onto San Pedro in San Antonio. I had just left the drive in theater with my girl friend. The lght changed and I started out into the intersection. I heard a horn and saw a semi right at my door. The next thing I knew I was in the ditch with out a scratch. He never touched the car. The truck driver came back to see how we were. He knew he had hit us and was worried that we were dead.
The only answer is that God moved my car off the road. Otherwise I would have been under 40000lbs of hogs.
My story is incredible as well , my daughter reminded me of it the other day.
I do not know if you can get how bad this was but I will try.
I had all the kids in the car my oldest in the front my son and baby in the back with the baby being in a car seat which she had unhooked again!!
I lived in a valley and to get out of the apartment complex I had to go up a hill and make a sharp right curve and then down down down a road with buildings on the right and a cliff with a drop off on the left, then trees linign the right side.
This was not a road it is a road out of the complex and very dangerous .. well we had the one thing that kills in these northern states..
Black ICE. You can not see it and it must have been very recent , so I didnt know it had rained and frozen over.
so as I did the curve the car started spinning all the way down the hill over and over and over at least 1/2 mile. many spins. the baby was laughing and saying weee! my daughter was screaming on top of her lungs every time I pulled it back it would go into another spin.
I kept fighting and saying father help father help
it seemed like an hour and I kept spinning down down , not little spins all the way around and i would pull it back I was on both sides of the road .
at the end of the road is an intersection with a stop sign that goes into a four lane road.
no way was I going to stop .
finaly a space with no building on the right a parking lot only one problem it had a fence a big wood fence all the way around it with only a car opening in the front..
ok I will try to get in that space or it is the road and the traffic .
I closed my eyes (YES i did ) and we woke up in the parking lot stopped never hit the fence.
the baby said let do it agian and the kids wanted to go home .
up on the hill cars had stopped and turned around and they saw the whole thing.
the intersection had cars going through they had no stop sign they would have never seen me coming out of the complex. and would not have been able to stop . the parking lot had two trucks and two cars in it and I missed them both. but I did not stear in the parking lot how did I avoid hitting one of them?
A friend and I went down to HQ for some weekend event in 1977. After it ended, lpretty late at night, we headed up I-75 to go home. My friend was driving, so I snuggled down in my seat for a nap. I was sleeping, then for no apparent reason, I was suddenly wide awake. I looked over at my friend and he was sound asleep behind the wheel, barreling down the interstate at 70 mph. He wasn't swerving at all--just driving straight ahead with his eyes completely closed, so it wasn't an unusual movement of the car that woke me. I'm a very sound sleeper.
I didn't want to startle him, so I put my hand on the steering wheel and said his name in the calmest voice I could muster. He opened his eyes and, boy, was he freaked out that he had fallen asleep at the wheel on the freeway!
I'm sure God woke me up. If I'd kept sleeping, the car would have gone off the road or drifted in front of another car or one of the big semis that were whizzing past us. We both thanked God for that one!
Hi ya'll..twas just reading thru the thread in "The Way" section about experiences & those experiences validating TWI doctrine...In spite of TWI..God still loves us & works in our behalf despite the evils of "da ministry"...I sure love reading these & though I've not expereinced any far out experiences as these, I can sure see how God would be happy to help us to believe in him "bigger" via delivering us from such calamities..
Speaking of falling asleep at the wheel, my wife had a very similar situation to yours LindaZ. But I must first say Linda, that that was an awesome story! Wow. God really took care of you two by waking you up. That must have really startled you also! But your calm actions were right on the money. Cool.
Well now. Up here in Alaska, we do a lot of flying on small commuter planes. There is one company called LAB Flying Service. The LAB stands for Layton A. Bennet, one of the last old time Alaskan Bush Pilots, who now at 80 plus years, still runs his own flying service. He still flies his own plane, but hires young pilots to fly his fleet of 10 plus Cherokee Six six seaters. Most of the time these young pilots are fairly new at their trade, and are simply trying to get as many hours under their belts so they can move on to bigger and better things. We used to shoot pool and drink beer with one young fella from Los Angeles, and he gave us the low down on how Mr. Bennet operated his business, and learning of the "young pilot factor" did not give us a feeling of confidence with this bunch.
LAB is based in Haines, where we lived for eight years, and we'd fly down to Juneau from time to time either to go shopping, visit the doctor when needed, and things like that. We make macabre jokes about LAB standing for "Legs Arms and Bodies" because of the few fatal crashes that have happened on LAB planes. One time a plane full of gay men off of the gay cruise ship were being flown on a flightseeing tour, and when the pilot, too close to the mountainside dipped his wing so his passengers could get a better look at a bear, his wing caught the hillside, and down they all went, dead. The bear lived though. But from then on, a new knick name was added to LAB, which of course was "Look At Bears".
And because of this, we almost always flew with a little company called Skagway Air, but once in awhile when Skagway Air was full up, we would have to resort to LAB.
And now, to shorten the story, but with the added background to show why we have been apprehensive to use this flying service.
And so, THERE SHE WAS: Mrs. Lingo was flying home from Juneau, very tired after a long day of "Retail Therapy". She was the only passenger, and have the right side passenger seat which affords the best view. But being tired, she soon dozed off. At one point, just like you LZ, she woke up, looked over at the young pilot, and he was asleep! The plane was still on an even keel at around three thousand feet over the fjord, and Mrs. Lingo was astonished! And so, she said softly; "Hey". And the kid woke up, looked startled, and began making some adjustments to his instrumentation panel. Needless to say, she stared at this kid all the way home! Mrs. Lingo reported the incident to Mr. Bennet...
Jonny Lingo I am sooooooo very glad that you posted here! I was missing you and your amazing stooorees when an angel that sounded just like James Earl Jones Came to me in a dream and told me to start this thread, "If you build it, He will come!"
Aww geez Dooj, thank you so much..... And, I swear ta God, it happened the way I described it. Truth to tell though, Linda Z was probably in more of an immediate danger in that a car at 70 mph "without a driver" for only even a few seconds could have a quicker disaster than in the planr situation. For, if the plane started to go weird, the guy probably would have woken up and corrected things. In other words, there was probably more time to correct his situation than Linda Z's driver. However. The plane was probably on auto pilot, and, had both of them been sleeping, and the plane had overshot Haines, at 3,000 feet, they would have had a nice opportunity to auger into these 5,000 foot mountains:
You're welcome. I do have a favor to ask though: Can all you believers please stay off the agnostic thread down in the Doctrinal forum? We're all feeling very threatened with people questioning our thinking and suggesting that there are possibly other ways to oook at what we believe. We are all very comfortable with our agnosticism and don't want to be confused with other viewpoints.
You're welcome. I do have a favor to ask though: Can all you believers please stay off the agnostic thread down in the Doctrinal forum? We're all feeling very threatened with people questioning our thinking and suggesting that there are possibly other ways to oook at what we believe. We are all very comfortable with our agnosticism and don't want to be confused with other viewpoints.
Thanks! wave.gif
Oakspear - I hope this gets passed on - I have avoided that thread specifically because I have nothing to add - and I don't think that an argument needs to happen.
Dec. 17th 2002, I drove from Illinois to Virginia. The weather forecast said a Noreaster was crossing thru Central US and headed to east coast to bash the east coast with its furry. So I decided to drive thru Indiana and thru Ohio near Lake Erie and drop south and continue down thru Pa, to avoid any engagement of snow. It was suppose to be a 17 hr drive but turned into 65 hrs. I was listening to weather on car radio each hr. and decided if I need to stop because I was to tired, I would do so or If I hit snow...well, At 11pm I was still wide awake and thought ok I will push thru the last 4hrs. I had just left the Erie side of Ohio and saw a couple of flakes...not concerned, I kept driving. I called ahead to a friend and checked with him and they said the snow was still hanging around Tennesee. Oh, Boy!! At 2am, I will still wide awake a suddendly to my surprize I was in the mountains...I thought..geeesssh, where did these mountains come from!!!! Continuing on my mission, I was hitting some winding mountain roads.They tend to slow slow you down. I was on that road for 5 minutes and had to slow to 20 MPH cause someone hit a the police was there and with car lights flashing and this hulk of a thing i had to change lanes....then within 15 minutes, I hit the flippin SNOW!! I mean a thick wall of snow....I could not see the edge of the road nor the lane lines, nothing.....I didnt even have time to panic..all of sudden within 50 yards was glowing yellow sign in the distance about a quarter of a mile.It was a motel 8 sign but I didnt know the motel was at the bottom of the exit..hurray my heart said... the exit was ....for Hancock, MD.I was on the corner of WVA,PA,Va, and Maryland..all I could think of was "Oh God", I will be fine.....I pulled in and went to the desk and the clerk said they were expecting 11" by 7am....I just thanked God in my heart of hearts....Well, we got clobbered with 20 something before I got out of, I spent 2 days in small town Hancock..I went out the next day cause the roads where plowed but still dangerous and stopped for breakfast along with every 6ft deer hunter in that area..I loved it..The smell of bacon and pipes filled the room and the chatter of all the snow...Snow mobiles were lined up outside and ready for the going...It didnt bother these was normal.. I was only 2 hrs aways from my ending my mission..
I'm getting ready to drive to Houston for the BBQ and I heard this song this morning. I thought I'd bring this thread to the top just to remember and be thankful...
Jesus Take the Wheel
Carrie Underwood
She was driving last Friday on her way to Cincinnati
On a snow white Christmas Eve
Going home to see her Mama and her Daddy with the baby in the backseat
Fifty miles to go and she was running low on faith and gasoline
It been a long hard year
She had a lot on her mind and she didn't pay attention
She was going way to fast
Before she knew it she was spinning on a thin black sheet of glass
She saw both their lives flash before her eyes
She didn't even have time to cry
She was sooo scared
She threw her hands up in the air
Jesus take the wheel
Take it from my hands
Cause I can't do this all my own
I'm letting go
So give me one more chance
To save me from this road I'm on
Jesus take the wheel
It was still getting colder when she made it to the shoulder
And the car came to a stop
She cried when she saw that baby in the backseat sleeping like a rock
And for the first time in a long time
She bowed her head to pray
She said I'm sorry for the way
I've been living my life
I know I've got to change
So from now on tonight
Jesus take the wheel
Take it from my hands
Cause I can't do this all my own
I'm letting go
So give me one more chance
To save me from this road I'm on
Oh, Jesus take the wheel
Oh, I'm letting go
So give me one more chance
Save me from this road I'm on
From this road I'm on
Jesus take the wheel
Oh, take it, take it from me
Oh, why, oh
Anyway, since I'm driving and also have a lot on my mind - and I tend to go way too fast.....LOL
At least I'll be by myself and its not Christmas Eve....
From my first drive with my dad (putting into first at a stop light, rolling backwards and hitting the guy and he coming out and saying, "forget it") to yesterday (driving home in Reno from Wendover after a week of work and being able to share some of God's love and kindness with a fellow worker), for me all roads traveled are filled with God's love and grace.
:) Hitherto shalt thou come but no further: 1975, 2 children and me in Rambler, one young 10 year old and a baby. One a 4-lane California Walnut Creek suburb road. Car comes from opposite lane directly at me. I try to avoid him but he focuses on me and hits dead on. Old Rambler (this was a metal not plastic) did not survive, but we were all fine. The driver was a favorite son who was just "feeling his oats" and charges against him were dismissed.
:)delivered out of trouble before you know it Driving to some event. Three lane freeway above Sacramento to Truckee. Light snow, poor visibility. I moved from the middle over to the right one lane for no reason. A few seconds later a semi moved where I was with no signal. No one else saw it. They were all talking, having a great time. Like so many things, He is always there with His hand over us.
:)devil doesn't want me around Years ago I found the best way through rush hour was to pray. In early 70's I was stuck on freeway along the bay in rush hour going nowhere. Had taken pfal and wanted to be like "those guys" who knew the Lord (like Steve Abella). Well there goes Steve Abella driving a bunch of people, and they cut through traffic like a knife through soft butter. I was awed. A few years later, in rush hour traffic I realized I was so close to these people I may never be so close to again, and I started to pray for them. And then the traffic parted in front of me. By this time I was on talking terms with Holy Spirit myself, and He said, "Devil would rather let you through than have you pray for these people."
Recommended Posts
I'm in tears.... God is very cool
Several stories here... will come back later to post
Carrie Underwood is the singer... here's her web site:
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The one time I knew God saved my life.
It was in 1973 and I was pulling out onto San Pedro in San Antonio. I had just left the drive in theater with my girl friend. The lght changed and I started out into the intersection. I heard a horn and saw a semi right at my door. The next thing I knew I was in the ditch with out a scratch. He never touched the car. The truck driver came back to see how we were. He knew he had hit us and was worried that we were dead.
The only answer is that God moved my car off the road. Otherwise I would have been under 40000lbs of hogs.
God does work miracles.
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My story is incredible as well , my daughter reminded me of it the other day.
I do not know if you can get how bad this was but I will try.
I had all the kids in the car my oldest in the front my son and baby in the back with the baby being in a car seat which she had unhooked again!!
I lived in a valley and to get out of the apartment complex I had to go up a hill and make a sharp right curve and then down down down a road with buildings on the right and a cliff with a drop off on the left, then trees linign the right side.
This was not a road it is a road out of the complex and very dangerous .. well we had the one thing that kills in these northern states..
Black ICE. You can not see it and it must have been very recent , so I didnt know it had rained and frozen over.
so as I did the curve the car started spinning all the way down the hill over and over and over at least 1/2 mile. many spins. the baby was laughing and saying weee! my daughter was screaming on top of her lungs every time I pulled it back it would go into another spin.
I kept fighting and saying father help father help
it seemed like an hour and I kept spinning down down , not little spins all the way around and i would pull it back I was on both sides of the road .
at the end of the road is an intersection with a stop sign that goes into a four lane road.
no way was I going to stop .
finaly a space with no building on the right a parking lot only one problem it had a fence a big wood fence all the way around it with only a car opening in the front..
ok I will try to get in that space or it is the road and the traffic .
I closed my eyes (YES i did ) and we woke up in the parking lot stopped never hit the fence.
the baby said let do it agian and the kids wanted to go home .
up on the hill cars had stopped and turned around and they saw the whole thing.
the intersection had cars going through they had no stop sign they would have never seen me coming out of the complex. and would not have been able to stop . the parking lot had two trucks and two cars in it and I missed them both. but I did not stear in the parking lot how did I avoid hitting one of them?
yeah miricle. aa geez i remeber it well. l
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Linda Z
A friend and I went down to HQ for some weekend event in 1977. After it ended, lpretty late at night, we headed up I-75 to go home. My friend was driving, so I snuggled down in my seat for a nap. I was sleeping, then for no apparent reason, I was suddenly wide awake. I looked over at my friend and he was sound asleep behind the wheel, barreling down the interstate at 70 mph. He wasn't swerving at all--just driving straight ahead with his eyes completely closed, so it wasn't an unusual movement of the car that woke me. I'm a very sound sleeper.
I didn't want to startle him, so I put my hand on the steering wheel and said his name in the calmest voice I could muster. He opened his eyes and, boy, was he freaked out that he had fallen asleep at the wheel on the freeway!
I'm sure God woke me up. If I'd kept sleeping, the car would have gone off the road or drifted in front of another car or one of the big semis that were whizzing past us. We both thanked God for that one!
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I am politely asking for a skepticism-free zone. Please, please. pretty please.
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My comment was meant humorously...
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And I thank you for being a gentleman. :)
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Second James
Hi ya'll..twas just reading thru the thread in "The Way" section about experiences & those experiences validating TWI doctrine...In spite of TWI..God still loves us & works in our behalf despite the evils of "da ministry"...I sure love reading these & though I've not expereinced any far out experiences as these, I can sure see how God would be happy to help us to believe in him "bigger" via delivering us from such calamities..
Thanks ya'll for sharing these!!
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J0nny Ling0
Speaking of falling asleep at the wheel, my wife had a very similar situation to yours LindaZ. But I must first say Linda, that that was an awesome story! Wow. God really took care of you two by waking you up. That must have really startled you also! But your calm actions were right on the money. Cool.
Well now. Up here in Alaska, we do a lot of flying on small commuter planes. There is one company called LAB Flying Service. The LAB stands for Layton A. Bennet, one of the last old time Alaskan Bush Pilots, who now at 80 plus years, still runs his own flying service. He still flies his own plane, but hires young pilots to fly his fleet of 10 plus Cherokee Six six seaters. Most of the time these young pilots are fairly new at their trade, and are simply trying to get as many hours under their belts so they can move on to bigger and better things. We used to shoot pool and drink beer with one young fella from Los Angeles, and he gave us the low down on how Mr. Bennet operated his business, and learning of the "young pilot factor" did not give us a feeling of confidence with this bunch.
LAB is based in Haines, where we lived for eight years, and we'd fly down to Juneau from time to time either to go shopping, visit the doctor when needed, and things like that. We make macabre jokes about LAB standing for "Legs Arms and Bodies" because of the few fatal crashes that have happened on LAB planes. One time a plane full of gay men off of the gay cruise ship were being flown on a flightseeing tour, and when the pilot, too close to the mountainside dipped his wing so his passengers could get a better look at a bear, his wing caught the hillside, and down they all went, dead. The bear lived though. But from then on, a new knick name was added to LAB, which of course was "Look At Bears".
And because of this, we almost always flew with a little company called Skagway Air, but once in awhile when Skagway Air was full up, we would have to resort to LAB.
And now, to shorten the story, but with the added background to show why we have been apprehensive to use this flying service.
And so, THERE SHE WAS: Mrs. Lingo was flying home from Juneau, very tired after a long day of "Retail Therapy". She was the only passenger, and have the right side passenger seat which affords the best view. But being tired, she soon dozed off. At one point, just like you LZ, she woke up, looked over at the young pilot, and he was asleep! The plane was still on an even keel at around three thousand feet over the fjord, and Mrs. Lingo was astonished! And so, she said softly; "Hey". And the kid woke up, looked startled, and began making some adjustments to his instrumentation panel. Needless to say, she stared at this kid all the way home! Mrs. Lingo reported the incident to Mr. Bennet...
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Oh my... Johnny... that just gave me goosebumps!
Your Mrs. Lingo must be a wonderful woman.
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Jonny Lingo I am sooooooo very glad that you posted here! I was missing you and your amazing stooorees when an angel that sounded just like James Earl Jones Came to me in a dream and told me to start this thread, "If you build it, He will come!"
So thankful that:
God is good - ALL the time!
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J0nny Ling0
Aww geez Dooj, thank you so much..... And, I swear ta God, it happened the way I described it. Truth to tell though, Linda Z was probably in more of an immediate danger in that a car at 70 mph "without a driver" for only even a few seconds could have a quicker disaster than in the planr situation. For, if the plane started to go weird, the guy probably would have woken up and corrected things. In other words, there was probably more time to correct his situation than Linda Z's driver. However. The plane was probably on auto pilot, and, had both of them been sleeping, and the plane had overshot Haines, at 3,000 feet, they would have had a nice opportunity to auger into these 5,000 foot mountains:
And so, it could been The End. But, as in LZ'z case, God woke her up. And so, very very cool! You are so right on: God is good - ALL the time!
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J0nny Ling0
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Oakspear - I hope this gets passed on - I have avoided that thread specifically because I have nothing to add - and I don't think that an argument needs to happen.
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Well- Here is mine.
Dec. 17th 2002, I drove from Illinois to Virginia. The weather forecast said a Noreaster was crossing thru Central US and headed to east coast to bash the east coast with its furry. So I decided to drive thru Indiana and thru Ohio near Lake Erie and drop south and continue down thru Pa, to avoid any engagement of snow. It was suppose to be a 17 hr drive but turned into 65 hrs. I was listening to weather on car radio each hr. and decided if I need to stop because I was to tired, I would do so or If I hit snow...well, At 11pm I was still wide awake and thought ok I will push thru the last 4hrs. I had just left the Erie side of Ohio and saw a couple of flakes...not concerned, I kept driving. I called ahead to a friend and checked with him and they said the snow was still hanging around Tennesee. Oh, Boy!! At 2am, I will still wide awake a suddendly to my surprize I was in the mountains...I thought..geeesssh, where did these mountains come from!!!! Continuing on my mission, I was hitting some winding mountain roads.They tend to slow slow you down. I was on that road for 5 minutes and had to slow to 20 MPH cause someone hit a the police was there and with car lights flashing and this hulk of a thing i had to change lanes....then within 15 minutes, I hit the flippin SNOW!! I mean a thick wall of snow....I could not see the edge of the road nor the lane lines, nothing.....I didnt even have time to panic..all of sudden within 50 yards was glowing yellow sign in the distance about a quarter of a mile.It was a motel 8 sign but I didnt know the motel was at the bottom of the exit..hurray my heart said... the exit was ....for Hancock, MD.I was on the corner of WVA,PA,Va, and Maryland..all I could think of was "Oh God", I will be fine.....I pulled in and went to the desk and the clerk said they were expecting 11" by 7am....I just thanked God in my heart of hearts....Well, we got clobbered with 20 something before I got out of, I spent 2 days in small town Hancock..I went out the next day cause the roads where plowed but still dangerous and stopped for breakfast along with every 6ft deer hunter in that area..I loved it..The smell of bacon and pipes filled the room and the chatter of all the snow...Snow mobiles were lined up outside and ready for the going...It didnt bother these was normal.. I was only 2 hrs aways from my ending my mission..
Now I have double goose bumps:)
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What an adventure! Driving in snow so thick you couldn't see......brings back so many memories for me.
Glad they left the light on for you....

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I'm getting ready to drive to Houston for the BBQ and I heard this song this morning. I thought I'd bring this thread to the top just to remember and be thankful...
Jesus Take the Wheel
Carrie Underwood
She was driving last Friday on her way to Cincinnati
On a snow white Christmas Eve
Going home to see her Mama and her Daddy with the baby in the backseat
Fifty miles to go and she was running low on faith and gasoline
It been a long hard year
She had a lot on her mind and she didn't pay attention
She was going way to fast
Before she knew it she was spinning on a thin black sheet of glass
She saw both their lives flash before her eyes
She didn't even have time to cry
She was sooo scared
She threw her hands up in the air
Jesus take the wheel
Take it from my hands
Cause I can't do this all my own
I'm letting go
So give me one more chance
To save me from this road I'm on
Jesus take the wheel
It was still getting colder when she made it to the shoulder
And the car came to a stop
She cried when she saw that baby in the backseat sleeping like a rock
And for the first time in a long time
She bowed her head to pray
She said I'm sorry for the way
I've been living my life
I know I've got to change
So from now on tonight
Jesus take the wheel
Take it from my hands
Cause I can't do this all my own
I'm letting go
So give me one more chance
To save me from this road I'm on
Oh, Jesus take the wheel
Oh, I'm letting go
So give me one more chance
Save me from this road I'm on
From this road I'm on
Jesus take the wheel
Oh, take it, take it from me
Oh, why, oh
At least I'll be by myself and its not Christmas Eve....
Talk to you all soon - from the BBQ
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Kit Sober
From my first drive with my dad (putting into first at a stop light, rolling backwards and hitting the guy and he coming out and saying, "forget it") to yesterday (driving home in Reno from Wendover after a week of work and being able to share some of God's love and kindness with a fellow worker), for me all roads traveled are filled with God's love and grace.
:) Hitherto shalt thou come but no further: 1975, 2 children and me in Rambler, one young 10 year old and a baby. One a 4-lane California Walnut Creek suburb road. Car comes from opposite lane directly at me. I try to avoid him but he focuses on me and hits dead on. Old Rambler (this was a metal not plastic) did not survive, but we were all fine. The driver was a favorite son who was just "feeling his oats" and charges against him were dismissed.
:)delivered out of trouble before you know it Driving to some event. Three lane freeway above Sacramento to Truckee. Light snow, poor visibility. I moved from the middle over to the right one lane for no reason. A few seconds later a semi moved where I was with no signal. No one else saw it. They were all talking, having a great time. Like so many things, He is always there with His hand over us.
:)devil doesn't want me around Years ago I found the best way through rush hour was to pray. In early 70's I was stuck on freeway along the bay in rush hour going nowhere. Had taken pfal and wanted to be like "those guys" who knew the Lord (like Steve Abella). Well there goes Steve Abella driving a bunch of people, and they cut through traffic like a knife through soft butter. I was awed. A few years later, in rush hour traffic I realized I was so close to these people I may never be so close to again, and I started to pray for them. And then the traffic parted in front of me. By this time I was on talking terms with Holy Spirit myself, and He said, "Devil would rather let you through than have you pray for these people."
Thanks for the memories.
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