OKAY, now that we have the question of two meetings, two incidents settled, I do have a gun incident that DID take place at THAT November meeting that REALLY ILLUSTRATES (even more) the insane, paranoid, power hungry, RIDICULOUS times that were spawned by pop.
Prior to those meetings, I was assigned to be a guest buddy for a number of the visiting clergy. While setting up the guest rooms in the dormitory. I entered one of the rooms I was responsible for and found the "chuck norris" type of LC from Texas, standing on a chair with one of the ceiling tiles out and half of his body up in the ceiling. The other clergy guy was standing on the floor next to him, handing him things. They both looked shocked when I walked in, and both had the "deer in the headlights" look on their faces.
I just greeted them and acted as if every room I went into had clergy in the ceiling....and never mentioned it to anyone, ever again.
A few years ago, someone came in to gspt and was telling this same story from the perspective of the clergy guys, and this poster said that the guys were hiding a hand gun in the ceiling!!!!!! :blink: I tried to contact the clergy guy on the floor and ask him EXACTLY what were they doing? But, I was never able to find him. Then last year.......out of the blue he emailed me and we chatted about that event...........sure enough, those two lunatics were hiding a hand gun in the ceiling!!!!!! Thank God, both of those men were truly fire arms experts and nobody did anything stupid.
SO, my last thoughts on this...........those were totally f u c k e d up times and I am so glad they are in my very distant past.
Funny Radar... I was just sending a PM to likeaneagle about the meeting I was at. I didn't know there was more than one - I left the "first" one early... it was too psycho. But in my PM to here I told her that although I didn't see any guns I know Gear always packed and I told here there were two other clergy that I know always packed.
One that I had in mind fits your description perfectly... Chuck Norris type from Texas who was a gun expert. Betcha dollars to donuts that we're talking about the same two people.
And yep - I'm glad those days are in the distant past.
The last ROA I was at (95') there was a huge black silhouette cut out of a cowboy (stood about 7ft) leanning up agaisnt the piller of the rear entrance into the Big Top. Wonder if this guy was packing one. I remember thinking it looked awfully intimidating. So it had a purpose,eh . this is the entrance where all the speakers would enter, like the MOG and Joyful Noise,etc. If some of you were there you may remember this..
all that being said... we have the meeting Radar was talking about that was bizarre to say the least and we have the clergy meeting that was also bizarre
There certainly was a lot of bizarre meetings and events that took place in TWI but what do you expect for a bunch of narcissistic megalomaniacs
oddly enough (well it's all odd) when i was confronting the bus driver when he was running britain, he told me to watch out for my dear friend (who almost committed suicide because of that pr ick) because he was "packing BIG ones." i said "big what"?????????? of course he said devil spirits. i guess he always packing big ones on his mind. probably because of his little weenie
Funny Radar... I was just sending a PM to likeaneagle about the meeting I was at. I didn't know there was more than one - I left the "first" one early... it was too psycho. But in my PM to here I told her that although I didn't see any guns I know Gear always packed and I told here there were two other clergy that I know always packed.
by his own ADMISSION, he was a conspiracy nut.
From "Passing of a Patriarch", part I (almost the very end of part I.)
" 'Son, what would you say if I told you I was going to die?'
After a moment I responded: 'Sir, every day that I have been with you I have
always been mentally and physically prepared to accept and deal with your death.
I have known that at any minute your death might come. You know how many
hours I have trained to protect you and all the drills we have been through.
You know that I have literally covered your body with mine when there
were situations that demanded it. I have also pushed my mind to accept and
carry any last-minute instructions that you might give me. I have known that
they might be the last directions for the Ministry.' "
"You know how many hours I have trained to protect you and
all the drills we have been through. You know that I have literally covered
your body with mine when there were situations that demanded it."
I'm going to skip jokes about that and get to the questions.
cg acted like he was Secret Service protecting the President
from assassins-complete with "covering him with your body" stuff
as a human shield. What was a "situation that demanded it?"
cg seems to believe there were assassination attempts on vpw's
life on a number of occassions. Not accidents, otherwise a human
shield is unnecessary. He had to spoil the aim of a shooter.
In hindsight,
with all the conspiracy-talk that people took seriously,
I honestly believe that the time that cg claimed one of the bot
put out a hit on Caballero was completely without substance,
and the bot just presumed each other did it, and didn't question
Although the information on this thread has been familiar to many of us for years, there are many other new folks who probably were not aware of these events...
...I think that the reading of the POP along with the clergy meetings demonstrate the extreme thinking and actions that were taking place in twi at that time. Wierwille handpicked some real whackos and placed them at the top...Why you ask?...Don't forget that Wierwille was a whacko himself (snow on the gaspumps) and "likes" are drawn to each other. Chris Geer, by all accounts, was/is nuttier than a fruitcake.
With the death of Wierwille, everything began to unravel. When the rank and file began to see the tip of the iceberg, they left in droves (myself included)...
Twi today is what remains of this insideous little cult. After thousands and thousands had left twi, Martindale announced that they had reached the goal of word over the world and, IMHO, they gave up and simply decided to live fat off of the abs money collected over the years.
I was very good friends with the Safety Dept. on staff at H.Q., and since I loved to shoot, and would go to the local town range almost every weekend with my .45 or .38, I got to know quite well the group who were armed at H.Q. It was a small club, and since I loved to shoot and was gung-ho about it, I was accepted in. I spent a lot of time with MF, CQ and others.
For your info, VP's drivers were always armed - it was a requirement. One of the newer drivers, who didn't last long (BW) ended up with my used Colt .45 - I had traded it in to the local New Knoxville gun dealer for a 9mm pistol. BW came up to me and said, hey, I have your .45! and we talked about it. DMc who "assisted" the trustees was also always armed.
Safety Dept. was always armed, you just didn't know it, plus they always had their "backups" tucked into the inside of their boots.
Also, all of the guys who were armed, whether safety, or those responsible for driving or protecting VP and the trustees went to survival camps in the southwest, run by "militia" groups - where they learned gun play. These camps could be found in the back of Soldier of Fortune magazine which one of the top clergy suggested I start reading. But even the TWI people were too weird for one of these camps, as they weren't allowed back and had to go to another one.
I remember the corps week at which the POP was read and the corps was in shock. There were two "bodyguards" standing in front of CG constantly scanning the audience in the big top. As I looked around and I also noted all of the safety dept. guys had encircled the big top and were armed. This is when I thought, why is he so paranoid? Who does CG think is going to jump out of the crowd and kill him? I also realized, is this what we've come to? The corps is not trusted and is under armed guard, even though they don't know it? It was a sick situation.
Guns were always there at H.Q. and around VP, the Trustees, LCM, etc. It just wasn't a public thing.
Sunesis, I couldn't have said it better. I was in the Corps with em too. We saw the nuttiness first hand. Thanks for stating what some have thought or are afraid to say.
I've known him since high school, he was my limb leader and I went through the corps with him. He is a venomous hissing snake - yes - I've actually seen him hiss at someone. His nastiness, his sadism - its been discussed by many eyewitnesses, you may want to do a search here on your beloved CG.
He's a paranoid nutcase, selling classes and making money off them to the suckers dumb enough to buy them. He's more legalistic than the taliban.
I have a feeling you're a young, idealistic person, just like we were once, who couldn't believe TWI's "men of God" would do something so wrong.
At your age, I really don't expect you to understand, you'll find out for yourself - eventually. Life is not all black and white. Get back to us when you've experienced life a bit and hit 30.
Why did he have so much power? He was truly VP's best friend - birds of a feather - no one else, even HA I think, came close to being on the same wavelength with VP as CG. Two nasty men who found each other.
Isn't this what always happens when we suspend our rational thoughts in deference to fables?
Be it Medieval crusaders, Salem witch hunters, the Taliban, al qaeda, whatever the group, when you abandon reason and embrace unsupported nonsense, all manner of less-than-wonderful stuff is going to result.
Gawd, the paranoia was sooo ridiculous. I remember Corps Week '86 being like the aftermath of an atomic bomb. People everywhere walking around absolutely shell-shocked.
In retrospect I only find it silly - and maybe mildly amusing...
(and yes, I knew several people that "carried" all the time at Wayworld. It was commonly known amongst most all the staff, IIRC)
Guns were always there at H.Q. and around VP, the Trustees, LCM, etc. It just wasn't a public thing.
True. And they weren't always used safely. I was on staff at HQ living in one of the trailers -I think it was 1977or 78 so VPW was still alive. Geer was not his dirver then - but the guy who was (who later ran off with the wife of a corps grad - but that's another story) lived in the same trailer as me as did a guy on the safety patrol and another guy who worked around the cars and busses. All three of them were very into guns.
One day we were all hanging out in our various rooms and all of a sudden a shot went off. It went through the wall into the bathroom where someone was washing his face. From the location of the hole, it probably went 6 inches from the guy's head. Someone had been in their bedroom cleaning, playing with or just looking at his gun and it went off by accident. For the life of me I can't remember who was almost killed and who did the shooting but since no one was actually hurt not much was said about it.
At the time I didn't realize how screwed up the gun play was.
For the record, at the clergy meeting I was sitting too far back to have noticed a gun under a jacket. I don't recall it being mentioned or taken out. HOWEVER I know Geer was armed most of time and took great pride in it. And the fact that I don't remember doesn't mean it didn't happen - just that my mind set was such that it wouldn't have seemed memorable or unusuall.
In 1982, prior to Living Victoriously......I spent time with this Family Corps guy who had been in the military, munitions expert-type guy. Anyways, he told me that everyday he crawled around under the main stage in the big top tent CHECKING FOR BOMBS.
I'm not making this up....!!!! This guy was assigned to check for any time of device that could be detonated and kill wierwille while he was on main stage.
At the time, I was stunned.......and thought, I'd better wise up and keep sharp.
THank you all for covering the details. Being, I wasnt around TWI during FOG years nor did folks I had knew since 75 ever talk about these days to me. My learning has been in very small increments. I recently (2yrs) listened to the tape that CG did for Corp of USA. I feel deeply for those who put thier hearts and lives as clergy or Corp who take the time to talk and share here.
I have a friend (ex twi) who lives in Ottawa. He once told me that communication broke severly between Canada leardership. Hdqrt's totaly ignored them. What happened to the other countries?
Rumrunner- THank you for taking taking time to answer my questions. Im sure there will be more.
That explains it. The first reference I read to it online was the "November" meeting, which was held in the BRC and that Randy A walked out of in the middle, etc. That meeting, me go. No see gun. Maybe gun, maybe no gun, but me no see gun.
But there was another meeting, me no go, and there were guns. Or a gun. Pistoleros. Hardware. Blue steel. One eyed Jacks. Colts. Shorties. Sleevers. Serious protection for the seriously deranged. I can see that.
Guns? For or against what, I'm not sure. Don Weirwille couldn't have taken 10 quick steps without hacking up the remains of his first shortie Kool of the day. What's Craig going to do? Dance? Badly enough to scare people? Howard's another case. That wiry frame, beady eyes. He might have been worth watching.
Maybe they weren't to keep people out, but to keep people in. As another hour of Geer's relentless posturing and snorting would have led any sane person to have at least feigned a bathroom break.
Hopefully, no new ones will be ripped due to this post, as it would be a waste today, really. Other days, of possible benefit. Maybe I can take a Rip Credit, as some days it would be a help. Put me down for one. I'll be back.
I remember sitting near the front row at a ROA evening meeting and there were around 4 guys standing around the stage, looking like Secret Service agents. I also remember someone who I think was CG coming and sitting to the stage right rear in a folding chair. I could see he had a gun shoulder holstered under his sport coat while Dr. Wierwille was teaching. I remember thinking that this was alot of security since Dr. Wierwille was riding around in his golf cart all day talking with people without any security along for the ride.
I was wondering if they were worried some wierd groupy was going to try to jump up on stage and do a Sirhan sirhan or something of the sort.
In my years of involvement this was my only experience of seeing guns out of place except for Dave Bedard with his MAL piece.
I had a handgun at the November meeting. I kept it in my room, in my sea bag. But, I have always carried a handgun. It's a Smith And Wesson nine milimeter semi auto double action w8ith an ambidextrous safety. But, I have always carried it. My reason for bringing it had nothing to do with the nature of the meeting though. I just always carried it when on the road (we drove there from Oklahoma). But, I didn't feel the need to have it there because of the "serious spiritual times " we were going through, I just always carry a hand gun. So far, I have not needed it, and I am more than happy for that. Don't want to shoot nobody. But, nobody is going to take my kid's Daddy away from them if I can help it...
I was aware of the bomb checks, building inspections, gun carrying leaders. Sheesh, I am one of the most paranoid people I know when it comes to checking things out WAY more than they probably need it, but lordy lordy, I always thought this silly.
Our LC opened his brief case and a guy in our fellowship (twig way back then) saw it and freaked out. When it was explained to him that devil spirits sometimes showed up at twig, he seemed to appear as tho he felt better. Somewhere between the 3rd song and the boring lecture, this guy said he needed to get his Bible out of the car that he'd forgotten.
He got in the car where the Bible was (or wasn't) and left.
Funny Radar... I was just sending a PM to likeaneagle about the meeting I was at. I didn't know there was more than one - I left the "first" one early... it was too psycho. But in my PM to here I told her that although I didn't see any guns I know Gear always packed and I told here there were two other clergy that I know always packed.
One that I had in mind fits your description perfectly... Chuck Norris type from Texas who was a gun expert. Betcha dollars to donuts that we're talking about the same two people.
And yep - I'm glad those days are in the distant past.
The guy from Texas....could it have been Br*tt Lynne (sp?)? He was an ordained guy in Texas in the late 80s for awhile. He had been in the Vietnam war and had supposedly been a mercenary. His story was that he was stabbed several times and should have been dead.
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Funny Radar... I was just sending a PM to likeaneagle about the meeting I was at. I didn't know there was more than one - I left the "first" one early... it was too psycho. But in my PM to here I told her that although I didn't see any guns I know Gear always packed and I told here there were two other clergy that I know always packed.
One that I had in mind fits your description perfectly... Chuck Norris type from Texas who was a gun expert. Betcha dollars to donuts that we're talking about the same two people.
And yep - I'm glad those days are in the distant past.
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The last ROA I was at (95') there was a huge black silhouette cut out of a cowboy (stood about 7ft) leanning up agaisnt the piller of the rear entrance into the Big Top. Wonder if this guy was packing one. I remember thinking it looked awfully intimidating. So it had a purpose,eh . this is the entrance where all the speakers would enter, like the MOG and Joyful Noise,etc. If some of you were there you may remember this..
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There certainly was a lot of bizarre meetings and events that took place in TWI but what do you expect for a bunch of narcissistic megalomaniacs

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oddly enough (well it's all odd) when i was confronting the bus driver when he was running britain, he told me to watch out for my dear friend (who almost committed suicide because of that pr ick) because he was "packing BIG ones." i said "big what"?????????? of course he said devil spirits. i guess he always packing big ones on his mind. probably because of his little weenie
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Tom Strange
...so many meetings... so many guns... so many pr icks... how could we possibly be expected to keep track of all this?
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by his own ADMISSION, he was a conspiracy nut.
From "Passing of a Patriarch", part I (almost the very end of part I.)
" 'Son, what would you say if I told you I was going to die?'
After a moment I responded: 'Sir, every day that I have been with you I have
always been mentally and physically prepared to accept and deal with your death.
I have known that at any minute your death might come. You know how many
hours I have trained to protect you and all the drills we have been through.
You know that I have literally covered your body with mine when there
were situations that demanded it. I have also pushed my mind to accept and
carry any last-minute instructions that you might give me. I have known that
they might be the last directions for the Ministry.' "
"You know how many hours I have trained to protect you and
all the drills we have been through. You know that I have literally covered
your body with mine when there were situations that demanded it."
I'm going to skip jokes about that and get to the questions.
cg acted like he was Secret Service protecting the President
from assassins-complete with "covering him with your body" stuff
as a human shield. What was a "situation that demanded it?"
cg seems to believe there were assassination attempts on vpw's
life on a number of occassions. Not accidents, otherwise a human
shield is unnecessary. He had to spoil the aim of a shooter.
In hindsight,
with all the conspiracy-talk that people took seriously,
I honestly believe that the time that cg claimed one of the bot
put out a hit on Caballero was completely without substance,
and the bot just presumed each other did it, and didn't question
such a ridiculous concept.
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Although the information on this thread has been familiar to many of us for years, there are many other new folks who probably were not aware of these events...
...I think that the reading of the POP along with the clergy meetings demonstrate the extreme thinking and actions that were taking place in twi at that time. Wierwille handpicked some real whackos and placed them at the top...Why you ask?...Don't forget that Wierwille was a whacko himself (snow on the gaspumps) and "likes" are drawn to each other. Chris Geer, by all accounts, was/is nuttier than a fruitcake.
With the death of Wierwille, everything began to unravel. When the rank and file began to see the tip of the iceberg, they left in droves (myself included)...
Twi today is what remains of this insideous little cult. After thousands and thousands had left twi, Martindale announced that they had reached the goal of word over the world and, IMHO, they gave up and simply decided to live fat off of the abs money collected over the years.
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I was very good friends with the Safety Dept. on staff at H.Q., and since I loved to shoot, and would go to the local town range almost every weekend with my .45 or .38, I got to know quite well the group who were armed at H.Q. It was a small club, and since I loved to shoot and was gung-ho about it, I was accepted in. I spent a lot of time with MF, CQ and others.
For your info, VP's drivers were always armed - it was a requirement. One of the newer drivers, who didn't last long (BW) ended up with my used Colt .45 - I had traded it in to the local New Knoxville gun dealer for a 9mm pistol. BW came up to me and said, hey, I have your .45! and we talked about it. DMc who "assisted" the trustees was also always armed.
Safety Dept. was always armed, you just didn't know it, plus they always had their "backups" tucked into the inside of their boots.
Also, all of the guys who were armed, whether safety, or those responsible for driving or protecting VP and the trustees went to survival camps in the southwest, run by "militia" groups - where they learned gun play. These camps could be found in the back of Soldier of Fortune magazine which one of the top clergy suggested I start reading. But even the TWI people were too weird for one of these camps, as they weren't allowed back and had to go to another one.
I remember the corps week at which the POP was read and the corps was in shock. There were two "bodyguards" standing in front of CG constantly scanning the audience in the big top. As I looked around and I also noted all of the safety dept. guys had encircled the big top and were armed. This is when I thought, why is he so paranoid? Who does CG think is going to jump out of the crowd and kill him? I also realized, is this what we've come to? The corps is not trusted and is under armed guard, even though they don't know it? It was a sick situation.
Guns were always there at H.Q. and around VP, the Trustees, LCM, etc. It just wasn't a public thing.
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Sunesis, I couldn't have said it better. I was in the Corps with em too. We saw the nuttiness first hand. Thanks for stating what some have thought or are afraid to say.
I've known him since high school, he was my limb leader and I went through the corps with him. He is a venomous hissing snake - yes - I've actually seen him hiss at someone. His nastiness, his sadism - its been discussed by many eyewitnesses, you may want to do a search here on your beloved CG.
He's a paranoid nutcase, selling classes and making money off them to the suckers dumb enough to buy them. He's more legalistic than the taliban.
I have a feeling you're a young, idealistic person, just like we were once, who couldn't believe TWI's "men of God" would do something so wrong.
At your age, I really don't expect you to understand, you'll find out for yourself - eventually. Life is not all black and white. Get back to us when you've experienced life a bit and hit 30.
Why did he have so much power? He was truly VP's best friend - birds of a feather - no one else, even HA I think, came close to being on the same wavelength with VP as CG. Two nasty men who found each other.
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George Aar
Isn't this what always happens when we suspend our rational thoughts in deference to fables?
Be it Medieval crusaders, Salem witch hunters, the Taliban, al qaeda, whatever the group, when you abandon reason and embrace unsupported nonsense, all manner of less-than-wonderful stuff is going to result.
Gawd, the paranoia was sooo ridiculous. I remember Corps Week '86 being like the aftermath of an atomic bomb. People everywhere walking around absolutely shell-shocked.
In retrospect I only find it silly - and maybe mildly amusing...
(and yes, I knew several people that "carried" all the time at Wayworld. It was commonly known amongst most all the staff, IIRC)
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True. And they weren't always used safely. I was on staff at HQ living in one of the trailers -I think it was 1977or 78 so VPW was still alive. Geer was not his dirver then - but the guy who was (who later ran off with the wife of a corps grad - but that's another story) lived in the same trailer as me as did a guy on the safety patrol and another guy who worked around the cars and busses. All three of them were very into guns.
One day we were all hanging out in our various rooms and all of a sudden a shot went off. It went through the wall into the bathroom where someone was washing his face. From the location of the hole, it probably went 6 inches from the guy's head. Someone had been in their bedroom cleaning, playing with or just looking at his gun and it went off by accident. For the life of me I can't remember who was almost killed and who did the shooting but since no one was actually hurt not much was said about it.
At the time I didn't realize how screwed up the gun play was.
For the record, at the clergy meeting I was sitting too far back to have noticed a gun under a jacket. I don't recall it being mentioned or taken out. HOWEVER I know Geer was armed most of time and took great pride in it. And the fact that I don't remember doesn't mean it didn't happen - just that my mind set was such that it wouldn't have seemed memorable or unusuall.
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And, it wasn't just the guns.
In 1982, prior to Living Victoriously......I spent time with this Family Corps guy who had been in the military, munitions expert-type guy. Anyways, he told me that everyday he crawled around under the main stage in the big top tent CHECKING FOR BOMBS.
I'm not making this up....!!!! This guy was assigned to check for any time of device that could be detonated and kill wierwille while he was on main stage.
At the time, I was stunned.......and thought, I'd better wise up and keep sharp.
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THank you all for covering the details. Being, I wasnt around TWI during FOG years nor did folks I had knew since 75 ever talk about these days to me. My learning has been in very small increments. I recently (2yrs) listened to the tape that CG did for Corp of USA. I feel deeply for those who put thier hearts and lives as clergy or Corp who take the time to talk and share here.
I have a friend (ex twi) who lives in Ottawa. He once told me that communication broke severly between Canada leardership. Hdqrt's totaly ignored them. What happened to the other countries?
Rumrunner- THank you for taking taking time to answer my questions. Im sure there will be more.
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Two - two! Two meetings in one!
That explains it. The first reference I read to it online was the "November" meeting, which was held in the BRC and that Randy A walked out of in the middle, etc. That meeting, me go. No see gun. Maybe gun, maybe no gun, but me no see gun.
But there was another meeting, me no go, and there were guns. Or a gun. Pistoleros. Hardware. Blue steel. One eyed Jacks. Colts. Shorties. Sleevers. Serious protection for the seriously deranged. I can see that.
Guns? For or against what, I'm not sure. Don Weirwille couldn't have taken 10 quick steps without hacking up the remains of his first shortie Kool of the day. What's Craig going to do? Dance? Badly enough to scare people? Howard's another case. That wiry frame, beady eyes. He might have been worth watching.
Maybe they weren't to keep people out, but to keep people in. As another hour of Geer's relentless posturing and snorting would have led any sane person to have at least feigned a bathroom break.
Hopefully, no new ones will be ripped due to this post, as it would be a waste today, really. Other days, of possible benefit. Maybe I can take a Rip Credit, as some days it would be a help. Put me down for one. I'll be back.
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Out There
I remember sitting near the front row at a ROA evening meeting and there were around 4 guys standing around the stage, looking like Secret Service agents. I also remember someone who I think was CG coming and sitting to the stage right rear in a folding chair. I could see he had a gun shoulder holstered under his sport coat while Dr. Wierwille was teaching. I remember thinking that this was alot of security since Dr. Wierwille was riding around in his golf cart all day talking with people without any security along for the ride.
I was wondering if they were worried some wierd groupy was going to try to jump up on stage and do a Sirhan sirhan or something of the sort.
In my years of involvement this was my only experience of seeing guns out of place except for Dave Bedard with his MAL piece.
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J0nny Ling0
I had a handgun at the November meeting. I kept it in my room, in my sea bag. But, I have always carried a handgun. It's a Smith And Wesson nine milimeter semi auto double action w8ith an ambidextrous safety. But, I have always carried it. My reason for bringing it had nothing to do with the nature of the meeting though. I just always carried it when on the road (we drove there from Oklahoma). But, I didn't feel the need to have it there because of the "serious spiritual times " we were going through, I just always carry a hand gun. So far, I have not needed it, and I am more than happy for that. Don't want to shoot nobody. But, nobody is going to take my kid's Daddy away from them if I can help it...
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Reminds me of the sign above a door somewhere on TWI grounds...
We don't call 911 w/ a picture of magnum 357... something like that...
Self sufficient in 'all' things :blink:
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I was aware of the bomb checks, building inspections, gun carrying leaders. Sheesh, I am one of the most paranoid people I know when it comes to checking things out WAY more than they probably need it, but lordy lordy, I always thought this silly.
Our LC opened his brief case and a guy in our fellowship (twig way back then) saw it and freaked out. When it was explained to him that devil spirits sometimes showed up at twig, he seemed to appear as tho he felt better. Somewhere between the 3rd song and the boring lecture, this guy said he needed to get his Bible out of the car that he'd forgotten.
He got in the car where the Bible was (or wasn't) and left.
Smart man.
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J0nny Ling0
How do you shoot a devil spirit?
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Tom Strange
I was wondering the same thing...
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Oh come on.
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I thought it was silver bullets....or was that garlic pellets????
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The guy from Texas....could it have been Br*tt Lynne (sp?)? He was an ordained guy in Texas in the late 80s for awhile. He had been in the Vietnam war and had supposedly been a mercenary. His story was that he was stabbed several times and should have been dead.
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