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Don't You Feel Guilty?


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Hi, Greasespotters!

Well, this year you missed my birthday. It was last week -- March 8th. My mom sent me a shirt set, my daughters sent me a Vera Bradley purse (they know I like 'em but won't buy one for myself), and my Lyme-brained son (the last kid still at home) didn't even remember.

So Happy Birthday to me....

Yesterday, St. Patrick's Day, I was on my way to one of my afternoon jobs teaching gymnastics, and a car flew through a stop sign and crashed into my car (I did not have a stop sign). The first new car I ever bought, an '04 Toyota Corolla, is probably totalled (the frame was bent, and most of the front right engine side is gone). I am very stiff, have some bruises, and probably a sprained left hand (I am left-handed), but am very glad that nothing worse happened to me. I will need a rental car to get to work today, but it will be a challenge to teach ballet to a bunch of 9-11 year-olds. Thank God they are a great group of kids!

Happy St. Patty's Day... I'll have to check the police report, and see if that driver (a woman) was drinking.

So don'tcha feel bad for me? I know a way you can make me feel better.... :)

My son's Lyme doctor is facing charges by the CT state medical board, for treating two out-of-state patients with antibiotics before seeing them in his office. The complaint was brought by the children's father as part of a custody battle. The doctor is being charged with violation of the usual and customary standard of medical care . The first hearing will be this Thursday, March 23.

The board had asked for the 72-year-old doctor to retire and surrender his medical license, but he prefers to fight the charges. This guy is one of the sweetest men you will ever meet. Hey, many of us got into TWI because we wanted to do good. Well, this guy is doing it. He is spending his retirement years treating these very sick children, as he has done for over 30 years. He stays in a small apartment above his office in New Haven. He never turns a patient away due to lack of funds.

Many of the children and their parents have a deep affection for the doctor, and their photos and letters line his office walls. They threw a birthday bash for him at the local zoo on his 70th birthday. Many of these children were seriously ill -- some in wheelchairs, many unable to attend school -- and many were mis-diagnosed and undertreated before coming to see him.

He gained my son's trust when my son was trusting no one. He brought him back from a psychiatric nightmare.

I spoke to the doctor personally about his case. I would not be advocating on his behalf if I didn't know the facts, some of which I cannot divulge here, as they will come up in his defense.

This case goes to the heart of the problems with Lyme disease treatment, i.e. short-term v long-term antibiotic treatment. (The doctor was having the out of state children begin a long course of treatment before he could see them in person, because he has a months-long waiting list.) Lyme disease is the largest vector-borne disease in the US. There are currently 2 separate standards of care, both published in peer-review medical journals: one advocating a short course of antibiotics, and the other advocating treatment until cessation of symptoms.

Since there are two protocols, it remains the right of the patient to decide which one is in his/her best interest. Some celebrities who have gone the route of long-term antibiotics have included author Amy Tan, singer Darryl Hall, and FL football player Wayne Sexton.

Now, about assuaging YOUR guilt...

Could you please make a donation (any amount) to Dr. Jones' legal defense fund? He has retained a top-rate lawyer who knows this board and has won before it in the past, but he is expensive. A website for his defense fund has been set up HERE . They even take PayPal, to make donating easier.

Please guys, the only time I have ever asked a favor of this group was 5 years ago, when a lawyer/poster helped me with the wording of my divorce decree. I am asking now, on behalf of my son, and on behalf of Lyme patients young and old everywhere, who will be affected if Lyme doctors become too afraid to treat.

Thank you for reading this whole long post. I will be happy to answer any other questions, either on or off the board.



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I'm sorry I missed your birthday, but if it doesn't show up on the bottom of the screen, I have no way of knowing. :)

I'm so sorry about your car! I hate being dependent on someone else and I really hate not having my wheels. Hopefully she has good insurance and will be able to cover all the expenses for getting your car and - especially YOU - back into shape. Maybe you'll get a new car?

I also hope you heal up quickly with as little inconvenience and pain as possible!!

Since I'm no longer giving TWI 18% of my income I'll be more than happy to make a contribution to your son's doctor's lawyer fund.

I really am sorry that I missed your birthday. You contribute a lot here and I'm always glad to see your name on the boards.

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Shaz -- Happy belated. :)

Hey -- your birthday doesn't show up on the GS Calendar, so how wuz we suppozed to know?

Revelation???? :blink: :nono5: :blink:

Regardless -- I sent in a donation for the Doc.

(if your left hand was sprained -- does that make you *all right*??)

(sorry -- bad joke, eh?) :unsure:

God bless, and good luck. Hope you are feeling/doing better.


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Happy Birthday Shaz!!!

Getting serious. I know first hand how horrible living with Lyme Disease is. I had that (in addition to other things) a few years back. After 2 weeks in the hospital, I had to inject myself for the next month with antibiotics through a site that went straight to my heart (to better pump it through my body). It took quite a long time before I was symptom-free. In the meantime, I ended up losing my job because I was unable to work.

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Hi Belle,

Heck, I never even scrolled down that far before, didn't know there was a calendar in this new format. Aw, now I'M embarrassed :redface: :D !

Belle, chef, and David, thanks so much for your donations! You should now go around for the rest of this weekend with one hand making the Presidential wave, the other patting yourself on the back! Seriously, I am very touched that you would do this.

Frankly, I don't just want my son's doc to win his case -- I want the medical board to feel ashamed for even bringing it up! Do I think that will happen? Nah, but it's a great fantasy. Winning will be enough.

I just got back from the ER, sent by my PCP's office to x-ray a couple of things. It turns out that nothing's busted, but I have a few things that are gonna take a little time to get better. Give me ibuprophen...

Dear moony,

Omigoodness, yes, you know what it is like! Were you able to get a decent diagnosis right away? I would liken the fatigue, pain, and brain confusion to what it's like to be, er, hit by a car! And I am hoping that this accident doesn't trigger another relapse. Deep cleansing breaths, Shazzie... :yawn1:

I have spoken to many people who have been on a PICC or central line for IV antibiotics. Did you feel your health turn around suddenly, or gradually? I hope you are doing well now. I am currently maintaining a pretty good level of health, and just take a few vitamins and supplements to support that. It also doesn't hurt that I'm back into decent shape (or I was, until yesterday :blink: ). If I bounce back from this accident like "regular people," I will be very pleased.

Hey chef,

I'm actually going to be up your way for a gym meet tomorrow (at the community center), but I'll be working all day and won't be in much of a mood to socialize. (All I can say is, my kids better do well!) But I'd love to come up some time on a Saturday and check out the downtown, which looks pretty cool. I'm always there for Sunday meets, and never get the chance to play tourist.

I will let you all know how the hearings are going. Again, thanks you guys, from my heart.

Take care,


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Belle, chef, and David, thanks so much for your donations! You should now go around for the rest of this weekend with one hand making the Presidential wave, the other patting yourself on the back! Seriously, I am very touched that you would do this.

Shaz -- you're family. That's enough. :)

Proud to help (with no patting-on-the-back). ;)

Edited by dmiller
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Dear moony,

Omigoodness, yes, you know what it is like! Were you able to get a decent diagnosis right away? I would liken the fatigue, pain, and brain confusion to what it's like to be, er, hit by a car! And I am hoping that this accident doesn't trigger another relapse. Deep cleansing breaths, Shazzie...

I have spoken to many people who have been on a PICC or central line for IV antibiotics. Did you feel your health turn around suddenly, or gradually? I hope you are doing well now. I am currently maintaining a pretty good level of health, and just take a few vitamins and supplements to support that. It also doesn't hurt that I'm back into decent shape (or I was, until yesterday ).

No, I didn't get the diagnosis at first, that's mostly why I was in the hospital so long. As far as the PICC line, it was a gradual thing. I was exhausted all the time, but still tried to overdo it, cause I didn't want to just sleep all the time. I had to use a walker, because of weakness and dizziness. I had visual problems and mostly read from the computer using the magnification feature on 2x -3x. When I had to write or read, I used a magnifying glass, which I kept in my purse. Of course, I couldn't drive, which was very frustrating, as I value my freedom.

I believe I got the tick bite while hiking in the woods when I was on vacation in Alabama. Now, whenever I go up there, I wear long pants, socks, and a long shirt (I would wear shorts, no socks, and a tank top before.)

I'm healthy now and cherish each day of health.

Edited by moony3424
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