No accoutability, just take me at my word cause I am on the internet it must all be right and true.
You said you are an addict of the ex-way community cool waters are you sure it isnt the term co-dependent?
sad when you think about it.
8 years to talk to people you will prbably never meet or have an intimate relationship with.
oh you can say we are honest we are true really then why has this 8 year task never progressed to a real time relationships?
with the truth be told everyday stuff of life? no questions asked is eaasier by far, just tell them what they need to hear and get what you want from the thing .
because it is safer on the internet none of that nasty truth or accoutability day by day life reality to deal with.
Hi Vicky! My name is Cathy and I must be an addict too because I have been participating in the exway community for nearly as long.
We read transchat in horror and disbelief....
I was there the first week or so of waydale....
My spouse gave me *permission* to read but strongly cautioned that I mustn`t allow what I read to make me *negative* about the ministry....I was so solemn and earnest in my promise....
I was so afraid to post....I called my husband for permission the first time
I cried after I did because I was so afraid that I would bring him shame.....
You folks have been priceless in providing the support and encouragement that I needed to not only *find* me...but to help me find value in th person that was stuffed down so far deep indside...that I didn`t even remembe who she was :)
You people gave me a voice for the first time in my life. You people found value in my thoughts....You people have helped me recognise value in myself....Thanks for the hug and right back atcha cw...and please allow me to add mine to yours in embracing the rest of the ex way folks who have been there during our journey .....
p.s. Please cw, I have some paper towels and disinfectant ....and will gladly help you clean up where someone felt compelled to rudely defecate all over your nice post've been around awhile. I remember some of your earliest posts that I knew for sure were yours. So gutsy!!!! And so tender, too. Honest as the day is long on top of it all!
Now with your voice on GS Radio to 'flesh out' your presence...well I just can't hardly wait for that Girls of GSCafe get-together!!!! (The one I want to host...and hope will catch on as an idea now that I've mentioned it out here in the forums. I've got the perfect spot for your RV right here in my drive! Got the whole block to ourselves, too.)
As for cleaning up messes...don't worry 'bout it...Mess least according to Forest Gump...hehehehe.
I think we're gonna need a shovel, first. I've got one right here and will gladly help clean that crap up. What a load of crap that is, too!
Lesseee, I've been around since, 2000 or 2001, can't remember perzackly. I remember trembling as I started reading all the horrible things on WayDale and not being able to sleep for months.
I've gone through quite a bit with y'all and in many ways feel like I've grown up in here. I'm very comfortable and I miss people when they're gone or away for a while....I spose I should let them know that their presence is missed.
I've gone from Way brained TWIt to learning how to apply logic and reason to things. I've gone from unhappily married to free and single. From being very, very needy to being able to help others who are where I was.
I've had the awesome priviledge of meeting not a few of you in person and it's like seeing long, lost cousins that you don't get to see nearly enough. I've developed very tight friendships over the phone with some of you. Heck, I dated one of you for a bit. And I'm glad we're still very good friends.
Yes, it's been extremely therapeutic and way beyond priceless! My mother sincerely feels that she owes Pawtucket and all the posters here millions of dollars and thanks and hugs for helping her little girl get free and without having a major meltdown. She will tell you that she doesn't think all the therapy in the world could do the good that's been done here. Daddy does too, but he's not as vocal about it. He says those things with money paying for all the kids to go to the caverns. Those who got to meet my parents, I think, know this is all a major understatement.
Okay, I don't want to go and get alll mushy on y' I'll just say, "Thanks for all the Snow Cones, the Amazing Sea Monkeys, the laughs, snorts, giggles and, of course, our beloved THE"
*picks up a few paper towels while spraying air freshener*
I didn'tt have any time for surfing to read Trancenet but I heard about it. I don't remember how I found WayDale but the important thing is that I did [or it found me].
I began to learn why things were happened the way they were where I lived and had j-u-s-t left the big green t-r-e-e when my leaf dropped off of it! And at first it raised more questioned than it answered.
I found a lot of scars that I didn't even know I had and then somebody very close to my heart also became a victim of abuse and all it's I learned about healing right here at the beginning of GSC-1.
GSC is not only a godsend for healing and being healed but it's also the only place where anyone can find the real truth about a certain cult which we all came to know and love -- and then hate.
And please don't talk to me about not meeting face to face! That's a bunch of "rot" in my book. Some folks are able to get together because they live close enough to meet in a central place and have the time and means to get there. I live too far away and don't have the ability to do that! And it doesn't matter to me or them, we're still friends.
How would I get to know folks in Alaska since I live near NYC! or some of the south, or Michigan or Phoenix or other places where I don't even know where they live! That's the magic of the internet....your community expands beyond your physical confines and I'm grateful.
Haven't we all received virtual birthday cards and loved them AND appreciated the sender for thinking about us? So how is that different from being a member of this virtual community where everybody knows you by your name?
i haven't been around that long but this is one of the most warm and loving and hope givingpost that i have ever and probably will ever read thank you coolwaters for starting it and thank you all that have shared and don't pay any attention to manure spreaders!
Having so much in common with people that freakin get it! (Well save for one with bad attitude)
For me I've developed friendships that have sustained me on the good and crappy days, laughed until I woke up my kid and the neighbors kid, cried 'til there's nothing left, shared lives at every stage of grief and healing and breakage.
Babies have been born, lives have been lost, jobs have been explored, gained and lost, ya'll have suffered with me from the very first day I walked back into a college classroom in l998 <_< and hung in there with me as you silently prayed to God to spare you one more of my 'I can't do this' stories.
Many of you have sat up with me when my eldest was driving me mamanuts, disappearing into the nights of fear that only a parent can understand, sitting in chat with me while your eyes glossed over with exhaustion waiting for her to call or come home. Then rejoiced with me as she found her footing and made great decisions with her life. Ya'll were praying and waiting as she brought my grandbaby into this wild ride a year ago.
You've hung in with me as my youngest explores her own boundaries and world. She's only 10, so who knows where she'll take us. :blink:
That's friendship, that's love! Nowhere else on the planet can people come together and share the intimacy of their lives with such strength, such servitude, such love.
Greasespot has an on/off switch which is why it makes for a safe place to hang out. But it's so much more than that isn't it? It's socially comfortable to relax together, think about anything in the world, push the envelope into ideas that are uncomfortable yet necessary to discuss and teach each other that bottom line, it's ok and most likely will continue to be if we just tie a knot and hang on.
That's me waving to you and asking if you wanna re-think what you "thunk" now that you've heard some of our perceptions.....and come along for the ride with us?
You know deep down inside that you belong here just as much as we do [if you want to] I don't go for beer all that much, but you're welcome to sit over here with me and share a !
Maybe somebody would like to bring some coffee or brownies over?
/me grabs the brownies from the pot thread and offers them up as a peace offering to pond.
My goodness all you all!!! The warm fuzzies are warmer and fuzzier!!!! :D
The links are great!!!! I knew somebody (prolly everybody...ya think? lol) would think Easter Candy when they saw this thread. Hehehe. It works that way, too. :D
It's nice to see the guys playing here. :D
And just because you haven't been around very long...or just because you think I'm not including you as one of 'my Peeps' (which I am...'peeps' is just 'hood slang for either relatives, friends, or folks one hangs out with), don't let that stop you from warm fuzzying with us!
GSCafe is about everybody no matter what.
That's why it's so great here.
+odd! I got goosebumps all over reading your post!
We need a barefoot emoticon...and a feet washing one...and some others like that...
My icon says I've been here sine 2004, but that is when I came back after a year hiatus. I remember finding Trancechat--It was so intense and I just wasn't ready for it.
Then after my oldest child made contact after a 10 year separation I remember sitting at my computer and typing in "The Way International"
suddenly It was there, people, who knew what I'd been through, people who'd suffered the same, pain, people trying to heal and be healed. I remember the flood gates just opened and I cried and I shook.
I remember the bad dreams as the suppressed memories came back And I remember the patience and love that was there as I worked through them
I remember figuring out that CW was in fact a long lost friend from TWI who had at one point lived with my family.
She and I had many issues and problems to work through and if not for Waydale and GS we never would have.,
I left here in 2003 thinking I was past TWI, but soon realized that such a life altering experience is with you always and, even more to the point, I missed you all so terribly much
SO back I came, I don't spend the hours here I did in the beginning, But I wouldn't miss being here for the world
What we share with each other here via the ether is the same thing we would share face to face........ideas. Nothing more - nothing is just a different way to do it. After sharing ideas with me, it's up to me to do something about it if I want.....or not. Same with you.
The healing...that you and I were never allowed to even imagine...
The relationship you and I should have had from the beginning...that twi broke irrevocably...or so twi thought...but WayDale and GreaseSpot Cafe broke twi and the things they thought, huh?
If for no other reason on the face of the earth, the online ex-way community has brought you and I to where He intended us to be with one another.
I'm just so very sorry all the other stuff happened.
Here's to you, sister of mine. You are one class act.
We got a computer in 2000, some months after leaving TWI. I read the old GSC on EZboard faithfully. it was very healing to hear other stories like our own.
A year or so later I drifted away some, though I would check once a week or so. I was going through some huge transitions in my own life and my time was limited.
A year or two ago I got involved again on GSC, because no one who wasn't there seems to be able to really 'get' it.
I remember you CW as being one of the warmest on the board. Thanks.
As far as not meeting people face to face...doesn't bother me. There is only so much time and money for travel, we all have important people in our lives. It doesn't make the words we've read any less healing.
Well, as a relatively new peep, I can only echo what some others have said.
It's nice to have a different window to look in from time to time.
Trust is a long time coming, but I've wobbly reached out to a couple of you. The rest I've come to know a little better in chat-and that is a kick and a half at times.
I love laughing-and the only source lately seems to be here-and am I thankful for that.
Bramble, awwwwwwww tyvm! Toppie (I got to calling you this after hearing it so much in chat one that OK?), I hope you enjoy your stay out of the woodwork...and thank you for sharing here! {{{{{Watered Garden}}}}}, I haven't forgotten how you have helped me so very much with health and other issues. StrangeTom, dude, got anymore brownies? :)
I may have too much time on my hands, but I was really thinking about this and how, for some people, GSpot is a take it or leave it kind of place, and for others, it's a terrific "hang out" and support group of people who've been there - done that - got the t-shirt. I think needs and individual preferences has something to do with it, but I also think, to a greater proportion, you get out of it what you put into it.
The people who come here and actively engage, support and receive support see GSpot as a vital part of their healing, recovery and it becomes a heck of a lot more than that as we do make friends, we start swapping e-mails, reconnect with people and have fun. Then GSpot becomes so much more to us. It is our "Cheers", if you will, but it's more than that, imo, if you want it to be.
Toppie, so glad you left that woodwork to come play with us!
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It is a very safe place for many.
No accoutability, just take me at my word cause I am on the internet it must all be right and true.
You said you are an addict of the ex-way community cool waters are you sure it isnt the term co-dependent?
sad when you think about it.
8 years to talk to people you will prbably never meet or have an intimate relationship with.
oh you can say we are honest we are true really then why has this 8 year task never progressed to a real time relationships?
with the truth be told everyday stuff of life? no questions asked is eaasier by far, just tell them what they need to hear and get what you want from the thing .
because it is safer on the internet none of that nasty truth or accoutability day by day life reality to deal with.
warm fuzzy indeed.
and long term one night stand .
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Well, pond, even you are included in my warm remind me how things can get...there but for the grace of God go I...and all that...
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Hi Vicky! My name is Cathy and I must be an addict too because I have been participating in the exway community for nearly as long.
We read transchat in horror and disbelief....
I was there the first week or so of waydale....
My spouse gave me *permission* to read but strongly cautioned that I mustn`t allow what I read to make me *negative* about the ministry....I was so solemn and earnest in my promise....
I was so afraid to post....I called my husband for permission the first time
I cried after I did because I was so afraid that I would bring him shame.....
You folks have been priceless in providing the support and encouragement that I needed to not only *find* me...but to help me find value in th person that was stuffed down so far deep indside...that I didn`t even remembe who she was :)
You people gave me a voice for the first time in my life. You people found value in my thoughts....You people have helped me recognise value in myself....Thanks for the hug and right back atcha cw...and please allow me to add mine to yours in embracing the rest of the ex way folks who have been there during our journey .....
p.s. Please cw, I have some paper towels and disinfectant ....and will gladly help you clean up where someone felt compelled to rudely defecate all over your nice post
Edited by rascalLink to comment
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Awwwww {{{{{Cathy!!!!!}}}}}
And your baby born via chat room, too! :)'ve been around awhile. I remember some of your earliest posts that I knew for sure were yours. So gutsy!!!! And so tender, too. Honest as the day is long on top of it all!
Now with your voice on GS Radio to 'flesh out' your presence...well I just can't hardly wait for that Girls of GSCafe get-together!!!! (The one I want to host...and hope will catch on as an idea now that I've mentioned it out here in the forums. I've got the perfect spot for your RV right here in my drive! Got the whole block to ourselves, too.)
As for cleaning up messes...don't worry 'bout it...Mess least according to Forest Gump...hehehehe.
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* takes the paper towels from Rascal *
I think we're gonna need a shovel, first. I've got one right here and will gladly help clean that crap up.
What a load of crap that is, too!
Lesseee, I've been around since, 2000 or 2001, can't remember perzackly. I remember trembling as I started reading all the horrible things on WayDale and not being able to sleep for months.
I've gone through quite a bit with y'all and in many ways feel like I've grown up in here. I'm very comfortable and I miss people when they're gone or away for a while....I spose I should let them know that their presence is missed.
I've gone from Way brained TWIt to learning how to apply logic and reason to things. I've gone from unhappily married to free and single.
From being very, very needy to being able to help others who are where I was.
I've had the awesome priviledge of meeting not a few of you in person and it's like seeing long, lost cousins that you don't get to see nearly enough. I've developed very tight friendships over the phone with some of you. Heck, I dated one of you for a bit.
And I'm glad we're still very good friends.
Yes, it's been extremely therapeutic and way beyond priceless! My mother sincerely feels that she owes Pawtucket and all the posters here millions of dollars and thanks and hugs for helping her little girl get free and without having a major meltdown. She will tell you that she doesn't think all the therapy in the world could do the good that's been done here. Daddy does too, but he's not as vocal about it. He says those things with money paying for all the kids to go to the caverns. Those who got to meet my parents, I think, know this is all a major understatement.
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Your peeps have responded!
And here they are! :)
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*picks up a few paper towels while spraying air freshener*
I didn'tt have any time for surfing to read Trancenet but I heard about it. I don't remember how I found WayDale but the important thing is that I did [or it found me].
I began to learn why things were happened the way they were where I lived and had j-u-s-t left the big green t-r-e-e when my leaf dropped off of it! And at first it raised more questioned than it answered.
I found a lot of scars that I didn't even know I had and then somebody very close to my heart also became a victim of abuse and all it's I learned about healing right here at the beginning of GSC-1.
GSC is not only a godsend for healing and being healed but it's also the only place where anyone can find the real truth about a certain cult which we all came to know and love -- and then hate.
And please don't talk to me about not meeting face to face! That's a bunch of "rot" in my book. Some folks are able to get together because they live close enough to meet in a central place and have the time and means to get there. I live too far away and don't have the ability to do that! And it doesn't matter to me or them, we're still friends.
How would I get to know folks in Alaska since I live near NYC! or some of the south, or Michigan or Phoenix or other places where I don't even know where they live! That's the magic of the internet....your community expands beyond your physical confines and I'm grateful.
Haven't we all received virtual birthday cards and loved them AND appreciated the sender for thinking about us? So how is that different from being a member of this virtual community where everybody knows you by your name?
edited to fix grammer and tense
Edited by krysilisLink to comment
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i haven't been around that long but this is one of the most warm and loving and hope givingpost
that i have ever and probably will ever read thank you coolwaters for starting it and thank you all that have shared and don't pay any attention to manure spreaders!
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Ok now, THAT'S what I'm talking about.
Having so much in common with people that freakin get it! (Well save for one with bad attitude)
For me I've developed friendships that have sustained me on the good and crappy days, laughed until I woke up my kid and the neighbors kid, cried 'til there's nothing left, shared lives at every stage of grief and healing and breakage.
Babies have been born, lives have been lost, jobs have been explored, gained and lost, ya'll have suffered with me from the very first day I walked back into a college classroom in l998 <_< and hung in there with me as you silently prayed to God to spare you one more of my 'I can't do this' stories.
Many of you have sat up with me when my eldest was driving me mamanuts, disappearing into the nights of fear that only a parent can understand, sitting in chat with me while your eyes glossed over with exhaustion waiting for her to call or come home. Then rejoiced with me as she found her footing and made great decisions with her life. Ya'll were praying and waiting as she brought my grandbaby into this wild ride a year ago.
You've hung in with me as my youngest explores her own boundaries and world. She's only 10, so who knows where she'll take us. :blink:
That's friendship, that's love! Nowhere else on the planet can people come together and share the intimacy of their lives with such strength, such servitude, such love.
Greasespot has an on/off switch which is why it makes for a safe place to hang out. But it's so much more than that isn't it? It's socially comfortable to relax together, think about anything in the world, push the envelope into ideas that are uncomfortable yet necessary to discuss and teach each other that bottom line, it's ok and most likely will continue to be if we just tie a knot and hang on.
Thank you for that in my life.
Edited by Shellon Fockler-NorthLink to comment
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great thread
great responses
CW is in da house
and as we continue move from cult to culture...
here and here are a few links i thought some of yalls might enjoy
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* calling out to pond*
Hey look over here ------->
That's me waving to you and asking if you wanna re-think what you "thunk" now that you've heard some of our perceptions.....and come along for the ride with us?
You know deep down inside that you belong here just as much as we do [if you want to]
I don't go for beer all that much, but you're welcome to sit over here with me and share a
Maybe somebody would like to bring some coffee or brownies over?
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ha..i love this
heerz another one for you, Cool...
question...if the sustance of our ever deepening communions here are not actual coffee
or are not actual brownies
then what are they?
what is the actual substance of that which we are sharing with each other?
what are we putting in each other's "mouths"?
i mean, if we are not actually joining actual hands
what are we joining?
some might say "then we are joining nothing"
"and all these feelings and thoughts and dreams of each other are not real things"
"and not worth much at all"
i mean, if all the usual mediums of communion are not present
and yet we still commune...what does that tell us about what we really are?
the fact that we will still commune via all these deeper and deeper pools of electric hypertext says a lot about a little
i mean, just what is that substance we celebrate here on this thread?
licking each other's heart with tongues of angels
is not a mere figure of speech
(unless it still seems to be, of course)
if you are the holy ground that I walk upon
then i would only be a holy man if i took off my shoes and walked in the sand of your soul with my naked and barest feet
yep, even on a website forum
among my peeps
among my tribe
what is different from twi this that it is WE who are the actual living epistles

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Great idea krys!!!!!
/me grabs the brownies from the pot thread and offers them up as a peace offering to pond.
My goodness all you all!!! The warm fuzzies are warmer and fuzzier!!!! :D
The links are great!!!! I knew somebody (prolly everybody...ya think? lol) would think Easter Candy when they saw this thread. Hehehe. It works that way, too. :D
It's nice to see the guys playing here. :D
And just because you haven't been around very long...or just because you think I'm not including you as one of 'my Peeps' (which I am...'peeps' is just 'hood slang for either relatives, friends, or folks one hangs out with), don't let that stop you from warm fuzzying with us!
GSCafe is about everybody no matter what.
That's why it's so great here.
+odd! I got goosebumps all over reading your post!
We need a barefoot emoticon...and a feet washing one...and some others like that...
+odd! Wow!
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Where do I start
My icon says I've been here sine 2004, but that is when I came back after a year hiatus. I remember finding Trancechat--It was so intense and I just wasn't ready for it.
Then after my oldest child made contact after a 10 year separation I remember sitting at my computer and typing in "The Way International"
suddenly It was there, people, who knew what I'd been through, people who'd suffered the same, pain, people trying to heal and be healed. I remember the flood gates just opened and I cried and I shook.
I remember the bad dreams as the suppressed memories came back And I remember the patience and love that was there as I worked through them
I remember figuring out that CW was in fact a long lost friend from TWI who had at one point lived with my family.
She and I had many issues and problems to work through and if not for Waydale and GS we never would have.,
I left here in 2003 thinking I was past TWI, but soon realized that such a life altering experience is with you always and, even more to the point, I missed you all so terribly much
SO back I came, I don't spend the hours here I did in the beginning, But I wouldn't miss being here for the world
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What we share with each other here via the ether is the same thing we would share face to face........ideas. Nothing more - nothing is just a different way to do it. After sharing ideas with me, it's up to me to do something about it if I want.....or not. Same with you.
Edited by krysilisLink to comment
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The healing...that you and I were never allowed to even imagine...
The relationship you and I should have had from the beginning...that twi broke irrevocably...or so twi thought...but WayDale and GreaseSpot Cafe broke twi and the things they thought, huh?
If for no other reason on the face of the earth, the online ex-way community has brought you and I to where He intended us to be with one another.
I'm just so very sorry all the other stuff happened.
Here's to you, sister of mine. You are one class act.
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We got a computer in 2000, some months after leaving TWI. I read the old GSC on EZboard faithfully. it was very healing to hear other stories like our own.
A year or so later I drifted away some, though I would check once a week or so. I was going through some huge transitions in my own life and my time was limited.
A year or two ago I got involved again on GSC, because no one who wasn't there seems to be able to really 'get' it.
I remember you CW as being one of the warmest on the board. Thanks.
As far as not meeting people face to face...doesn't bother me. There is only so much time and money for travel, we all have important people in our lives. It doesn't make the words we've read any less healing.
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Tom Strange
(just got here from the pot thread)
HEY! who took my brownies?
nah... go ahead.. there's plenty for everyone... of the reasons I come here is cuz when I read mj I don't need to take acid...
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Well, as a relatively new peep, I can only echo what some others have said.
It's nice to have a different window to look in from time to time.
Trust is a long time coming, but I've wobbly reached out to a couple of you. The rest I've come to know a little better in chat-and that is a kick and a half at times.
I love laughing-and the only source lately seems to be here-and am I thankful for that.
Love-from a cousin of out the woodwork.
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Watered Garden
Thanks for everything.
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Bramble, awwwwwwww tyvm! Toppie (I got to calling you this after hearing it so much in chat one that OK?), I hope you enjoy your stay out of the woodwork...and thank you for sharing here! {{{{{Watered Garden}}}}}, I haven't forgotten how you have helped me so very much with health and other issues. StrangeTom, dude, got anymore brownies? :)
You're all just too kewl.
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Awww shucks!!!!
This --- spot --- is --- just --- plain --- fun!! ;)
(what a *twig* we would all make, eh??)
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(what a *twig* we would all make, eh??)
It would be one hell of an improvement.
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HEY! Who stole my brownie?
*grabs another THREE to replace the one ^_^
I've got some really good punch to share, too.
I may have too much time on my hands, but I was really thinking about this and how, for some people, GSpot is a take it or leave it kind of place, and for others, it's a terrific "hang out" and support group of people who've been there - done that - got the t-shirt. I think needs and individual preferences has something to do with it, but I also think, to a greater proportion, you get out of it what you put into it.
The people who come here and actively engage, support and receive support see GSpot as a vital part of their healing, recovery and it becomes a heck of a lot more than that as we do make friends, we start swapping e-mails, reconnect with people and have fun. Then GSpot becomes so much more to us. It is our "Cheers", if you will, but it's more than that, imo, if you want it to be.
Toppie, so glad you left that woodwork to come play with us!
This is the best dang twig I've ever known.
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