Interesting. Apparently TWI is now encouraging their kids to get involved with activities in the Big Bad Evil World. Seems quite a change to me. My next to last twig leaders had four kids. The two oldest were fairly close together and the last two were close togetherin age. The parents planned it that way, so their kids would buddy up 2 x 2 and not seek friends outside their immediate family. They participated in a sport or two, I think, but other kids were not allowed to come to their home to play. #1 had #2 as his best friend. #2 had #1 as his best friend. #3's best friend was #4, and vice versa. Sad.
Well, if this young lady wants to come be a nursing student at OSU, she is in for a rude awakening. So many different ideas flying around that campus! And it's huge! (Probably bigger than the whole TWI, come to think of it.)
We all know that TWI kids are bright, well behaved little ones. That's no surprise. The thing is, to me anyway, that these kids are getting all these "special spotlights" on them whereas kids that are better than or just as good as them who happen to NOT be associated with TWI aren't getting any press or stories printed about them. HCW confirmed this on a post earlier where I asked about the seeming preference for these articles being written about TWI kids.
I think TWI is behind these kids getting all this press. Just interesting that there aren't any articles like this about non TWI kids. Not the kids fault - they're just doing their thing, but TWI is trying to capitalize on it - just another form of name dropping, imo.
I tried the link twice - the first time it wouldln't load the second time it would. I don't want to get Paw into any trouble, so if you can't see the article and would like to, PM me and I'll PM the article to you.
Oh yeah, I also thought some of you may know the family and have wondered how they were doing. :)
We all know that TWI kids are bright, well behaved little ones. That's no surprise.
Young children raised under the Nazi regime in 1930s Germany were often 'well behaved' and 'bright' too. Children who were/are raised in any kind of authoritarian/totalitarian setting are often the same way.
It remains to be seen how much they can adapt to the real world, even in a university setting, what with all of its undisciplined chaos and freedom.
See how 'bright' and 'well behaved' they remain then. <_<
I agree, Garth. They seem to be very lacking in social skills and "real world" common sense. Too protected, imo. Most of the ones I knew here who were college age were so naive and, well, "stepford" little robots for the most part. Sweet, bright and well behaved, but just kind of "empty" when it came to substance of personality.
Not all, mind you, but the overwhelming majority of them were.
Alot of schools will do a end of year reviews geared towards Seniors.They will pick out the articuate and some of the most giving kids and recignize them in thier achievements, My daughter was featured on the front page of our local newspaper. She decided to go into the Air Force. They took her to the local base and put her in a cockpit of a plane. the camera man has to be lifted up by a crane to take the photo. she had her graduation cap on....we lived in a white color area and we lived on a blue color budget..I think this girl is doing well. I would be proud of her accomplishments. Keep in mind she is being raised to live leadership lifestyles...promoting good is good.
Other groups the teen belongs to include the National Honor Society with a 3.96 grade-point average, German Club, Pep Club and The Way International, which she serves as an usher and parking attendant.
Yes -- good luck to her.
(I wonder how many cars show up at twi -- for them to need a parking attendant??) <_<
This young lady is worthy of some praise. For her to handle doing all these things while also a member of the TWI deserves the compliments handed down to her in the press.
I babysat this girl and her siblings during Way Disciple Training weekend 8 years or more ago. They were good kids. Their parents were fine people. They are just caught up in "the truth" and the other lies promoted just like we were at one time or another. I'm glad she is able to enjoy things at other places than HQ.
When I was a waykid I was reporoved for doing the March of Dimes. Charities were bad, I was just never told why. I was supposed to have raised money and given it to TWI, that would have beeen the right thing to do. March of Dimes isn't godly, blah blah
That was really crappy that they did that to you. What a better way to learn to love people and reach hearts than to do something to help the community. TWI was sorely wrong and assanine for their thoughts on that.
I did the Bike/Hike several times as a kid. It raised money for muscular dystrophy. It made me feel good to do something which benefitted others. It was a 70 mile ride round trip. I was in 6th and 7th grade when I did it the first few times. I only made it half way on my bike. We took pledges per mile. I also remember going door-to-door to collect money for Jerry Lewis' telethon. I was moved and determined to help those poor kids.
Not to be a total downer but as I was reflecting on the March of Dimes incident I am reminded that my mother was one of my sponsers in it. Basicly she commited to 25 cents for every mile I walked. When I got reproved, she refused to pay and so did other believers who pledged. Nothing like making a little kid look like a liar, I had to turn in an empty envelope after telling the March of Dimes and my school that I had secured all these pledges.
When your own mom screws you on a charity pledge you know you're brainwashed.
yeah Georgio... that's a bummer... and that's why (I think) we should remember that the child is 'innocent' in all of this... not that anyone needs reminding but each time I open this thread I'm hoping NOT to find someone knocking the kid... and I haven't!
But I do remember the high school students being told to be involved in community volunteering and school activities because it would look good on scholarship applications.
Not to be a total downer but as I was reflecting on the March of Dimes incident I am reminded that my mother was one of my sponsers in it. Basicly she commited to 25 cents for every mile I walked. When I got reproved, she refused to pay and so did other believers who pledged. Nothing like making a little kid look like a liar, I had to turn in an empty envelope after telling the March of Dimes and my school that I had secured all these pledges.
When your own mom screws you on a charity pledge you know you're brainwashed.
That's a damn shame! SHAME ON THEM!! It just goes to show you the hold that the way had on us. SHAME ON THE WAY INTERNATIONAL!!! They should have left people alone dammit! To have the determination to accomplish something for others is selfless and showing God's love.
I went to a church which had a kindness day. We passed out soda and water on hot days, went door to door to wash cars, mow lawns, or wash windows. People were floored that we wanted to do it without anything in return and many tried to pay us. They saw we were genuine when we refused their money. Some were still asking "Tell me again; why are you doing this?" I did this shortly after leaving twi. It was a great experience for me.
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Sounds like a good person who is involved in her community and wants to help. More power to her.
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Watered Garden
Interesting. Apparently TWI is now encouraging their kids to get involved with activities in the Big Bad Evil World. Seems quite a change to me. My next to last twig leaders had four kids. The two oldest were fairly close together and the last two were close togetherin age. The parents planned it that way, so their kids would buddy up 2 x 2 and not seek friends outside their immediate family. They participated in a sport or two, I think, but other kids were not allowed to come to their home to play. #1 had #2 as his best friend. #2 had #1 as his best friend. #3's best friend was #4, and vice versa. Sad.
Well, if this young lady wants to come be a nursing student at OSU, she is in for a rude awakening. So many different ideas flying around that campus! And it's huge! (Probably bigger than the whole TWI, come to think of it.)
Hope she's prepared.
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Tom Strange
Belle, I got a dead link... but I agree with my esteemed colleague from the cone zone... more power to her, I hope she does well...
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yea I got a dead link also....
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We all know that TWI kids are bright, well behaved little ones. That's no surprise. The thing is, to me anyway, that these kids are getting all these "special spotlights" on them whereas kids that are better than or just as good as them who happen to NOT be associated with TWI aren't getting any press or stories printed about them. HCW confirmed this on a post earlier where I asked about the seeming preference for these articles being written about TWI kids.
I think TWI is behind these kids getting all this press. Just interesting that there aren't any articles like this about non TWI kids. Not the kids fault - they're just doing their thing, but TWI is trying to capitalize on it - just another form of name dropping, imo.
I tried the link twice - the first time it wouldln't load the second time it would. I don't want to get Paw into any trouble, so if you can't see the article and would like to, PM me and I'll PM the article to you.
Oh yeah, I also thought some of you may know the family and have wondered how they were doing. :)
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Here's the link to HCW's post I was talking about: Not your typical story
TWIt Kids
And this is how those wonderful TWIt kids are raised. :blink:
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Young children raised under the Nazi regime in 1930s Germany were often 'well behaved' and 'bright' too. Children who were/are raised in any kind of authoritarian/totalitarian setting are often the same way.
It remains to be seen how much they can adapt to the real world, even in a university setting, what with all of its undisciplined chaos and freedom.
See how 'bright' and 'well behaved' they remain then. <_<
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I agree, Garth. They seem to be very lacking in social skills and "real world" common sense. Too protected, imo. Most of the ones I knew here who were college age were so naive and, well, "stepford" little robots for the most part. Sweet, bright and well behaved, but just kind of "empty" when it came to substance of personality.
Not all, mind you, but the overwhelming majority of them were.
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Alot of schools will do a end of year reviews geared towards Seniors.They will pick out the articuate and some of the most giving kids and recignize them in thier achievements, My daughter was featured on the front page of our local newspaper. She decided to go into the Air Force. They took her to the local base and put her in a cockpit of a plane. the camera man has to be lifted up by a crane to take the photo. she had her graduation cap on....we lived in a white color area and we lived on a blue color budget..I think this girl is doing well. I would be proud of her accomplishments. Keep in mind she is being raised to live leadership lifestyles...promoting good is good.
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why don't they mention TWi in the article or maybe they did and i missed it
and i think you can have one-on-one interaction with people as a doctor
but maybe she's just young and doesn't realize that
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Tom Strange
myseestorEx... it was mentioned as one of her group activities... along with other things...
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Yes -- good luck to her.
(I wonder how many cars show up at twi -- for them to need a parking attendant??) <_<
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i think we should give credit where credit is due
and this kid seems to have her stuff together twi or not
i just hope when she gets out in the real world she can see the light and shed twi
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thanks dear strange one
it twi really an activity ? boy it was so much more than that when i was in
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Out There
This young lady is worthy of some praise. For her to handle doing all these things while also a member of the TWI deserves the compliments handed down to her in the press.
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I babysat this girl and her siblings during Way Disciple Training weekend 8 years or more ago. They were good kids. Their parents were fine people. They are just caught up in "the truth" and the other lies promoted just like we were at one time or another. I'm glad she is able to enjoy things at other places than HQ.
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Georgio Jessio
Very new concept and a good PR move.
When I was a waykid I was reporoved for doing the March of Dimes. Charities were bad, I was just never told why. I was supposed to have raised money and given it to TWI, that would have beeen the right thing to do. March of Dimes isn't godly, blah blah
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That was really crappy that they did that to you. What a better way to learn to love people and reach hearts than to do something to help the community. TWI was sorely wrong and assanine for their thoughts on that.
I did the Bike/Hike several times as a kid. It raised money for muscular dystrophy. It made me feel good to do something which benefitted others. It was a 70 mile ride round trip. I was in 6th and 7th grade when I did it the first few times. I only made it half way on my bike. We took pledges per mile. I also remember going door-to-door to collect money for Jerry Lewis' telethon. I was moved and determined to help those poor kids.
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Georgio Jessio
Not to be a total downer but as I was reflecting on the March of Dimes incident I am reminded that my mother was one of my sponsers in it. Basicly she commited to 25 cents for every mile I walked. When I got reproved, she refused to pay and so did other believers who pledged. Nothing like making a little kid look like a liar, I had to turn in an empty envelope after telling the March of Dimes and my school that I had secured all these pledges.
When your own mom screws you on a charity pledge you know you're brainwashed.
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Umm, Noooo..They were brainwashed.
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Tom Strange
yeah Georgio... that's a bummer... and that's why (I think) we should remember that the child is 'innocent' in all of this... not that anyone needs reminding but each time I open this thread I'm hoping NOT to find someone knocking the kid... and I haven't!
good point burning man...
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Not to be a downer...
But I do remember the high school students being told to be involved in community volunteering and school activities because it would look good on scholarship applications.
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That's a damn shame! SHAME ON THEM!!
It just goes to show you the hold that the way had on us. SHAME ON THE WAY INTERNATIONAL!!! They should have left people alone dammit! To have the determination to accomplish something for others is selfless and showing God's love.
I went to a church which had a kindness day. We passed out soda and water on hot days, went door to door to wash cars, mow lawns, or wash windows. People were floored that we wanted to do it without anything in return and many tried to pay us. They saw we were genuine when we refused their money. Some were still asking "Tell me again; why are you doing this?" I did this shortly after leaving twi. It was a great experience for me.
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