A poll to scratch my curiosity itch
Which shoe fits you? (If any.)
80 members have voted
1. Coming away from twi my experience was...
Way Corps grad/value what I learned and stood for5
Way Corps grad/wish I'd never experienced Way Corps but glad for the twi experience1
Way Corps grad/wish it was done the way I thought it was going to be done4
Way Corps grad/rue the day I fell for any of it6
Way Corps grad/mixed feelings5
Way Corps non-grad/wish I had finished2
Way Corps non-grad/glad I didn't finish9
Way Corps non-grad/mixed feelings2
Leadership of some sort (twig, branch, limb, etc.)/value the experience and what I was able to do for people5
Leadership of some sort/wish I'd never been in such a position2
Leadership of some sort/mixed feelings6
Advance Class grad/value the knowledge2
Advance Class grad/wish I didn't know some of the stuff2
Advance Class grad/feel the knowledge is useless outside of twi7
Advance Class grad/mixed feelings4
Average PFAL grad/thankful for the knowledge and would take the class again4
Average PFAL grad/feel it was a waste of time and money5
Average PFAL grad/wish I had gone farther in twi0
Average PFAL grad/mixed feelings8
None of the above1
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Hope R.
I went back and forth between "rue the day" and "mixed feelings" and settled on the latter.
The only reason my feelings are mixed is that if I hadn't been in the Corps I wouldn't have met so many wonderful people and I wouldn't have gone to a Corps weekend in Florida and met my husband of 24 years.
The people (for the most part) were great.
The rest (for the most part) was crap. 
Edited by Hope R.Link to comment
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Thank you to everybody!
79 votes have been registered.
Here is how the poll breaks down (at least so far):
Average PFAL grad/mixed feelings [ 8 ] [10.13%]
Leadership of some sort/mixed feelings [ 6 ] [7.59%]
Way Corps grad/mixed feelings [ 5 ] [6.33%]
Leadership of some sort (twig, branch, limb, etc.)/value the experience and what I was able to do for
people [ 5 ] [6.33%]
Average PFAL grad/feel it was a waste of time and money [ 5 ] [6.33%]
Advance Class grad/mixed feelings [ 4 ] [5.06%]
Average PFAL grad/thankful for the knowledge and would take the class again [ 4 ] [5.06%]
Way Corps non-grad/mixed feelings [ 2 ] [2.53%]
Advance Class grad/value the knowledge [ 2 ] [2.53%]
Leadership of some sort/wish I'd never been in such a position [ 2 ] [2.53%]
Advance Class grad/wish I didn't know some of the stuff [ 2 ] [2.53%]
None of the above [ 1 ] [1.27%]
Don't know that these results say anything specific except that zero "average PFAL grads" wish they had gone farther in twi.
I was surprised to see that no clear pattern came of this. Before this poll I honestly thought that there was an obvious division between those who were higher up on the way tree and those who were farther down the way tree.
What this poll has shown me is that such a division is in my head. I need to look at that, imo.
Again, thanks everybody!
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