We had a nice outside wedding in a garden with a lady playing harp. T*mmy Cr@bb did the service (enough said) so it was not religious. Like Rascal we had a last minute change also J*hnny T*wns*nd was supposed to do it but was called to HDQTS. We had the reception at our house in the yard where we lived with EX10 and some future Greasespoters were there among the crowd. The branch got drunk, dancing and food. The best man made another booze run at some point, someone drank the the bottle of champagne we had tucked away in the fridge. The house was trashed, that's about it . Did I forget anything EX?
I thought it was a lovely wedding and reception. Our yard looked beautiful with everything blooming. I remember Handel's water music playing over J's boze speakers, at the reception. I remember trying to sleep upstairs with the party still rockin and rolling long into the night. :B)
The Monday morning after the wedding, Marty (my boss) picked me up because we had to drive to the KC office that day to work. As we walked through the house back to the kitchen for our obligatory thermos of coffee for the trip, Marty remarked. "Wow. This must have been some wedding!"
There were gifts, flowers, wedding stuff everywhere. ;)
My wedding (Hubby, version 1.0, I call him), was a ministry wedding. It was in 1992, although we had gotten engaged a year before. We got in trouble when we got engaged because we didn't okay it with leadership - although they didn't make a big stink about it.
Marriage counseling was the worst. That was my first experience with leadership asking really personal questions - it was creepy. We weren't allowed to get married until we had completed the Advance Class, so that's what we did...
My parent came from Maine for the wedding - we were living in Tuscaloosa, AL at the time. My dad was quite a bit older - he was 73 and had COPD, and emphysema - 60 years of smoking Camels will do that to you.
I remember we were at rehearsal, set up, etc. all took place the morning before the wedding - can you imagine? This was because the leadership didn't want to have to travel an extra hour-and-a-half the next day to do the ceremony. Go firgure. So, all morning, we cleaned, did set-up, and when it came time for the rehearsal, I had to go get Dad.
When I got to the apartment, Dad was in a full blown coughing fit - if you've never been around anyone with this sort of condition, it's the hardest, most horrible sounding coughing you can imagine - really bad. I waited until he regained his composure - he was a very dignified man, which I respected - BUT we were now late.
When I got back to the place where we were getting married, we were only 10 minutes late - people were still cleaning, etc., - but Mr. Leadership was suddenly in my face. BIG TIME. "Where have you been? People have been waiting for you." Then, and I'll never forget this - he says, "I'll never do this for you again!" (What a dumb thing to say to someone getting married...)
To top it off, rehearsal went long, so guess what - I didn't get to shower - nothing - and had to throw on my dress and run down the aisle, basically. I remember feeling absolutely yucky - it was not what I had in mind that day. I think I slathered on some makeup and hairspray - but I'd been cleaning windows all morning! And my dress... it was Jessica McClintock that my mother had made for me (she was a seamstress). I felt so bad for putting it on before being able to clean up - she had worked so hard and it was just beautiful!
The wedding and reception went well - the parental units and the leadership actually bonded - they hit it off great and stayed in touch for a couple of years afterward - that was a good memory at least...
(When I upgraded to Hubby 2.0, I made sure we didn't have to do a lick of set-up or anything - it was worth every penny!)
My younger brother who is still involved with twi is getting married. I don't know how much the local LC is controlling the situation, although, I know him personally and know he tends to do that. I also know that for some reason I am not in the wedding party while my older brother who is corps is. I can only imagine one reason why I am not, but perhaps I am wrong. I can only assume that the LC had some say in that, since he is doing the wedding and since it is usually customary to have your siblings stand for your wedding and seeing as that is how we did it for both my wedding and my older brother's wedding. I'm not upset with my brother but rather more upset for him, because I think that without the presiding LC being involved he would have asked me to stand up with him. I don't want to push it either, becuase I know the stress of planning a wedding and I don't want to add to that. I want it to be about them. Hopefully that happens.
I am sorry Lindy, but you are not because you aren't in the ministry. I have so many horror stories about doing ministry weddings, I don't even know how to start..
oh wait, Nate, did you really want "good"' ones? Or was that a "hope"?
I will say this, my wedding was great, we had W. Cl@# as our officiant. He was so casual, it was a breeze.
And this is while he was a part of TWI.
But, I have "organized" and helped many, and they were the worst times of my life, and for the bride and groom.
maybe i'll have the patience to tell ya'll some day.............
In '83 my WOW sister was married to another WOW. Didn't seem strange to me then, but it sure does now, considering they'd only known each other a matter of months...hmmmmm.
My husband (who was then my boyfriend) was best man and I was maid of honor. The wedding took place on a southern plantion, complete with southern mansion where the reception was held. Family was flown in from both sides. It was a picture perfect day and I've got an album full of them. I think the BC presided over the ceremony.... no glitches, beautiful ceremony, full of a mixed batch of people.
I left twi upon completion of my wow year, married the following year. It went well despite the predictions of people in the ministry. Almost 22 years later, it's still going well.
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We had a nice outside wedding in a garden with a lady playing harp. T*mmy Cr@bb did the service (enough said) so it was not religious. Like Rascal we had a last minute change also J*hnny T*wns*nd was supposed to do it but was called to HDQTS. We had the reception at our house in the yard where we lived with EX10 and some future Greasespoters were there among the crowd. The branch got drunk, dancing and food. The best man made another booze run at some point, someone drank the the bottle of champagne we had tucked away in the fridge. The house was trashed, that's about it . Did I forget anything EX?
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I thought it was a lovely wedding and reception. Our yard looked beautiful with everything blooming. I remember Handel's water music playing over J's boze speakers, at the reception. I remember trying to sleep upstairs with the party still rockin and rolling long into the night. :B)
The Monday morning after the wedding, Marty (my boss) picked me up because we had to drive to the KC office that day to work. As we walked through the house back to the kitchen for our obligatory thermos of coffee for the trip, Marty remarked. "Wow. This must have been some wedding!"
There were gifts, flowers, wedding stuff everywhere. ;)
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My wedding (Hubby, version 1.0, I call him), was a ministry wedding. It was in 1992, although we had gotten engaged a year before. We got in trouble when we got engaged because we didn't okay it with leadership - although they didn't make a big stink about it.
Marriage counseling was the worst. That was my first experience with leadership asking really personal questions - it was creepy. We weren't allowed to get married until we had completed the Advance Class, so that's what we did...
My parent came from Maine for the wedding - we were living in Tuscaloosa, AL at the time. My dad was quite a bit older - he was 73 and had COPD, and emphysema - 60 years of smoking Camels will do that to you.
I remember we were at rehearsal, set up, etc. all took place the morning before the wedding - can you imagine? This was because the leadership didn't want to have to travel an extra hour-and-a-half the next day to do the ceremony. Go firgure. So, all morning, we cleaned, did set-up, and when it came time for the rehearsal, I had to go get Dad.
When I got to the apartment, Dad was in a full blown coughing fit - if you've never been around anyone with this sort of condition, it's the hardest, most horrible sounding coughing you can imagine - really bad. I waited until he regained his composure - he was a very dignified man, which I respected - BUT we were now late.
When I got back to the place where we were getting married, we were only 10 minutes late - people were still cleaning, etc., - but Mr. Leadership was suddenly in my face. BIG TIME. "Where have you been? People have been waiting for you." Then, and I'll never forget this - he says, "I'll never do this for you again!" (What a dumb thing to say to someone getting married...)
To top it off, rehearsal went long, so guess what - I didn't get to shower - nothing - and had to throw on my dress and run down the aisle, basically. I remember feeling absolutely yucky - it was not what I had in mind that day. I think I slathered on some makeup and hairspray - but I'd been cleaning windows all morning! And my dress... it was Jessica McClintock that my mother had made for me (she was a seamstress). I felt so bad for putting it on before being able to clean up - she had worked so hard and it was just beautiful!
The wedding and reception went well - the parental units and the leadership actually bonded - they hit it off great and stayed in touch for a couple of years afterward - that was a good memory at least...
(When I upgraded to Hubby 2.0, I made sure we didn't have to do a lick of set-up or anything - it was worth every penny!)
Edited by ChasUFarleyLink to comment
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I am sorry Lindy, but you are not because you aren't in the ministry. I have so many horror stories about doing ministry weddings, I don't even know how to start..
oh wait, Nate, did you really want "good"' ones? Or was that a "hope"?
I will say this, my wedding was great, we had W. Cl@# as our officiant. He was so casual, it was a breeze.
And this is while he was a part of TWI.
But, I have "organized" and helped many, and they were the worst times of my life, and for the bride and groom.
maybe i'll have the patience to tell ya'll some day.............
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In '83 my WOW sister was married to another WOW. Didn't seem strange to me then, but it sure does now, considering they'd only known each other a matter of months...hmmmmm.
My husband (who was then my boyfriend) was best man and I was maid of honor. The wedding took place on a southern plantion, complete with southern mansion where the reception was held. Family was flown in from both sides. It was a picture perfect day and I've got an album full of them. I think the BC presided over the ceremony.... no glitches, beautiful ceremony, full of a mixed batch of people.
I left twi upon completion of my wow year, married the following year. It went well despite the predictions of people in the ministry. Almost 22 years later, it's still going well.
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My dearest Belle,
Of course there will be a next time....and it will be a better time!!!
I have yet to hear a good word about Boob and Dooty from anyone....just useless
I guess. Wonder if jolly ol' England is better with them?
Hope Mrs. Patriot and I can "partake" of the bubbly with you at the next one...the real one!
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