Monocromatic is easier than a rainbow. Monochromatic was probably invented for people who were genuinely unable to comprehend a rainbow. Aw, shoot, nobody comprehends a rainbow. But some foks really need the black and white, straight lines, think-in-a-box sort of faith --- or else they would have no faith at all, no morality, no communication with God. The sad part is that MOST people are probably capable of moving way beyond monochromatic thinking ... but they don't ... because it's easier to just stay mainstream.
Here's a piece of the last chapter of Job, as written in the Message Bible. Sir Guess - does this relate to what you're teaching us?
"Job answered God: I'm convinced: You can do anything and everything. Nothing and no one can upset your plans. You asked, 'Who is this muddying the water, ignorantly confusing the issue, second-guessing my purposes?' I admit it. I was the one. I babbled on about things far beyond me, made small talk about wonders way over my head. You told me, 'Listen, and let me do the talking. Let me ask the questions. You give the answers.' I admit I once lived by rumors of you; now I have it all firsthand - from my own eyes and ears! I'm sorry - forgive me. I'll never do that again, I promise! I'll never again live on crusts of hearsay, crumbs of rumor."
-Xena (PS Dan, You're not really invisible. Your light is too bright.)
something i posted on the current manifestations thread in the About the Way forum
that seems to fit here as well
i want to offer a quick sample of an idea of how the manifestations might actually make more sense:
1) if left in the order Paul wrote them
2) if looked at in terms of always already present nature of reality (all of which is already always spiritual), and not some exclusive gift given to an exclusive group...but the everpresent truth of God (that man simply falls asleep to when we enter any sort of monochromatic worldview/Godview.)
3) if looked at in terms of sequential each manifestation comes through the previous manifestations, and builds upon the quality and nature of the previous manifestations, and so the quality of the resultant stack of manifestations can be traced back through them all...maybe think "conveyor belt" or "spiritual continuum"
1) word of wisdom = asking a question. the foundations of our spiritual self always starts with a simple question. A crying newborn is the earliest example i can think of. The art of asking a newer and better question on the spot.
2) word of knowledge = finding an answer...which naturally comes through word of wisdom, and hopefully produces more and better "words of wisdom."
3) faith = the results of all our questions and answers...which is something we can rely on, and have confidence in. Faith is never perfect, and always has an element of gambling. In this IS what is meant by faith, especially when our private questions and answers are compared. Faith is that which has been proven.
4) gifts of healing...the results of better questions, answers, and faith (science) naturally leads to better ways of being born, living, diet, wellness, wholeness, healing and dying. Better medicine. Which says a lot for the importance of quality in the previous 3 manifestations. We may not even always know why healing and wholeness comes...and who cares...its a gift, regardless.
5) miracles...the results of all the previous 4...great advancements and wonders in healing, science, answers...even amazing new questions we may have never thought to ask come like miracles. When we apply all the previous together...things tend to break loose. And who cares why...if it works, it works . if it doesnt, it doesnt.
6) prophecy, forecasting, predictions...with the increase in quality of the all the previous 5, greater patterns and trends emerge. This is where we sense how every thing moves in waves, tides, and seasons.
7) discerning of spirits...the art of science of studying the super patterns and super trends in terms of spectrums of reality, and of whole truths with many parts.
8) speaking in tongues...the art and science of speaking of the spectrum of reality. In this sense, each level of the spectrum is a "tongue," or voice, or tone of an "angel."
9) interpretation of tongues...the art and science of explaining the overall spectrum, which is to explain Christ as the inward man, and its relationship to the outer world. To speak of the Christ, is to speak of all "angels" at once, as a whole, and how they work in harmony.
again, it seems as if each manifestations comes through each other in an unfolding manner
but also...tend to support each other in the reverse order as they unfold
ya know...i still kinda wonder why some of the most vocal advocates of biblical absoluteness avoid this kind of topic, but will jump at the chance to argue doctrine on other threads, over the same old kinds of things
Ok, I will play for a while And maybe later I will tell you why I have avoided your threads. But first, so that that I am not wongly labled, understand that I do not advocate biblical absoluteness. However I do have a great respect for the Bible as a primary source for faith and practice and may draw from it in my part of this discussion.
like i've said before
i think one of the biggest doctrinal and practical failures of fundamentalist efforts
is the monochromatic nature of the doctrines
it seems to severly dullen our ability to interpret life in general
...particularly on the same levels as those heroes of old whose writings and stories we seem to like to bash over each other's heads
Todd can you please expound here a bit? May I suggest that you give some examples of what you perceive to be monochromatic doctrines? And then relate how/why these doctrines are monochromatic in nature and, how/ why adhering to them may dull the ability to interpret life. What would you do, in a practical sense, to correct these doctrines?
My purpose for the above , in case you are wondering, is not to draw out a doctrine and then defend it with the Bible, but instead so that I can get a better grip on what you are saying (in more practical terms).
Todd can you please expound here a bit? May I suggest that you give some examples of what you perceive to be monochromatic doctrines? And then relate how/why these doctrines are monochromatic in nature and, how/ why adhering to them may dull the ability to interpret life. What would you do, in a practical sense, to correct these doctrines?
well. i have written a lot on this and other threads already..but i'll give it another shot anyway
ok, an example of monochromatic 2)...a doctrine whose drive for wholeness is founded on getting people to join (and stay in) an exclusive group.
Now...the actual nature of this joining and the nature of the group can vary wildly. From racism, to bibliolatry, to national pride, etc
And the doctrine can and does include all kinds of sub-interests from the spectrum...even nazis care about eating. But the bottomline of the doctrine gives it a distinctive cap. We may have compassion, but our compassion is limited to the bounds of our group doctrine. We may have individualism, but it is only allowed to be expressed within the bounds of our group doctrine. etc... It is fundamentally about membership, which is only one step beyond egoic selfishness of 1). And this membership can described as christian, islamic, buddhist, atheist, sports-fanatics, mac-users, gender-based, diet-based, music genre fans, etc...but membership is the "deal-breaker" for rewards, values, etc...
Why it is monochromatic is because there is nothing wrong with membership, just as there is nothing wrong with the color orange...but when (1) individuallity is rejected or suppressed, or (3) actual good achievements outside of the group are discredited, or when (4) compassion itself is twisted to suit the needs of the group...yes, our ability to intepret life will be in lacking sharpness, lacking having dirt on all those other particular lenses.
Its like putting on a specific kind of glasses. One may be looking at the full spectrum reality, but can only see and evaluate it in terms of how it relates to their favorite color...and all its relative gradients of blacks and whites
what i would do to correct these doctrines, has no one simple answer. But to give you a simple answer, i would start by unfolding the doctrine a bit more, so the doctrine holders can see where membership fits in a spectrum, so as not to remove it. But to restore it to "the wholeness."
another example of monochromatic #3...would be a doctrine that will only accept things that are proven. "Forget the value of myths and legends, forget the value of creativity, forget the value of radical compassion...but what is tested and proven in a controlled environment...that is ALL that is important and valuable. Everything else is worth less."
this shade of belief is based on truth, and exists for a true reason. We dont want to get fooled. But when it becomes our sole note on the to speak...we have a monochromatic doctrine..or rule for life.
As much as a large segment of our population suffers from monochromatic membership, perhaps even a larger segment (including some of the membershippers) suffer from this workaholicism, achievement addiction, extreme skepticism, etc...
I think a lot of what we saw in TWi was an overlapping of monochromatic #2 and #3. We were anal about our biblical membership (2) the point of wanting the theology to fit with an exact science (3). And so all that mattered was "the word," (2) and how perfect we could get it (3).
of course, no one person or group is completely monochromatic.
its the LEADER of our consciousness that i am speaking of...our Lord..the dominant aspect
and the doctrinal (formal or informal) lense thru which we view the world.
and it can get trickier...where one can say that science is what they believe to be the most valuable...but the LEADING reason for this because it is valuable to them, personally, and serves them personally. So now we have a person driven by 1) but claiming 3) (in a sense)
imagine (Behold!), if you will...that you and i are already living rainbows...already all colors of the spectrum.
But when we live only from one of the "colors" most of the time...we are being monochromatic, in those times
and i say "most of the time" because certain situations can send us into another color real quick. Such as things that gets us angry...such as what happens when we feel personally offended...when are not normally like that...but something that draws out our "red goggles."
but this is a temporary shift ...because when the situation is done..we will return to our favorite everyday color again
Your last post sort of 'stole my thunder' Sir G. We live in a monochromatic world by sheer nature and consequences. The original paradise was lost, along with it's connection to God because of sin.
The closest it has come to its' original glory was when 'God was with us' 2000 years ago.
The full color spectrum happens again with 'new heaven and earth'.
Until then, eye cannot see nor ear hear what God has prepared for them who love Him.
Until then we see through a glass 'monochromatically'.
ok, an example of monochromatic 2)...a doctrine whose drive for wholeness is founded on getting people to join (and stay in) an exclusive group.
Now...the actual nature of this joining and the nature of the group can vary wildly. From racism, to bibliolatry, to national pride, etc
I was hoping for something more specific here, so I will provide some specific examples for discussion ans see how they may fit.
Sunday before last, about 5 of us men were at the local store/truck stop having coffee and general discussion. Another fellow came in on his way to church. There are 2 churchs here - one Baptist and one Church of Christ. He is from the Church of Christ. Anyway he began to chide us for not attending church - not just any church but the Church of Christ. He said that the Church of Christ is the only true church and that the rest are all going to hell. I won't tell you how I reacted to that But anyway it seems that according to that doctrine "salvation" requires attendance within a particular denomination, in this case the denominational Church of Christ.
Here is another doctrine that I would like to offer and see how it flies. It is that of the exclusivity of Christianty itself - that salvation is only through Jesus Christ. How does this one score on the color scale? As a Christian should I reject the idea that salvation is only though Jesus Christ? Does this doctrine dumb folks down and dull their abilty to interpret life? -- It would seem to be monochromatic...
Here is another doctrine that I would like to offer and see how it flies. It is that of the exclusivity of Christianty itself - that salvation is only through Jesus Christ. How does this one score on the color scale? As a Christian should I reject the idea that salvation is only though Jesus Christ? Does this doctrine dumb folks down and dull their abilty to interpret life? -- It would seem to be monochromatic...
First, i would hafta say that really there is no such thing as a singular "Christianity" that agrees on the nature of salvation or Jesus Christ. And as it sits, the idea that "salvation is only through Jesus Christ" is empty of meaning, and requires someone to explain what they think that means, practically, doctrinally...which pretty quickly reveals the lack of singularity that i mentioned.
i would also go as far as to say that the idea that "salvation is only through Jesus Christ" can come from and be intepreted at each and every level of the spectrum.
in other words...the meaning of that idea is determined by one's frequency, or combination of frequencies
here are some very simple ideas of what i mean by this, using the same basic model:
(and by no means could unpack each of these indefinately)
if "salvation is only through Jesus Christ" is believed to mean that my own personal savior will grant me my personal wishes and desires and saves me from hell when i die, no matter what anyone one else says or is speaking from 1). This doctrine is as diverse as there are people.
or if "salvation is only through Jesus Christ" is believed to mean that by some specific manner of evoking that specific name from an exclusive book will make you a part of an exclusive group, and get your name on an exclusive list, either now or after you die, and that we must get others to join this group in order for them to be "saved" is speaking from 2). This doctrine is as diverse as there are groups in this category.
or if "salvation is only through Jesus Christ" is believed to mean a logical response to the historic records, where one has sampled some of beliefs of the world and saw that this one made the most sense, and is the best foundation in an age of is speaking from 3).
or if "salvation is only through Jesus Christ" is believed to mean that one must live and express the same level of selfless and universal love and compassion that he did in order to follow in his footsteps to the is speaking from 4). btw...I believe this is where we really start getting beyond mere ways of translating...and into the transformational aspects of "Jesus as Lord." To practice universal compassion is to be a disciple of compassion. And there is no law against this. And although it doesn't sound like was a very new idea to most of first century culture.
or if "salvation is only through Jesus Christ" is believed to mean that Jesus the Christ taught and demonstrated a specific caliber of doctrines and practices that were after lineages greater than himself, and unless one also practices and lives at that level of spiritual work, one will not experience the level of wholeness he described and experienced, one is speaking from 5) and beyond.
but keep in mind, that all previous "levels of faith" can remain intact as we climb the ladder
...because they get grafted in to the bigger spectrum, and stripped of their exclusive identification with that "color"
no longer is 1) a desire for selfish salvation, but a desire for personal wholeness and healthy self-care as it relates to the spectrum.
no longer is 2) a desire for exclusive membership, but a greater inclusive membership (which i believe is a huge paradox of the bible deal with doctrinal and spiritual racism, mostly).
no longer is 3) a desire for the most rational answer, but a way to support the spectrum with greater rationality, and a way to expand the divine mystery
its when we climb the ladder and reject the earlier levels is when they come back to haunt us
Your last post sort of 'stole my thunder' Sir G. We live in a monochromatic world by sheer nature and consequences. The original paradise was lost, along with it's connection to God because of sin.
The closest it has come to its' original glory was when 'God was with us' 2000 years ago.
The full color spectrum happens again with 'new heaven and earth'.
Until then, eye cannot see nor ear hear what God has prepared for them who love Him.
Until then we see through a glass 'monochromatically'.
Until then we do not know even as we are known.
allan, is it possible what you are waiting for is already here? now?
and as long as you believe it is in the future, you may never bother to look?
which would also pretty much guarantee that it remains in your future?
First, i would hafta say that really there is no such thing as a singular "Christianity" that agrees on the nature of salvation or Jesus Christ. And as it sits, the idea that "salvation is only through Jesus Christ" is empty of meaning, and requires someone to explain what they think that means, practically, doctrinally...which pretty quickly reveals the lack of singularity that i mentioned.
I disagree that it it empty of meaning as it sits. It seems you have offered your personal esoteric meanings and unnecessarily complicated what it commonly means to millions of Christians.
IMO, You have neatly dodged the question and responded with a plethora of esoterical jargon impossible to understand without a secret decoder ring.
This is why I don't particiate in your threads Todd.
No, I don't believe 'paradise', 'nirvana', 'rainbow land' is here YET Sir G. Looking around the world with even a cursory glance shows us the reality of that, and even you yourself quoted out of the book of revelation !(and that is still future, aint it)
and offering some explanations as to why you dont participate in my threads
but i also want to make it clear to all...
there is NO secret decoder ring
and Goey did NOT provide reference to the plethora of esoteric jargon i used
and he did NOT provide reference to what ive written that is "impossible" to understand
besides, just because someone can't understand a thing
does not make it impossible for everyone to understand
i gave quite a variety of detailed examples of what i am talking about still here
and more than able to clarify
You are welcome Todd.
I and I want to make it clear, that I did not consider that providing further examples would result in any beneficial dialog but would only have been met with further "esoteric jargon" requiring more explanation requests ...followed by more esoteric jargon .....etc. etc. etc.
Just because a person claims understanding of a thing and the ability to communicate it - doesn't mean that it is understandable by everyone or even that is understandable at all. Some things are simply nonsensical. Some things aren't.
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Monocromatic is easier than a rainbow. Monochromatic was probably invented for people who were genuinely unable to comprehend a rainbow. Aw, shoot, nobody comprehends a rainbow. But some foks really need the black and white, straight lines, think-in-a-box sort of faith --- or else they would have no faith at all, no morality, no communication with God. The sad part is that MOST people are probably capable of moving way beyond monochromatic thinking ... but they don't ... because it's easier to just stay mainstream.
Here's a piece of the last chapter of Job, as written in the Message Bible. Sir Guess - does this relate to what you're teaching us?
"Job answered God: I'm convinced: You can do anything and everything. Nothing and no one can upset your plans. You asked, 'Who is this muddying the water, ignorantly confusing the issue, second-guessing my purposes?' I admit it. I was the one. I babbled on about things far beyond me, made small talk about wonders way over my head. You told me, 'Listen, and let me do the talking. Let me ask the questions. You give the answers.' I admit I once lived by rumors of you; now I have it all firsthand - from my own eyes and ears! I'm sorry - forgive me. I'll never do that again, I promise! I'll never again live on crusts of hearsay, crumbs of rumor."
-Xena (PS Dan, You're not really invisible. Your light is too bright.)
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Someone once told me that I didn't know how to handle compliments.
I still don't know (lol).
That's sweet of you. Thank you.
BTW, your namesake is a great show. I have the first season on dvd. :)
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maybe we need better mirrors
xena, yeah...i think that is a really cool scripture
seems to fit very well
in some "divine" or "ultimate" moral sense,
any evil thing is also 100% true
regardless of its relative or current value
simply because IT is
it is a true thing
and everything being also originally true,
makes everything also originally good,
regardless of its present composition
so what makes it evil?
evil is born from discordant degrees of monochromatic good
...the muddying of the water
so that a monochromatic perspective may be true
but it lacks depth of causal awareness
which includes self-awareness
and so tends to cause more discord
rather than less
which is then...NOT good
and monochrome is not just one kind of black-and-white thinking
but a spectrum of different kinds of black and white thinking
that naturally find discord when they go bump in the night with other
but to be able to see causal truth as a spectrum
is to be able to untangle knots more peacefully
and avoid causing more discord
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something i posted on the current manifestations thread in the About the Way forum
that seems to fit here as well
i want to offer a quick sample of an idea of how the manifestations might actually make more sense:
1) if left in the order Paul wrote them
2) if looked at in terms of always already present nature of reality (all of which is already always spiritual), and not some exclusive gift given to an exclusive group...but the everpresent truth of God (that man simply falls asleep to when we enter any sort of monochromatic worldview/Godview.)
3) if looked at in terms of sequential each manifestation comes through the previous manifestations, and builds upon the quality and nature of the previous manifestations, and so the quality of the resultant stack of manifestations can be traced back through them all...maybe think "conveyor belt" or "spiritual continuum"
1) word of wisdom = asking a question. the foundations of our spiritual self always starts with a simple question. A crying newborn is the earliest example i can think of. The art of asking a newer and better question on the spot.
2) word of knowledge = finding an answer...which naturally comes through word of wisdom, and hopefully produces more and better "words of wisdom."
3) faith = the results of all our questions and answers...which is something we can rely on, and have confidence in. Faith is never perfect, and always has an element of gambling. In this IS what is meant by faith, especially when our private questions and answers are compared. Faith is that which has been proven.
4) gifts of healing...the results of better questions, answers, and faith (science) naturally leads to better ways of being born, living, diet, wellness, wholeness, healing and dying. Better medicine. Which says a lot for the importance of quality in the previous 3 manifestations. We may not even always know why healing and wholeness comes...and who cares...its a gift, regardless.
5) miracles...the results of all the previous 4...great advancements and wonders in healing, science, answers...even amazing new questions we may have never thought to ask come like miracles. When we apply all the previous together...things tend to break loose. And who cares why...if it works, it works . if it doesnt, it doesnt.
6) prophecy, forecasting, predictions...with the increase in quality of the all the previous 5, greater patterns and trends emerge. This is where we sense how every thing moves in waves, tides, and seasons.
7) discerning of spirits...the art of science of studying the super patterns and super trends in terms of spectrums of reality, and of whole truths with many parts.
8) speaking in tongues...the art and science of speaking of the spectrum of reality. In this sense, each level of the spectrum is a "tongue," or voice, or tone of an "angel."
9) interpretation of tongues...the art and science of explaining the overall spectrum, which is to explain Christ as the inward man, and its relationship to the outer world. To speak of the Christ, is to speak of all "angels" at once, as a whole, and how they work in harmony.
again, it seems as if each manifestations comes through each other in an unfolding manner
but also...tend to support each other in the reverse order as they unfold
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9 was there in acts 2 but 1 was the catalyst
the rest progressed as they progressed
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You recently posted this:
Ok, I will play for a while And maybe later I will tell you why I have avoided your threads. But first, so that that I am not wongly labled, understand that I do not advocate biblical absoluteness. However I do have a great respect for the Bible as a primary source for faith and practice and may draw from it in my part of this discussion.Todd can you please expound here a bit? May I suggest that you give some examples of what you perceive to be monochromatic doctrines? And then relate how/why these doctrines are monochromatic in nature and, how/ why adhering to them may dull the ability to interpret life. What would you do, in a practical sense, to correct these doctrines?
My purpose for the above , in case you are wondering, is not to draw out a doctrine and then defend it with the Bible, but instead so that I can get a better grip on what you are saying (in more practical terms).
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thanks Goey
well. i have written a lot on this and other threads already..but i'll give it another shot anyway
ok, an example of monochromatic 2)...a doctrine whose drive for wholeness is founded on getting people to join (and stay in) an exclusive group.
Now...the actual nature of this joining and the nature of the group can vary wildly. From racism, to bibliolatry, to national pride, etc
And the doctrine can and does include all kinds of sub-interests from the spectrum...even nazis care about eating. But the bottomline of the doctrine gives it a distinctive cap. We may have compassion, but our compassion is limited to the bounds of our group doctrine. We may have individualism, but it is only allowed to be expressed within the bounds of our group doctrine. etc... It is fundamentally about membership, which is only one step beyond egoic selfishness of 1). And this membership can described as christian, islamic, buddhist, atheist, sports-fanatics, mac-users, gender-based, diet-based, music genre fans, etc...but membership is the "deal-breaker" for rewards, values, etc...
Why it is monochromatic is because there is nothing wrong with membership, just as there is nothing wrong with the color orange...but when (1) individuallity is rejected or suppressed, or (3) actual good achievements outside of the group are discredited, or when (4) compassion itself is twisted to suit the needs of the group...yes, our ability to intepret life will be in lacking sharpness, lacking having dirt on all those other particular lenses.
Its like putting on a specific kind of glasses. One may be looking at the full spectrum reality, but can only see and evaluate it in terms of how it relates to their favorite color...and all its relative gradients of blacks and whites
what i would do to correct these doctrines, has no one simple answer. But to give you a simple answer, i would start by unfolding the doctrine a bit more, so the doctrine holders can see where membership fits in a spectrum, so as not to remove it. But to restore it to "the wholeness."
another example of monochromatic #3...would be a doctrine that will only accept things that are proven. "Forget the value of myths and legends, forget the value of creativity, forget the value of radical compassion...but what is tested and proven in a controlled environment...that is ALL that is important and valuable. Everything else is worth less."
this shade of belief is based on truth, and exists for a true reason. We dont want to get fooled. But when it becomes our sole note on the to speak...we have a monochromatic doctrine..or rule for life.
As much as a large segment of our population suffers from monochromatic membership, perhaps even a larger segment (including some of the membershippers) suffer from this workaholicism, achievement addiction, extreme skepticism, etc...
I think a lot of what we saw in TWi was an overlapping of monochromatic #2 and #3. We were anal about our biblical membership (2) the point of wanting the theology to fit with an exact science (3). And so all that mattered was "the word," (2) and how perfect we could get it (3).
of course, no one person or group is completely monochromatic.
its the LEADER of our consciousness that i am speaking of...our Lord..the dominant aspect
and the doctrinal (formal or informal) lense thru which we view the world.
and it can get trickier...where one can say that science is what they believe to be the most valuable...but the LEADING reason for this because it is valuable to them, personally, and serves them personally. So now we have a person driven by 1) but claiming 3) (in a sense)
imagine (Behold!), if you will...that you and i are already living rainbows...already all colors of the spectrum.
But when we live only from one of the "colors" most of the time...we are being monochromatic, in those times
and i say "most of the time" because certain situations can send us into another color real quick. Such as things that gets us angry...such as what happens when we feel personally offended...when are not normally like that...but something that draws out our "red goggles."
but this is a temporary shift ...because when the situation is done..we will return to our favorite everyday color again
more later...
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heerz another monochromatic problem that comes in with level 4)
when we simply value everything and everyone in the world so much, that we come to hate all distinctions
we reject all notions of hierarchies, we reject all attempts at classifications
we reject the value of economy and science
we reject the value of membership
we reject the value of individualism
but in our hypocrisy...we actually cause a breeding ground for narcissism
and we are blind to the membership we have just created
and we are blind to the gifts of business and science
we see it when people gas up their car and stop at a coffee shop on their way to a protest
this is what i would call monochromatic green
an attempt at radical inclusivity...that forgets to include a whole lot of important things
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what i think we should want
is wellnes in each aspect of our being
which, i believe, starts with simply being aware of them
and of how they are all important and harmonize
and not only how this may be true inside of each of us
but how society is then also a collection of all of us
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to expand on a paste from an earlier post in this thread:
so...perhaps we can be "monochromatic" in more than one way
for terms of the above list of expanding levels of care...
...if only #1 and #2 are the ones that are mostly fully "open"
we might look like a selfish sports fanatic
but we do not care to accomplish much ourselves...#3
and we do not care (#4) much about anything outside of these two circles (self and group)
and we may not care to know much about much else...#5
and we may not care to be creative...#6
and we are more or less lacking self-awareness...#7
...if only #4 and #6 are the ones that are mostly fully "open"
we might look like an isolated soft-spoken starving artist
but our own health may suffer for lack of self care...#1
and we may be a loner...because we dont care for membership...#2
and we dont really care about accomplishment...#3
and we dont really care to know much about anything else...#5
and we dont really care to know more about ourselves...#7
...extreme case...if only #7 is mostly fully "open"...all our problems our compounded
and we might look like a crazy old man living in an abandoned building
we dont care about our health is suffering and we might stink real bad...#1
we dont care about membership..and so we are loners...#2
we dont care about accomplishment and are poor...#3
we dont care about anyone cuz we are mean ole cusses...#4
we dont care to know squat, so we are ignorant...#5
we dont care to be creative about we cant do anything new anyway...#6
but...we are mostly aware of all these aspects of self (#7) and so are more or less up to our necks in hell
and so...what is it to "work out" our own salvation?
and what is it to "have an evil spirit?"
...i think this kind of thing brings up all kinds of interesting questions...biblically and otherwise
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some scripture to go with it
Rev 1:4
John to the seven churches which are in Asia:
Grace be unto you, and peace, from him which is,
and which was, and which is to come,
and from the seven Spirits which are before his throne
And from Jesus Christ
who is the faithful witness,
and the first begotten of the dead,
and the prince of the kings of the earth.
Unto him that loved us,
and washed us from our sins in his own blood,
something i find interesting about this
is how Jesus the Christ (the demonstrator of "Christ in us") is called "the faithful witness"
...that highest aspect WITHIN us that is always observing, always aware
(if interested...look at the message to church #7, and see what comes into view immediately after that message)
And I turned to see the voice that spake with me.
And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks
something i find interesting about this
is how he had to "turn" to see the 7
and this turn was like repent
or convert
or REturn
or turn back
which is also like turning inward, like turning one's face inside out
or, according to some rabbis..."to look at things from the other side of God's face"
which is pretty much the purpose of meditation and contemplation
....when we stop looking solely into the exterior for Christ
from Strongs...
to turn to
to the worship of the true God
to cause to return, to bring back
to the love and obedience of God
to the love for the children
to love wisdom and righteousness
to turn to one's self
to turn one's self about, turn back
to return, turn back, come back
if it is true that Christ is within us here and now
and Christ is the only way to God
and when this writer somehow turned in a way to see Christ
and also saw 7 golden candlesticks
where are these 7 spirits?
and how do we get there?
and where is this throne of God?
and what is it to speak in "tongues of fire?"
is there not a "tongue of flame" atop each of the 7 candles?
(once they are lit, of course)
Goey, I hope this helps you see a practical sense in all this, and a bit more about where I am coming from
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allan w.
Your last post sort of 'stole my thunder' Sir G. We live in a monochromatic world by sheer nature and consequences. The original paradise was lost, along with it's connection to God because of sin.
The closest it has come to its' original glory was when 'God was with us' 2000 years ago.
The full color spectrum happens again with 'new heaven and earth'.
Until then, eye cannot see nor ear hear what God has prepared for them who love Him.
Until then we see through a glass 'monochromatically'.
Until then we do not know even as we are known.
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and that's the thing ain't it allan
to see the revelation of Jesus Christ
a closed book to most
opened when lived and seen
and the new heavens and earth
Jesus Christ opened the door Now
who dares to freely think about spirit
which opens the things that God has prepared
it's already there, waiting to be seen
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I was hoping for something more specific here, so I will provide some specific examples for discussion ans see how they may fit.
Sunday before last, about 5 of us men were at the local store/truck stop having coffee and general discussion. Another fellow came in on his way to church. There are 2 churchs here - one Baptist and one Church of Christ. He is from the Church of Christ. Anyway he began to chide us for not attending church - not just any church but the Church of Christ. He said that the Church of Christ is the only true church and that the rest are all going to hell. I won't tell you how I reacted to that
But anyway it seems that according to that doctrine "salvation" requires attendance within a particular denomination, in this case the denominational Church of Christ.
Here is another doctrine that I would like to offer and see how it flies. It is that of the exclusivity of Christianty itself - that salvation is only through Jesus Christ. How does this one score on the color scale? As a Christian should I reject the idea that salvation is only though Jesus Christ? Does this doctrine dumb folks down and dull their abilty to interpret life? -- It would seem to be monochromatic...
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First, i would hafta say that really there is no such thing as a singular "Christianity" that agrees on the nature of salvation or Jesus Christ. And as it sits, the idea that "salvation is only through Jesus Christ" is empty of meaning, and requires someone to explain what they think that means, practically, doctrinally...which pretty quickly reveals the lack of singularity that i mentioned.
i would also go as far as to say that the idea that "salvation is only through Jesus Christ" can come from and be intepreted at each and every level of the spectrum.
in other words...the meaning of that idea is determined by one's frequency, or combination of frequencies
here are some very simple ideas of what i mean by this, using the same basic model:
(and by no means could unpack each of these indefinately)
if "salvation is only through Jesus Christ" is believed to mean that my own personal savior will grant me my personal wishes and desires and saves me from hell when i die, no matter what anyone one else says or is speaking from 1). This doctrine is as diverse as there are people.
or if "salvation is only through Jesus Christ" is believed to mean that by some specific manner of evoking that specific name from an exclusive book will make you a part of an exclusive group, and get your name on an exclusive list, either now or after you die, and that we must get others to join this group in order for them to be "saved" is speaking from 2). This doctrine is as diverse as there are groups in this category.
or if "salvation is only through Jesus Christ" is believed to mean a logical response to the historic records, where one has sampled some of beliefs of the world and saw that this one made the most sense, and is the best foundation in an age of is speaking from 3).
or if "salvation is only through Jesus Christ" is believed to mean that one must live and express the same level of selfless and universal love and compassion that he did in order to follow in his footsteps to the is speaking from 4). btw...I believe this is where we really start getting beyond mere ways of translating...and into the transformational aspects of "Jesus as Lord." To practice universal compassion is to be a disciple of compassion. And there is no law against this. And although it doesn't sound like was a very new idea to most of first century culture.
or if "salvation is only through Jesus Christ" is believed to mean that Jesus the Christ taught and demonstrated a specific caliber of doctrines and practices that were after lineages greater than himself, and unless one also practices and lives at that level of spiritual work, one will not experience the level of wholeness he described and experienced, one is speaking from 5) and beyond.
but keep in mind, that all previous "levels of faith" can remain intact as we climb the ladder
...because they get grafted in to the bigger spectrum, and stripped of their exclusive identification with that "color"
no longer is 1) a desire for selfish salvation, but a desire for personal wholeness and healthy self-care as it relates to the spectrum.
no longer is 2) a desire for exclusive membership, but a greater inclusive membership (which i believe is a huge paradox of the bible deal with doctrinal and spiritual racism, mostly).
no longer is 3) a desire for the most rational answer, but a way to support the spectrum with greater rationality, and a way to expand the divine mystery
its when we climb the ladder and reject the earlier levels is when they come back to haunt us
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allan, is it possible what you are waiting for is already here? now?
and as long as you believe it is in the future, you may never bother to look?
which would also pretty much guarantee that it remains in your future?
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even our ideas of "salvation" can come through a spectrum of meaning
1) salvation = MY rescue, MY answered prayers, MY afterlife
2) salvation = "I'm in the afterlife club" or "i'm in the moral club"
3) salvation = a sound foundation for civilization
4) salvation = our hearts are fully open, we are free from hate
5) salvation = we are free from ignorance and prejudice
6) salvation = wholeness/holistic wellness in all parts
7) salvation = I AMness/free of duality/presence
again, a very simple run thru
could apply to islamic notions of "salvation"
jewish notions of salvation
buddhist notions of salvation
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I disagree that it it empty of meaning as it sits. It seems you have offered your personal esoteric meanings and unnecessarily complicated what it commonly means to millions of Christians.
IMO, You have neatly dodged the question and responded with a plethora of esoterical jargon impossible to understand without a secret decoder ring.
This is why I don't particiate in your threads Todd.
I will kindly bow out.
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"what it commonly means to millions of Christians. "
wouldn't this rule out many who do believe but are not in this category?
i don't think there is a common understanding of Jesus Christ
all walks of life -jews islam budhists christians and more have understanding
whether or not they see it as "Jesus Christ" is irrelevant
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in other words it's the understanding of salvation that is the question
to one there is one understanding to another there is another
and then to look at these understandings and consider them
in light of our own understanding would be comparing spiritual with spiritual
and quite possibly open up some new understanding of Jesus Christ
instead of the same old same old being fried to death on one side
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thanks for bowing out, Goey
and offering some explanations as to why you dont participate in my threads
but i also want to make it clear to all...
there is NO secret decoder ring
and Goey did NOT provide reference to the plethora of esoteric jargon i used
and he did NOT provide reference to what ive written that is "impossible" to understand
besides, just because someone can't understand a thing
does not make it impossible for everyone to understand
i gave quite a variety of detailed examples of what i am talking about still here
and more than able to clarify
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allan w.
No, I don't believe 'paradise', 'nirvana', 'rainbow land' is here YET Sir G. Looking around the world with even a cursory glance shows us the reality of that, and even you yourself quoted out of the book of revelation !(and that is still future, aint it)
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You are welcome Todd.
I and I want to make it clear, that I did not consider that providing further examples would result in any beneficial dialog but would only have been met with further "esoteric jargon" requiring more explanation requests ...followed by more esoteric jargon .....etc. etc. etc.
Just because a person claims understanding of a thing and the ability to communicate it - doesn't mean that it is understandable by everyone or even that is understandable at all. Some things are simply nonsensical. Some things aren't.
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Just because you Goey do not understand
that don't make it nonsense
just nonsense to you
if you want to stay not understanding fine
you aren't asking any questions
just ride off with that kind of comment...
is that your Jesus Christ?
and btw-
didn't he say many things that many didn't understand?
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