I agree with Belle, Paw. I think that's a good idea - - and all the doctrinal discussions are not all Christian in nature and help people de-WayBrain like other sections of the forum!
It might invite some wider participation than the normal folks.
Just between you and me and the emoticons, I like that you have to travel a bit to find the Doctrinal Forum. Call me an elitist, but I've always viewed the Doctrinal area as a place where the discussion is a bit more reasoned, a bit more logical, where people actually trot out *gasp* the bible to back up their biblical positions.
This is not to say that there isn't some shedding of blood down there, Cynic and Garth rumble from time to time about Calvin and predestination for instance, and there are stretches where threads get started based on a dream or something they saw scrawled on the side of a subway car. But on average, Doctrinal shouldn't be the place for the masses.
Ya know, Dmiller, we ought to make you the Grande Gatekeeper of the Hallowed Doctrinal Halls.
Charge everybody $5.00 per post. Great way to determine their 'spurchiality'. Weed out the common, polemic infidels. (looks about and whistles innocently )
Make sure however, that the proceeds go to the Research and Movement of THE's Word.
Charge everybody $5.00 per post. Great way to determine their 'spurchiality'. Weed out the common, polemic infidels. (looks about and whistles innocently) ;)
Five bucks?????? Shucks ---- I can be-leave wayyyy bigger than that!!
…viewed the Doctrinal area as a place where the discussion is a bit more reasoned, a bit more logical, where people actually trot out *gasp* the bible to back up their biblical positions.
This is not to say that there isn't some shedding of blood down there, Cynic and Garth rumble from time to time about Calvin and predestination for instance, and there are stretches where threads get started based on a dream or something they saw scrawled on the side of a subway car. But on average, Doctrinal shouldn't be the place for the masses.
Seriously --- doctrinal is not a spot for newbies. (Just my IMO).
…welcome, but they need to know to bring cognizant thoughts, proofs, quotes, references….
Although I'm in that forum frequently, I don't post a whole lot,
because by the time I am done checking references, links, scriptures, etc.,
a new subject has been broached, and the main topic of discussion
is something totally different from what I had been looking at.
Simply put -- if Doctrinal were made a more *visible* forum,
honest questions could no longer be asked, discussed, or debated,
without having to deal with *know-it-alls* that are spewing
*the doctrine of the day* (so to speak)
Again --- just my IMO, but some of us like to talk/read about ideas that are inspiring,
worthy of discussion, and thought, and NOT deal with the trivialities
that would enter if Newbies saw this forum closer to *ABOUT THE WAY*.
I agree with little exception with both of you and brought sections here for that reason.
I think seeing this forum easier as you view the board index would make it easier to merge both The Way and Doctrinal sections. The latter does not confine itself to the topic of twi at all and I love that when I read. It speaks from the source (imho) and other sources brought here by some of the people in this thread here. Great learning can be obtained by quietly reading when you have the time. And 99% of the time I'm there no one ever knows because just as David said by the time I've researched and pondered the thing and am ready to reply it's gone somewhere else.
I think it would benefit those reading on the outside because they have questions or they wouldn't be coming here. If they could see this forum easier it might invite their eyes and they see a thread on something that is the root of their concern with twi. It could very well lead them further along in their path towards the door of freedom.
As to casual drop ins in post. I don't think that will be a problem. That is a respectful and logical place to dwell and one would feel as if they had their underwear on their head before too long and just bow out.
It really doesn't matter if our "mental" relatives are in the basement or kept in the attic. We all know they are there, yet decency demands we don't go "there" or even mention "there".
As to casual drop ins in post. I don't think that will be a problem. That is a respectful and logical place to dwell and one would feel as if they had their underwear on their head before too long and just bow out.
One would hope that would be the case. :)
I didn't think about the ambiance of the forum being changed if some who aren't serious about Doctrinal questions, discussions and debate. Things get heated, sure, but there is a more dignified approach to the issues than can be found in the "About the Way" section where a lot of "Yo Mama" can be found. I don't want to lose that.
That's where I work out my serious musings, questions, internal debate about God, the Bible, the historical evidence refuting the Bible, etc. I like posting it down there because I know that my questions will be taken seriously and answered honestly from differing points of view without the thread deteriorating into a pis sing contest or personal attack.
I guess when I started this yesterday, I was mostly upset about CW's thread being moved down there so quickly. The point of her thread was more to expose WayBrain thinking than it was doctrinal and before the thread could even get going it was moved. That's happened to some of my threads, too. I didn't want some threads to become doctrinal discussions and I really wanted input from the About the Way forum posters, but the threads are moved to Doctrinal and die a quick death because they aren't interesting or "real" doctrinal questions, imo.
Maybe the discussion should be more along the lines of what is a Doctrinal thread and what determines why a post my be moved down there?
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I agree with Belle, Paw. I think that's a good idea - - and all the doctrinal discussions are not all Christian in nature and help people de-WayBrain like other sections of the forum!
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i agree wholeheartedly. thinking of invisible danny and sir guess and too many other great minds to mention
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What they said!
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It might invite some wider participation than the normal folks.
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NORMAL? who you callin normal? LOL
Anyway .. I just go by the latest posts ... I almost never look at the main page
So being an active topic is the main thing. I usually don't even know what forum I'm in.
and Belle, where is the popcorn and MnM's ? :unsure:
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Just between you and me and the emoticons, I like that you have to travel a bit to find the Doctrinal Forum. Call me an elitist, but I've always viewed the Doctrinal area as a place where the discussion is a bit more reasoned, a bit more logical, where people actually trot out *gasp* the bible to back up their biblical positions.
This is not to say that there isn't some shedding of blood down there, Cynic and Garth rumble from time to time about Calvin and predestination for instance, and there are stretches where threads get started based on a dream or something they saw scrawled on the side of a subway car. But on average, Doctrinal shouldn't be the place for the masses.
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Tom Strange
I heard it was also known as "Mike's Basement Playroom"...
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Hmmm. I'm a *bottom-feeder* myself. :)
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And that is PRECISELY WHY I don't tell folks about really good camping spots.
It gets too crowded otherwise. ;)
Geez -- for once Oak, Mark, and myself all agree on something!! :unsure:
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Tom Strange
I'm ducking under that table over there... I sure don't want to get hit by the lightening!
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Not me. I have more class than that. My sources of scrawl are your more mainstream authority: old billboards and neon signs.
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Repeat after me --------
(It was sooo cold here in Duluth, Minney-soda (the other day),
I saw a lawyer with his hands in his own pockets. ;)

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Seriously --- doctrinal is not a spot for newbies. (Just my IMO).
Granted -- good discussions are to be found there, but as Oak said ---
"Without being elitest ---" (Yada yada, and the truth rolls on -----)
I think (again My IMO), the *ABOUT THE WAY* Forum will satisfy most *newbie needs*
(as far as discussion goes), since things discussed there are more of a general nature.
Anyone who wants to *wander into the basement* is certainly welcome,
but they need to know to bring cognizant thoughts, proofs, quotes, references,
and asbestos underwear.

Although I'm in that forum frequently, I don't post a whole lot,
because by the time I am done checking references, links, scriptures, etc.,
a new subject has been broached, and the main topic of discussion
is something totally different from what I had been looking at.
Doctrinal IS NOT DISCUSSION ABOUT twi, although superficially it may seem to be.
If a person happens to scroll down far enough on the page, and find the *basement*,
that's ok in my book --- but if they want to join in, it should be with honest questions,
poignant observations, and NOT *freshman bravado*.
Any die-hard GS'er will scroll each and every page (Lord knows I did/ and do)
and any die-hard GS'er knows when they should (or should not) reply.
To put it mildly --- I have had a lot of *food for thought* offered in the doctinal section,
(more than anywhere else), and I would like it to stay that way.
Simply put -- if Doctrinal were made a more *visible* forum,
honest questions could no longer be asked, discussed, or debated,
without having to deal with *know-it-alls* that are spewing
*the doctrine of the day* (so to speak)
Again --- just my IMO, but some of us like to talk/read about ideas that are inspiring,
worthy of discussion, and thought, and NOT deal with the trivialities
that would enter if Newbies saw this forum closer to *ABOUT THE WAY*.
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Ya know, Dmiller, we ought to make you the Grande Gatekeeper of the Hallowed Doctrinal Halls.
Charge everybody $5.00 per post. Great way to determine their 'spurchiality'. Weed out the common, polemic infidels. (looks about and whistles innocently
Make sure however, that the proceeds go to the Research and Movement of THE's Word.
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Five bucks?????? Shucks ---- I can be-leave wayyyy bigger than that!!
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Tom Strange
Man... I gotta go shopping then... I don't have any of those things!
...I wonder if I can find 'em at the Army-Navy store...
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Sorry ~~~ I got caught up in THE moment, there. ;)
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you doctrinal dudes made good points about your dungeon
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I agree with little exception with both of you and brought sections here for that reason.
I think seeing this forum easier as you view the board index would make it easier to merge both The Way and Doctrinal sections. The latter does not confine itself to the topic of twi at all and I love that when I read. It speaks from the source (imho) and other sources brought here by some of the people in this thread here. Great learning can be obtained by quietly reading when you have the time. And 99% of the time I'm there no one ever knows because just as David said by the time I've researched and pondered the thing and am ready to reply it's gone somewhere else.
I think it would benefit those reading on the outside because they have questions or they wouldn't be coming here. If they could see this forum easier it might invite their eyes and they see a thread on something that is the root of their concern with twi. It could very well lead them further along in their path towards the door of freedom.
As to casual drop ins in post. I don't think that will be a problem. That is a respectful and logical place to dwell and one would feel as if they had their underwear on their head before too long and just bow out.
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It really doesn't matter if our "mental" relatives are in the basement or kept in the attic. We all know they are there, yet decency demands we don't go "there" or even mention "there".
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One would hope that would be the case. :)
I didn't think about the ambiance of the forum being changed if some who aren't serious about Doctrinal questions, discussions and debate. Things get heated, sure, but there is a more dignified approach to the issues than can be found in the "About the Way" section where a lot of "Yo Mama" can be found. I don't want to lose that.
That's where I work out my serious musings, questions, internal debate about God, the Bible, the historical evidence refuting the Bible, etc. I like posting it down there because I know that my questions will be taken seriously and answered honestly from differing points of view without the thread deteriorating into a pis sing contest or personal attack.
I guess when I started this yesterday, I was mostly upset about CW's thread being moved down there so quickly. The point of her thread was more to expose WayBrain thinking than it was doctrinal and before the thread could even get going it was moved. That's happened to some of my threads, too. I didn't want some threads to become doctrinal discussions and I really wanted input from the About the Way forum posters, but the threads are moved to Doctrinal and die a quick death because they aren't interesting or "real" doctrinal questions, imo.
Maybe the discussion should be more along the lines of what is a Doctrinal thread and what determines why a post my be moved down there?
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