Donna Martindale (if that IS still her last name), is a hard hearted, nasty person. Sins of her own?...YOU BET! Her remarks concerning Naomi Poling were not only uncalled for but unChristian as well. It's a good example of how her heart has been calloused and she is incapable of Christian compassion.
She is so caught up with her vengeful feelings towards anyone who left her denomination that she has totally abandoned anything that even resembles Christian behavior. Her preoccupation with "spiritualizing" everything from HER point of view is both pathetic and meanspirited. My God, what a thing to say! I suppose if, God forbid, anything should happen to one of her children, she would blame it on the fact that her husband trashed his ministry and was shamefully defrocked and run off?...
By all rights, she should have been run off at the same time that loyboy was...Afterall, those are the standards that twi holds everyone else to! The woman is desperately in need of professional help...a straight jacket would be a good start. Just who the hell does she think she is anyway?
The fact that there are people (innies) who listen to her at all is a sad commentary on the state of that God forsaken cult.
I do not get the fact she didnt leave with her hubby either.
Being a faithful loving wife is a standard set in the bible.
when vpw left for india the Mrs. went with him left a baby behind to be cared for by her sister to be with her man, she could have styaed behind with reason.
Actually, it should not have even been HER decision...The twi policy is clear...when a married couple split up...they BOTH get booted.
Why did she stay? Probably because her marriage to king okie was a joke. While loyboy was committing adultry, Donna was involved in a lesbian relationship with the current twi president. It's easy enough to see why she was given "special treatment".
Oh Man... Thank God those days are over. The manipulation that was done to us
That was terrible of Donna to say, and do you know the sad part of it is that she is convinced of what she's saying is true. It makes me sick. The lack of compassion, the lack of Love, the lack of Decency, the Hardness of Heart, the Harshness in the way she talked. I NEVER cared for her.
Georgio, thanks for bringing this up again. When I listened to that audio clip of Donna bad-mouthing Naomi, it made me feel sick. I shared your admiration for Naomi. She was a beautiful young woman and the world is so much worse off for her absence. She was bright, beautiful, kind, and loving. I'm just glad the jerks running the way international* commit their BS to tape so that people can hear it for themselves.
*spelled out so that anyone googling twi might find this thread and listen to the tape
I Listened to the clip and all I can say is Donna is a Belgian horse's Arse. I can't comment on anything else I have read above because I don't have the proof in front of me and without it all I can do is conjecture. But in this matter It's pretty black and white - She is a BIG HORSES ARSE!
I knew another gentleman that was on that plane. I'm sure God did not withhold all his love to sacrifice a wonderful person and 31 others also.
May they all rest in peace until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ
So sorry for the loss of your dear friend. She sounded like a great threat to the adversary's kingdom~
Donna is a fool.
Being in at the time of that teaching, this just promoted fear. The point wasn't to grieve with the family, it was to 'learn a BIG lesson' from someone else's mistake... so very devilish. Actually, she did seem proud to be the messenger that day...
Donna accused the father of living a devilish life... why, because he refused to stand with her husband, the famous porn boy martindale?
What a waste of precious time. How devilish TWI is. People die because there IS a devil. We are to be good to ALL men... especially A RELATIVE OF MORAL CONVICTION! That is more people than are in TWI!!! Small compared to the entire population of the world perhaps...
Donna and those that teach this should choke to death for messing around with the hearts of God's children WOE UNTO THEM!
Okay... God will deal with that... BUT an apology is in order... which probably won't be made because TWI FEARS a greater loss of followers... mostly loss of income~
Amazing isn't it? Trash a person after they die, adding agony upon agony to their family.
I won't take away from a thread about Naomi to add my own story about how my husbands life was so shredded after he died.
But I will say it appears to be TWI policy, their way of dealing with their own hard ugly hearts. To say something as simple and kind as 'she'll be sorely missed and was loved' would then be having to admit there is blood running in their veins rather than antifreeze.
My hope is that there is some accountability somewhere someday.
What blows me away is how me and so many others just sat there while things like this were said about people who had left twi or had something tragic happen to them. I just sat there and went "uh huh" in my head. It also shows how calloused most of us were while in twi--to not have sympathy or compassion for others and their families. The focus was always, "Where did they blow it?" (Even when an active corpse I knew died unexpectedly.)
Penguin, it was the expected response to the puke they spewed. I wasn't invited to the meeting where my husbands life was flushed down the sewer.
(hmmm wonder why they didn't invite me, huh?)
The Limb Coordinator of Florida would have noted anyone that didn't nod their head in agreement and mumble the uh huh's. The few that did know things were a cluster#### did so because it was another coping behavior until they could get out; self preservation. What choice was there, really?
During the screamings about Naomi, Bob or so many others, what if someone had stood up and stated what bull it all was, demand we pay proper tribute to the person? Well of course they'd have been outside rubbing their tossed on foot while the garbage disposal continued to work in the meeting.
I laugh now at the hypocrasy, in our case. A memorial that, even tho a big ol lie, was given in tribute but the meetings behind closed door were going on at almost the same time.
Hindsight grabs my heart and squeezes it and I apologize to my children and my family for what they had to endure at the hands of TWI when one they loved so much had so suddenly been lost to them and they were robbed of the mourning process. And they quicky got the rules of the game and kept their mouths shut, for my sake.
question??? why didn't donna martinfart have an extra in her purse??
Donna had servants for that... I carried TWO extra pair just in case there was someone who needed help & for myself...
What blows me away is how me and so many others just sat there while things like this were said about people who had left twi or had something tragic happen to them. I just sat there and went "uh huh" in my head.
I remember crying... trying to hide it... feeling scared... something wasn't right~
I won't take away from a thread about Naomi to add my own story about how my husbands life was so shredded after he died.
((((((((Shellon)))))))) how horrible for you and your family
Just wondering how old does a person have to be to be under the banner of their parents? Wasn't Naomi an adult? Wasn't she capable of her own believing? And isn't it true that sometimes the evil devil just gets in there and ruins peoples lives? Death and illness will be with us until the return of Christ.
If Donna were right, why isn't Leah and Timothy dead yet, or even Donna herself? Why weren't they all "greasespots by midnight"?
People were used as "examples" as Donna used the Polings...supposedly to show the importance of standing with LCM and the Way Ministry. How is it no one used the Martindales as examples?
I remember a leader once telling me that the "Spiritual Probation" was profitable. If it was so right on, why didn't LCM emerge a changed man? Making an example of him would have been much more "profitable" than the use of believers that many people didn't know personally. Everyone could have learned a big lesson on how NOT to walk by the flesh if the sins of the Martindales was paraded before all...just as anyone in the Corps or who lived at International was well aware of. Just blow it and you're life would be served up with the noon meal!
Why wasn't Donna just as quick to get on a podium and tell her own story of what happened to LCM, of what went wrong in their marriage and how it affected so many other people in such a horrible way, of how other clergy were forced out of the door when they confronted him and then accused of treason, of how LCM could have been engaging in sexual atrocities under her nose (hmmm...), etc. Why weren't the Martindale children dead long before their father went into hiding, never to emerge? Could it be that leaving the Way Ministry DOES NOT LEAD TO DEATH AND DESTRUCTION?
(No...the sins of the Martindales was spoken of as the devil attacking the ministry. How absurd! Naomi Poling died because her father left the ministry, but LCM screwing wives of standing believers in the Way Ministry, as well as single women who trusted him, was hushed and treated as an attack. In other words, LCM DID NOTHING WRONG! Somehow the ol' Devil used LCM'S private parts to thwart the ministry. Other people would have been accused of being possessed...hmmm...
Lets face it. The Way Ministry should be watched by the insiders. Idol worship didn't die with the removal of LCM. He was allowed to get on with life because there is a lot of Baal worship going on. Remember ...wolves in sheep's clothing. The Way got everyone looking into denominational closets for the boogey man...meanwhile he was residing in the Way International's livingroom, right in front of everyone's faces.
The fact that all this was swept under the rug, and any questions were rejected as butting into other peoples personal lives (forget that these were the people who lived their lives in front of everyone and had no problem sharing someone else's personal business) shows that idolatry was alive and well in the Way International. Why wasn't it just as wrong to air the Polings personal business?
This is one topic that has yet to be addressed by anyone in the Way International on a public forum.
Why wasn't Donna just as quick to get on a podium and tell her own story of what happened to LCM, of what went wrong in their marriage and how it affected so many other people in such a horrible way, of how other clergy were forced out of the door when they confronted him and then accused of treason, of how LCM could have been engaging in sexual atrocities under her nose (hmmm...), etc. Why weren't the Martindale children dead long before their father went into hiding, never to emerge? Could it be that leaving the Way Ministry DOES NOT LEAD TO DEATH AND DESTRUCTION?
Two sets of rules.....THEIR rules and the ones they mandate for others. Double standard, for sure.
The hypocrisy in their lives is so glaring.....
And today, they READ their stale sunday script to fawning fooled followers.....
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Donna Martindale (if that IS still her last name), is a hard hearted, nasty person. Sins of her own?...YOU BET! Her remarks concerning Naomi Poling were not only uncalled for but unChristian as well. It's a good example of how her heart has been calloused and she is incapable of Christian compassion.
She is so caught up with her vengeful feelings towards anyone who left her denomination that she has totally abandoned anything that even resembles Christian behavior. Her preoccupation with "spiritualizing" everything from HER point of view is both pathetic and meanspirited. My God, what a thing to say! I suppose if, God forbid, anything should happen to one of her children, she would blame it on the fact that her husband trashed his ministry and was shamefully defrocked and run off?...
By all rights, she should have been run off at the same time that loyboy was...Afterall, those are the standards that twi holds everyone else to! The woman is desperately in need of professional help...a straight jacket would be a good start. Just who the hell does she think she is anyway?
The fact that there are people (innies) who listen to her at all is a sad commentary on the state of that God forsaken cult.
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I do not get the fact she didnt leave with her hubby either.
Being a faithful loving wife is a standard set in the bible.
when vpw left for india the Mrs. went with him left a baby behind to be cared for by her sister to be with her man, she could have styaed behind with reason.
does anyone know why she did NOT leave with him?
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Actually, it should not have even been HER decision...The twi policy is clear...when a married couple split up...they BOTH get booted.
Why did she stay? Probably because her marriage to king okie was a joke. While loyboy was committing adultry, Donna was involved in a lesbian relationship with the current twi president. It's easy enough to see why she was given "special treatment".
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That was terrible of Donna to say, and do you know the sad part of it is that she is convinced of what she's saying is true. It makes me sick. The lack of compassion, the lack of Love, the lack of Decency, the Hardness of Heart, the Harshness in the way she talked. I NEVER cared for her.
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Linda Z
Georgio, thanks for bringing this up again. When I listened to that audio clip of Donna bad-mouthing Naomi, it made me feel sick. I shared your admiration for Naomi. She was a beautiful young woman and the world is so much worse off for her absence. She was bright, beautiful, kind, and loving. I'm just glad the jerks running the way international* commit their BS to tape so that people can hear it for themselves.
*spelled out so that anyone googling twi might find this thread and listen to the tape
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Out There
I Listened to the clip and all I can say is Donna is a Belgian horse's Arse. I can't comment on anything else I have read above because I don't have the proof in front of me and without it all I can do is conjecture. But in this matter It's pretty black and white - She is a BIG HORSES ARSE!
I knew another gentleman that was on that plane. I'm sure God did not withhold all his love to sacrifice a wonderful person and 31 others also.
May they all rest in peace until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ
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I listened to all of those recordings again. What a bunch of hate and venom spewed.
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So sorry for the loss of your dear friend. She sounded like a great threat to the adversary's kingdom~
Donna is a fool.
Being in at the time of that teaching, this just promoted fear. The point wasn't to grieve with the family, it was to 'learn a BIG lesson' from someone else's mistake... so very devilish. Actually, she did seem proud to be the messenger that day...
Donna accused the father of living a devilish life... why, because he refused to stand with her husband, the famous porn boy martindale?
What a waste of precious time. How devilish TWI is. People die because there IS a devil. We are to be good to ALL men... especially A RELATIVE OF MORAL CONVICTION! That is more people than are in TWI!!! Small compared to the entire population of the world perhaps...
Donna and those that teach this should choke to death for messing around with the hearts of God's children
Okay... God will deal with that... BUT an apology is in order... which probably won't be made because TWI FEARS a greater loss of followers... mostly loss of income~
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Amazing isn't it? Trash a person after they die, adding agony upon agony to their family.
I won't take away from a thread about Naomi to add my own story about how my husbands life was so shredded after he died.
But I will say it appears to be TWI policy, their way of dealing with their own hard ugly hearts. To say something as simple and kind as 'she'll be sorely missed and was loved' would then be having to admit there is blood running in their veins rather than antifreeze.
My hope is that there is some accountability somewhere someday.
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What blows me away is how me and so many others just sat there while things like this were said about people who had left twi or had something tragic happen to them. I just sat there and went "uh huh" in my head. It also shows how calloused most of us were while in twi--to not have sympathy or compassion for others and their families. The focus was always, "Where did they blow it?" (Even when an active corpse I knew died unexpectedly.)
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i have told this story b4 but i will again as i think it is timely
my ex and were flown aboard foot woops ambasdor one to hq for the opening night of the bigest joke in my life
while outside the auditorium donna martinfart snage her nylons and demanded my ex give her the extra pair she must have in her purse.
well the ex didn't
have an extra pair and she was reamed for not having one
question??? why didn't donna martinfart have an extra in her purse??
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Penguin, it was the expected response to the puke they spewed. I wasn't invited to the meeting where my husbands life was flushed down the sewer.
(hmmm wonder why they didn't invite me, huh?)
The Limb Coordinator of Florida would have noted anyone that didn't nod their head in agreement and mumble the uh huh's. The few that did know things were a cluster#### did so because it was another coping behavior until they could get out; self preservation. What choice was there, really?
During the screamings about Naomi, Bob or so many others, what if someone had stood up and stated what bull it all was, demand we pay proper tribute to the person? Well of course they'd have been outside rubbing their tossed on foot while the garbage disposal continued to work in the meeting.
I laugh now at the hypocrasy, in our case. A memorial that, even tho a big ol lie, was given in tribute but the meetings behind closed door were going on at almost the same time.
Hindsight grabs my heart and squeezes it and I apologize to my children and my family for what they had to endure at the hands of TWI when one they loved so much had so suddenly been lost to them and they were robbed of the mourning process. And they quicky got the rules of the game and kept their mouths shut, for my sake.
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Donna had servants for that... I carried TWO extra pair just in case there was someone who needed help & for myself...
I remember crying... trying to hide it... feeling scared... something wasn't right~
((((((((Shellon)))))))) how horrible for you and your family
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Just wondering how old does a person have to be to be under the banner of their parents? Wasn't Naomi an adult? Wasn't she capable of her own believing? And isn't it true that sometimes the evil devil just gets in there and ruins peoples lives? Death and illness will be with us until the return of Christ.
If Donna were right, why isn't Leah and Timothy dead yet, or even Donna herself? Why weren't they all "greasespots by midnight"?
People were used as "examples" as Donna used the Polings...supposedly to show the importance of standing with LCM and the Way Ministry. How is it no one used the Martindales as examples?
I remember a leader once telling me that the "Spiritual Probation" was profitable. If it was so right on, why didn't LCM emerge a changed man? Making an example of him would have been much more "profitable" than the use of believers that many people didn't know personally. Everyone could have learned a big lesson on how NOT to walk by the flesh if the sins of the Martindales was paraded before all...just as anyone in the Corps or who lived at International was well aware of. Just blow it and you're life would be served up with the noon meal!
Why wasn't Donna just as quick to get on a podium and tell her own story of what happened to LCM, of what went wrong in their marriage and how it affected so many other people in such a horrible way, of how other clergy were forced out of the door when they confronted him and then accused of treason, of how LCM could have been engaging in sexual atrocities under her nose (hmmm...), etc. Why weren't the Martindale children dead long before their father went into hiding, never to emerge? Could it be that leaving the Way Ministry DOES NOT LEAD TO DEATH AND DESTRUCTION?
(No...the sins of the Martindales was spoken of as the devil attacking the ministry. How absurd! Naomi Poling died because her father left the ministry, but LCM screwing wives of standing believers in the Way Ministry, as well as single women who trusted him, was hushed and treated as an attack. In other words, LCM DID NOTHING WRONG! Somehow the ol' Devil used LCM'S private parts to thwart the ministry. Other people would have been accused of being possessed...hmmm...
Lets face it. The Way Ministry should be watched by the insiders. Idol worship didn't die with the removal of LCM. He was allowed to get on with life because there is a lot of Baal worship going on. Remember ...wolves in sheep's clothing. The Way got everyone looking into denominational closets for the boogey man...meanwhile he was residing in the Way International's livingroom, right in front of everyone's faces.
The fact that all this was swept under the rug, and any questions were rejected as butting into other peoples personal lives (forget that these were the people who lived their lives in front of everyone and had no problem sharing someone else's personal business) shows that idolatry was alive and well in the Way International. Why wasn't it just as wrong to air the Polings personal business?
This is one topic that has yet to be addressed by anyone in the Way International on a public forum.
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...Perhaps the difference was that the Polings were members of twi...the Martindales WERE twi... <_<
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Those Ba$tadrs just make me sick. The way they presented the truth was just an out and out lie.
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I just listened to the clip. :(
What a crock, what a bunch of lies, what a bunch of *holier than thou* BS.
(rest of message *deleted*) ---
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I cannot get this link to play anything
A little help here....please
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Two sets of rules.....THEIR rules and the ones they mandate for others. Double standard, for sure.
The hypocrisy in their lives is so glaring.....
And today, they READ their stale sunday script to fawning fooled followers.....
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Hey girlfriends, can I ask a few questions?
Have you removed Craig's picture from your homes?
Did you remove all reminders of a daddy that Dorothy Grace adores?
Or is he dead to her like you make other peoples x-twi family members be to them?
What do you tell the precious thing when she looks you both in the eyes and asks about her daddy?
Or does it not matter since he is no longer family anymore?
Did you struggle with what name to retain as your last Donna?
Do you sleep at night Fox?
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So what Donna is saying is that
Naomi Died because her father refused to stand with sexual predator
Now, unless I understood the tape wrong, Naomi was "moneyhands" granddaughter
Shouldn't the believing of someone as "stalwart" as that gentleman been enough to Cover his family??
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Now, unless I understood the tape wrong, Naomi was "moneyhands" granddaughter
No, Naomi was Art Poling's daughter ... no relation to Bob or Dottie "Moneyhands."
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