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What is the Perricone Diet?

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Wow! I checked out the website and was surprised to find that this diet is quite similar to what I'm already doing.

I've been dieting for nine days now. It's part of the reason I don't post much. An awful excuse, I know, but it's hard to sit down at the computer without a bag of "something" at my side.

My own version of dieting consist of a list of foods given to me by my chiropractor. They are known to reduce inflamation. The majority of them are listed on the Perricone Diet.

I really have no time to cook up anything for breakfast, but hard-boiled eggs work well for me. When my doctor gave me the list "eggs" were listed in the "inflamatory" group, but he did tell me that the latest and greatest news was, based on an entirely new study, eggs were found to be "neutral"...

I haven't eaten any wild salmon, but I am stocked with tuna, halibut and cod.

I've tried to cut out all refined sugar. I eat non-salted roasted almonds to snack on and drink lots of water.

I'm not ready to get on the scale yet, but I do notice my clothes are fitting much better. Can't really say there's an improvement in my skin, but I think it's still too early to determine effects on skin.

I'll have to look into where wild salmon can be purchased.... and then.... if I can (or want to) afford it.

In the meantime, I'll ask my chiro about th diet. I do respect his opinion.

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Canned salmon might be wild. I sure new lot of young people in Montana who would travel to Alaska to work in fish canneries or on fishing boats.

Is your anti inflammatory diet on the net anywhere? I have an inflamatory health situation and would like to find out more about it.

I guess a person could bake the salmon the night before and just microwave. Duh.

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My diet probably can't be found on the internet. It's a combination of all the things that have worked for me in the past. I've tried so very many diets (Atkins, South Beach, Cabbage Soup...) and have been successful with all, but...

I have problems sticking to any one diet for more than three weeks, so I tried to devise a combination of things... foods that I love and that are healthy, so that when the three-week time period is up, it won't be difficult to stay on the diet if I desire to lose more weight.

A herniated disk in my neck last October has prevented me from weight-lifting for a while. The lack of lifting put an automatic 15 pounds on me. I was already 10 pounds overweight. I am committed to a good diet right now because I need to feel good about my physical self again. Amazing machines our bodies are.

I guess my diet could be summed up as low calories and low carbohydrates and an occasional "cheat".

I'll post the anti-inflamatory list of foods when I find the sheet they are listed on. I filed it..... um....hmmm. Might be easier to ask chiropractor for another one.

I could be wrong, but I think Trader Joe's (are they national yet) sells wild salmon. I never thought to buy it in a can... so that's something I could also try. I have very little time to cook although I love to do it.

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Thanks, Amazingrace. I'll do some searching on the internet.

My inflamation is of the ' take these heavy duty steroids and you can breathe almost normally' variety but I'm thinking diet can help or hinder.

I do have a book that suggests lots of vitamin c and distilled water with good sea salt added(in small quantites). Since the water tastes weird I make it into blueberry tea

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Somebody mentioned Cream of Wheat! It's a favorite around here.

But I'm still on the diet so I haven't indulged. I suppose if I didn't load it

up with sugar, it would be ok.

Bramble, do you know how long you would have to stay on steroids for your condition? Only asking because sometimes the doctors state a certain amount of time to strengthen the system.

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I'm tapering off oral steroids right now. Hopefully I can stay off or have short term/inhaled steroids through hay fever season, as long as the breathing is good. In July I'll do a chest xray. If that is good, then we continue with short term as needed for breathing. If that is bad(scarring or more and bigger growths), then either back on steroids long term or move up to immune suppressing drugs like imuran or methetrexate. In my favor, I have a low scarring factor.

Average time until remission is two years. The main thing is to prevent the scarring of the lungs, which causes permanent damage to breathing capacity. So far I'm good. I'm kind of at the point where the side effects of the steroids are about as bad as the current effects of the disease. And that is progress!

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Somebody mentioned Cream of Wheat! It's a favorite around here.

But I'm still on the diet so I haven't indulged. I suppose if I didn't load it

up with sugar, it would be ok.

Wow!!! I don't add sugar to ANYTHING! Try cinnamon on quick oats, cream of wheat, or whatever, instead.

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Tappering off steroids... progress, for sure. And yes, a low scarring factor IS in your favor.

Hope you make it through allergy season without too much discomfort.

So sorry I haven't been able to find my anti-inflamatory list. I do know it had a bunch

of foods that I just don't like, but maybe you would.


Thanks for the suggestion to replace sugar. I don't use a lot, but cinnamon may do the trick on oats or cream of wheat. I'll keep my coffee with some cream.. have a difficult time drinking it black, but wouldn't ruin the taste (as I did years ago) with sugar.

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