I believe that this infamous meeting was a pivotal point in the great exodous that occurred in the late eighties...
...I recall a lot of clergy guys who left for that meeting with fire in their eyes and returned with poop on their lips...are there any Greasespotters who were actually there?
This meeting changed the course of twi in many ways. I know this subject has been discussed before...but who was actually there?
Yeah - I was there...and it was pretty insane. People had lives and careers threatened. One clery said to me that I was no different than the VC. Quite the brotherhood/sisterhood eh? Chris Geer wasn't judgemental - he was/is insane. I left early, along with two other clergy from LA and reported back to folks what we had seen and heard - then told them they had to make their own decision. Results? Long before M&A was a catch phrase I was announced in a SNS that I was seed...funny that I got ordained and was later announced as seed...
Isn't it funny how certain people were designated as having a "gift ministry" as long as they could generate revenue...as soon as they stood up and spoke their minds, they were "children of the devil"...
...One day we ordain this guy, the next we pronounce him born of the "seed"...they counted on their glassy eyed followers believing whatever they said. Unfortunately for them they underestimated most of us.
So...Chris Geer was insane? Yeah, I agree with that ...had to be!
It still amazes me to this day how totally ruthless and uncaring the top leadership of twi was (and still is). Ministers of God? What does the bible say about shepherds who screw their own sheep?
Bend over, the cornfield preacher is on the prowl.
but this thread so far has given me a light bulb .
s changed so sever, I up to that point really bought and sold everthing the clergy would say I respected corps and I thought we had a "family" of God thing going on.
Then it started and I said the same stuff your post have said... and questioned.
many may think it was all about some leaving and starting their own thing . It was not I had stayed nearly every single twig fellow ship was gone if held it turned into secret thing spoke of in wispers. for only certain few.
why I was told because those who had left would go to the meetings and cause huge ruckus and disturbance .
I never saw this but I saw many with alot of anger who would confront me on the street or in public about what happened etc.
I think many clergy had doubts at this point but could not just not go to twi anymore they were caged into the life they had for awhile .
I have walked for so many years with an extra once of suspicsion yu know and I got it from the way, my parents are very loving trusting souls who do not question authority, BUT ME i doubt alot and wonder in the quiet of my mind alot.
I was speaking to clergy then and a certain leader had gotten into serious trouble by my hand, I was heart broken as to why this would happen .. you know thinking we all had a magic potion of God almighty within us and incapable of such behaviour.
He said and this was a LC not a twig or a BC and his entire family was clergy.. mom and dad huge twi people, the devil wants them more. you know like the more you do for "god" the more satan will kill steal and destroy... your life and /or anyone around you.
COME ON |! is that not absolutely frightening? so be your best for God , so Satan can assult you to the point you are insane really.
just think about , the theory of that. I know I did . still do.
the off shoots run off on the same stuff as an excuse when things do not work out well for them.
the more you do for God the more Satan and his spirits and the devil will play with your life .
kind of made me want to hang out with unbelievers I tell ya... it did !
and that was the arena mostly everyone who was who is who in the way clergy included looked at the folks involved with a eye of critical assesment of where they most be spiritualy.
love was out of the question then it was all about something eles. yeha insanity is a good word.
no brother or sister left it was like an inside war man it was all about the devil or not it was INTENSE I tell ya.
What year was this meeting? It sounds like it was after POP ... was it that fall? Or a year later? ( I'm trying to remember what 8th corps were in LA then. Rum Runner, did you marry my dancing wow seesta? ) The New Orleans gang mostly left shortly after POP, I guess I did get the news about that meeting, which was our final goodbye mostly. For me the final was when they sent the MS LC over and at a TC meeting, there was some way off the word stuff about what could be taught, and some off the wall stuff about why they were right. I felt a little bad about not being more confrontational at that meeting, but kinda didn't want to rock the whole boat. I figured anyone wanting to know more would come talk to me about why I left ... only a couple ever did ... I was probably marked to avoid. LOL At least my twig left together.
What year was this meeting? It sounds like it was after POP ... was it that fall? Or a year later?
rhino.....as best I remember, that meeting was in May of 1986.
Cgeer made a big deal that one year after vp's death people had ALREADY begun to neglect the memory of "the man of god." One thing that I remember hearing..........no one had put any flowers on vp's grave on the first anniversary of his buriel.
POP....The Passing of a Patriarch was read to the clergy at this time.
POP was revealed to the corps live on corps night in April or May of '86. The clergy meeting that I heard about was in the fall of '86...I want to say early November (no, hubs and I weren't clergy and weren't there).
I distinctly remember our limb coordinator returning from the meeting, having a meeting with the corps/branch coordinators in the state and telling what happened at the HQ clergy meeting. This was the one where Geer was seen to be "packing heat", and where he told someone who needed to be excused for a bathroom break that he "ought to believe God for a bigger bladder".
I wasn't there either, but I have a set of the meeting notes (given to me by a friend who was there). It was November 1986. Coupla years ago, I sent them to Pat R., and you can read the notes HERE AT EXCULTWORLD.
I wasn't there either, but I have a set of the meeting notes (given to me by a friend who was there). It was November 1986. Coupla years ago, I sent them to Pat R., and you can read the notes HERE AT EXCULTWORLD.
You still have the original? If so, send them to me and I'll type them up and post them here.
Pat's only got about 16 of the 35 pages. I'd love put it together in something besides PDF, something search able, with an index...
Isn't it funny how certain people were designated as having a "gift ministry" as long as they could generate revenue...as soon as they stood up and spoke their minds, they were "children of the devil"...
...One day we ordain this guy, the next we pronounce him born of the "seed"...they counted on their glassy eyed followers believing whatever they said. Unfortunately for them they underestimated most of us.
So...Chris Geer was insane? Yeah, I agree with that ...had to be!
It still amazes me to this day how totally ruthless and uncaring the top leadership of twi was (and still is). Ministers of God? What does the bible say about shepherds who screw their own sheep?
Bend over, the cornfield preacher is on the prowl.
Reading all that just makes me aware at how unbelievably SELF serving ALL the leadership was, how SELF important they all acted.
Why would God want anything to do with any of them? God works with the humble ones-----which likely would have been the lowly little believer.
I was also apparent how both CG and the ones who wrote the clergy letter----the only one they ever quoted was Dr Wierwille-----not any other current theologian.
That shows how brainwashed they were; to only quote one human being.
There was a large clergy / leadership meeting in May in the auditorium.....skyrider that is the one in which JO and DZ told about cgeer's "visage" being changed into vpw.
There was a clergy meeting held in the BRC of 1986in the fall, I believe it was early November. That is the meeting that ML and some others walked out of.
I was there. For the one in November of 86. The poor guy that was told to believe for a bigger bladder had actually s h it his pants and was making his way to the hallway where the bathroom is in the BRC. Really nice guy too. It wasn't his bladder, I think the fear in the room got to him. Poor man. As he was being grilled as in; "Where are you going?! Oh the bathroom? You should believe for a bigger bladder", he didn't respond, but just scurried out. I learned later that his situation was not what CG assumed it was.
I was invited to "The May Meetings" as a clergy guy through my LC, but he never bothered to pass on the invite on to me, so I missed out on that one. Probably just as well. So much fear in those meetings one could cut it with a knife. I have no doubt the May meetings were no different than the meetings in november of 86, as far as the fear goes...
In the evenings after the meetings, my LC and I ( not the one who didn't invite me to the May Meetings, but a new one, for I had left Alaska) drank whiskey. Not too much, but enough. We were really bummed by so much of it all. I guess we thought the world was ending, that the ministry that we loved and thought of as Our Lives was crumbling before us with an "ominousness". Also, alot of our clergy bros were acting really weird, at least to us. During that time, another two LC's had swiped my LC's staff car (my LC and I drove together-most flew unless they were really close to HQ), and were running around with single good looking staff gals, partying and only God knows what else. It was weird. In the evenings, I think alot of clergy guys were in denial, and played pool in the Founders Hall and pretended like they were the characters in the movie The Color Of Money, which was playing during that time. As if nothing were really amiss. Weird. And yet, there were also a lot of serious get togethers by concerned men and women, wanting to "fix the problem". And so, although some acted in a "carnival atmosphere" manner, there were also just as many who were honestly interested in trying to fix whatever the hell was broken. But over all, one of my bros came up and coined Johnny Townshends onetime greeting to the Corps at Corps Week that previous August and said to me; "Welcome to the Twighlight Zone...."
LCM got reproved by CG for making the joke that "if anyone didn't have a tie, they could just ask John Lynn, he probably has at least thirty ties..." And of course we laughed. but then actually, we all got reproved, along with LCM. Him for saying it, we for laughing.
And then there was the "Infiltrator". One guy, a Corps bro of mine, had snuck into the meeting because even though he was not a clergy guy, he was a BC and felt that he had a right to be there. But he was thrown out with somewhat of a commotion, and then Craig announced that we had to be sharp because; "We've already had one "infiltration". Infiltration? Sounded like some sea-slug from Mars had oozed in through the ventilation duct or something. Something from the X-Files. Weird. I was really glad to get home to my wife and baby kids after that. One child (Keanu) ten months, and the other, Tialani, 2 y.o. Shortly after that, I announced to my LC, that since I was broke as a branch leader with no work and lots of ministry expences expected to be handled by me, that it was time for me to go. For; "If a man can't take care of his own household, how can he take care of the Church of God?" I felt like a failure, but I was just being honest about it. If I worked full time, I had no time. And a branch takes time. Others may have pulled it off, but in that oppressed economy, it was pretty tough. And so, he gave me leave, with his blessing and told me that he understood. I am thankful for his understanding heart. He was and is one of the Good Ones. And, I went back to the building trades, as well as being a merchant seaman again...
Yeah, I guess those meetings were of a help to me. Helped me to begin my slow but final exodus from The Way...
Reading all that just makes me aware at how unbelievably SELF serving ALL the leadership was, how SELF important they all acted.
Sorry Rejoice, I don't agree with that statement. There were alot of leaders who really cared and loved the people whom they endeavored to minister to. My LC was one. I know that there were many who were definitely self serving. But many who were not, my LC being one of them...
What striked me about them is that CW is NEVER to blame for ANYTHING, but is so quick to call people names, yell at them, call the corps possessed etc.
.... We were really bummed by so much of it all. I guess we thought the world was ending, that the ministry that we loved and thought of as Our Lives was crumbling before us with an "ominousness". Also, alot of our clergy bros were acting really weird, at least to us.
... It was weird. In the evenings, I think alot of clergy guys were in denial, and played pool in the Founders Hall and pretended like they were the characters in the movie The Color Of Money, which was playing during that time. As if nothing were really amiss. Weird.
.. "Welcome to the Twighlight Zone...."
... we all got reproved, along with LCM. Him for saying it, we for laughing.
... Sounded like some sea-slug from Mars had oozed in through the ventilation duct or something. Something from the X-Files. Weird.
Sorry Rejoice, I don't agree with that statement. There were alot of leaders who really cared and loved the people whom they endeavored to minister to.
It may be the wine talking, but reliving all this really is like the twilight zone. At the time, say you were 30, just think, maybe you'd spent most of your life outside of high school dedicated to this thing ... and there were some good folks in the midst of the crap ... now you're being told everyone is possessed ... and those eager to take up "leadership" positions are willing to play along ... others are saying "are you effin kidding me?" I think maybe I was a little better prepared since I was becoming somewhat "disenchanted" by many things, but still, I tried to be a trooper ... I remember telling someone later it was like going thru a bad divorce ... though I've never experienced that ...
Yes greasy ... transcribe those please ... took me forever to d/l them on rural dial-up :)
OK, green beer all around ... and a big group hug ... (unless you were one of the militant self serving arsholes ... then go eff yourself ...LOL)
Reading all that just makes me aware at how unbelievably SELF serving ALL the leadership was, how SELF important they all acted.
Sorry Rejoice, but I don't agree with that either because if it hadn't been for the couple of clergy in our state who came back and told us what went on, we might have stayed in TWI longer. That information plus the non-answers we got from our corps coordinator and Craig made it abundantly clear that we needed to leave. Those guys didn't have to tell what they heard...they were concerned for the people they were leading. Neither of them started his own ministry...they both moved and got real jobs and started to rebuild their lives.
Little old us tried to warn people in our area to hold on to their hearts and wallets for awhile and at least wait and see if TWI would change to their satisfaction, but folks all around us chose to stay with the sinking ship. People who had been close friends of ours in the corps even told us that since we hadn't been the rebellious types in residence, it made them suspicious that we would suddenly buck the system. (Read: You won't drink the Kool-Aid, so you must be possessed).
Thank God we left when we did. I am truly sorry that people stayed a minute longer, and that they continued to bring new unsuspecting people into that cesspool. I am so glad we all are free and that Greasespot is here to serve as a warning to others.
Hey Rhino, how about some green wine, or maybe an appletini?
"One clery said to me that I was no different than the VC."
who is VC, rumrunner ?
and who is johnny's brother, rhino ?
when in this time frame did the tape come out to the way corps from the insane one about how the united states corps in particular were killing the way ministry or something along those lines
"VC" stands for the Viet Cong, the communist unsurgents our troops were fighting in Viet Nam. Viet Cong, or, "Victor Charlies" were also simply known as "Charlie" after awhile. "Charlie's commin' through the wire!"
And, Jonny's brother was my big brother Miles Ryan who passed away about two years ago. Today is his birthday, St. Paddy's Day. I mentioned that over on the St. Patrick's Day thread. So now, every St Paddy's Day has a new and far more melancholy meaning to it. Rhino must have seen it. Thanks Rhino, I sure loved that guy. Seven years my senior, but always looked after me when I was little, took me fishin, huntin, and all kinds of cool thuings when my Dad was too busy. Cool guy...
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Yeah - I was there...and it was pretty insane. People had lives and careers threatened. One clery said to me that I was no different than the VC. Quite the brotherhood/sisterhood eh? Chris Geer wasn't judgemental - he was/is insane. I left early, along with two other clergy from LA and reported back to folks what we had seen and heard - then told them they had to make their own decision. Results? Long before M&A was a catch phrase I was announced in a SNS that I was seed...funny that I got ordained and was later announced as seed...
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Tom Strange
yeah... funny how that works isn't it?
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Isn't it funny how certain people were designated as having a "gift ministry" as long as they could generate revenue...as soon as they stood up and spoke their minds, they were "children of the devil"...
...One day we ordain this guy, the next we pronounce him born of the "seed"...they counted on their glassy eyed followers believing whatever they said. Unfortunately for them they underestimated most of us.
So...Chris Geer was insane? Yeah, I agree with that ...had to be!
It still amazes me to this day how totally ruthless and uncaring the top leadership of twi was (and still is). Ministers of God? What does the bible say about shepherds who screw their own sheep?
Bend over, the cornfield preacher is on the prowl.
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oh wow !
Im sorry I was not there at the meeting.
but this thread so far has given me a light bulb .
s changed so sever, I up to that point really bought and sold everthing the clergy would say I respected corps and I thought we had a "family" of God thing going on.
Then it started and I said the same stuff your post have said... and questioned.
many may think it was all about some leaving and starting their own thing . It was not I had stayed nearly every single twig fellow ship was gone if held it turned into secret thing spoke of in wispers. for only certain few.
why I was told because those who had left would go to the meetings and cause huge ruckus and disturbance .
I never saw this but I saw many with alot of anger who would confront me on the street or in public about what happened etc.
I think many clergy had doubts at this point but could not just not go to twi anymore they were caged into the life they had for awhile .
I have walked for so many years with an extra once of suspicsion yu know and I got it from the way, my parents are very loving trusting souls who do not question authority, BUT ME i doubt alot and wonder in the quiet of my mind alot.
I was speaking to clergy then and a certain leader had gotten into serious trouble by my hand, I was heart broken as to why this would happen .. you know thinking we all had a magic potion of God almighty within us and incapable of such behaviour.
He said and this was a LC not a twig or a BC and his entire family was clergy.. mom and dad huge twi people, the devil wants them more. you know like the more you do for "god" the more satan will kill steal and destroy... your life and /or anyone around you.
COME ON |! is that not absolutely frightening? so be your best for God , so Satan can assult you to the point you are insane really.
just think about , the theory of that. I know I did . still do.
the off shoots run off on the same stuff as an excuse when things do not work out well for them.
the more you do for God the more Satan and his spirits and the devil will play with your life .
kind of made me want to hang out with unbelievers I tell ya... it did !
and that was the arena mostly everyone who was who is who in the way clergy included looked at the folks involved with a eye of critical assesment of where they most be spiritualy.
love was out of the question then it was all about something eles. yeha insanity is a good word.
no brother or sister left it was like an inside war man it was all about the devil or not it was INTENSE I tell ya.
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What year was this meeting? It sounds like it was after POP ... was it that fall? Or a year later? ( I'm trying to remember what 8th corps were in LA then. Rum Runner, did you marry my dancing wow seesta? ) The New Orleans gang mostly left shortly after POP, I guess I did get the news about that meeting, which was our final goodbye mostly. For me the final was when they sent the MS LC over and at a TC meeting, there was some way off the word stuff about what could be taught, and some off the wall stuff about why they were right. I felt a little bad about not being more confrontational at that meeting, but kinda didn't want to rock the whole boat. I figured anyone wanting to know more would come talk to me about why I left ... only a couple ever did ... I was probably marked to avoid. LOL At least my twig left together.
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rhino.....as best I remember, that meeting was in May of 1986.
Cgeer made a big deal that one year after vp's death people had ALREADY begun to neglect the memory of "the man of god." One thing that I remember hearing..........no one had put any flowers on vp's grave on the first anniversary of his buriel.
POP....The Passing of a Patriarch was read to the clergy at this time.
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For those of us who were not at the meeting, or even ever heard of it, please provide more details.
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Now that is really unbelievable.
I can imagine someone in twi saying you should have been turned over to satan, for the betrayal... but accusing you of being a seed boy?
Do you remember who said this and what time period?
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POP was revealed to the corps live on corps night in April or May of '86. The clergy meeting that I heard about was in the fall of '86...I want to say early November (no, hubs and I weren't clergy and weren't there).
I distinctly remember our limb coordinator returning from the meeting, having a meeting with the corps/branch coordinators in the state and telling what happened at the HQ clergy meeting. This was the one where Geer was seen to be "packing heat", and where he told someone who needed to be excused for a bathroom break that he "ought to believe God for a bigger bladder".
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I wasn't there either, but I have a set of the meeting notes (given to me by a friend who was there). It was November 1986. Coupla years ago, I sent them to Pat R., and you can read the notes HERE AT EXCULTWORLD.
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Hey David, why'd you give your notes to Pat Robertson?

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OH NOOOOO! That must be where Robertson get's the *demon inspired* rhetoric he's been spewing lately!!

Naw --- they went to the good Pat R. (Roberge) -- up in Vermont. ;)
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Yeah, tonto. I'm sure it was Nov. of 86. I remember because it coincided with a friend's baby's birth, whose husband had to go to the meeting. :blink:
I think the POOP was first read to the corps in March of 86. Pretty sure about that too.
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You still have the original? If so, send them to me and I'll type them up and post them here.
Pat's only got about 16 of the 35 pages. I'd love put it together in something besides PDF, something search able, with an index...
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coolchef1248 @adelphia.net
of course twi was and is ministers of god
but not my God
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Reading all that just makes me aware at how unbelievably SELF serving ALL the leadership was, how SELF important they all acted.
Why would God want anything to do with any of them? God works with the humble ones-----which likely would have been the lowly little believer.
I was also apparent how both CG and the ones who wrote the clergy letter----the only one they ever quoted was Dr Wierwille-----not any other current theologian.
That shows how brainwashed they were; to only quote one human being.
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Radar OReilly
POP was read on Wednesday April 23 (or 21st).
There was a large clergy / leadership meeting in May in the auditorium.....skyrider that is the one in which JO and DZ told about cgeer's "visage" being changed into vpw.
There was a clergy meeting held in the BRC of 1986in the fall, I believe it was early November. That is the meeting that ML and some others walked out of.
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J0nny Ling0
I was there. For the one in November of 86. The poor guy that was told to believe for a bigger bladder had actually s h it his pants and was making his way to the hallway where the bathroom is in the BRC. Really nice guy too. It wasn't his bladder, I think the fear in the room got to him. Poor man. As he was being grilled as in; "Where are you going?! Oh the bathroom? You should believe for a bigger bladder", he didn't respond, but just scurried out. I learned later that his situation was not what CG assumed it was.
I was invited to "The May Meetings" as a clergy guy through my LC, but he never bothered to pass on the invite on to me, so I missed out on that one. Probably just as well. So much fear in those meetings one could cut it with a knife. I have no doubt the May meetings were no different than the meetings in november of 86, as far as the fear goes...
In the evenings after the meetings, my LC and I ( not the one who didn't invite me to the May Meetings, but a new one, for I had left Alaska) drank whiskey. Not too much, but enough. We were really bummed by so much of it all. I guess we thought the world was ending, that the ministry that we loved and thought of as Our Lives was crumbling before us with an "ominousness". Also, alot of our clergy bros were acting really weird, at least to us. During that time, another two LC's had swiped my LC's staff car (my LC and I drove together-most flew unless they were really close to HQ), and were running around with single good looking staff gals, partying and only God knows what else. It was weird. In the evenings, I think alot of clergy guys were in denial, and played pool in the Founders Hall and pretended like they were the characters in the movie The Color Of Money, which was playing during that time. As if nothing were really amiss. Weird. And yet, there were also a lot of serious get togethers by concerned men and women, wanting to "fix the problem". And so, although some acted in a "carnival atmosphere" manner, there were also just as many who were honestly interested in trying to fix whatever the hell was broken. But over all, one of my bros came up and coined Johnny Townshends onetime greeting to the Corps at Corps Week that previous August and said to me; "Welcome to the Twighlight Zone...."
LCM got reproved by CG for making the joke that "if anyone didn't have a tie, they could just ask John Lynn, he probably has at least thirty ties..." And of course we laughed. but then actually, we all got reproved, along with LCM. Him for saying it, we for laughing.
And then there was the "Infiltrator". One guy, a Corps bro of mine, had snuck into the meeting because even though he was not a clergy guy, he was a BC and felt that he had a right to be there. But he was thrown out with somewhat of a commotion, and then Craig announced that we had to be sharp because; "We've already had one "infiltration". Infiltration? Sounded like some sea-slug from Mars had oozed in through the ventilation duct or something. Something from the X-Files. Weird. I was really glad to get home to my wife and baby kids after that. One child (Keanu) ten months, and the other, Tialani, 2 y.o. Shortly after that, I announced to my LC, that since I was broke as a branch leader with no work and lots of ministry expences expected to be handled by me, that it was time for me to go. For; "If a man can't take care of his own household, how can he take care of the Church of God?" I felt like a failure, but I was just being honest about it. If I worked full time, I had no time. And a branch takes time. Others may have pulled it off, but in that oppressed economy, it was pretty tough. And so, he gave me leave, with his blessing and told me that he understood. I am thankful for his understanding heart. He was and is one of the Good Ones. And, I went back to the building trades, as well as being a merchant seaman again...
Yeah, I guess those meetings were of a help to me. Helped me to begin my slow but final exodus from The Way...
Sorry Rejoice, I don't agree with that statement. There were alot of leaders who really cared and loved the people whom they endeavored to minister to. My LC was one. I know that there were many who were definitely self serving. But many who were not, my LC being one of them...
Edited by Jonny LingoLink to comment
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I got part-way through the clergy meeting notes.
What striked me about them is that CW is NEVER to blame for ANYTHING, but is so quick to call people names, yell at them, call the corps possessed etc.
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It may be the wine talking, but reliving all this really is like the twilight zone. At the time, say you were 30, just think, maybe you'd spent most of your life outside of high school dedicated to this thing ... and there were some good folks in the midst of the crap ... now you're being told everyone is possessed ... and those eager to take up "leadership" positions are willing to play along ... others are saying "are you effin kidding me?" I think maybe I was a little better prepared since I was becoming somewhat "disenchanted" by many things, but still, I tried to be a trooper ... I remember telling someone later it was like going thru a bad divorce ... though I've never experienced that ...
Yes greasy ... transcribe those please ... took me forever to d/l them on rural dial-up :)
OK, green beer all around ...
and a
big group hug
... (unless you were one of the militant self serving arsholes ... then go eff yourself ...LOL)
And a special toast to Johnny's brother ...
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Sorry Rejoice, but I don't agree with that either because if it hadn't been for the couple of clergy in our state who came back and told us what went on, we might have stayed in TWI longer. That information plus the non-answers we got from our corps coordinator and Craig made it abundantly clear that we needed to leave. Those guys didn't have to tell what they heard...they were concerned for the people they were leading. Neither of them started his own ministry...they both moved and got real jobs and started to rebuild their lives.
Little old us tried to warn people in our area to hold on to their hearts and wallets for awhile and at least wait and see if TWI would change to their satisfaction, but folks all around us chose to stay with the sinking ship. People who had been close friends of ours in the corps even told us that since we hadn't been the rebellious types in residence, it made them suspicious that we would suddenly buck the system. (Read: You won't drink the Kool-Aid, so you must be possessed).
Thank God we left when we did. I am truly sorry that people stayed a minute longer, and that they continued to bring new unsuspecting people into that cesspool. I am so glad we all are free and that Greasespot is here to serve as a warning to others.
Hey Rhino, how about some green wine, or maybe an appletini?
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hey radar
I am reminded of your "Night That Will Live in Infamy" thread. Is there any way we can pull it up for the newcomers to read?
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"One clery said to me that I was no different than the VC."
who is VC, rumrunner ?
and who is johnny's brother, rhino ?
when in this time frame did the tape come out to the way corps from the insane one about how the united states corps in particular were killing the way ministry or something along those lines
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J0nny Ling0
"VC" stands for the Viet Cong, the communist unsurgents our troops were fighting in Viet Nam. Viet Cong, or, "Victor Charlies" were also simply known as "Charlie" after awhile. "Charlie's commin' through the wire!"
And, Jonny's brother was my big brother Miles Ryan who passed away about two years ago. Today is his birthday, St. Paddy's Day. I mentioned that over on the St. Patrick's Day thread. So now, every St Paddy's Day has a new and far more melancholy meaning to it. Rhino must have seen it. Thanks Rhino, I sure loved that guy. Seven years my senior, but always looked after me when I was little, took me fishin, huntin, and all kinds of cool thuings when my Dad was too busy. Cool guy...
but yeah. that meeting. Harsh...
Edited by Jonny LingoLink to comment
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