I am an HGTV addict, I admit. What can I say I'm a designer.
I think Candice is very good. Kenneth Brown is very good as well. A new show called Design Inc. is nice and I always like Designers Challenge.
I have a kitchen family room coming up in May and then nothing until the end of next fall when I have another kitchen lined up. Which is fine since I stay home with my boys.
I have always wanted to do a drastic remodel. I have a stong modern asthetic but I like good design across the board. There was a long 60's 70's-ish ranch here in town with an old white barn behind it. The price was insane, but I played around with it on the computer as to what I would do with it if I had the money.
Someday maybe.
I also like a lot of the emerging modern prefab housing. Check it out here and click on the Fablist second down on the right for a list of companies and pics.
I checked the fablist.They look New Agish. You can construct a home with blocks. I can why you would like it if you like symetrical lines. How cool a designer. I am good with color and grouping but I cannot do an arrangement of pictures on the wall that look good..
I also like Trading Spaces, Design On A Dime, Designer's Challenge, While You Were Out and Surprise By Design.
Right now I'm designing a kitchen sink/work area loosely based on one of Candace's bathroom sink designs. I'm taking a kidney-shaped pond/fountain liner and going to line the bottom with river rock and cover that about 1.5" deep in resin. This will give me the counter top. Then I'm going to get 2 huge glass mixing bowls (hopefully I can find bowls 16" in diameter...if not I will have to have them special made) to use for sinks. I'll set one on each 'end' of the kidney. All the plumbing will be done in clear PVC and stainless...the idea being to make the plumbing part of the artistic design. I'll use rope lighting under the counter for both artistic and lighting effects. Most of what I can't find pre-made I can make myself. It's going to be lots of fun! :)
We buy old crack houses that have been torn up and pretty much left for demolition. It's a whole lot of fun to rehab/remodel these homes...when things actually get done...hehehehe...but time and money limit us quite often.
I recently updated my guest bathroom. New fixtures, new toilet seat, new shower curtain and fresh paint. I added some sandy-like stuff to the paint and it gave the room an awesome textured look. I discovered, though, that I'm not real good at coloring between the lines. Sooooo, my project this week-end is to paint over the missed lines so the room doesn't look like a 3 year old painted it.
I got a great sewing machine recently but can't figure out how to thread the darn thing. I've been looking for an online manual, but can't find one for free. (yes, I'm a cheapskate) I have lots of killer material and lots of dreams of what to do with it - shower curtains, pillows, duvet covers.....
I'd LOVE to have them come take over my yard like Curb Appeal. My yard is in desperate need of some professional help.
New flooring, re-doing the kitchen and the master bathroom are the next things on my list, though. Saving up to do these one at a time.
Designer's Challenge and Landscaper's Challenge...depending on the season. Candace, and the one where they come in and just move existing stuff around...shoot, I like them all and watch them, hoping some of it will rub off on me.
When we sold our other house and bought our 27 year-old house a few years ago, we knew we would at least change a few things. Thing is, once you change one thing it just keeps snowballing. We've already redone so many things that my husband jokes that we should have lifted the roof and parked a new house underneath.
Lindy, you and ex10 could offer an online service here at the cafe...we send you pictures of our problem areas, then you make suggestions, we could use Paypal...whaddaya think?
Well, I like HGTV too, but I get frustrated with some of the tackier shows.
I love Debbie Travis' Painted House. What she does with paint is truly amazing. Of course, I love color but appreciate monochromatic schemes, but they have to be done right to really work. Most times, they don't, unless a professional designed them. (Ok, I probably sound really snobby, but there is a reason people hire professionals.)
Candice Olsen is a fabulous designer. I like her show alot, too.
I love antiques and art and it's always fun to incorporate a client's own collections and really showcase them.
Lindy, I'm like you and love contemporary art and design but haven't worked on too many projects like that. And as much as I'd love to live in a minimalist loft, it ain't likely to happen for me anytime soon.
When we lived in Michigan, we added on to and remodeled a home built in the 1920's that had tons of character and unique architectural detail. We lived there 10 years and I absolutely hated to move away from that house. But lucky for me, my best friend and her husband bought it from us, so now when we go back to visit, we stay at our old house. Pretty cool. She is an artist, and the few changes she has made to the place, have enhanced it's beauty and charm.
I love interior design, and have pretty much my whole life. My mom said I was born rearranging the furniture. :D
My brother is building a lake house here in Texas, which is exciting to help with. I've never done a second home/lake house before, in the Texas hill country style. So it's way fun.
Shoot, I could take design all day long and never get tired of it.
Exactly, Tom, with lotza Texas limestone, too. :B)
My brother and sis-law don't cook, but my husband and one brother do. So they are putting in a fab kitchen for brother and J, as well as an outdoor kitchen/lanai, overlooking Canyon Lake.
We'll have to hold a huge party in a year or so when it's all done!
Exactly, Tom, with lotza Texas limestone, too. :B)
My brother and sis-law don't cook, but my husband and one brother do. So they are putting in a fab kitchen for brother and J, as well as an outdoor kitchen/lanai, overlooking Canyon Lake.
We'll have to hold a huge party in a year or so when it's all done!
We'll have to hold a huge party in a year or so when it's all done!
yeah buddy! let's see... canyon lake... that's a little south of Austin, a little north of San Antonio... ought to take about 3 or 4 hours if we take the scenic route... (and it is a scenic route)!
When we first bought the house, had kids, etc., I was really into watching HGTV.
Next thing I knew, I was convinced we needed new flooring, and that the livingroom walls needed to be painted brick red. The couch wasn't hip enough, so of course slipcovers were considered. Wall decor was needed, and tiling the bathroom seemed like a good idea....
..."STOP THE MADNESS!" cried Hubby.
So, I shut off the TV.
The couch is still unhip and the livingroom is still painted Navaho White - not brick red. The new flooring, and tiling are pipe dream. The wall decor - well... it's pics of the kids and family. Some painting was done in the diningroom, hallway, and bedrooms. We stopped there - basically 6 gallons of paint.
That's as DIY as we get.
Afterall, the kids are lucky if we replace the batteries in their toys within six months after they die. We're not lazy - just not motivated about these things.
We like to hire people to do it - works for us.
Last summer we put a 12' x 10' sunroom on a deck that we never used - now it's the best room in the house (but the flooring isn't finished - go figure). This year we are fencing in the yard - which will be a DIY project - unless, you know any good contractors...
Hey CW, let us know how the resin counter project goes. I looked into either getting this done or doing it myself for the project I am working on right now. I think we are straying from it at this point.
These guys have really cool looking stuff as do the guys at 3form, but they are a little more commercial. To buy it is very expensive and in the end I am not that confident in how long it would last and how durable it would be if I did it myself.
Ex10, that sounds like a fun project. Maybe we could see pix when you're done?
I got stuck playing on that first site and totally forgot everything else. LOL
TYVM for the links! Too many ideas but oh so fun. :D
My hubs says my project is probably going to cost an arm and a leg, but he thinks that it's going to be worth it once it's done...if it ever gets off the ground...because he despises the very idea of spending more than $25 on a kitchen sink setup...
It's about a newlywed couples with different tastes and different furniture that doesn't go with each other moving in with each other after the wedding. The crew sends the couple away and redecorates the house, using (and changing) the furniture plus extra touches. The stuff that they don't use they either give away or distroy in a wood chipper.
I made a mistake about the other show. The real name was Men in Toolbelts. It was about a couple of queers that had a how-to show. If you ever knew real carpenters (or are one), this show was hilarious, if not you might even take the show seriously.
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I am an HGTV addict, I admit. What can I say I'm a designer.
I think Candice is very good. Kenneth Brown is very good as well. A new show called Design Inc. is nice and I always like Designers Challenge.
I have a kitchen family room coming up in May and then nothing until the end of next fall when I have another kitchen lined up. Which is fine since I stay home with my boys.
I have always wanted to do a drastic remodel. I have a stong modern asthetic but I like good design across the board. There was a long 60's 70's-ish ranch here in town with an old white barn behind it. The price was insane, but I played around with it on the computer as to what I would do with it if I had the money.
Someday maybe.
I also like a lot of the emerging modern prefab housing. Check it out here and click on the Fablist second down on the right for a list of companies and pics.
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I checked the fablist.They look New Agish. You can construct a home with blocks. I can why you would like it if you like symetrical lines. How cool a designer. I am good with color and grouping but I cannot do an arrangement of pictures on the wall that look good..
these come in kits too.
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Candace is my fave.
I also like Trading Spaces, Design On A Dime, Designer's Challenge, While You Were Out and Surprise By Design.
Right now I'm designing a kitchen sink/work area loosely based on one of Candace's bathroom sink designs. I'm taking a kidney-shaped pond/fountain liner and going to line the bottom with river rock and cover that about 1.5" deep in resin. This will give me the counter top. Then I'm going to get 2 huge glass mixing bowls (hopefully I can find bowls 16" in diameter...if not I will have to have them special made) to use for sinks. I'll set one on each 'end' of the kidney. All the plumbing will be done in clear PVC and stainless...the idea being to make the plumbing part of the artistic design. I'll use rope lighting under the counter for both artistic and lighting effects. Most of what I can't find pre-made I can make myself. It's going to be lots of fun! :)
We buy old crack houses that have been torn up and pretty much left for demolition. It's a whole lot of fun to rehab/remodel these homes...when things actually get done...hehehehe...but time and money limit us quite often.
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Flip This House is soooo cool!
I recently updated my guest bathroom. New fixtures, new toilet seat, new shower curtain and fresh paint. I added some sandy-like stuff to the paint and it gave the room an awesome textured look. I discovered, though, that I'm not real good at coloring between the lines.
Sooooo, my project this week-end is to paint over the missed lines so the room doesn't look like a 3 year old painted it. 
I got a great sewing machine recently but can't figure out how to thread the darn thing. I've been looking for an online manual, but can't find one for free. (yes, I'm a cheapskate) I have lots of killer material and lots of dreams of what to do with it - shower curtains, pillows, duvet covers.....
I'd LOVE to have them come take over my yard like Curb Appeal. My yard is in desperate need of some professional help.
New flooring, re-doing the kitchen and the master bathroom are the next things on my list, though. Saving up to do these one at a time.
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Designer's Challenge and Landscaper's Challenge...depending on the season. Candace, and the one where they come in and just move existing stuff around...shoot, I like them all and watch them, hoping some of it will rub off on me.
When we sold our other house and bought our 27 year-old house a few years ago, we knew we would at least change a few things. Thing is, once you change one thing it just keeps snowballing. We've already redone so many things that my husband jokes that we should have lifted the roof and parked a new house underneath.
Lindy, you and ex10 could offer an online service here at the cafe...we send you pictures of our problem areas, then you make suggestions, we could use Paypal...whaddaya think?
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I also love Merge and would love to be a guest on that show.
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Well, I like HGTV too, but I get frustrated with some of the tackier shows.
I love Debbie Travis' Painted House. What she does with paint is truly amazing. Of course, I love color but appreciate monochromatic schemes, but they have to be done right to really work. Most times, they don't, unless a professional designed them. (Ok, I probably sound really snobby, but there is a reason people hire professionals.)
Candice Olsen is a fabulous designer. I like her show alot, too.
I love antiques and art and it's always fun to incorporate a client's own collections and really showcase them.
Lindy, I'm like you and love contemporary art and design but haven't worked on too many projects like that. And as much as I'd love to live in a minimalist loft, it ain't likely to happen for me anytime soon.
When we lived in Michigan, we added on to and remodeled a home built in the 1920's that had tons of character and unique architectural detail. We lived there 10 years and I absolutely hated to move away from that house. But lucky for me, my best friend and her husband bought it from us, so now when we go back to visit, we stay at our old house. Pretty cool. She is an artist, and the few changes she has made to the place, have enhanced it's beauty and charm.
I love interior design, and have pretty much my whole life. My mom said I was born rearranging the furniture. :D
My brother is building a lake house here in Texas, which is exciting to help with. I've never done a second home/lake house before, in the Texas hill country style. So it's way fun.
Shoot, I could take design all day long and never get tired of it.
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Tom Strange
Plenty of big wrap around porches ex10... with rocking chairs on them... and tubs of shiner!
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Exactly, Tom, with lotza Texas limestone, too. :B)
My brother and sis-law don't cook, but my husband and one brother do. So they are putting in a fab kitchen for brother and J, as well as an outdoor kitchen/lanai, overlooking Canyon Lake.
We'll have to hold a huge party in a year or so when it's all done!
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New location for a weenie roast??? ;)
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Tom Strange
yeah buddy! let's see... canyon lake... that's a little south of Austin, a little north of San Antonio... ought to take about 3 or 4 hours if we take the scenic route... (and it is a scenic route)!
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Hey ya all-
plenty of projects going on. I thinked im hooked on improving....
I realy like the results to hard work.
I will be moving so I am not starting anything at the moment.
But when I get to the point of buying...watch out..
for us women there is something very strong tied to making a home a home:)
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DIY project, a la HGTV, are not my thing.
When we first bought the house, had kids, etc., I was really into watching HGTV.
Next thing I knew, I was convinced we needed new flooring, and that the livingroom walls needed to be painted brick red. The couch wasn't hip enough, so of course slipcovers were considered. Wall decor was needed, and tiling the bathroom seemed like a good idea....
..."STOP THE MADNESS!" cried Hubby.
So, I shut off the TV.
The couch is still unhip and the livingroom is still painted Navaho White - not brick red. The new flooring, and tiling are pipe dream. The wall decor - well... it's pics of the kids and family. Some painting was done in the diningroom, hallway, and bedrooms. We stopped there - basically 6 gallons of paint.
That's as DIY as we get.
Afterall, the kids are lucky if we replace the batteries in their toys within six months after they die. We're not lazy - just not motivated about these things.
We like to hire people to do it - works for us.
Last summer we put a 12' x 10' sunroom on a deck that we never used - now it's the best room in the house (but the flooring isn't finished - go figure). This year we are fencing in the yard - which will be a DIY project - unless, you know any good contractors...
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Hey CW, let us know how the resin counter project goes. I looked into either getting this done or doing it myself for the project I am working on right now. I think we are straying from it at this point.
These guys have really cool looking stuff as do the guys at 3form, but they are a little more commercial. To buy it is very expensive and in the end I am not that confident in how long it would last and how durable it would be if I did it myself.
Ex10, that sounds like a fun project. Maybe we could see pix when you're done?
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Do you remember a show called Two guys and a Toolbelt?
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I dont remember that show...What is the Merge show? I have never seen that one. what time/channel please:) Sounds interesting.
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I got stuck playing on that first site and totally forgot everything else. LOL
TYVM for the links! Too many ideas but oh so fun. :D
My hubs says my project is probably going to cost an arm and a leg, but he thinks that it's going to be worth it once it's done...if it ever gets off the ground...because he despises the very idea of spending more than $25 on a kitchen sink setup...
But I'll let you know if it ever goes.
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Merge is on Lifetime Real Women channel Merge
It's about a newlywed couples with different tastes and different furniture that doesn't go with each other moving in with each other after the wedding. The crew sends the couple away and redecorates the house, using (and changing) the furniture plus extra touches. The stuff that they don't use they either give away or distroy in a wood chipper.
I made a mistake about the other show. The real name was Men in Toolbelts. It was about a couple of queers that had a how-to show. If you ever knew real carpenters (or are one), this show was hilarious, if not you might even take the show seriously.
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thanks Moony, I will look for it..I like the way it sounds..
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