The only thing that I recall (vaguely) was something from LCM in the 90's about the reason for the holacaust was to cause people to turn against Germany, forgetting the good that Martin Luther did with his thesis. As I said, the details are vague but it was something to that effect during a SNS between 95-01.
My recollections of all the yelling craiggers did about that are vague too. That's why I'm so glad we have archives here and many others helping fill in the gaps. :)
I remember, too, craiggers yelling about how the Jews today aren't the bloodline Jews talked about in the Bible and that they are so deceived and greedy and sold out to the devil that it's pathetic. And, of course, he reminded us that they are all going to HE11 anyway since they don't believe Romans 10:9,10.
was something from LCM in the 90's about the reason for the holacaust was to cause people to turn against Germany, forgetting the good that Martin Luther did with his thesis.
LCM does know that we are talking 423+ years difference between these two events, right??? Of all the lame excuses for teaching outright falsehood....
LOL! Templelady, you'd be surprised to hear some of the political b.s. he would spout from the pulpit. I have some tapes....will have to see if there's anything worth transcribing on them some day.
Patriot! Give my love to Mrs. Patriot and the cutie pies, too!
"The Jews of today are no more Jews than the Apachee Indians are."
This was often stated in context that the Jews today are in control of much of our society such as Hollywood, the media, etc. It was always sort of a cutting jab at the Jews of today. It was derogatory. It was stated that the whole Holocaust thing was a trick of the devil, totally exagerrated, to empower the Jews of today and cause society to feel sorry for them.
And if you believe that I have a small one bedroom condo in Miami I would like to sell you for a mere $4million.
Boy, teaching sure must have changes since I left in '76. I knew TWI taught that the present day Jews we not decendants of the OT Jews, but were primarly made of a group of Gentiles that converted in the 2nd or 3rd Century. But I never ever heard them teach that the events of the Holocost were a lie. How sad, and disrespectful towards all those that suffered and died, and lost family during those horrible times.
Can't guarantee 100% accuracy, but someone close to the source told me that Dr. S*mm*rv*ll* (retired Marine - who is married to VPW's daughter, Mary) and VPW's contention, and the subsequent non-involvement with twi was due to VPW's / LCM's anti-Israel determination.
I remember hearing his Marine sharings of the past. He seemed like a high-quality man, with integrity, who served his country well in the Marines. It must have been quite contentious since he actually married a daughter of VPW's.
I've personally heard him (and I would never intentionally bear false witness against anyone, even LCM) rag all over Israel in many ways. Comments like (not exact, but close in content):
"We (the US) should cut off foreign aid, starting with Israel."
"How would they defend themselves without us....throw bagels?" (kind of a racial slur, eh?)
Since he never thought for himself originally (if he did, he probably would have encouraged others to do so), then more than likely he got this anti-Israel adamacy from his father, VPW, or both.
And that whole incident when God gave him revelation, during the AC Special while the first Gulf War was on, why George Bush Sr, had us go to war with Iraq. It had nothing to do with Saddam invading a very important oil producing nation for the US, nor his stated quests of taking over the entire territory that produced the oil we need, nor the UN's declarations against him, etc. No no, it was only to protect Israel. Yeah, that may have been part of the plan, but is that the ONLY reason? And why is protecting Israel so bad? Would he rather see the only democracy in the middle east, our best friend there, wiped out? What a moron! And to think I actually regarded him and his rantings! :(
Oh, by the way, I also heard LCM once say that VPW said (regarding WWII) that history would have shown that we were on the wrong side, and that Hitler was not bad trying to overthrow the Jewish control of Europe.
Whether VPW ever said that or not, I definitely heard LCM vocalize that. Wouldn't that be a heck of a comment to quote him on in the newspapers!
Even if the modern day Jews are not descendants of the OT Jews, he really had his ax to grind.
I didn't say it was the most viable reason, nor do I necessarily believe that.
But what I responded to was the question "Why is protecting Israel so bad" and I gave a reasonable answer based upon evidence from someone who was in a position to know.
But what I responded to was the question "Why is protecting Israel so bad" and I gave a reasonable answer based upon evidence from someone who was in a position to know.
So why is it 'a bad thing' that we, because of a defense treaty that we signed with Isreal, who is regarded by many, both Republican and Democrat, to be a very good friend of the United States, should defend Isreal? Any more than we would defend Great Britian, or Japan, or any other of the countries that are allied with the United States? ... That's what friends do, Oldiesman. Go to the defense of those whom we regard as our friends when they are attacked.
Or doesn't the Word have something to say about that?
Your answer was NOT reasonable, any more than VPW's or LCMs disregard for Isreal.
From what I've seen, I think the evidence shows that our continued alliance with this country has cost us way way more in lives and money than any return we may have received from it.
You are free to explain what we have gained in return for the $100 billions past donations, and perpetual donations, and continued lives lost, to protect this ally. ...
Protecting a democracy from being exterminated by a bunch of Islamo-facists who have no sense of the values of freedom or democracy whatsoever? Yeah, I think that's valuable to protect.
Now I don't go along with the 'biblical end times' reason for protecting Isreal, but I do go along with the reason I just gave. Like it being the same reason why we fought Nazi Germany, the Empire of Japan, etc. And they cost us billions too. ... And I think that the results are obvious, don't you?
And keep in mind, that the number of U.S. lives lost to protecting Isreal aren't near the amount that you seem to think it is. Nowhere near at all.
I'll wait to weigh in until after this gets moved to the politic and tacks area... but...
Part of me thinks that "the Arab World" would go on attacking us if we "dropped" them... and Part of me thinks we should just move them over here... or somewhere else...
But all of me thinks something's got to change... that much I know...
Almost can't even reply here - LCM and his anti-anything that isn't way should be obvious to everyone here. - Jews, Apaches, Honda owners.. But then I watch some of the same turmoil show up on this forum and it is sort of sad - or maybe some other words. You can get rid of Bush, Hussein, Bin Layden, Clinton, Johnson , Chavez, and their will always be other slime to to take their place. This forum started out with some honest views and now sounds like everyone defending their party.
Almost can't even reply here - LCM and his anti-anything that isn't way should be obvious to everyone here. - Jews, Apaches, Honda owners.. But then I watch some of the same turmoil show up on this forum and it is sort of sad - or maybe some other words. You can get rid of Bush, Hussein, Bin Layden, Clinton, Johnson , Chavez, and their will always be other slime to to take their place. This forum started out with some honest views and now sounds like everyone defending their party.
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The only thing that I recall (vaguely) was something from LCM in the 90's about the reason for the holacaust was to cause people to turn against Germany, forgetting the good that Martin Luther did with his thesis. As I said, the details are vague but it was something to that effect during a SNS between 95-01.
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Thanks, Vyctorya911.
My recollections of all the yelling craiggers did about that are vague too. That's why I'm so glad we have archives here and many others helping fill in the gaps. :)
I remember, too, craiggers yelling about how the Jews today aren't the bloodline Jews talked about in the Bible and that they are so deceived and greedy and sold out to the devil that it's pathetic. And, of course, he reminded us that they are all going to HE11 anyway since they don't believe Romans 10:9,10.
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I remember LCM's reasonings that the holocaust was fake (similar to the current president of Iran) because of two books:
The Hoax of the 20th Century
The Myth of the 6 Million
Never read them, but I've seen reviews that made both of them seem like wives fables.
Love ya Belle!
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LCM does know that we are talking 423+ years difference between these two events, right??? Of all the lame excuses for teaching outright falsehood....
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LOL! Templelady, you'd be surprised to hear some of the political b.s. he would spout from the pulpit. I have some tapes....will have to see if there's anything worth transcribing on them some day.
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Quote by LCM often:
"The Jews of today are no more Jews than the Apachee Indians are."
This was often stated in context that the Jews today are in control of much of our society such as Hollywood, the media, etc. It was always sort of a cutting jab at the Jews of today. It was derogatory. It was stated that the whole Holocaust thing was a trick of the devil, totally exagerrated, to empower the Jews of today and cause society to feel sorry for them.
And if you believe that I have a small one bedroom condo in Miami I would like to sell you for a mere $4million.
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He made virtually the same statement on the Tape of the Month
"the Mark of Quality" in the mid-80s.
"The Jews of today are no more 'God's chosen people' than the Apaches."
Odd how he kept singling out the Apaches in his statement.
Never a European ethnic group, never another nation, always Apaches.
That whole tape pretty much was "lcm on politics".
It's worth listening to if you ever need to disabuse yourself of the notion
that lcm knew what he was talking about.
The man's entire education consisted of regular school thru college-
where he was NOT a Political Science major,
then being completely cut off from the outside world and being
conditioned in twi, where the only consistent news sources
were the Liberty Lobby and the John Birch Society.
And he considered himself some sort of political analyst/commentator/expert.
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More like he considers himself as the most knowledgeable man or the most know-it-all since he's the MOG
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Boy, teaching sure must have changes since I left in '76. I knew TWI taught that the present day Jews we not decendants of the OT Jews, but were primarly made of a group of Gentiles that converted in the 2nd or 3rd Century. But I never ever heard them teach that the events of the Holocost were a lie. How sad, and disrespectful towards all those that suffered and died, and lost family during those horrible times.
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Interesting point -
Can't guarantee 100% accuracy, but someone close to the source told me that Dr. S*mm*rv*ll* (retired Marine - who is married to VPW's daughter, Mary) and VPW's contention, and the subsequent non-involvement with twi was due to VPW's / LCM's anti-Israel determination.
I remember hearing his Marine sharings of the past. He seemed like a high-quality man, with integrity, who served his country well in the Marines. It must have been quite contentious since he actually married a daughter of VPW's.
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Now, LCM was adamantly anti-Israel
I've personally heard him (and I would never intentionally bear false witness against anyone, even LCM) rag all over Israel in many ways. Comments like (not exact, but close in content):
"We (the US) should cut off foreign aid, starting with Israel."
"How would they defend themselves without us....throw bagels?" (kind of a racial slur, eh?)
Since he never thought for himself originally (if he did, he probably would have encouraged others to do so), then more than likely he got this anti-Israel adamacy from his father, VPW, or both.
And that whole incident when God gave him revelation, during the AC Special while the first Gulf War was on, why George Bush Sr, had us go to war with Iraq. It had nothing to do with Saddam invading a very important oil producing nation for the US, nor his stated quests of taking over the entire territory that produced the oil we need, nor the UN's declarations against him, etc. No no, it was only to protect Israel. Yeah, that may have been part of the plan, but is that the ONLY reason? And why is protecting Israel so bad? Would he rather see the only democracy in the middle east, our best friend there, wiped out? What a moron! And to think I actually regarded him and his rantings! :(
Oh, by the way, I also heard LCM once say that VPW said (regarding WWII) that history would have shown that we were on the wrong side, and that Hitler was not bad trying to overthrow the Jewish control of Europe.
Whether VPW ever said that or not, I definitely heard LCM vocalize that. Wouldn't that be a heck of a comment to quote him on in the newspapers!
Even if the modern day Jews are not descendants of the OT Jews, he really had his ax to grind.
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For the same reason it was bad trying to protect South Vietnam.
Connect the dots.
We as a country take huge losses in lives and money, with little or nothing to gain.
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"Why is protecting Israel so bad?"
Last I heard,
we've lost lives in Afghanistan,
and we're currently losing lives in Iraq.
Have we been sending troops into Israel when I wasn't looking?
I thought we didn't have the troops to SPARE at this time....
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The idea that the U.S. invaded Iraq to protect Israel, thereby shedding U.S. blood, isn't that far fetched and has some weight.
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The idea that we invaded Iraq for reasons involving OIL, thereby shedding U.S. blood,
isn't that far-fetched and has some weight.
The idea that we invaded Iraq because Dubya had something personal out for Hussein
and Iraq, thereby shedding U.S. blood,
isn't that far-fetched and has some weight.
I'm sure there's other possible reasons as well.
You pick that one as the MOST viable reason for invasion,
and that's the ENTIRE rationale for your statement?
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I didn't say it was the most viable reason, nor do I necessarily believe that.
But what I responded to was the question "Why is protecting Israel so bad" and I gave a reasonable answer based upon evidence from someone who was in a position to know.
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So why is it 'a bad thing' that we, because of a defense treaty that we signed with Isreal, who is regarded by many, both Republican and Democrat, to be a very good friend of the United States, should defend Isreal? Any more than we would defend Great Britian, or Japan, or any other of the countries that are allied with the United States? ... That's what friends do, Oldiesman. Go to the defense of those whom we regard as our friends when they are attacked.
Or doesn't the Word have something to say about that?
Your answer was NOT reasonable, any more than VPW's or LCMs disregard for Isreal.
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From what I've seen, I think the evidence shows that our continued alliance with this country has cost us way way more in lives and money than any return we may have received from it.
You are free to explain what we have gained in return for the $100 billions past donations, and perpetual donations, and continued lives lost, to protect this ally. ...
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Protecting a democracy from being exterminated by a bunch of Islamo-facists who have no sense of the values of freedom or democracy whatsoever? Yeah, I think that's valuable to protect.
Now I don't go along with the 'biblical end times' reason for protecting Isreal, but I do go along with the reason I just gave. Like it being the same reason why we fought Nazi Germany, the Empire of Japan, etc. And they cost us billions too. ... And I think that the results are obvious, don't you?
And keep in mind, that the number of U.S. lives lost to protecting Isreal aren't near the amount that you seem to think it is. Nowhere near at all.
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Tom Strange
I'll wait to weigh in until after this gets moved to the politic and tacks area... but...
Part of me thinks that "the Arab World" would go on attacking us if we "dropped" them... and Part of me thinks we should just move them over here... or somewhere else...
But all of me thinks something's got to change... that much I know...
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Almost can't even reply here - LCM and his anti-anything that isn't way should be obvious to everyone here. - Jews, Apaches, Honda owners.. But then I watch some of the same turmoil show up on this forum and it is sort of sad - or maybe some other words. You can get rid of Bush, Hussein, Bin Layden, Clinton, Johnson , Chavez, and their will always be other slime to to take their place. This forum started out with some honest views and now sounds like everyone defending their party.
OK - time to go get sober
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oh no don't get sober !!!! you make so much sense
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Hugs Ex
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If that were true, why didn't Bush Sr. do that after kicking Iraq out of Kuwait?
With all these sanctions. Iraq was a lot less threatening to other countries after the first Gulf War.
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