Re:"..sudo--what are you so wound up about? i don't need no confrontation, brutha!"
Certainly you don't. I'm sure sorry that I came across to you that way. I do get wound up sometimes by things people believe. Religious beliefs can be good... or they can be destructive to both the believers and all others they come into contact with. Sorry to rant on you.
There's an additional "snow" event in Mr. Wierwille's history too.
Back in '74 or so in Seattle area, VP and Howard were supposed to be coming out for a big meeting.
Everybody showed up at some convention room and was waiting patiently for the arrival of the man/god and his lacky. Minutes go by - no show. MANY more minutes go by - still no show.
Finally we get a phone call. VP explains that he and Howard are stuck in Reno. They just can't fly out, the entire airport is SNOWED IN! Boy, he just can't explain how his believing has failed, but, geeze, the flights have ALL been canceled.
So, he does a "teaching" over the phone, a few unmiraculous minutes go by. Everybody sings, prays, and does their mystical stuff, the Vicster gives us his benediction and hangs up. Fine.
Except one of the "believers" in the audience took it upon himself to call up the airlines and ask them about all those "canceled" flights. Turns out that NONE of the flights out of Reno had been canceled that day, and there had been NO snowstorm.
And what was the result of all of that? Said believer got his a$$ reamed by the LC for being suspicious of THE MAN OF GOD!
Yeah, and I overlooked all of that at the time. Whatta twit...
Maybe you've alrady been through all this, but what do you think? Did God speak audibly to VP? Did He tell him He'd teach him the Bible etc etc? Or did the bs begin there?
Of course he did... didn't you hear about the snow in the fall (or was it the summer?) in Payne, OH (or was it Tulsa?)
Can you think of any other people at that meeting who can confirm that story? I mean, I'm kind of in shock about it. Not quite denial, but it would be interesting to get some corroboration, you know?
Yeah, I could give you the name of the guy who called the airlines (he still lives in the area, though I haven't seen him in years, I could find him) And I know the gal that handled the phone during the meeting, though I have no idea where she is now. There's probably a few other names I could come up with.
Oh, and J#e C%ulter was the guy running the meeting (and also the one who chewed out the skeptic).
Ya really think it's that important? I find it simply typical of the old grifter. There's a myriad of similar stories I know of...
I was at a meeting where VP said it "must've been an angel" on the phone talking to him. That means he knew there was no actual snow; just voices on the phone saying there was snow at the airport which caused him to stay in the hotel long enough to meet the guy who led him into tongues. But, hey! Don't let me stop your hate fest.
I was at a meeting where VP said it "must've been an angel" on the phone talking to him. That means he knew there was no actual snow; just voices on the phone saying there was snow at the airport which caused him to stay in the hotel long enough to meet the guy who led him into tongues. But, hey! Don't let me stop your hate fest.
This event supposedly occurs in 1953.
In 1971, vpw is speaking of it, and says
He said he called the airport, the train station, the bus depot,
and the airport AGAIN, and all 4 times, he was told all traffic was halted.
The reality of the situation was that the temperature during this supposed
"BLIZZARD IN TULSA" hit 60 degrees Fahrenheit.
However, vpw was always sure no one would check up on him,
so he never bothered shoring up his story.
The senselessness of the weather feeling like mild spring during his
supposed "blizzard" never caught his attention-which it SHOULD if he
was not mentally defective. The absence of snow or cool weather
likewise never caught his attention. If he actually believed this story
about the "blizzard", they would have. If he was just lying, then,
obviously, contradictions to his story wouldn't draw his attention-
he'd know there was no "blizzard."
Later, a woman checks his story, and finds the facts completely
contradict his story. So, she goes to him to discuss it.
He looks her in the eye, and, without skipping a beat,
NOW begins to tell a story about angels lying to him and
making illusions of a snowstorm and manning phones all over
the city of Tulsa.
vpw then begins to mention at meetings-at least once in johniam's presence-
that it "must've been an angel" on the phone talking to him.
That means he now ADMITTED there was no actual snow
(since he was now CAUGHT and could no longer claim that
as he had IN PRINT).
If he talked to normal people at any of those locations, it is obvious
they would not have lied to him, nor been so incompetent to say
there was a blizzard coming when the entire MONTH was forecast
(It's statistically possible for one of them to go insane JUST as
he got on the phone, but all 4 people he spoke to?)
So, he claimed the voice he spoke to was an angel who then
LIED to him-apparently at God's instruction.
Among other things, this means that GOD ALMIGHTY CANNOT LIE,
(Titus 1:2)
but He has no problems sending his angels to do exactly that.
So, one either can believe that vpw lied,
or that 3-4 angels lied.
Apparently, he also trimmed down his claim-
since he told johniam about the airport ONLY,
while IN PRINT he'd said he had also called the TRAIN STATION
vpw had no need to abandon his entire story-just add a few
details for listeners to latch onto. That's because most people
who heard this story WANTED to believe it,
and vpw thought-correctly-that some people-even in the face of
obvious reality-would STILL take his word over anything else.
But, hey! Don't let ME interfere with your beliefs-
And we know vee pee never told a lie. <_< vee pee said it so it MUST be true, right? Even if it contradicts everyone else and even himself at other times when speaking of the same incident....
Seriously, man, lay off the Kool-Aid. You personally witnessed Wierwille lying, and you adapt to accept the lie rather than the fact that someone was cold-busted?
Listen to the lie:
"It must have been an angel."
He never considered that he would get confronted on that story, and had to concoct something quick.
Have you ever been in a blizzard? Are we expected to believe that Wierwille called a whole bunch of angels but never bothered to look out the dang window? I get on the phone to confirm my flight and the person on the other end says the city was snowed in, I look out the window. It's instinct. I dare you not do it. You can't. You are compelled to look out the window. Wierwille would have us believe he was hoodwinked by God's holy angels to think there was a blizzard in Tulsa.
To paraphrase Chris Rock: to believe that Wierwille told the truth about 1942, hey that's faith. But to think that Wierwille told the truth about angels lying to him and that he was too dense to look out a window to see that, indeed, it was not snowing, that's just plain gullibility!
By the way, notice that Wierwille did not respond: "you must have calculated the wrong date. There was a blizzard. Check the records for blizzards in Tulsa, then cross check the conferences that were held on that date. That would be the one I was at."
Nope: he knew there was no snowstorm, thus knew he was lying when he said earlier that there was.
Why didn't the angels just tell him "God says stay put"?
He'll call God's angels liars before admitting that he was busted.
spot on, Raf....he was COLD busted and gave out a typical Wierwillean-style yarn: when in doubt, blame God. and 'a course, always with heavy Cecil B. DeMille-style theatrics...
...."Man, I was SNOWED in, I mean A freakin' BLIZZARD, nothin was movin, NOTHIN......"
R-R-R-IGHT, vic, sure, if you say so cuz'n we KNOWS yure the man-o-gawwddd, fer sure....
whew. fun stuff. it's nice to see some folks checked the weather stories. what's amazing is that none of us checked SOONER. we obviously WANTED to believe. that doesn't absolve vp and the rest of any fault or blame, just to be honest about it. we were complicit. we had plenty of opportunities to stand up to them--i know i did--and usually folded. not necessarily because we were spineless, but because we wanted it all to be true. and eventually, because we had so much invested.
i don't know about you, but it's good for me to recognize it again, after all these years (i've been out since '87.) sure, they deceived and took advantage, but we let them. there were enough holes in their stories and their "research" AND THEIR PERSONALITIES that we could've/should've seen right through them. but we let them off the hook because we wanted what they said they were offering. for me, re-realizing this answers the question "Why did i hang around so long?" and having essentially blown 11 years of my life it's a question that could regularly use re-answering.
I dunno Sprawled, in defense of our younger more foolish selves....many of us were awfully young and idealistic.
It just never dawned on me that everyones motives in twi were not as genuine as my own. What a sucker...but jeeze....these people were teaching the bible for goodness sakes <_<
It HAD to be a good thing in my mind at the time....
I recall sitting through pfal for the first time in July of 1975 (there was no snow on the ground), as I was listening to the class, thinking to myself... "hmmmm, interesting...", suddenly, the guy teaching the class claims that God spoke to him audibly!...something about "I'll teach you the word like it hasn't been known since the 1st century if you blah blah blah"...
...My eyes got as big as saucers and I slowly looked around the room to see the reaction of the other people there. The grads of the class had a "knowing smile" on their faces...and I thought to myself..."holy sh it! God spoke to this guy!!!"
This was the "hook"...This was the moment that my brain became infected. This was the moment that I became a wayfer...
Wierwille's claims of God speaking to him were the foundation for his entire cult...Without this claim, he was just another preacher flapping his gums. He needed this outlandish claim to provide credibility to what he was trying to do...and it worked! It worked like a charm as we can see that there are STILL people who refuse NOT to believe it! I don't think that Wierwille ever imagined that there would be folks who actually checked his stories he just made it up as he went. Snow on the gas pumps? Sure why not...A snow blizzard in Tulsa?...Hell, he could have claimed to have seen Jeezuz riding next to Santa in the sleigh and there would have been folks to believe it.
Wierwille believed in the idea that there is a sucker born every minute. He built a successful organization out of that idea...Once a person believed that God spoke to him, the rest fell into place...It opened the doors for his "absent Christ" doctrine (which made him the head of the body) allowed him to generate enough revenue to make himself filthy rich and in control of thousands of people who worshipped the ground he walked upon...
...but of course, when it came to selecting his successor, he chose style over substance and thus we ended up with king okie...and we should be thankful for that...because with king okie in charge, the "spell" that held so many captive was broken and the house of cards came tumbling down. This is usually what happens with personality cults.
Did God talk to VP?....How you answer that question to yourself will determine the extent of waybrain you still harbor within your for me...
And we know vee pee never told a lie. <_< vee pee said it so it MUST be true, right? Even if it contradicts everyone else and even himself at other times when speaking of the same incident....
Sprawled Out, I can't speak for others because I was never around with vee pee was alive and I really had no idea or concept of the "MOG" when I first got involved - that sort of idolatry came later for me. :unsure:
BUT, remember that back then there was no internet - there was no fax machine - technology and information gathering was a lot different. It took a lot longer - a lot of trouble and, most likely, expense, to get the same information we can have in seconds today for free.
I think I've seen on here through the years how the only time people really ever heard a lot of things that were going on all over the country was when they got together at ROA. So even if a few people questioned it - found out the truth and told some people, it was very likely that they would have been silenced quickly and kept from being able to share that information with others.
We have it a lot easier these days and, thankfully / hopefully, the internet has made it harder and harder for TWI to deceive and destroy people.
Yea. VPW got busted and laid out the angel story as a quick CYA move. Look. the snow on the gas pumps thing was openly promoted way back when (no pun intended) and at one PFAL session (40 people present) we were told that it was an example of a phenomenon that heralded the start of VPW's true ministry. (Of course we didn't know that VPW was a miserable failure as a humble preacher because the life of a lowly servant of God didn't offer enough action). Anyway we were told that it was "real snow" and also that being "snowblind" was symbolic of the blindness that Paul experienced (as if VPW was comparable to Paul) during his moment of epiphany process. So anyone who tries to tell you that the "Snow story" was just a symbol or some lie manufactured by an Angel (I don't think that its in their nature to be lying) to protect Dr. Drambuie then just tell them to a check-up-from-the-neck-up. But for the VPW loyalists don't let me interfere with your
This was the "hook"...This was the moment that my brain became infected. This was the moment that I became a wayfer...
Wierwille's claims of God speaking to him were the foundation for his entire cult...Without this claim, he was just another preacher flapping his gums. He needed this outlandish claim to provide credibility to what he was trying to do...and it worked! It worked like a charm as we can see that there are STILL people who refuse NOT to believe it! I don't think that Wierwille ever imagined that there would be folks who actually checked his stories he just made it up as he went. Snow on the gas pumps? Sure why not...A snow blizzard in Tulsa?...Hell, he could have claimed to have seen Jeezuz riding next to Santa in the sleigh and there would have been folks to believe it.
Makes you wonder about all the ingredible manifestation of God's power he performed in the India stories :unsure:
BUT, remember that back then there was no internet - there was no fax machine - technology and information gathering was a lot different. It took a lot longer - a lot of trouble and, most likely, expense, to get the same information we can have in seconds today for free.
And now you understand Belle... why I hit my knees and thank the lord above for Al Gore...
Think maybe Moses had integrity and was never found guilty of drugging and raping women, plagarizing or lying on multiple occasions? Think just maybe Moses had a much better reputation and avoiding all appearance of evil as is required if one subscribes to the Bible as the word of God? ;)
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So now......"snowstorm" doesn't mean an actual snowstorm....??? :unsure:
For a man who spent his whole life searching for hand-in-glove scriptural accuracy, wierwille doesn't understand the basics of common language..??
Wowsers.....wierwille apologists to the bitter end.

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Sprawled Out,
Re:"..sudo--what are you so wound up about? i don't need no confrontation, brutha!"
Certainly you don't. I'm sure sorry that I came across to you that way. I do get wound up sometimes by things people believe. Religious beliefs can be good... or they can be destructive to both the believers and all others they come into contact with. Sorry to rant on you.
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George Aar
There's an additional "snow" event in Mr. Wierwille's history too.
Back in '74 or so in Seattle area, VP and Howard were supposed to be coming out for a big meeting.
Everybody showed up at some convention room and was waiting patiently for the arrival of the man/god and his lacky. Minutes go by - no show. MANY more minutes go by - still no show.
Finally we get a phone call. VP explains that he and Howard are stuck in Reno. They just can't fly out, the entire airport is SNOWED IN! Boy, he just can't explain how his believing has failed, but, geeze, the flights have ALL been canceled.
So, he does a "teaching" over the phone, a few unmiraculous minutes go by. Everybody sings, prays, and does their mystical stuff, the Vicster gives us his benediction and hangs up. Fine.
Except one of the "believers" in the audience took it upon himself to call up the airlines and ask them about all those "canceled" flights. Turns out that NONE of the flights out of Reno had been canceled that day, and there had been NO snowstorm.
And what was the result of all of that? Said believer got his a$$ reamed by the LC for being suspicious of THE MAN OF GOD!
Yeah, and I overlooked all of that at the time. Whatta twit...
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Tom Strange
Of course he did... didn't you hear about the snow in the fall (or was it the summer?) in Payne, OH (or was it Tulsa?)
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Can you think of any other people at that meeting who can confirm that story? I mean, I'm kind of in shock about it. Not quite denial, but it would be interesting to get some corroboration, you know?
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George Aar
Yeah, I could give you the name of the guy who called the airlines (he still lives in the area, though I haven't seen him in years, I could find him) And I know the gal that handled the phone during the meeting, though I have no idea where she is now. There's probably a few other names I could come up with.
Oh, and J#e C%ulter was the guy running the meeting (and also the one who chewed out the skeptic).
Ya really think it's that important? I find it simply typical of the old grifter. There's a myriad of similar stories I know of...
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I was at a meeting where VP said it "must've been an angel" on the phone talking to him. That means he knew there was no actual snow; just voices on the phone saying there was snow at the airport which caused him to stay in the hotel long enough to meet the guy who led him into tongues. But, hey! Don't let me stop your hate fest.
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This event supposedly occurs in 1953.
In 1971, vpw is speaking of it, and says
He said he called the airport, the train station, the bus depot,
and the airport AGAIN, and all 4 times, he was told all traffic was halted.
The reality of the situation was that the temperature during this supposed
"BLIZZARD IN TULSA" hit 60 degrees Fahrenheit.
However, vpw was always sure no one would check up on him,
so he never bothered shoring up his story.
The senselessness of the weather feeling like mild spring during his
supposed "blizzard" never caught his attention-which it SHOULD if he
was not mentally defective. The absence of snow or cool weather
likewise never caught his attention. If he actually believed this story
about the "blizzard", they would have. If he was just lying, then,
obviously, contradictions to his story wouldn't draw his attention-
he'd know there was no "blizzard."
Later, a woman checks his story, and finds the facts completely
contradict his story. So, she goes to him to discuss it.
He looks her in the eye, and, without skipping a beat,
NOW begins to tell a story about angels lying to him and
making illusions of a snowstorm and manning phones all over
the city of Tulsa.
vpw then begins to mention at meetings-at least once in johniam's presence-
that it "must've been an angel" on the phone talking to him.
That means he now ADMITTED there was no actual snow
(since he was now CAUGHT and could no longer claim that
as he had IN PRINT).
If he talked to normal people at any of those locations, it is obvious
they would not have lied to him, nor been so incompetent to say
there was a blizzard coming when the entire MONTH was forecast
(It's statistically possible for one of them to go insane JUST as
he got on the phone, but all 4 people he spoke to?)
So, he claimed the voice he spoke to was an angel who then
LIED to him-apparently at God's instruction.
Among other things, this means that GOD ALMIGHTY CANNOT LIE,
(Titus 1:2)
but He has no problems sending his angels to do exactly that.
So, one either can believe that vpw lied,
or that 3-4 angels lied.
Apparently, he also trimmed down his claim-
since he told johniam about the airport ONLY,
while IN PRINT he'd said he had also called the TRAIN STATION
vpw had no need to abandon his entire story-just add a few
details for listeners to latch onto. That's because most people
who heard this story WANTED to believe it,
and vpw thought-correctly-that some people-even in the face of
obvious reality-would STILL take his word over anything else.
But, hey! Don't let ME interfere with your beliefs-
as if I could.
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And we know vee pee never told a lie. <_< vee pee said it so it MUST be true, right? Even if it contradicts everyone else and even himself at other times when speaking of the same incident....
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Seriously, man, lay off the Kool-Aid. You personally witnessed Wierwille lying, and you adapt to accept the lie rather than the fact that someone was cold-busted?
Listen to the lie:
"It must have been an angel."
He never considered that he would get confronted on that story, and had to concoct something quick.
Have you ever been in a blizzard? Are we expected to believe that Wierwille called a whole bunch of angels but never bothered to look out the dang window? I get on the phone to confirm my flight and the person on the other end says the city was snowed in, I look out the window. It's instinct. I dare you not do it. You can't. You are compelled to look out the window. Wierwille would have us believe he was hoodwinked by God's holy angels to think there was a blizzard in Tulsa.
To paraphrase Chris Rock: to believe that Wierwille told the truth about 1942, hey that's faith. But to think that Wierwille told the truth about angels lying to him and that he was too dense to look out a window to see that, indeed, it was not snowing, that's just plain gullibility!
By the way, notice that Wierwille did not respond: "you must have calculated the wrong date. There was a blizzard. Check the records for blizzards in Tulsa, then cross check the conferences that were held on that date. That would be the one I was at."
Nope: he knew there was no snowstorm, thus knew he was lying when he said earlier that there was.
Why didn't the angels just tell him "God says stay put"?
He'll call God's angels liars before admitting that he was busted.
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spot on, Raf....he was COLD busted and gave out a typical Wierwillean-style yarn: when in doubt, blame God. and 'a course, always with heavy Cecil B. DeMille-style theatrics...
...."Man, I was SNOWED in, I mean A freakin' BLIZZARD, nothin was movin, NOTHIN......"
R-R-R-IGHT, vic, sure, if you say so cuz'n we KNOWS yure the man-o-gawwddd, fer sure....
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sprawled out
whew. fun stuff. it's nice to see some folks checked the weather stories. what's amazing is that none of us checked SOONER. we obviously WANTED to believe. that doesn't absolve vp and the rest of any fault or blame, just to be honest about it. we were complicit. we had plenty of opportunities to stand up to them--i know i did--and usually folded. not necessarily because we were spineless, but because we wanted it all to be true. and eventually, because we had so much invested.
i don't know about you, but it's good for me to recognize it again, after all these years (i've been out since '87.) sure, they deceived and took advantage, but we let them. there were enough holes in their stories and their "research" AND THEIR PERSONALITIES that we could've/should've seen right through them. but we let them off the hook because we wanted what they said they were offering. for me, re-realizing this answers the question "Why did i hang around so long?" and having essentially blown 11 years of my life it's a question that could regularly use re-answering.
so thanks everyone. keep up the good work!
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I dunno Sprawled, in defense of our younger more foolish selves....many of us were awfully young and idealistic.
It just never dawned on me that everyones motives in twi were not as genuine as my own. What a sucker...but jeeze....these people were teaching the bible for goodness sakes <_<
It HAD to be a good thing in my mind at the time....
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I recall sitting through pfal for the first time in July of 1975 (there was no snow on the ground), as I was listening to the class, thinking to myself... "hmmmm, interesting...", suddenly, the guy teaching the class claims that God spoke to him audibly!...something about "I'll teach you the word like it hasn't been known since the 1st century if you blah blah blah"...
...My eyes got as big as saucers and I slowly looked around the room to see the reaction of the other people there. The grads of the class had a "knowing smile" on their faces...and I thought to myself..."holy sh it! God spoke to this guy!!!"
This was the "hook"...This was the moment that my brain became infected. This was the moment that I became a wayfer...
Wierwille's claims of God speaking to him were the foundation for his entire cult...Without this claim, he was just another preacher flapping his gums. He needed this outlandish claim to provide credibility to what he was trying to do...and it worked! It worked like a charm as we can see that there are STILL people who refuse NOT to believe it! I don't think that Wierwille ever imagined that there would be folks who actually checked his stories he just made it up as he went. Snow on the gas pumps? Sure why not...A snow blizzard in Tulsa?...Hell, he could have claimed to have seen Jeezuz riding next to Santa in the sleigh and there would have been folks to believe it.
Wierwille believed in the idea that there is a sucker born every minute. He built a successful organization out of that idea...Once a person believed that God spoke to him, the rest fell into place...It opened the doors for his "absent Christ" doctrine (which made him the head of the body) allowed him to generate enough revenue to make himself filthy rich and in control of thousands of people who worshipped the ground he walked upon...
...but of course, when it came to selecting his successor, he chose style over substance and thus we ended up with king okie...and we should be thankful for that...because with king okie in charge, the "spell" that held so many captive was broken and the house of cards came tumbling down. This is usually what happens with personality cults.
Did God talk to VP?....How you answer that question to yourself will determine the extent of waybrain you still harbor within your for me...
Don't sh it me, I have a turd in every pocket.
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if veepee said it it was pee
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You're too cool, Cool!
Sprawled Out, I can't speak for others because I was never around with vee pee was alive and I really had no idea or concept of the "MOG" when I first got involved - that sort of idolatry came later for me. :unsure:
BUT, remember that back then there was no internet - there was no fax machine - technology and information gathering was a lot different. It took a lot longer - a lot of trouble and, most likely, expense, to get the same information we can have in seconds today for free.
I think I've seen on here through the years how the only time people really ever heard a lot of things that were going on all over the country was when they got together at ROA. So even if a few people questioned it - found out the truth and told some people, it was very likely that they would have been silenced quickly and kept from being able to share that information with others.
We have it a lot easier these days and, thankfully / hopefully, the internet has made it harder and harder for TWI to deceive and destroy people.
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Yea. VPW got busted and laid out the angel story as a quick CYA move. Look. the snow on the gas pumps thing was openly promoted way back when (no pun intended) and at one PFAL session (40 people present) we were told that it was an example of a phenomenon that heralded the start of VPW's true ministry. (Of course we didn't know that VPW was a miserable failure as a humble preacher because the life of a lowly servant of God didn't offer enough action). Anyway we were told that it was "real snow" and also that being "snowblind" was symbolic of the blindness that Paul experienced (as if VPW was comparable to Paul) during his moment of epiphany process. So anyone who tries to tell you that the "Snow story" was just a symbol or some lie manufactured by an Angel (I don't think that its in their nature to be lying) to protect Dr. Drambuie then just tell them to a check-up-from-the-neck-up. But for the VPW loyalists don't let me interfere with your
denial fest.
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Makes you wonder about all the ingredible manifestation of God's power he performed in the India stories :unsure:
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Tom Strange
And now you understand Belle... why I hit my knees and thank the lord above for Al Gore...
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Tom Strange
yep... sure did... but only after careful meditation with Mr. Drambuie...
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OK-just for fun-or so Groucho can go

Do you think God would have allowed the burning bush that Moses saw to have be seen or documented by anyone other than himself?
(Ok-I'm going into Witness proctection right now-don't try to find me!)
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Ok, just for fun....or to make Toppers go

Think maybe Moses had integrity and was never found guilty of drugging and raping women, plagarizing or lying on multiple occasions? Think just maybe Moses had a much better reputation and avoiding all appearance of evil as is required if one subscribes to the Bible as the word of God? ;)
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Ok, I took some aspirin.
The question was obviously hypothetical: no doubt Moses had a million times more integrity, but even God did not allow him to see the promised land.
So, would the bush have been seen by anyone else?
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