tom, mstar...if it helps, just know that there is a big difference between the large-party-all-chat-rapidly-at-once-over-the-top-of-each-other-free-for-alls (which i also love, btw)
and the kind of sessions im taking about
also, these kinds of sessions are not private or exclusive sessions, by any means
all are invited
and we take turns typing, which means slow writers have all the time they need
but also, one can simply observe the process
or even simply stop it by interrupting
also, we are free to invent our own new and different ways to play along
anyway, when i get home later...i'll see if i can find and post a link to the previous thread
and also thinking of it aside from the circle-type chat sessions idea
ive noticed that most people go to chat most of the time to just chill and talk about the day
catch up on whats going on with who...whatnot
which is jazzy cool wonderful, imo
God knows i like to yack about food and pets and cars and family and work about as much as anyone
but i also like to yack about deep less-tangible things as well
such as angels and demons and gods and devils and heavens and hells and dreams and visions, yada yada
(although i think we would do well to keep this somewhat light, too )
and so what im trying to figure how to get chatters who are also interested in such things
(and i'm sure there are some) to meet in the subrooms
so as not to disturb those who want to talk about "real, everyday" things
the problems i am facing with this are:
1) too few seem to know how to enter the subrooms
2) few know to look (or even how to look) to see if someone is in a subroom
3) its not always (socially) easy to ask a crowd of ex-cultists "who wants to leave here and go chat about gawd and stuff in another room" without a wide number of misunderstandings
so...any suggestions?
and again...the reason i am so interested in because i have seen that there are things about live chat that does what the forums do not...which have interesting implications for doctrinal-type discussions...things we've not really even explored yet, imo
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all the peeps i was thinking of for this
who were online when i wrote it
all suddenly vanished
why do i feel like i farted in a church?

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Just tried going onto this chat thing but I was speaking to myself. :blink:
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looks like we just missed each other
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Actually, I don't know how to get to the chat that you're talking about, Sir.
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here is a shortcut
on the main forum page
just above the list of people in the chatroom
is a line that says "Enter the CHAT ROOM"
same thing
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Tom Strange
you guys really should try sleeping some time...
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I am generally too shallow to partake in anything too deep but I may come by to watch
if I know aforetime,
the things that will be written will be for my learning
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Tom Strange
I don't type fast enough for the chat room...
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deep but easy mstar,
and you know them west coasters stay up late, lol
my experience has been good with this sort of thing
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yeah, thanks, cm...deep but easy
tom, mstar...if it helps, just know that there is a big difference between the large-party-all-chat-rapidly-at-once-over-the-top-of-each-other-free-for-alls (which i also love, btw)
and the kind of sessions im taking about
also, these kinds of sessions are not private or exclusive sessions, by any means
all are invited
and we take turns typing, which means slow writers have all the time they need
but also, one can simply observe the process
or even simply stop it by interrupting
also, we are free to invent our own new and different ways to play along
anyway, when i get home later...i'll see if i can find and post a link to the previous thread
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When? I'll be there if I can - but since I work and have kids to get to school I might not be there for long
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oh, i dunno, dooj
sometimes i wish i could schedule a specific time to demonstrate what i am talking about
but with my shedule these days, i dont want to make a promise i cant keep
so im thinking that if i start this thread
and let people know how im simply almost always ready and capable of demonstrating what im getting at
...almost at the drop of a hat
i think a session can come together as spontaeneously as the regular chat styles
and as there is no set time required
the other styles i am thinking of can be demonstrated in a relatively short period of time
so, i think...just hit me up if you see me in chat
which is usually only evenings and weekends these days
but not always just then, either
and depending on the depth and degree of interest arising here
i can start thinking about more specific scheduling
and especially hit me up if you see that there are multiple people in one of the sub-rooms
...i can quickly debrief what is going on in a private chat
btw...a very helpful thing to remember
is that during any such session
(if one should get going)
that we are taking turns, kinda, or using some other pattern based on whatever pattern we've agreed upon
and so some will probably learn most quickly whats going on
if you just sit and watch a bit
i hope that helps
without making too much of a ruckus about a new little toy
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ok...thinking about this topic a bit more
and also thinking of it aside from the circle-type chat sessions idea
ive noticed that most people go to chat most of the time to just chill and talk about the day
catch up on whats going on with who...whatnot
which is jazzy cool wonderful, imo
God knows i like to yack about food and pets and cars and family and work about as much as anyone
but i also like to yack about deep less-tangible things as well
such as angels and demons and gods and devils and heavens and hells and dreams and visions, yada yada
(although i think we would do well to keep this somewhat light, too
and so what im trying to figure how to get chatters who are also interested in such things
(and i'm sure there are some) to meet in the subrooms
so as not to disturb those who want to talk about "real, everyday" things
the problems i am facing with this are:
1) too few seem to know how to enter the subrooms
2) few know to look (or even how to look) to see if someone is in a subroom
3) its not always (socially) easy to ask a crowd of ex-cultists "who wants to leave here and go chat about gawd and stuff in another room" without a wide number of misunderstandings
so...any suggestions?
and again...the reason i am so interested in because i have seen that there are things about live chat that does what the forums do not...which have interesting implications for doctrinal-type discussions...things we've not really even explored yet, imo
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God first
Hi Todd, Sir Guess Alot my loving friend and others
God loves us all as you know I love to write hoping we can build more trust together that God does Love us
Ok I am not good at the chat line because I am slow at keeping up with who talking to who
but I throw in a deep subject
Can you truthly walk or drive a straight line?
here a little help
take a ball lay a ruler on it look out little of the ruler touches not ball
I say we can spiritually but what about fleshly walking or driven?
Ok how many poles are still?
I say there a north pole and a south pole along with a east and west pole!
Ok we know were the south and north pole are but what about the east and west pole of this old earth
Matbe the east pole is 1/2 way around the earth from were we are standing at any given second and the west pole would work the same
so our east and west pole depend on were we are standing
but there are poles of the heavens too
just like there are - poles and + poles of flesh and spirit both
but what do you think about walking or driven a straight line and what about the poles
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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sirguessalot nice to see you again Roy
off the top of my head...
a tennis ball for you to smack back to me if you like...
i dont think there really is such a thing as a straight line
not in "Nature," at least
and even when man makes them
they are only relatively straight
or relatively small lines
or a radical quantum of countless curves
but there are direct lines
which i believe is probably closer to a spiritual meaning of "straight"
and very curved lines can still be quite perfect, still not having a bend in them
but even then
everything eventually bends
just as everything "sins"
it seems
God makes it all work out
thank God
as far as poles
i really dig what yer saying
and could probably yak for days about that one
but ill say this for now
cuz its all i can think of at the moment
as that there are countless poles and polarities in the body and soul
in people and the world and the various kinds of bodies universe
and a countless number of points too
with which to draw cardinal directions from
but if we can find that ultimate ground
we will have an ultimate reference point
and will better be able to handle the extraordinary complexity of what IS
in our hearts and minds
without wigging out over all the paradoxes that may confound us
when east and west unite
and the north and south are no longer at odds
and up is both down and out
and down is both in and out...
...and it doesnt bother you anymore...
...maybe we can finally say we have left middle earth behind
without having gone anywhere at all
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God first
Beloved Todd
God loves us
Yes there no true fleshly straight line
and yes the poles are a great subject
but there are others things to talk about
Like there are no bad lights but only lack of light
while there may be bad cause of light but the is never bad
Like there is no bad sounds but only lack of sound leaving it without a pattern of tones
Like there are no bad smells but only lack of smell leaving out tones leaving it with out a pattern
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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I'm not a chat room gal, but I love the deep chat stuff...Sign me up. Who's bringing the hash?
Happy Belated!
Love, M
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oh man..that would be way too cool to chat with you live again, karmic...hashish or no hashish
even if it is only hypertextually live
but...there is nothing to sign on this one, of course
rather, its we who are ourselves who are each the teachers, the class, and the crew
(but I know you already know that...doh)
and so...all you have to do sign up for a deep chat with look for me in the chat rooms and pop in
and if i'm not already at it, say "hey, dude...lets chat about something deep"
or some such thing
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