Do you get a lot of good fishing in while you wait?
Yes! Salmon. Lots and lots of them. ...
Well, it's sorta part of the "remoter" topic cuz it shows life is GREAT outside twi :) Always worth pointing out Plus you got that gun incident in there, giving a second usage ...
it's possible that different people are referring to different
meetings on different dates.
This one Radar mentioned was April 23, 1986,
the public release of the PoP paper.
THAT meeting, cg was armed.
He wasn't the only one, either.
"Outside the executive back entrance to the auditorium,
Don Wierwille was being physically detained by a HEAVILY ARMED
member of the Twi safety department."
"Don was held OUTSIDE the back entrance by armed guard to insure
the fact that he would not go onstage and interrupt the reading of the paper."
Thanks WW for the update . I thought she said she was working at her job at the switchboard locked in a office. I did not know the switchboard was in the auditorium.
Jonny... did that Dolly Varden have big (oops that's the wrong Dolly)...
Ya know, funny you should mention that. Becuz.....I was up in Anchorage, AK years and years ago at the Gary King Sporting Goods store (no relation, though he claimed it when he was the Limb guy here), and there was a large, stuffed, Dolly Varden trout hanging on the wall, that had been, shall we say, "altered". Yeah, you guessed it. This trout had been altered to where it had very large breasts, nipples and all. And underneath the mount, on the plaque was the inscription "Dolly Parton Trout". Hey I wonder if there is a picture of that "trout" out there on the net! I'll check...Here's some info (stuff I just learned!), but no picture of the "Dolly Parton Trout".
So Who or What Is Dolly Varden?
And Other Fish Tales..
The original Dolly Varden is a character in the Charles Dickens's novel "Barnaby Rudge" and was well known as being quite flirtatious wearing her flashy attire and colorful dresses one of which was green with pink polka dots.
Dolly Varden's Reputation ~ A Classic Case of Not Knowing The Whole Story
Somehow the name was passed on to a fish from the Artic Char Family who has the same flashy appearance. Dolly Varden are dark in color with light colored spots. The Dolly has been given a rather unsavory reputation, though quite unjustifiably so. It was originally thought that Dolly Varden was a "trash fish" and a threat to the salmon population. The char supposedly ate salmon fry and eggs and was blamed for the decline in salmon population.
There was actually a bounty put on their tails and somewhere around 6 million were killed and discarded between 1921 & 1940. Anglers were paid for the tails. The U.S. Bureau of Fisheries later discovered most of the tails were from trout and coho salmon, so they stopped the program. It is now realized that Dolly Varden co-existed with salmon for thousands of years and can not be blamed for more recent man-made declines in the population of salmon.
WD Get a freakin clue. How close were you? She got this info on very good authority. You can kiss twi's foot all you want but that wont save you the truth. You have turned so much..................why? I do know Radar and she is not a liar. I do know she would have never stated that if it was not true.
You are quite right.....I was working the switchboard at the time. What you don't seem to know is that twi hq has an in-house tv station that reaches all of the buildings on grounds and all of the housing units. There is a camera that was always used to film the activities of the auditorium, and as such people could watch corps night, sts, and other meetings held in there. It enabled moms and working people to be able to watch the meetings.
Another thing you may not know........the twi safety department and the switchboard are in constant contact with each other by way of hand-held radios. Each safety officer, each trustee and a number of others (way builders,) all have hand least they did back then....things might be different now because of cell phones and nextel phone walkie talkies, etc.
Another the time I was living with the then trunk coordinator, D Clar---- and his wife, a few months later, I moved off grounds to New Knoxville and lived with that safetly officer that was "detaining" DEW out in back of the auditorium. I have discussed that evening the trunk coordinator, the safety officer and with DEW quite a few times.
Overall, for people such as myself.........whose entire freaking lives changed that night, the gun on the desk was the LEAST of my concerns....but it was quite visibly there.
Geez JustLoafing, you are really hostile man! But yeah, concerning that meeting (not the November one), I have heard of the same "measures" that are spoken of here, that DEW was kept away from main stage so that he would not interrupt....
I only took acception to those who said there was a GUN at the November meeting when I saw no gun. Things either happened the way they happened, or they did NOT. I just do not like "manufacturing incidents" that did not actually happen when they in fact did not, in order to propound one's opinion. At the November meeting (which this thread focuses on), there was NO GUN incident. But I do know for a fact, that the "security thing" which included CG and his hand gun were things that were real at the time. He was big on the security thing.
My opinion on alla that was; "Well geez, if we are walkin with "all nine all the time", whaddya need a gun for?" But, silly me, for thinking that "God was actually still in the Picture....."
Buck, I totally agree with you. Things happened as they happened and exagerations and or "myths" do nothing to enlighten WHAT REALLY HAPPENED.
As I said earlier, regarding the November meetings, I never heard of a gun incident either.........but, cg making PQ drive around with a brief case handcuffed to his THAT was wierd :evilshades:r
I have heard that cg had a loaded pisol at a meeting, by someone who was there.
I do NOT know what meeting this was, but now thinking it over, it was around the time of the clergy meeting that I heard this, so it must have been a previous meeting (such as Radar has reported), and the reading of the POP fits in with this perfectly.
(Kinda like a pistol in a ---- woops I meant like a hand in a glove)
but, cg making PQ drive around with a brief case handcuffed to his THAT was wierd r
Yes Radar, that was way weird. No doubt. I am just trying to be a stickler on accurate reporting, that's all. The whole thing was WTFW*. Glad it's all in the past....
And yes! DMiller that is in fact the picture I was after! I have caught many many Dolly Parton trout! Er...Dolly Varden Trout...
But I never knew of the connection between the original "Dolly Varden" and how this beautiful trout got it's name! Until now. Kewel...
what surprised me was the thing about a gun to keep DEW out ... it is hard to picutre them using physical restraint, but what, were they going to shoot him? That would have been interesting. The founder's son tried to get in the meeting, so we killed him.
WD Get a freakin clue. How close were you? She got this info on very good authority. You can kiss twi's foot all you want but that wont save you the truth. You have turned so much..................why? I do know Radar and she is not a liar. I do know she would have never stated that if it was not true.
I hope she gets on here and rips you a new one.
Chill down Mr. Loafing
Just keeping score here on the different meetings see you were confused also, she did not get it on good authority she saw it on camera. Had she got it on authority she would have been in the
And some that heard about it but were not there that saw a gun catagory. As it is we now have a third catagory it seems. I did not think the switchboard was in the auditorium but it could have been possible it had moved there and had a one way glass or something. As it turned out it did not.
So now the score two people who were there saw no gun.
And some that heard about it but were not there that saw a gun.
One person that was not in the auditorium but saw it on camera.
Radar I did know about the radios just could not figure out how the SB got to the auditorium thanks for clearing that up. Someone told me years ago that Chris carried a gun when he drove the coach for VP so it would not surprise me that he had one . Interesting that he laid it out in sight.
two different meetings at two different times... and add to that the fact that neither Jonny nor Soques (colonial spelling) saw a gun... but you do also have to add that CG was a freakin' paranoid loony and made no secret about the fact that he carried a gun...
all that being said... we have the meeting Radar was talking about that was bizarre to say the least and we have the clergy meeting that was also bizarre yet no one knows (for sure) whether or not CG was armed or not... (my personal bet would be that he was but I don't know if he 'brandished' or not)...
so until we hear from someone who was there, who did see it... we can assume that he didn't... but given the nature of the times and the meeting... does it really matter? to me, whether or not a gun was at the clergy meeting is small potatoes...
OKAY, now that we have the question of two meetings, two incidents settled, I do have a gun incident that DID take place at THAT November meeting that REALLY ILLUSTRATES (even more) the insane, paranoid, power hungry, RIDICULOUS times that were spawned by pop.
Prior to those meetings, I was assigned to be a guest buddy for a number of the visiting clergy. While setting up the guest rooms in the dormitory. I entered one of the rooms I was responsible for and found the "chuck norris" type of LC from Texas, standing on a chair with one of the ceiling tiles out and half of his body up in the ceiling. The other clergy guy was standing on the floor next to him, handing him things. They both looked shocked when I walked in, and both had the "deer in the headlights" look on their faces.
I just greeted them and acted as if every room I went into had clergy in the ceiling....and never mentioned it to anyone, ever again.
A few years ago, someone came in to gspt and was telling this same story from the perspective of the clergy guys, and this poster said that the guys were hiding a hand gun in the ceiling!!!!!! :blink: I tried to contact the clergy guy on the floor and ask him EXACTLY what were they doing? But, I was never able to find him. Then last year.......out of the blue he emailed me and we chatted about that event...........sure enough, those two lunatics were hiding a hand gun in the ceiling!!!!!! Thank God, both of those men were truly fire arms experts and nobody did anything stupid.
SO, my last thoughts on this...........those were totally f u c k e d up times and I am so glad they are in my very distant past.
Me hostile.......Nope probably one of the most fun loving people you will ever know. I just get pi$$ed with derogatory statements from people that seem to want to doubt everything they hear instead of being civil and ask questions and stop making people feel like they have to defend their every word.
But.......all this talk about TWO meetings and, at one of the meetings (the April meeting) CG brought a gun into the auditorium. There STILL is some confusion in all this.
Note: Post #18 on this thread......Radar's response to my earlier post:
POP was read on Wednesday April 23 (or 21st).
There was a large clergy / leadership meeting in May in the auditorium.....skyrider that is the one in which JO and DZ told about cgeer's "visage" being changed into vpw.
There was a clergy meeting held in the BRC of 1986in the fall, I believe it was early November. That is the meeting that ML and some others walked out of.
I was in attendance at the May 1986 clergy meeting, but not the other two.
As I count them.................there were THREE meetings and from Radar's account I presume that CG brought his gun into the auditorium at this first [April] meeting.
But specifically.............there were only TWO CLERGY MEETINGS (and the title of this thread is "The famous clergy meeting").
Radar posted the gun incident......on April 23, 1986.
I attended the May 1986 clergy/leadership meeting......the second meeting.
No, I did not attend the November meeting.....the third meeting.
Therefore, I didn't see the gun incident.
Greasy, I really wish you could get the Night that will Live in Infamy thread and put it out LEAST the first post on it, which is the one I wrote. I no longer have my notes, and that record of the night was pretty close to 100% accurate. The gun incident was cg on the stage of the auditorium on the night of the original reading of pop on April 23, 1986. John L had a gun and was using it to prevent Don W from entering the auditorium.
I don't know about a VISIBLE gun during the November Clergy meeting, however, I would have been SURPRISED if he was not wearing it in a holster under his jacket, the man was an unbelievable "survivalist" and was PARANOID of things that go bump in the night.
It has been nineteen and a half years since that weekend meeting and I am sure there are lots of things that are fuzzy in our minds......
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yeah... thanks GT!
Jonny... did that Dolly Varden have big (oops that's the wrong Dolly)...
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Does that mean this thread is established? :blink:
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Thanks WW for the update . I thought she said she was working at her job at the switchboard locked in a office. I did not know the switchboard was in the auditorium.
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J0nny Ling0
So Who or What Is Dolly Varden?
And Other Fish Tales..
The original Dolly Varden is a character in the Charles Dickens's novel "Barnaby Rudge" and was well known as being quite flirtatious wearing her flashy attire and colorful dresses one of which was green with pink polka dots.
Dolly Varden's Reputation ~ A Classic Case of Not Knowing The Whole Story
Somehow the name was passed on to a fish from the Artic Char Family who has the same flashy appearance. Dolly Varden are dark in color with light colored spots. The Dolly has been given a rather unsavory reputation, though quite unjustifiably so. It was originally thought that Dolly Varden was a "trash fish" and a threat to the salmon population. The char supposedly ate salmon fry and eggs and was blamed for the decline in salmon population.
There was actually a bounty put on their tails and somewhere around 6 million were killed and discarded between 1921 & 1940. Anglers were paid for the tails. The U.S. Bureau of Fisheries later discovered most of the tails were from trout and coho salmon, so they stopped the program. It is now realized that Dolly Varden co-existed with salmon for thousands of years and can not be blamed for more recent man-made declines in the population of salmon.
I tried to post the pic from the actual site, but, I failed :-(
And, I have never shot one of these with a GUN, and I have never met a "Rev. Dolly Varden", therefore, this post remains truly....
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WD Get a freakin clue. How close were you? She got this info on very good authority. You can kiss twi's foot all you want but that wont save you the truth. You have turned so much..................why? I do know Radar and she is not a liar. I do know she would have never stated that if it was not true.
I hope she gets on here and rips you a new one.
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Radar OReilly
White Dove,
You are quite right.....I was working the switchboard at the time. What you don't seem to know is that twi hq has an in-house tv station that reaches all of the buildings on grounds and all of the housing units. There is a camera that was always used to film the activities of the auditorium, and as such people could watch corps night, sts, and other meetings held in there. It enabled moms and working people to be able to watch the meetings.
Another thing you may not know........the twi safety department and the switchboard are in constant contact with each other by way of hand-held radios. Each safety officer, each trustee and a number of others (way builders,) all have hand least they did back then....things might be different now because of cell phones and nextel phone walkie talkies, etc.
Another the time I was living with the then trunk coordinator, D Clar---- and his wife, a few months later, I moved off grounds to New Knoxville and lived with that safetly officer that was "detaining" DEW out in back of the auditorium. I have discussed that evening the trunk coordinator, the safety officer and with DEW quite a few times.
Overall, for people such as myself.........whose entire freaking lives changed that night, the gun on the desk was the LEAST of my concerns....but it was quite visibly there.
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J0nny Ling0
Geez JustLoafing, you are really hostile man! But yeah, concerning that meeting (not the November one), I have heard of the same "measures" that are spoken of here, that DEW was kept away from main stage so that he would not interrupt....
I only took acception to those who said there was a GUN at the November meeting when I saw no gun. Things either happened the way they happened, or they did NOT. I just do not like "manufacturing incidents" that did not actually happen when they in fact did not, in order to propound one's opinion. At the November meeting (which this thread focuses on), there was NO GUN incident. But I do know for a fact, that the "security thing" which included CG and his hand gun were things that were real at the time. He was big on the security thing.
My opinion on alla that was; "Well geez, if we are walkin with "all nine all the time", whaddya need a gun for?" But, silly me, for thinking that "God was actually still in the Picture....."
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Is this the pic you wanted, Jonny??
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Radar OReilly
Buck, I totally agree with you. Things happened as they happened and exagerations and or "myths" do nothing to enlighten WHAT REALLY HAPPENED.
As I said earlier, regarding the November meetings, I never heard of a gun incident either.........but, cg making PQ drive around with a brief case handcuffed to his THAT was wierd :evilshades:r
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I need to add a *disclaimer* here.
I have heard that cg had a loaded pisol at a meeting, by someone who was there.
I do NOT know what meeting this was, but now thinking it over, it was around the time of the clergy meeting that I heard this, so it must have been a previous meeting (such as Radar has reported), and the reading of the POP fits in with this perfectly.
(Kinda like a pistol in a ---- woops I meant like a hand in a glove)
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J0nny Ling0
Yes Radar, that was way weird. No doubt. I am just trying to be a stickler on accurate reporting, that's all. The whole thing was WTFW*. Glad it's all in the past....
And yes! DMiller that is in fact the picture I was after! I have caught many many Dolly Parton trout! Er...Dolly Varden Trout...
But I never knew of the connection between the original "Dolly Varden" and how this beautiful trout got it's name! Until now. Kewel...
*way too effing weird
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what surprised me was the thing about a gun to keep DEW out ... it is hard to picutre them using physical restraint, but what, were they going to shoot him? That would have been interesting. The founder's son tried to get in the meeting, so we killed him.
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Chill down Mr. Loafing
Just keeping score here on the different meetings see you were confused also, she did not get it on good authority she saw it on camera. Had she got it on authority she would have been in the
And some that heard about it but were not there that saw a gun catagory. As it is we now have a third catagory it seems. I did not think the switchboard was in the auditorium but it could have been possible it had moved there and had a one way glass or something. As it turned out it did not.
So now the score two people who were there saw no gun.
And some that heard about it but were not there that saw a gun.
One person that was not in the auditorium but saw it on camera.
Radar I did know about the radios just could not figure out how the SB got to the auditorium thanks for clearing that up. Someone told me years ago that Chris carried a gun when he drove the coach for VP so it would not surprise me that he had one . Interesting that he laid it out in sight.
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Tom Strange
two different meetings at two different times... and add to that the fact that neither Jonny nor Soques (colonial spelling) saw a gun... but you do also have to add that CG was a freakin' paranoid loony and made no secret about the fact that he carried a gun...
all that being said... we have the meeting Radar was talking about that was bizarre to say the least and we have the clergy meeting that was also bizarre yet no one knows (for sure) whether or not CG was armed or not... (my personal bet would be that he was but I don't know if he 'brandished' or not)...
so until we hear from someone who was there, who did see it... we can assume that he didn't... but given the nature of the times and the meeting... does it really matter? to me, whether or not a gun was at the clergy meeting is small potatoes...
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Up to 19 posts on the thread now. Only 57 more to go. ;)
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You da man GT
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Radar OReilly
OKAY, now that we have the question of two meetings, two incidents settled, I do have a gun incident that DID take place at THAT November meeting that REALLY ILLUSTRATES (even more) the insane, paranoid, power hungry, RIDICULOUS times that were spawned by pop.
Prior to those meetings, I was assigned to be a guest buddy for a number of the visiting clergy. While setting up the guest rooms in the dormitory. I entered one of the rooms I was responsible for and found the "chuck norris" type of LC from Texas, standing on a chair with one of the ceiling tiles out and half of his body up in the ceiling. The other clergy guy was standing on the floor next to him, handing him things. They both looked shocked when I walked in, and both had the "deer in the headlights" look on their faces.
I just greeted them and acted as if every room I went into had clergy in the ceiling....and never mentioned it to anyone, ever again.
A few years ago, someone came in to gspt and was telling this same story from the perspective of the clergy guys, and this poster said that the guys were hiding a hand gun in the ceiling!!!!!! :blink: I tried to contact the clergy guy on the floor and ask him EXACTLY what were they doing? But, I was never able to find him. Then last year.......out of the blue he emailed me and we chatted about that event...........sure enough, those two lunatics were hiding a hand gun in the ceiling!!!!!! Thank God, both of those men were truly fire arms experts and nobody did anything stupid.
SO, my last thoughts on this...........those were totally f u c k e d up times and I am so glad they are in my very distant past.
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Me hostile.......Nope probably one of the most fun loving people you will ever know. I just get pi$$ed with derogatory statements from people that seem to want to doubt everything they hear instead of being civil and ask questions and stop making people feel like they have to defend their every word.
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J0nny Ling0
Sorry bout that JL, just seemed like that was some pretty tough wording there.
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Ive got that shock & Awe creepy feeling all over again..
you dont have to answer this..but is this freaking 4 real.. :unsure: :unsure:
flippin Guns..... :unsure:
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Yeah it was. Sometimes I just vent when I should keep it inside.
Yep eagle it was real. What a sad sad ministry.
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Forgive me for dipping in and out of this thread.
But.......all this talk about TWO meetings and, at one of the meetings (the April meeting) CG brought a gun into the auditorium. There STILL is some confusion in all this.
Note: Post #18 on this thread......Radar's response to my earlier post:
I was in attendance at the May 1986 clergy meeting, but not the other two.
As I count them.................there were THREE meetings and from Radar's account I presume that CG brought his gun into the auditorium at this first [April] meeting.
But specifically.............there were only TWO CLERGY MEETINGS (and the title of this thread is "The famous clergy meeting").
Clear as mud, right?????????????????
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Radar posted the gun incident......on April 23, 1986.
I attended the May 1986 clergy/leadership meeting......the second meeting.
No, I did not attend the November meeting.....the third meeting.
Therefore, I didn't see the gun incident.
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