And what if Jesus had done this? He could have "winked at sin" and not have thrown over the money changers' tables. He could have not chastised the Pharisees for abusing the belief of the people.
Yeah I am not sure how the Son of God would do this. VPW was not the son of god. Though Jesus was doing his father's will. So he endured the suffering to pay for our sins. Why are you comparing VPW and Jesus Christ. I never said that VPW was Jesus.
The reference to God, closing his eyes that CK has referred to comes from PFAL ... It is on page 221.
There is another reference to the Patriarchal
Administration in Acts 17:30.
And the times of this ignorance God winked at;
but now [He] commandeth all men every where
to repent.
"The times of this ignorance" refers to the patri-
archal period when the law was an unwritten law, so
God winked at the time of this ignorance. That means
He just closed His eyes to it.
(Power For Abundant Living, p221)
Here, Wierwille is offering his explanation of administrations and in particular how God delt with things in the "patricarchal administration". VPW says God "just closed his eyes to it". To what? --- to the "the times of this ignorance."
I am quoting VPW, not becasue I think he is necessarily correct with his administrations, but rather to show were the idea that God closes his eyes to sin came from. But, if we assume VPW to be correct, the eye closing applied to patriarchal administration. --- But, what about now in todays "administration" ?
We have to look at all of Acts 17.30, 31.
17:30 And the times of this ignorance God winked at;
but now [He] commandeth all men every where to repent.
Because he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by [that] man whom he hath ordained; [whereof] he hath given assurance unto all [men], in that he hath raised him from the dead.
Winked means overlooked, and in the context infers withheld judgment. That was in the past. But now it is different. Now, after God revealed himself through Christ, God no longer closes his eyes to this ignorance, but instead commands man to repent, (to change) and not to be ignorant.
Nowhere in this section of scripture is the idea set forth that Christians are to close their eyes and ignore evil, abuse, wrong teachings, etc. coming from Christian leaders. Nowhere does it suggest that Christians close their eyes to evil.
Instead, this was a speech by Paul to "men of Athens", pagans, concerning how God overlooked the ignorance of their idolotry and is now giving them a chance to repent and understand the true God through Jesus Christ.
Why are you comparing VPW and Jesus Christ. I never said that VPW was Jesus.
Because we are supposed to follow Jesus. Because as a leader VPW was to be held to a high standard.
You want to have it both ways - you want us to follow all that the word says (which you barely understand yourself.) But you'll let VPW off the hook at a moment's notice.
Now, You get angry if someone used the OT to refer to a verse in the NT - but you use the ole"wink at sin' form the old testament whenever you feel like you're backed into a corner.
If you're going to learn the Bible - LEARN IT! Quit playing around.
I get the feeling that you really aren't defending yourself, or VPW. You come across as though you are defending what your parents told you. We have no problem with the fact that your parents had good experiences while in TWI. I think the problem we have here is that you insist on picking fights without even the most basic knowlege of what you are talking about.
You know - I'm done. Read some C.S. Lewis. Learn how to write, learn how to spell, learn how to argue intelligently, learn the scriptures, LEARN HOW TO THINK FOR YOURSELF! - then come back and we'll talk.
BTW - VPW used to quote - Bullinger I think it was , " Most people don't really know how to think - they just think they know how to think.)
(Look that up in Proverbs you'll see yourself there. Oh and BTW - the OT has a purpose - to tell us that which has come before and to teach us what the NT does not - God has no need to re-teach things that are still true.)
As I mentioned earlier in this thread, the attributes of "love" described in 1 Corinthians 13
may be seen as entirely antithetical to those of the OT deity.
Why do you guys continue to "wink" at those things believed by different ancient Christian movements?...
Methinks you may be referring to the Marcionites ..... :)
They are winked at because they have generraly never been presented to be seen in the first place. At least not by most foks here. Few Christians have any notion as to what Marcion or other early "heretics" taught or that gnosticism and Marcionism were huge movents alongside what is refered to as orthodox Christianity.
Danny, maybe sometime you can start a thread about Marcion's Antethesis where he teaches that the God of the OT and the God of the NT are two separate dieties -- The tough Creator God as opposed to all loving Supreme God. Where Jesus serves and reveals the previously unknown Supreme God and not the Hebrew Creator God of the OT.
Goey, you spoke out of true Christian love here, and I am very appreciative of this. You are absolutely right - I oft forget that not everyone else has plunged into this area with the same obsession as I've had in the subject these past few years, though I hope the recent sensationalism surrounding the release of the "Gospel of Judas" will pick a few brains and spark anew some interest about what other early Christians believed. What a thrill it is to see a lost ancient Christian gospel come to light again, to hear again expressions such as the following:
"When [Jesus] [approached] his disciples, gathered together and seated and offering prayer of thanksgiving over the bread, [ he ] laughed.
The disciples said to him, "Master, why are you laughing at our prayers of thanksgiving?
We have done what is right!"
He answered and said to them: "I am not laughing at you.
You are not doing this because of your own will, but it is through this that your god will receive thankgiving."
The disciples said to him: "Master, you are[...] the son of our god."
Jesus said unto them: "How do you know me? Verily to you I say, not this generation of people among you will know me!"
When Jesus observed their lack of [understanding, he said] to them "Why has this agitation led you to anger? Your god who is within you [...] has provoked you to anger in your souls (...)".
The pronouns remind me of expressions occurring in our "Gospel of John":
"It is written in your law, that the testimony of two men is true."(John 8:17; cf. 10:34;18:31).
And of the twelve disciples not "getting it" is a recurring motif in many places even throughout our canonical gospels, such as with their reactions to Jesus' miracles, with chronic symptoms of "fear" and of having "their understanding darkened" or, as in the case before and even following his resurrection, - unbelief.
The "Book of Acts" was written (for one reason) to give "a happy ending' to all that, but there remained nonetheless Christian movements which did not "buy" it (I think some early 20th century French scholars are likely correct in their proposals that "Acts" was a writing actually compiled about the midpoint of the second century, for one reason, to try to reconcile Christian movements which were divided in their rivalries over which disciple constituted "the man-of-god for our day & time").
Having blabbered on too much already, I end with an observation of 1 Cor.13, the topic in question:
"Love is not jealous" .
Oh, really? Did the old testament god "renew his mind"?
The same god whose very name is "jealous"?
Of such monumental transformation which has apparently occurred with this god, and transform him from a jealous god into "The Love God" -
where's the record?
And now a friendly reminder to one and all here -
"Love is patient"
Can we can endeavor to demonstrate this trait here a bit more
in our dealings with "ck junior"?
Only now do I grasp what our wise Sir Guess raised here earlier.
What gain is there in us wise "old farts" poking this green-behind-the-ears "youngling"
in the ribs, bitch-slapping this poor little child to give us an answer to every jot & tittle
of his views having to do with his admiration for a comic book hero?
Good God almighty wtf is the matter with you people (lol).
I thought that Ck used his Paul Simon quote here too, and I want to make sure he gets this message when he checks on on us.....
QUOTE(ckmkeon @ Apr 12 2006, 06:19 PM)
I will let you in on a little piece of info
.. Still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest.
The saddest little piece of info here is that you do not know how to keep things in context. Even sadder is that this was one of the GOOD, CORRECT, things that VPW taught. And you can't even seem to grasp the basics of his teachings. You are speaking from ignorance. You came here looking for only what you wanted to find, not the truth. SAD. Very, very SAD.
Here are the lyrics to the opening lines form "the Boxer" by Paul Simon - which you have been so fond of quoting.
I am just a poor boy, though my story's seldom told.
I have squandered my resistance,
For a pocketful of mumbles, such are promises.
All lies and jest.
Still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest.
The person in this song says that he "SQUANDERED his resistance for a pocketful of promises - all lies and jest...yadda, yadda, yadda..
So the song you are so fond of quoting actually makes OUR point for us better than it serves you.
We are talking about the fact that at one time WE DID hear what we wanted to hear - and disregarded the rest. We only heard the "promises of a more abundant life," and we tried to look past the evils we saw.
So what are YOUR pocketful of promises that you are disregarding the rest for?????
Why does so much of your reply has to do with who I quote. I mean how SAD IS THAT. The SADDEST thing is that you can't come up with some material from I COR 13. Since that is what are we are discussing. So I guess I am thankful that you are SAD OR SADDER OR SADDEST whatever you decide to be. So thank you for your opinion on SAD. I quote Paul Simon because I thought the words were nice. So I am not SAD I am doing fine.
You quoted Paul Simon all over the GreaseSpot - in at least 3 places including Chat. You didn't mind getting off topic, did you? You used this line when you thought it would serve your purposes. NOW you complain? Why couldn't you find any scripture to answer with?
Oh and You brought an old testament reference in - then you complained that others were talking about the OT and not the New.
If you look up "Straw man argument" well don't be surprised if your picture is there.
And I DID make many references to 1Cor 13:13.
ANNNNDDDD....I also made references and suggestions as to how to work the Word on your own just to be able to verify what you get taught along the way.
Why does so much of your reply has to do with who I quote. I mean how SAD IS THAT. The SADDEST thing is that you can't come up with some material from I COR 13. Since that is what are we are discussing. So I guess I am thankful that you are SAD OR SADDER OR SADDEST whatever you decide to be. So thank you for your opinion on SAD. I quote Paul Simon because I thought the words were nice. So I am not SAD I am doing fine.
CK, you are the one that has come up with no material for 1 Cor 13. Except your own distorted private interpretation of it. Was is really sad is your commitment and dedication to ignorance.
I may need to rethink that though. Let me see ....
You don't know scripture. You don't know or understand PFAL. You never met VPW. Your grammar and writing skills are 5th grade level at best. Yet you claim to be 19 years old and to believe and follow VPW's teachings. You think everything he taught was correct.
Actually, more and more I just think you are full of crap and getting off on the attention.
You don't know scripture. You don't know or understand PFAL. You never met VPW.
John 10:10 The Theif commeth not but for to steal, kill, destroy. I am come that they might have life and have it more abundantly
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him shall not persih but have everlasting life
ICOR 13:1 Though I speak with the toungs of men and of angels and of not the love of god in the renewed mind I am become a sounding brass or a tingling symbal.
IThess 4:16,17 For the lord himself shall desend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangel and the trump of God and the dead in christ shall rise first.
Then We which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the lord.
II TIM 2:15 Study to shew theyself aproved unto God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth
II Tim 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable fro Doctrine, For Reproof, For Correction, for instruction in righteousness
I COR 13:7-13
7 beareth all things,believeth all things,hopeth all things, endureth all things
8 The love of God in the renewed mind never faileth, but whether there be prophecies they shall fail, whether thall be tounges they shall cease, whether there be knowledge it shall vanish away
9 For we now in part and prophesy in part
10 But when that which is perfect is come then that which is in part shall be done away
11 When I was a child I spake as a child, Iunderstood as a child, I thought as a child, but when I became a man I put away childish things.
12 For now we see through a glass darkly but then face to face now I know in part but then shall I know even as also I am known
13 And now abideth faith, hope, the love of God in the renewed mind these three but the greatest is the love of God in the renewed mind
While I have been in the PFAL Class and I understand it, but you are right I never met VPW. While meeting him is one thing, I do have all or most of his teachings, the PFAL Class, Thessalonians, The Hope on Beta, the PFAL Books, and other reading material.
While I have been in the PFAL Class and I understand it, but you are right I never met VPW. While meeting him is one thing, I do have all or most of his teachings, the PFAL Class, Thessalonians, The Hope on Beta, the PFAL Books, and other reading material.
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Yeah I am not sure how the Son of God would do this. VPW was not the son of god. Though Jesus was doing his father's will. So he endured the suffering to pay for our sins. Why are you comparing VPW and Jesus Christ. I never said that VPW was Jesus.
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ckm-why do you talk about love and carry so much hate for others?
let me clue you in on something-pfal and twi is a hate group and class
it may not have started that way prior to the 1960's
but it was after that and is still today
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The reference to God, closing his eyes that CK has referred to comes from PFAL ... It is on page 221.
Here, Wierwille is offering his explanation of administrations and in particular how God delt with things in the "patricarchal administration". VPW says God "just closed his eyes to it". To what? --- to the "the times of this ignorance."
I am quoting VPW, not becasue I think he is necessarily correct with his administrations, but rather to show were the idea that God closes his eyes to sin came from. But, if we assume VPW to be correct, the eye closing applied to patriarchal administration. --- But, what about now in todays "administration" ?
We have to look at all of Acts 17.30, 31.
Winked means overlooked, and in the context infers withheld judgment. That was in the past. But now it is different. Now, after God revealed himself through Christ, God no longer closes his eyes to this ignorance, but instead commands man to repent, (to change) and not to be ignorant.
Nowhere in this section of scripture is the idea set forth that Christians are to close their eyes and ignore evil, abuse, wrong teachings, etc. coming from Christian leaders. Nowhere does it suggest that Christians close their eyes to evil.
Instead, this was a speech by Paul to "men of Athens", pagans, concerning how God overlooked the ignorance of their idolotry and is now giving them a chance to repent and understand the true God through Jesus Christ.
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Well I am not sure what you are talking about I was very nice and I was asking a question in my recent post
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Why are you comparing VPW and Jesus Christ. I never said that VPW was Jesus.
Because we are supposed to follow Jesus. Because as a leader VPW was to be held to a high standard.
You want to have it both ways - you want us to follow all that the word says (which you barely understand yourself.) But you'll let VPW off the hook at a moment's notice.
Now, You get angry if someone used the OT to refer to a verse in the NT - but you use the ole"wink at sin' form the old testament whenever you feel like you're backed into a corner.
If you're going to learn the Bible - LEARN IT! Quit playing around.
I get the feeling that you really aren't defending yourself, or VPW. You come across as though you are defending what your parents told you. We have no problem with the fact that your parents had good experiences while in TWI. I think the problem we have here is that you insist on picking fights without even the most basic knowlege of what you are talking about.
You know - I'm done. Read some C.S. Lewis. Learn how to write, learn how to spell, learn how to argue intelligently, learn the scriptures, LEARN HOW TO THINK FOR YOURSELF! - then come back and we'll talk.
BTW - VPW used to quote - Bullinger I think it was , " Most people don't really know how to think - they just think they know how to think.)
(Look that up in Proverbs you'll see yourself there. Oh and BTW - the OT has a purpose - to tell us that which has come before and to teach us what the NT does not - God has no need to re-teach things that are still true.)
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Personally --- I have NO PROBLEM hearing Isaiah quoted, if I Cor. 13 is the topic.
(It is --- after all --- ONE BOOK.) :)
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I understand what you are saying but Isaiah was under the Law administration and Corinthians was under Grace two different times.
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Two different administrations -- yes.
Same God running both. OT and NT are ONE BOOK -- and regardless of what docvic says --
OT has to mesh with the NT, and we should pay attention to it. :)
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As I mentioned earlier in this thread, the attributes of "love" described in 1 Corinthians 13
may be seen as entirely antithetical to those of the OT deity.
Why do you guys continue to "wink" at those things believed by different ancient Christian movements?...
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Methinks you may be referring to the Marcionites ..... :)
They are winked at because they have generraly never been presented to be seen in the first place. At least not by most foks here. Few Christians have any notion as to what Marcion or other early "heretics" taught or that gnosticism and Marcionism were huge movents alongside what is refered to as orthodox Christianity.
Danny, maybe sometime you can start a thread about Marcion's Antethesis where he teaches that the God of the OT and the God of the NT are two separate dieties -- The tough Creator God as opposed to all loving Supreme God. Where Jesus serves and reveals the previously unknown Supreme God and not the Hebrew Creator God of the OT.
Maybe a Marcionite/gnostic Catechesis?
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Goey, you spoke out of true Christian love here, and I am very appreciative of this. You are absolutely right - I oft forget that not everyone else has plunged into this area with the same obsession as I've had in the subject these past few years, though I hope the recent sensationalism surrounding the release of the "Gospel of Judas" will pick a few brains and spark anew some interest about what other early Christians believed. What a thrill it is to see a lost ancient Christian gospel come to light again, to hear again expressions such as the following:
"When [Jesus] [approached] his disciples, gathered together and seated and offering prayer of thanksgiving over the bread, [ he ] laughed.
The disciples said to him, "Master, why are you laughing at our prayers of thanksgiving?
We have done what is right!"
He answered and said to them: "I am not laughing at you.
You are not doing this because of your own will, but it is through this that your god will receive thankgiving."
The disciples said to him: "Master, you are[...] the son of our god."
Jesus said unto them: "How do you know me? Verily to you I say, not this generation of people among you will know me!"
When Jesus observed their lack of [understanding, he said] to them "Why has this agitation led you to anger? Your god who is within you [...] has provoked you to anger in your souls (...)".
The pronouns remind me of expressions occurring in our "Gospel of John":
"It is written in your law, that the testimony of two men is true."(John 8:17; cf. 10:34;18:31).
And of the twelve disciples not "getting it" is a recurring motif in many places even throughout our canonical gospels, such as with their reactions to Jesus' miracles, with chronic symptoms of "fear" and of having "their understanding darkened" or, as in the case before and even following his resurrection, - unbelief.
The "Book of Acts" was written (for one reason) to give "a happy ending' to all that, but there remained nonetheless Christian movements which did not "buy" it (I think some early 20th century French scholars are likely correct in their proposals that "Acts" was a writing actually compiled about the midpoint of the second century, for one reason, to try to reconcile Christian movements which were divided in their rivalries over which disciple constituted "the man-of-god for our day & time").
Having blabbered on too much already, I end with an observation of 1 Cor.13, the topic in question:
"Love is not jealous" .
Oh, really? Did the old testament god "renew his mind"?
The same god whose very name is "jealous"?
Of such monumental transformation which has apparently occurred with this god, and transform him from a jealous god into "The Love God" -
where's the record?
And now a friendly reminder to one and all here -
"Love is patient"
Can we can endeavor to demonstrate this trait here a bit more
in our dealings with "ck junior"?
Only now do I grasp what our wise Sir Guess raised here earlier.
What gain is there in us wise "old farts" poking this green-behind-the-ears "youngling"
in the ribs, bitch-slapping this poor little child to give us an answer to every jot & tittle
of his views having to do with his admiration for a comic book hero?
Good God almighty wtf is the matter with you people (lol).
Time to get outside and enjoy the spring weather.
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I thought that Ck used his Paul Simon quote here too, and I want to make sure he gets this message when he checks on on us.....
QUOTE(ckmkeon @ Apr 12 2006, 06:19 PM)
I will let you in on a little piece of info
.. Still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest.
The saddest little piece of info here is that you do not know how to keep things in context. Even sadder is that this was one of the GOOD, CORRECT, things that VPW taught. And you can't even seem to grasp the basics of his teachings. You are speaking from ignorance. You came here looking for only what you wanted to find, not the truth. SAD. Very, very SAD.
Here are the lyrics to the opening lines form "the Boxer" by Paul Simon - which you have been so fond of quoting.
I am just a poor boy, though my story's seldom told.
I have squandered my resistance,
For a pocketful of mumbles, such are promises.
All lies and jest.
Still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest.
The person in this song says that he "SQUANDERED his resistance for a pocketful of promises - all lies and jest...yadda, yadda, yadda..
So the song you are so fond of quoting actually makes OUR point for us better than it serves you.
We are talking about the fact that at one time WE DID hear what we wanted to hear - and disregarded the rest. We only heard the "promises of a more abundant life," and we tried to look past the evils we saw.
So what are YOUR pocketful of promises that you are disregarding the rest for?????
Have to think about that. don't ya'?
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Actually CK comes across as a WayGB Troll!
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Why does so much of your reply has to do with who I quote. I mean how SAD IS THAT. The SADDEST thing is that you can't come up with some material from I COR 13. Since that is what are we are discussing. So I guess I am thankful that you are SAD OR SADDER OR SADDEST whatever you decide to be. So thank you for your opinion on SAD. I quote Paul Simon because I thought the words were nice. So I am not SAD I am doing fine.
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You quoted Paul Simon all over the GreaseSpot - in at least 3 places including Chat. You didn't mind getting off topic, did you? You used this line when you thought it would serve your purposes. NOW you complain? Why couldn't you find any scripture to answer with?
Oh and You brought an old testament reference in - then you complained that others were talking about the OT and not the New.
If you look up "Straw man argument" well don't be surprised if your picture is there.
And I DID make many references to 1Cor 13:13.
ANNNNDDDD....I also made references and suggestions as to how to work the Word on your own just to be able to verify what you get taught along the way.
BTW did you look up that greek word?
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I have no need to verify. VPW is correct.
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CK, you are the one that has come up with no material for 1 Cor 13. Except your own distorted private interpretation of it. Was is really sad is your commitment and dedication to ignorance.
I may need to rethink that though. Let me see ....
You don't know scripture. You don't know or understand PFAL. You never met VPW. Your grammar and writing skills are 5th grade level at best. Yet you claim to be 19 years old and to believe and follow VPW's teachings. You think everything he taught was correct.
Actually, more and more I just think you are full of crap and getting off on the attention.
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I figured it out!!!!! ck is Mike's child!!!
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John 10:10 The Theif commeth not but for to steal, kill, destroy. I am come that they might have life and have it more abundantly
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him shall not persih but have everlasting life
ICOR 13:1 Though I speak with the toungs of men and of angels and of not the love of god in the renewed mind I am become a sounding brass or a tingling symbal.
IThess 4:16,17 For the lord himself shall desend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangel and the trump of God and the dead in christ shall rise first.
Then We which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the lord.
II TIM 2:15 Study to shew theyself aproved unto God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth
II Tim 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable fro Doctrine, For Reproof, For Correction, for instruction in righteousness
I COR 13:7-13
7 beareth all things,believeth all things,hopeth all things, endureth all things
8 The love of God in the renewed mind never faileth, but whether there be prophecies they shall fail, whether thall be tounges they shall cease, whether there be knowledge it shall vanish away
9 For we now in part and prophesy in part
10 But when that which is perfect is come then that which is in part shall be done away
11 When I was a child I spake as a child, Iunderstood as a child, I thought as a child, but when I became a man I put away childish things.
12 For now we see through a glass darkly but then face to face now I know in part but then shall I know even as also I am known
13 And now abideth faith, hope, the love of God in the renewed mind these three but the greatest is the love of God in the renewed mind
While I have been in the PFAL Class and I understand it, but you are right I never met VPW. While meeting him is one thing, I do have all or most of his teachings, the PFAL Class, Thessalonians, The Hope on Beta, the PFAL Books, and other reading material.
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AHHHH forget it - you're just not worth the effort anymore. Have a nice life.
You have so much to learn - the problem is that:
Think about it..
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Thank you for the effort and you have a nice life as well
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Happy listening, and reading then. :)
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The ability to cut and paste Bible verses demonstrates neither knowledge or nor understanding.
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