Hmmm..."power for abundant living" means that the "power" is a means to get to the "abundant living", which is the end result...walking in the way of "abundance and power" however, means that both the abundance and the power are both an end in themselves.
The fact is that you receive neither abundance nor power when you associate with twi...You are actually giving THEM your abundance and giving THEM power to control you! The roots of a tree are hidden underground and receive their nourishment in secret...
The righteous give and spare not, but earlier she says that even well-meaning Christians give and do great works aren't righteous.
She didn't say that well-meaning Christians aren't righteous.
She said "these good works do not make them righteous".
She is saying that we were made righteous by faith, through the works of Jesus Christ... not our own good works. (Philippians 3:9)
What is confessed with the mouth and believed in the heart will absolutely come to pass, for God is faithful to carry out his promises.
(Translation: Yes, we tell God exactly what to do.)
Confessing with your mouth and believing in your heart something that God promises is not telling God what to do it is confessing with your mouth and believing in your heart something that God has promised.
God's grace, his unmerited devine favor, abounds unto many. How many? As many as freely claim his gift by confessing Jesus as lord and believing God raised him from the dead. The gift, which includes our sonship right of righteousness, was made available by the accomplishments of JC. The righteousness of God is given to every believer by God's grace, not by the believer's works. We have only to believe God's word to manifest our free, God-given righteousness.
I would be the first to agree that works will not righteousness grant--The LDS Church teaches that works are the manifestation of being a follower of Jesus Christ "by their fruits shall ye know them"
But there is a much more subtle message here "We have only to believe God's word to manifest our free, God-given righteousness." and "As many as freely claim his gift by confessing Jesus as lord and believing God raised him from the dead"
This is TWI's linchpin--the foundation that permitted the sexual misconduct, the yelling, the prying the control. Per them "Righteous" was a gift, given like a birthday present--and, although it is never stated as such, a get out of jail free pass for any conduct. How many times did we hear, "God does't condemn You" "claim your sonship rights".
"Right Behavior" is a form of works, and we didn't need works, and since works didn't gain righteousness, the unspoken message was they couldn't loose it either unless you left TWI of course--In which case you were no longer a "son"
Subtle and devilish
And by taking "works"away as the proof of being a follower of Christ and substituting SIT--they finished the circle
It looks almost exactly like what I was hearing and reading over 25 years ago.
Do any of those people ever grow, change or mature?
or are they stuck in some sort of bizarre timewarp where you have to listen to the same broken record (and it is a bad broken record) over and over and over and over and over for all eternity?
"Right Behavior" is a form of works, and we didn't need works, and since works didn't gain righteousness, the unspoken message was they couldn't loose it either unless you left TWI of course--In which case you were no longer a "son"
Subtle and devilish
Mo, when did twi teach or suggest that if you left twi, you lost God's righteousness, and were no longer a son of God?
I was taught something mighty similar.....that if you left twi that you left God`s hand of protection....that you would die spiritually ...and then physically.
You also would lose all of your rewards at the bema and would be so spiritually contaminated that you might get others posessed.
No, technically not a revocation of son ship....but mighty close. You weren`t part of the household any more.
You had to do an awfull lot of *WORKS* in order to stay IN fellowship and IN good standing with God and the household.....AND in order to recieve every award that you had earned in this life at the bema.
Oldies, no one would come right out and say that leaving TWI stripped you of your rights and standing, but you know that by saying we would be greasespots by midnight implies that we would be an open target to to the devil.
Now, if I, with or without TWI's teachings, believe that I am a Son of God, then I have His protection and love whatever the circumstances. Building the fear of reprocussion by the devil if I leave is saying that I no longer have God's protection or the blessings of His righteous hand in my life.
I don't think that it takes a huge leap in intelligent thought to realize the subtle implications. Remember Donna's blurb on Naoma and Art? She died because Art left. Well, when Art left, was he still a son of God? Yes. What happened was an unbearable tragedy, but to say that it happened because he left TWI was putrid garbage.
Every time I attempt to read one of these articles... I want to do this.... and it seems like this starts to happen. I know we have people just waiting to see what goes wrong with us since we left "the household"
In reality, I had missed out on a huge chunk of life since I was so busy obeying twi. I started to neglect that intimate relationship I was supposed to have with God and with Jesus Christ.
Some have erroneously taught that righteousness may be earned by performing good works. Reading the scriptures for ourselves enlightens us on the difference between God’s righteousness and man’s opinions of righteousness. Sincerity is no guarantee for truth.
Deuteronomy 6:25
"And it shall be our righteousness, IF we observe to DO (works) ALL (not missing even 1, even one time) these commandments before the Lord our God, as he hath commanded us."
Righteousness by "good works" which Jesus Christ did, so we do not have to. If someone kept EVERY commandment of God, every time and never missed, that person wouldn't have any conciousness of sin, guilt or condemnation. The problem was, although it was "possible" God knew no one ever would, except Jesus.
My point being, by Robin not being specific as to who erroneously taught, she was wrong. If she would have said "Christians," then she would have been right. Either way the whole thing was just so boring, boring, boring, boring.........
Thanks Belle for stomaching the Way Rag to remind us that we are not missing anything!
I wonder if boring people is a sin?
They call themselves a "research" ministry, yet it is completely "rehash" and "review." There is absolutely nothing "fresh" or invigorating to the minds of the readers.
My young daughter (Miss Patriot) has gone through different screenings at her school because she is handling the material (reading, math, etc.) so easily (yeah, I'm bragging :)). Why? Because, if she stays at a level too basic for her, she would be bored, not push herself to be better. I read these articles, and the same old trite sayings (e.g. "Sincerity is no guarantee for truth" quotes from the same old Blue Book, etc.), covering the same old topics taught in every class, in the exact same, dummed-down manner, ....and you just have to believe that it is having a negative impact on their people (especially the advanced ones). No growth, no challenge, nothing specific, fresh, or deep thought provoking. Boring, boring, boring!
I think the phrase "sold out to the adversary" pretty well covers that as well as "no longer standing on the word"
But whether that is true or false still would not negate a persons sonship or sonship rights, which is not based upon man's works, but the works of God in Christ Jesus that has been bestowed upon us who believe.
I mean you aren't really suggesting that TWI taught that even if you left TWI you kept all your sonship rights are you???
Of course I am. They are permanent. Righteousness, sanctification, justification, redemption, ministry of reconciliation.
And, if that is the case, please post the letter, teaching or whatever, where that was taught or said.
Here's an excerpt on righteousness:
Many denominations have erroneously taught that a person can be righteous one minute and unrighteous the next; and if that person does not become righteous again before his death, he will miss heaven and end up in hell. This is not true. When God made us righteous in Christ Jesus over nineteen hundred years ago, we had nothing to do with it. When the Spirit of God in Christ is born within us, we are at that moment and forevermore righteous. We receive the nature of God which makes us righteous right then and there.
I believe once a son, always a son. Now can we as sons give up our rights and be adopted by the other side? I think we can. We can forsake our father(God) and then end up in hell. I don't know but I belive it to be true. We sow what we reap. Can I prove that by the word? Aint gonna try.
Look at the good people gone bad. Those that said they believed Romans 10:9&10 and then wreaked havoc on peoples lives makes me wonder if they were really born again. I know SIT is proof but some people do switch sides even if they believed Romans 10:9&10.
Many denominations have erroneously taught that a person can be righteous one minute and unrighteous the next; and if that person does not become righteous again before his death, he will miss heaven and end up in hell. This is not true. When God made us righteous in Christ Jesus over nineteen hundred years ago, we had nothing to do with it. When the Spirit of God in Christ is born within us, we are at that moment and forevermore righteous. We receive the nature of God which makes us righteous right then and there.
That comment, was used a "bait" in PFAL to prove the excellency of TWI
What I asked for was a Teaching, not PFAL, that was addressed to PFAL graduates that said "it's okay to leave TWI because you'll still have all your son ship rights"
But I do want to thank you for further clarifying leadership Mindset
"When the Spirit of God in Christ is born within us, we are at that moment and forevermore righteous."
When the Spirit of God in Christ is born within us, we are at that moment and forevermore righteous, even when seducing young girls.
When the Spirit of God in Christ is born within us, we are at that moment and forevermore righteous, even when molesting children.
When the Spirit of God in Christ is born within us, we are at that moment and forevermore righteous, even when committing adultery.
When the Spirit of God in Christ is born within us, we are at that moment and forevermore righteous, even when demanding our fellow believers give up more money than they can afford.
When the Spirit of God in Christ is born within us, we are at that moment and forevermore righteous, even when using unrighteous dominion over others.......
Look at the good people gone bad. Those that said they believed Romans 10:9&10 and then wreaked havoc on peoples lives makes me wonder if they were really born again. I know SIT is proof but some people do switch sides even if they believed Romans 10:9&10.
EXACTLY Loafing!!! Either there is more to it then what we understand in romans, or people really can *switch* sides as you stated it.
Think of just how many people who sit`s in twi ... who manifest nothing but the fruit that galatians says unquestioningly brands them as *of the flesh* and there for having *no inheritance in the kingdome of God*
Honestly consider how many people in twi sit`d and yet served satan?
I don`t think that even with our scriptural knowledge aquired in twi that we accurately understand yet the spiritual walk.
But I do want to thank you for further clarifying leadership Mindset
I didn't clarify leadership mindset ... I quoted an excerpt from PFAL that proves twi taught sonship rights are permanent ... which was in response to your suggestion that twi suggested that if one leaves twi, one loses their sonship and sonship rights, which in and of itself blatantly would contradict established twi teachings.
Regarding mindset of leadership? I do not make blanket accusations ... my view is leaders varied in many ways.. there were good ones and bad ones; good ones who sometimes acted bad and bad ones who sometimes acted good; .... but basically, a leaders mindset is determined by the individual making the decision in a particular instance.
...... of itself blatantly would contradict established TWI teachings.
Which is why so many of us were so dumbfounded when we were met with the accusations, threats, bullying and smear campaigns when we did leave or try to leave.
And, I'm still waiting for a teaching given to PFAL grads , or any statement that said, you didn't lose those rights. I see you're still on PFAL ---could it be that you can't produce such a statement outside of PFAL because it doesn't exist????
Regarding mindset of leadership? I do not make blanket accusations ... my view is leaders varied in many ways.. there were good ones and bad ones; good ones who sometimes acted bad and bad ones who sometimes acted good; .... but basically, a leaders mindset is determined by the individual making the decision in a particular instance
And that begs the question, how can one be bad, act bad and claim "we are at that moment and forevermore righteous"
It is a spiritual impossibility to preform unrighteously and be righteous simultaneously.
That leaves only two other options
1) when behaving unrighteously leadership was no longer righteous which would "blatantly would contradict established TWI teachings" or
2) established teaching was correct in which case, leadership was never righteous, since they were performing unrighteously, which means THE SPIRIT OF GOD WAS NEVER BORN IN THEM.
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What drivel...
The righteous give and spare not, but earlier she says that even well-meaning Christians give and do great works aren't righteous.
(Translation: Give to us and you'll be righteous. Give to a "religion" and you aren't.)
If we hold these edifying truths in our minds and act on them, we bring them into reality in our lives.
(Translation: If we think we're right all the time, we will never be able to admit we're wrong. Ever.)
What is confessed with the mouth and believed in the heart will absolutely come to pass, for God is faithful to carry out his promises.
(Translation: Yes, we tell God exactly what to do.)
Oh, where are the Tums...
She's WC, huh?
A PFAL Foundational class grad should have been able to write that!
(They haven't paid the light bill in decades!)
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..."To walk in the way of abundance and power"?
Hmmm..."power for abundant living" means that the "power" is a means to get to the "abundant living", which is the end result...walking in the way of "abundance and power" however, means that both the abundance and the power are both an end in themselves.
The fact is that you receive neither abundance nor power when you associate with twi...You are actually giving THEM your abundance and giving THEM power to control you! The roots of a tree are hidden underground and receive their nourishment in secret...
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Tom Strange
PABLUM... is that the right word? ...spelling? get my drift...
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She didn't say that well-meaning Christians aren't righteous.
She said "these good works do not make them righteous".
She is saying that we were made righteous by faith, through the works of Jesus Christ... not our own good works. (Philippians 3:9)
Confessing with your mouth and believing in your heart something that God promises is not telling God what to do it is confessing with your mouth and believing in your heart something that God has promised.
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I hear there's an opening in the Research Dept.
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This is a terrific article.
Thanks Belle.
It appears twi isn't out of the woods just yet. :)
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I would be the first to agree that works will not righteousness grant--The LDS Church teaches that works are the manifestation of being a follower of Jesus Christ "by their fruits shall ye know them"
But there is a much more subtle message here "We have only to believe God's word to manifest our free, God-given righteousness." and "As many as freely claim his gift by confessing Jesus as lord and believing God raised him from the dead"
This is TWI's linchpin--the foundation that permitted the sexual misconduct, the yelling, the prying the control. Per them "Righteous" was a gift, given like a birthday present--and, although it is never stated as such, a get out of jail free pass for any conduct. How many times did we hear, "God does't condemn You" "claim your sonship rights".
"Right Behavior" is a form of works, and we didn't need works, and since works didn't gain righteousness, the unspoken message was they couldn't loose it either unless you left TWI of course--In which case you were no longer a "son"
Subtle and devilish
And by taking "works"away as the proof of being a follower of Christ and substituting SIT--they finished the circle
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Thank God I'm not required to read all that.
It looks almost exactly like what I was hearing and reading over 25 years ago.
Do any of those people ever grow, change or mature?
or are they stuck in some sort of bizarre timewarp where you have to listen to the same broken record (and it is a bad broken record) over and over and over and over and over for all eternity?
You gotta wonder
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Mo, when did twi teach or suggest that if you left twi, you lost God's righteousness, and were no longer a son of God?
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I was taught something mighty similar.....that if you left twi that you left God`s hand of protection....that you would die spiritually ...and then physically.
You also would lose all of your rewards at the bema and would be so spiritually contaminated that you might get others posessed.
No, technically not a revocation of son ship....but mighty close. You weren`t part of the household any more.
You had to do an awfull lot of *WORKS* in order to stay IN fellowship and IN good standing with God and the household.....AND in order to recieve every award that you had earned in this life at the bema.
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Oldies, no one would come right out and say that leaving TWI stripped you of your rights and standing, but you know that by saying we would be greasespots by midnight implies that we would be an open target to to the devil.
Now, if I, with or without TWI's teachings, believe that I am a Son of God, then I have His protection and love whatever the circumstances. Building the fear of reprocussion by the devil if I leave is saying that I no longer have God's protection or the blessings of His righteous hand in my life.
I don't think that it takes a huge leap in intelligent thought to realize the subtle implications. Remember Donna's blurb on Naoma and Art? She died because Art left. Well, when Art left, was he still a son of God? Yes. What happened was an unbearable tragedy, but to say that it happened because he left TWI was putrid garbage.
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I think the phrase "sold out to the adversary" pretty well covers that as well as "no longer standing on the word"
I mean you aren't really suggesting that TWI taught that even if you left TWI you kept all your sonship rights are you???
And , if that is the case, please post the letter, teaching or whatever, where that was taught or said.
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Ok everyone ...
"Let's do the Time Warp Again!!!!!"
Every time I attempt to read one of these articles... I want to do this....
and it seems like this
starts to happen. I know we have people just waiting to see what goes wrong with us since we left "the household"
In reality, I had missed out on a huge chunk of life since I was so busy obeying twi. I started to neglect that intimate relationship I was supposed to have with God and with Jesus Christ.
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Some have erroneously taught that righteousness may be earned by performing good works. Reading the scriptures for ourselves enlightens us on the difference between God’s righteousness and man’s opinions of righteousness. Sincerity is no guarantee for truth.
Deuteronomy 6:25
"And it shall be our righteousness, IF we observe to DO (works) ALL (not missing even 1, even one time) these commandments before the Lord our God, as he hath commanded us."
Righteousness by "good works" which Jesus Christ did, so we do not have to. If someone kept EVERY commandment of God, every time and never missed, that person wouldn't have any conciousness of sin, guilt or condemnation. The problem was, although it was "possible" God knew no one ever would, except Jesus.
My point being, by Robin not being specific as to who erroneously taught, she was wrong. If she would have said "Christians," then she would have been right. Either way the whole thing was just so boring, boring, boring, boring.........
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Thanks Belle for stomaching the Way Rag to remind us that we are not missing anything!
I wonder if boring people is a sin?
They call themselves a "research" ministry, yet it is completely "rehash" and "review." There is absolutely nothing "fresh" or invigorating to the minds of the readers.
My young daughter (Miss Patriot) has gone through different screenings at her school because she is handling the material (reading, math, etc.) so easily (yeah, I'm bragging :)). Why? Because, if she stays at a level too basic for her, she would be bored, not push herself to be better. I read these articles, and the same old trite sayings (e.g. "Sincerity is no guarantee for truth" quotes from the same old Blue Book, etc.), covering the same old topics taught in every class, in the exact same, dummed-down manner, ....and you just have to believe that it is having a negative impact on their people (especially the advanced ones). No growth, no challenge, nothing specific, fresh, or deep thought provoking. Boring, boring, boring!
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allan w.
Have to agree with ya Olds..things have a habit of getting twisted by smoe people !
Yea, good article, even if it is the 'same old, same old'.
The DARN SHAME is that twi forgot HOW TO transfer their 'teachings' into the 'practical realm' !!
I guess they're walking in 'practical error'.
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Which *household*??? That of twi, or God?? And yes -- there is a difference. :)
The household of God is spiritual -- above this world.
The household of twi is physical --- and of this world.
I would rather hear Balaam's foot speak.
(For once an foot got it right) ---
(I think there is a figure of speech there, somewhere -- )
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But whether that is true or false still would not negate a persons sonship or sonship rights, which is not based upon man's works, but the works of God in Christ Jesus that has been bestowed upon us who believe.
Of course I am. They are permanent. Righteousness, sanctification, justification, redemption, ministry of reconciliation.Here's an excerpt on righteousness:
You are Righteous NowThe Bible Tells Me So
Pages 70-71
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I believe once a son, always a son. Now can we as sons give up our rights and be adopted by the other side? I think we can. We can forsake our father(God) and then end up in hell. I don't know but I belive it to be true. We sow what we reap. Can I prove that by the word? Aint gonna try.
Look at the good people gone bad. Those that said they believed Romans 10:9&10 and then wreaked havoc on peoples lives makes me wonder if they were really born again. I know SIT is proof but some people do switch sides even if they believed Romans 10:9&10.
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That comment, was used a "bait" in PFAL to prove the excellency of TWI
What I asked for was a Teaching, not PFAL, that was addressed to PFAL graduates that said "it's okay to leave TWI because you'll still have all your son ship rights"
But I do want to thank you for further clarifying leadership Mindset
"When the Spirit of God in Christ is born within us, we are at that moment and forevermore righteous."
When the Spirit of God in Christ is born within us, we are at that moment and forevermore righteous, even when seducing young girls.
When the Spirit of God in Christ is born within us, we are at that moment and forevermore righteous, even when molesting children.
When the Spirit of God in Christ is born within us, we are at that moment and forevermore righteous, even when committing adultery.
When the Spirit of God in Christ is born within us, we are at that moment and forevermore righteous, even when demanding our fellow believers give up more money than they can afford.
When the Spirit of God in Christ is born within us, we are at that moment and forevermore righteous, even when using unrighteous dominion over others.......
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EXACTLY Loafing!!! Either there is more to it then what we understand in romans, or people really can *switch* sides as you stated it.
Think of just how many people who sit`s in twi ... who manifest nothing but the fruit that galatians says unquestioningly brands them as *of the flesh* and there for having *no inheritance in the kingdome of God*
Honestly consider how many people in twi sit`d and yet served satan?
I don`t think that even with our scriptural knowledge aquired in twi that we accurately understand yet the spiritual walk.
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How could they teach it? Look what they did and are doing in the name of God.
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I didn't clarify leadership mindset ... I quoted an excerpt from PFAL that proves twi taught sonship rights are permanent ... which was in response to your suggestion that twi suggested that if one leaves twi, one loses their sonship and sonship rights, which in and of itself blatantly would contradict established twi teachings.
Regarding mindset of leadership? I do not make blanket accusations ... my view is leaders varied in many ways.. there were good ones and bad ones; good ones who sometimes acted bad and bad ones who sometimes acted good; .... but basically, a leaders mindset is determined by the individual making the decision in a particular instance.
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Which is why so many of us were so dumbfounded when we were met with the accusations, threats, bullying and smear campaigns when we did leave or try to leave.
And, I'm still waiting for a teaching given to PFAL grads , or any statement that said, you didn't lose those rights. I see you're still on PFAL ---could it be that you can't produce such a statement outside of PFAL because it doesn't exist????
And that begs the question, how can one be bad, act bad and claim "we are at that moment and forevermore righteous"
It is a spiritual impossibility to preform unrighteously and be righteous simultaneously.
That leaves only two other options
1) when behaving unrighteously leadership was no longer righteous which would "blatantly would contradict established TWI teachings" or
2) established teaching was correct in which case, leadership was never righteous, since they were performing unrighteously, which means THE SPIRIT OF GOD WAS NEVER BORN IN THEM.
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