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Waydale baby 5 yrs later


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Bless you Belle, thank you!

This is my little one at her first karate tournament...fearless looking isn`t she?

I suppose that this should have been in the photo section.....sorry guys...

I just wanted to share this *big girl* picture with all of you folks who labored with me in chat that day :)

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CW, that precious little "Z" was born in the chat room of WayDale....well, not literally "in" the chat room, but Rascal was and there was a party going on with Rascal and a bunch of WayDale'ers during the whole labor. :biglaugh:

Talk about a PAR-TAY!!

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Because for weeks she was over due...people stayed up all night long in chat with me when I couldn`t sleep because of the contractions....there was a contest to pick the date/time/sex/ etc

People would say they were boiling water.... timing the contractions...back rubs...so when the event actually happened....since I was giving birth at home.... it was natural to continue in chat... My mid wife and mark provided updates when I was unable....They were amazed and touched by how sweet everyone was....

They labored with me, cried for me, provides support and laughter.

I truly felt like I had the biggest birth support team in the history of women giving birth...lol

Honestly, I could feel the love and support, and rested peacefully in the miriad of prayers and love pouring in from all over the country :)

So she was dubbed the *waydale* baby.

I felt like the most fortunate woman on the planet to have been the recipient of so much love.

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I can think of no greater compliment to the incredible woman who was my Grandmother that bore that name.

If you are serious Belle, someday I will tell you about this marvelous woman who bore that name so you can in turn tell your child :)

CW...it was truly one of the highlights of my life.

So many many incredible caring people loving and praying with us... The baby even recieved two stuffed animals from Australia where one one poster was vacationing at the time.

The folks in chat sent a wonderfull basket of plants...I planted them right outside my computer room window where Z`s garden still blooms every spring :)

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I am very serious, Rascal! But you knew that already. :wink2: I think the Granddaughter of that incredible woman is pretty darn incredible herself ....but then again, I'm biased, cause I also consider her a very dear friend of mine. :love3:

And I want more than stories - I would need a picture of the two "Z"'s to hang in young "Z"'s room. :)

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Umm Belle, ya know, it's none of my business but ya know I have to say it.

I grew up with a strange name; Shellon Fockler. Strange cuz it was made up and noone could/can pronounce it. Thank God for marrying a wonderful man with the name North.

I purposefully named my babies simpler names, although I did give them uni-sex names.

But........are you SURE you want to name a baby WayDale?

Edited by Shellon Fockler-North
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How cool Rascal to have a team in the background cheering you on..

I had home birth too with my oldest, 26 rs ago...I had a sick midwife who couldnt make it and a Dr. who got lost cause the street signs where covered with snow and als the Dr. gave my husband emergency delivery nstructions over the phone. So my husband was a wreck. all I had the whole time was ice chips..total natural delivery...I drank Red Rasberry leaf tea in my third trimester and delivered from onset to delivery 4hrs.My youngest daughter total of 3 hrs in labor.....so Belle, when it's your time...Red Raspberry Leaf Tea....:)

she is beautiful:)

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